New York Times spins Twin Falls rape case story

caitlin Dickerson

Immigration reporter Caitlin Dickerson writing at the New York Times magazine pretends to write the definitive story on what is happening to Twin Falls, Idaho.

“How Fake News turned a small town upside down”

Her story is huge, but missed a lot, either on purpose, or possibly her editors skewed the story she submitted.

I have no intention of taking her on point by point (it would take all day).  But, I wanted you to know this is out there and to say just a couple of things….

First, Chobani Yogurt lawyers attempted to silence many media outlets, not just Breitbart and Infowars.  (Although most will never admit it.)

shawn bariger
Ms. Dickerson says of Mayor Barigar: “His even keel and the air of sophistication he picked up while living in a comparatively big city have made him popular politically.”

Secondly, she spends an inordinate amount of time on Lee Stranahan, a former Breitbart reporter impugning his character and motives, but she only touches on the mayor (in glowing terms) who played an instrumental role in luring Chobani Yogurt (which brags about its huge refugee workforce) to Twin Falls in the first place in his leadership role at the Chamber of Commerce. (Not mentioned by Dickerson).

And, finally, she sees nothing wrong with the local newspaper editor’s role in driving his Leftist view of the world by attempting to coerce elected city officials to write opinion pieces supporting refugee resettlement.


Part of the reason a fear of Islam has persisted in Twin Falls is because the local leadership refused to defuse it, according to Matt Christensen, 36, the editor of The Times-News. While Brown wrote articles that sorted out the truth about the Fawnbrook case, Christensen was publishing commentary that castigated the people who were spreading falsehoods. He told me that he had closed-door meetings with city officials, in which he asked them to write guest editorials doing the same, but none of them did. Christensen suspected that they were afraid of one of the most reliable political dangers in the region, the same force that leads would-be Democrats there to register as Republicans: being outflanked on the right is the quickest way to lose your job.

Matt Christensen is the only newspaper editor who ever attempted to silence me through legal intimidation.


“Behind closed doors, they would all tell you they were pro-refugee, and we [Who is we? —ed] wanted them to step forward and make that declaration in a public arena, and it just never really happened,” he told me. “That was frustrating to us especially at the beginning because it really felt like the newspaper was out there all alone.” He continued: “There were days where we felt like, Godammit, what are we doing here? We write a story and it’s going to reach 50,000 people. Breitbart writes a story and it’s going to reach 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 million people. What kind of a voice do we have in this debate?” [Obviously Matt has the NY Times now!—ed]

This isn’t the first time we have written about Christensen and his blatant and shameful effort to use his position as editor of a small town paper to push his world view.

In ten years, he is the only newspaper editor who ever legally threatened me, a small time blogger (in 2015, long before the rape ever happened), see here.

And, he played the controlling role as moderator in that dog and pony show sponsored by his paper that brought the US State Department/ORR to Twin Falls, see here.

I contend that the number one purveyor of fake news in all of this is The Times-News!

As much as the New York Times would like to put this story to rest, they haven’t and they won’t.  Someone should write a book about Twin Falls as a microcosm of how American cities are being changed forever to satisfy the cheap labor desires of huge global corporations. Twin Falls has it all!

(And, if it is true that Breitbart pulled back reporter Stranahan, they made a huge error in judgement!). Again, Twin Falls has it all!

See my archive on Twin Falls going back several years, here.

Obama’s State Department had big plans for new resettlement sites

Throughout 2016 we reported on some of the proposed new “welcoming” communities that the Obama team was quietly targeting as new resettlement sites.

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When you look through the guide, you will see that many ‘stakeholders’ in your community were engaged in planning for refugees even while you, the taxpayer, was kept in the dark

One of those was Pittsfield, Mass (here and here).

Today we have news that since the number of paying clients (aka refugees) was declining under Trump, some of those sites are being cancelled. One is Pittsfield. See Feds drop plan for Pittsfield, here.

And, recently we reported that the new Episcopal church office in Charleston, WV was also cancelled.

But, I did see that, although the Rutland, Vermont pro-refugee-welcoming mayor lost his election bid, the arrogant contractor USCRI has applied for 100 Syrians and Iraqis again for FY18 (they likely won’t get them, but it makes for a media opportunity to bash Trump when they don’t).

For new readers, (assuming the DOS is keeping it up to date), go here to see the available resettlement sites. They can resettle within 100 miles of each location.

For all of you trying to stay on top of the issue—-which towns are targeted AND WHY!—here is the Dept. of State’s New Site Guide introduced by none-other than Laurence Bartlett.

Note that it is undated, but I believe it was prepared in anticipation of an expansion of the program toward the end of the Obama Administration (an expansion that obviously didn’t happen).


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Bartlett was the headliner at the recent Heritage Foundation event:


This post is filed in my ‘Where to find information’ category. I suggest you download the guide before it disappears.

One of the things in the document is the list of items that the local contracting agency must have available for its new clients—right down to the towels and kitchen utensils. So, if you get word that your local contractor isn’t meeting its contractual obligations, raise a red flag!

And, take note of the fact that in about 90 days the resettlement agency contractor is done with them, and they are in your town or city’s care.

For new readers, here are the nine major contractors which receive compensation on a per-head basis for each refugee they place in your town:


St. Cloud, MN: a microcosm of the battle ahead for cities targeted by federal refugee program

The dramatic change in demographic makeup and the escalation of tensions in St. Cloud came to my attention in the earliest days of writing this blog when my then blog partner, Judy, wrote in 2008 about how Somali students were harassing a service dog to such a degree that it caused the disabled student to leave the school.

See that story here.

It is a good thing that we captured some of that story because it seems to no longer be available at the St. Cloud Times, which surprise, surprise, seems to be the case for many of the articles we have reported on from St. Cloud in the ensuing 9 years.

Recommendation!  I can’t do it here, but when I look at RRW’s archives on St. Cloud (that began with the dog abuse story) what immediately comes to mind is that what has happened to the city, now the third highest for the direct resettlement of Somalis in the state (Minneapolis and St. Paul, are numbers one and two), is that someone should do a documentary film or write a book about the transformation of a small American city that began with a meatpacking plant’s desire for cheap labor.

And what got me thinking about it this morning is this snarky editorial in the St. Cloud Times blaming the Christian haters for the tension there.

Before I get to that, take a look at my St. Cloud archive by clicking here.

A sampling of stories that you should look at include:

St. Cloud, MN Somalis turn up the stealth jihad heat, demand “human rights”

St. Cloud, MN a perfect example of community agitation to bring “change”

St. Cloud, MN update: refugees now arriving there directly from camps


On this last post, I checked data at Wrapsnet and St. Cloud was getting Somalis directly, immediately after 9/11, but I believe Lutheran Social Services MN (the resettlement contractor there) didn’t open an office in the city until 2010.

But, direct resettlement doesn’t tell the whole story because Minnesota leads the nation in secondary migration (Somali refugees placed in other states move to MN to be with their own kind of people.)

Here is some of the editorial from the St. Cloud Times showing its disdain for its Christian readers:

If Central Minnesota is going to look back on one year since the Crossroads Center attacks and ask about community relations and people getting along, we at least need to be honest.

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Photo used by the St. Cloud Times to illustrate its editorial. What! no photo of the Somali who stabbed ten at the local mall last year (a bit more hateful than words!).

When it comes to publicly exuding religious extremism in Central Minnesota and a lack of tolerance for others, it’s not from new immigrants nor Muslims. It’s from long-time residents. And Christians.


But there also is no denying a small, fervently vocal group of residents is working very hard to degrade new immigrants and Muslims — to the point this group wants to ignore the First Amendment and move from an American democracy to a Christian theocracy.  [WTH! These citizens with concerns are using the First Amendment as you chronicle below. It is the SC Times attempting to silence speech with this editorial!—-ed]

Witness the continued march of anti-Islam guest speakers making stops across Central Minnesota, typically as invited guests of certain Christian pastors.

The latest came Sept. 12-14 when Christian pastor and former Muslim Shahram Hadian spoke in St. Cloud, Browerville and Freeport. His topics: “Trojan Horse of Interfaith Dialogue,” “Islam’s Assault on the Constitution” and “Islam’s March Toward Supremacy.”

Witness the handful of local folks who have shown up regularly at recent St. Cloud City Council meetings to use the public input period to demand City Council members stop the influx of immigrants.

Never mind that this is a free country, and people can live where they choose. These speakers also want city leaders to go into public schools and other places, programs and organizations over which the city has no control.

So how many Christians in St. Cloud have attempted to murder Muslims?

(Don’t miss Leo Hohmann here on the feckless FBI on Somali refugee Adan who attempted to murder Americans one year ago in St. Cloud.)

But, somehow, to the editors at the St. Cloud Times, it’s the Christians (exercising their First Amendment rights!) who are the haters?

The editors continue…

To be clear, Dahir Adan stabbing 10 people at Crossroads a year ago was among the most horrific crimes experienced in Central Minnesota. And, yes, it certainly met the definition of terrorism.

It is unsettling that even a year later the FBI is not providing more details, especially clarity as to whether Adan was acting alone.

More here.

I’m frustrated! The story of St. Cloud needs to reach all Americans, so someone in the larger media needs to do a full investigation, or better still write a whole book or produce a documentary film so that all of America can be warned!

New Hampshire: Muslim refugee charged with inappropriate sexual contact with several young girls

The Muslim refugee, Mohammod Rafique , is described as a man who arrived from Myanmar two years ago.

That would make him one of the 19,000 plus Rohingya refugees we have admitted from Burma (aka Myanmar) in the last ten years.  See here just yesterday.

Mayor Donchess
We love diversity! Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess proposed a resolution last year to make Nashua a “welcoming city”  here:

Prosecutors wanted a $50,000 bond but the judge set bail at $15,000.  If he gets out, will he return to court or disappear into the woodwork of America like so many other Muslim refugees charged in a variety of assault cases in recent years?

From WMUR-9 (hat tip: Jeannine):

A Nashua man is facing accusations that he had inappropriate contact with several young girls.

Mohammod Rafique is facing six charges, including two counts of felonious sexual assault. Nashua police said the incident happened in late August and involves four girls, including a 7-year-old.

“We’re alleging these offenses have had a great and substantial effect on both them and their parents,” prosecutor Don Topham said.

Rafique was described in court as a refugee from Myanmar who has lived in Nashua for two years. An interpreter was provided by phone.  [Interpreters will run up his legal costs to taxpayers big time!—ed]

Authorities said the charges involve inappropriate touching and happened at some sort of gathering.

“Through the investigation, we learned that he was acquainted with one girl’s family,” Lt. Kerry Baxter said. “He had attempted to offer them money and gifts and things like that to get one or more of the girls back to his house.”

Learn more about refugees going to New Hampshire, here.  See my archive on the state by clicking here. And, for your reading pleasure, I have over 2,000 posts with refugee/immigrant crime stories from all over the globe.

The way things are going on the federal level, if you are concerned about what is happening where you live, you are going to have to get busy booting mayors like Donchess from office.

Arizona Rohingya refugee story: from poor refugee to political agitator

If you don’t know about the Rohingya, you better learn quickly! You can start your education with my over 200 posts here at RRW.

We have admitted almost 20,000 Rohingya to the US in the last ten years and as their numbers increase they become (like all Islamic ethnic groups) political activists.

Sheraz Islam: from suffering refugee to Islamic political activist! Story and photo here:

This article from the Phoenix New Times features a 25-year-old Rohingya Muslim refugee living in Phoenix who wants to get his mother and 10 siblings here (but for that mean old Donald Trump).

A few things you need to know before reading this story, which the Leftwing media will never tell you.

~The Buddhist government contends that the ‘Rohingya’ are not some special group, but are illegal aliens from Bangladesh (a Muslim country) who decades ago illegally arrived in Burma. The Buddhist leaders of Burma want the country to remain Buddhist and don’t want to be demographically conquered by Muslims.

~Aung San Suu Kyi, the famous Burmese freedom fighter, has not rallied to the Rohingya’s cause which infuriates the Left.

~The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is trying to get its foot in the door in Burma to defend their people and agitate against the government.

~The round of violence that began in 2012 (often cited by the mainstream media) was ignited when a gang of Muslim men raped and murdered a Burmese Buddhist girl (something the media never tells you now), and the Buddhists retaliated.

~As we learned here yesterday, the newest wave of violence was from a Burmese military response to attacks by a Rohingya armed group.

Now to the political agitators at Arizona State.

Here is what I want to know, if they are “ethnic cleansing” in Burma (aka Myanmar), why is that our problem?

Why is that a reason to spend billions of US taxpayer dollars bringing people like Islam here, apparently not to add much to American society, but to political organize for Muslims back home?

BTW, Trump will be supplying more Rohingya activists for mosques and Islamic centers when the first Australian rejects get here (see my earlier post).

From the Phoenix New Times, a new cause, not the Syrian Muslim victims (that was oh so last year), but Rohingya:

Here in Phoenix, Rohingya refugees are wondering why no one seems to be paying attention.

Among those trying to spread awareness about the crisis is Sheraz Islam, whose own father died less than a month ago while trying to flee the country for Bangladesh. His family lost their home, their land, and everything they own, he says. And convincing Americans to care, when they may or may not even be able to point to Myanmar on a map, is a challenge.

“Most people, they don’t know who the Rohingya are,” he says. “When we talk to people, we explain that we are an ethnic minority, and the government [of Myanmar] denied us our citizenship.

“We’d like to live in our own country, but unfortunately we had to leave because we are Rohingya.”

LOL! Aung San Suu Kyi not sure she wants the Obama smooch! You can imagine how angry the Left is with Suu Kyi. She is one of them, they think. So how can she not be coming to the defense of Muslims!

Islam is one of roughly 600 Rohingya refugees currently living in the Valley. They make up less than a quarter of the total number of Burmese refugees who have been resettled in Arizona since 2001. Most are Muslims, and arrived after 2012, when attacks on the Rohingya intensified after decades of discrimination.


After landing in a refugee camp in Sri Lanka, he applied for asylum through the United Nations. The U.S. State Department approved his application, and, a little less than six years ago, he arrived in Arizona. Lutheran Social Services helped get him set up with a job and apartment, and taught him how to turn the lights on and off — he’d never had electricity before.

“We don’t have these kind of things back in our country,” he explains. “They came and they guided us how to use the oven, how to use the microwave, how to use the bathroom.”

Here we go! Rally organized by Islamic Community Centers, what a surprise!

On Sunday night, he and other Rohingya refugees held a vigil on the Old Main Lawn at Arizona State University.

Organized by the Islamic Community Center of Tempe and Islamic Center of the Northeast Valley, it drew a diverse crowd of student activists, local faith leaders, and refugees from around the world. They held up signs calling on Aung San Suu Kyi — the country’s de facto leader, and, ironically, a former winner of the Nobel Peace Prize — to put an end to the violence against the Rohingya.

Lots more here if you feel like reading it.

Again, my Rohingya Reports category is here, posts extend back ten years.