Federal contractor removes director of its San Diego office in wake of investigation

See my previous report on what is alleged about the International Rescue Committee (IRC).  (This is David Miliband’s organization.)

And, if you are thinking, ho hum, so refugees got placed possibly illegally in inadequate housing (as some of you previously commented), I need to explain why this case is significant.

It is surely not a one-off case, but what is important is that a mainstream media outlet has actually had the nerve to investigate a darling of the left—the US Refugee Admissions Program, and its contractor, the IRC.  You might not have sympathy for the refugees, but you should.

Your critical aim should be at the federal policies, the bureaucrats, and the contractors*** hired by the feds to bring the refugees to your towns, not the specific refugees who took advantage of what Congress and the White House have offered them.

We need more investigations (like this one) by mainstream media of questionable practices by the contractors in order to further the education of voting Americans!

Number of bodies resettled, more important than quality of care.

So here is the update from Inewsource.org:

A local refugee resettlement agency is searching for a new executive director little more than a week after the organization’s national office found the affiliate had violated housing policies.

David Murphy
I’m guessing that Murphy was sent more refugees than the office could handle in the first place.

A spokesman for the International Rescue Committee‘s headquarters in New York confirmed David Murphy is no longer the relief agency’s executive director in San Diego, but would not address additional questions. A posting for the position appeared online last week.

Earlier this month, the national office said the San Diego affiliate had engaged in housing placement practices that were “inconsistent” with its policies, but declined to discuss its findings further.

The agency’s statement followed a KPBS investigation first published in July that found seven families, who arrived during a rush of refugees last year, living in El Cajon apartments with more people than were listed on their leases, a potential contract violation.


The resettlement agency receives a one-time stipend of federal dollars to cover housing and other needs for refugees…

Continue here.

***These are the federal contractors paid by the head for refugee “clients” they place (secretively!) in your towns and cities. Congress should be investigating how they are using the millions of federal dollars they receive annually.  The San Diego housing irregularity is, I suspect, the tip of the iceberg!

From Amazon to agriculture, Minnesota looking for more migrant workers

They say their economy will flounder as they are having a hard time attracting American workers and apparently few Americans are willing to move to Minnesota.

At least this is all out in the open now—-immigration is not about humanitarianism and “American values,” but it is about importing laborers (including Somalis) that big companies don’t have to pay very well.

This story gives me the opportunity to tell new readers that the gov will be remembered for his 2015 admonition that if you don’t like the new (refugee-infused) Minnesota, get out! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/10/16/mn-governor-dayton-dont-like-immigrants-get-out-of-minnesota/

Seems to me that as more immigrants and refugees pour into Minnesota it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as Americans leave the state due to the tension and cultural upheaval evident in Minneapolis, Rochester, St. Cloud and other smaller burgs.

One more story….

From Minnesota Public Radio:

Minnesota’s increasing reliance on immigrants to fuel its work force can be seen at a unique neighborhood bus stop in Minneapolis.

A stream of workers, many of them Somali refugees, boards a private coach that will take them to the Amazon fulfillment center in Shakopee.

Amazon also arranges for the bus to shuttle workers back to their Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.

This scene plays out every day just outside the Shaqodoon job center. Last month, about 20 people a day — including those who speak little English — were being hired on the spot for packaging jobs and other tasks. They’re earning about $15 an hour or more, said Mohamud Noor, who runs the center.

“This is real,” said Noor, director of the Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota and a candidate for the Minneapolis City Council. “It’s full-time employment with benefits, and it pays well.”

The state’s industry leaders say immigrants are needed to grow Minnesota’s economy and address a labor shortage. But calls for welcoming more immigrants come as the White House and others offer proposals for more restrictive immigrant policies.


Kevin Paap, president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau, said half of the state’s cows are milked by immigrants, including many who aren’t authorized to be in the United States.

“The consumer will have to recognize that the choice is very simple: You’re going to have to allow us to import our labor in agriculture, or you’re going to have to accept importing our food from other countries,” Paap said. [What a scare tactic—importing food!—ed]

I’m no economist, but there might be some other options: first, stop encouraging every kid to go to college with expectations of a 6-figure salary in a white collar job (and by doing so, keep them away from political indoctrination).  And, why not a campaign throughout our school system to enhance the image of those working in blue collar fields (heck, have you tried to get a plumber recently!).

Next, pay wages that Americans will find attractive even if it means higher food prices.  The reality is we are supplementing those migrant workers’ wages already through welfare.  We pay one way or another!

Slow the flow of immigrants who have no intention of assimilating to Minnesota. Those refugees are causing tension and thus further depleting the available MN work force as Americans escape the state. (Gov. Dayton told native Minnesotans to get out!)


Or, consider this, maybe economies in some locations do not need to keep growing especially if growing means more migrants who need housing, food, schools, roads and Walmarts to accommodate them.

Donald’s test could come today!

You can bet that if Donald Trump comes in with a Fiscal Year 18 determination of more than say 10,000-15,000 truly needy persecuted refugees (announcement today?) then you know Paul Ryan, the Chamber of Commerce and some huge global corporations got to him!

See my huge archive on Minnesota by clicking here.

San Diego IRC office gets slap on wrist from US State Department

I reported the news here.  The giant New York City-based International Rescue Committee was found to be placing refugee families in housing that violated local codes and surprise! a local reporter investigated the story.

Screenshot (821)

The original investigation was posted on KPBS (not a rightwing news outlet!).

Over the ten years I’ve been writing about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program I’ve rarely seen investigations of any of the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***.

There were a couple of cases elsewhere in the country where a contractor failed to deliver on their DOS contract, left refugees in the lurch in bug infested housing, and where the story was picked up by the mainstream media, but they are rare.

This update by reporter Tarryn Mento is posted at something called inewsource housed, we are told, inside KPBS.


That is where we pick up the story….

The national headquarters of the International Rescue Committee says it has found problems with the way its San Diego branch placed refugees in homes. The announcement follows a KPBS investigation into allegations that refugees were told to sign falsified rental documents to get their large families into apartments.


In a statement to KPBS Tuesday, the IRC’s national office in New York said: “We unfortunately have identified housing placement practices in San Diego which were inconsistent with the IRC’s policies and code of conduct. In response, we have taken steps to reinforce housing-related policies and practices with local staff and we have engaged with and are supporting families who may have been impacted.”

Of course the arrogant IRC isn’t going to talk! Reporters will learn that secrecy is the watchword when it comes to the placement of refugees.

KPBS repeatedly requested a phone interview with the IRC’s national office to learn more about its findings and how it was helping families, but the agency has not replied. San Diego IRC Executive Director David Murphy has also not responded to requests for comment.

In 2014, IRC CEO David Miliband traveled to San Diego and announced that they were sending more Syrians there.  Miliband, a pal of Hillary and Bill, is a Brit making decisions for American towns and cities. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/03/01/brit-who-heads-international-rescue-committee-lets-send-some-more-syrians-to-san-diego/

A spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department, which awards federal dollars to resettlement agencies, said in an email that the agency was satisfied with the measures taken by the IRC.

“The State Department requested that IRC conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations, and they have communicated to us that they have taken appropriate action to ‎ensure that all refugees resettled through IRC in San Diego are served in full compliance with all relevant programs, guidelines, and codes,” the spokeswoman said.

The State Department simply took the word of its contractor! (I think the contractors lead the DOS around by the nose!).

But, see what the reporter found out when she went back to the families!

Continue reading here.

One of the stories I hear repeatedly is that the refugee contractors have special inside deals with landlords and owners of inner-city housing.  Let’s have some more disinfecting sunshine on that issue!

Tell the President and Congress that the US Refugee Admissions Program should be suspended and the contractors thoroughly investigated!


*** For new readers, these are the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below.  Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.

The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”

If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again! Big businesses/global corporations depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor.  It is for this reason that Republican leaders of Congress are supportive of an uninterrupted flow of refugees into America.

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.



No one to blame but themselves for “job jeopardy” as refugee numbers drop


Because the refugee agencies have failed over the years to raise private money for their ‘charitable’ good works (to tide them over) and have become completely dependent on you—the US taxpayers—to pay for their ‘humanitarian’ hobby.

Scratching your head and wondering why these non-profits (during this slowdown) can’t just take better care of (and give their love to) the refugees they have resettled over the previous years?

Margaret O'Sullivan
Margaret O’Sullivan is waiting to see how this is going to go! http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs166/1102467260055/archive/1115993366111.html

Then you need to know that federal dollars flow to these quasi-government ‘non-profits’ on a per refugee head basis.  The love stops when the money does!

No refugees=no payola. You might even liken it to a ponzi-scheme.

If there was so much public support for refugee resettlement, why couldn’t ‘charitable’ organizations like those whining in Philly have done all the normal activities that legitimate non-profits do to raise PRIVATE money—hold fundraising events, galas, bake sales, telethons, solicit corporate donations, etc.?

The answer is that it became too damn easy to dip into taxpayers’ wallets….

(And evidently the general public isn’t that interested in supporting this type of charity!)

Now we see headlines like this one at the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Trump’s travel-ban casualties: Laid-off refugee workers

philly loves refugees

Here are a few snips of the story meant to make it look like Trump is the meany while no mention about how groups like these are funded:

President Trump’s travel ban stalled the hopes of thousands of refugees overseas, and now it’s taking something crucial from workers who help the world’s most vulnerable people.

Their jobs.

Resettlement agencies in the Philadelphia region have laid off staff and left positions empty as the flow of refugees slows to a trickle. One organization cut half of its specialized staff, and another has asked senior employees to take unpaid time off.

“It’s a tortuous situation,” said Margaret O’Sullivan, executive director of the Nationalities Service Center in Philadelphia. “We’re all waiting to see which way this is going to go.”

Ms. O’Sullivan (Nationalities Service Center)*** is referring to the decision expected at any time now from the Trump Administration about how many impoverished refugees (aka paying clients) the US will ‘welcome’ to American towns and cities beginning October 1.  We have been advocating suspending the program, see here.

Job jeopardy:

“We’re struggling,” said Peter Gottemoller, director of Pennsylvania refugee programs for Bethany Christian Services.

Bethany has laid off more than half of its 20-person resettlement staff in offices in Allentown and Lancaster and in Montgomery County, “and there probably will be other layoffs coming down,” he said, “because we’re not going to get in the expected number of folks.” [And, the reporter must never have asked, so what is the connection, can’t you keep helping those already here?—ed]

More here.

*** Nationalities Service Center is an USCRI affiliate. A recent Form 990 shows that $2.9 million of their total gifts/grants of $3.7 million came from the government (you).

Below are the nine major contractors that are in most cases completely dependent on your tax dollars.

USCRI is approximately 98% funded by you (from the US Treasury).

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/lobbyists from the process.

New Charleston, WV refugee resettlement office will not open

The US State Department has sent a notice to Episcopal Migration Ministries that an office approved for Charleston, WV in the waning days of the Obama Administration will not be opening after all.

Here is the news from the Charleston Gazette-Mail, a first sign that refugee numbers will continue to be low in the coming year, but maybe the whole program will be suspended (wishful thinking)!

Before I get to that good news, see my previous post.

America has its own refugees—‘Harvey’ refugees—so tell the President to suspend the entire UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for FY18. 

He is required to make his decision in the coming weeks and send it to Congress before October first!

Charleston Gazette-Mail:

The U.S. State Department of State won’t move forward with resettling refugees this year through a Charleston-based affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries, according to organizers who had been working to bring more refugees to West Virginia.

Lynn S Clark
Lynn Clarke: Harvard educated lawyer. https://www.bestlawyers.com/lawyers/lynn-s-clarke/115940

Members of the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry had been working to bring more refugees — those fleeing violence or persecution in their native countries — to West Virginia, by establishing a Charleston-based affiliate of a national resettlement agency. Lynn Clarke, a leader with the group, said last month that they planned to open an affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries in Charleston on Aug. 1, and that they anticipated 85 refugees would arrive between October 2017 and September 2018.

The Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson, director of Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Antigona Mehani, who was hired to direct the office, both later said too much was unknown to anticipate how many refugees could arrive and when.

On Wednesday, Rabbi Victor Urecki, leader of Charleston’s B’nai Jacob Synagogue and a member of the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry, provided a statement from Episcopal Migration Ministries and the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry. [Urecki has been a leading advocate involved with the local ‘Interfaith’ effort to bring Syrian refugees to Charleston.—ed]

The statement from Episcopal Migration Ministries said that on Monday, Episcopal Migration Ministries “learned that the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration will not move forward with resettling refugees in several sites in the coming year,” including Charleston.

More here.

So, other sites won’t get refugees in the coming year—where are they?

By the way, two things made this Charleston site different in my view.  First, those pushing the resettlement were pushing for Syrians from the outset, not any refugees from anywhere which is the normal case, but Syrians specifically.

And, secondly, that cash-strapped EMM had closed other established offices in other states, yet was hoping to open this one. Why?

Alex Mooney 3

I have a substantial archive on Charleston, click here, because citizens there were actively engaged against the idea of bringing more poverty to West Virginia.

See especially this post from last month. 

LOL! Did any of you call Rep. Mooney’s office and ask him to get you the FY18 R & P Abstract for EMM in Charleston? Did he get it for you?

It is not too late.  You will find the Abstract very informative (if they give you all the pages) because it will describe all the amenities Charleston has to offer its new third world refugees—jobs, housing, medical care, etc.