GoFundMe page demonstrates again: US can’t afford more refugees!

What a coincidence, just as I posted my previous report from California about refugees adding poverty to already impoverished areas, here comes more news about refugees who can’t afford housing (Afghans again too).  Hat tip:Joanne

It is commendable that citizens may now take up the cause of this mother and son (private charity should be the primary source of support anyway!), but notice this is temporary until this Afghan ‘refugee’ can get her Social Security Disability!


We (Chuck Ackerman & Catherine Donnelly) are looking to raise rent for our new neighbors on Cleveland’s west side, a mother and her 14-year-old son who are refugees from Afghanistan. We will call them “Aisha” and “Majid”. Because of the situation they have fled, we’re not using their real names.

US together
US Together is a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society subcontractor

As volunteers with refugee settlement agency US Together, we met the family soon after they arrived in the U.S. in December 2016. Aisha is an amazing cook and host while soccer-loving Majid wants to be a doctor someday. Although Aisha is working on her English, Majid uses his great English skills to translate for his mother.

But the violence they left behind has left Aisha with many physical and mental traumas that prevent her from working. As an educated woman, Aisha faced persecution in Afghanistan and bears the scars. Since her medical history has been tough to document, her first application for Social Security Disability was denied.

She is working with a great local lawyer to appeal and we feel they have a strong case. But the appeal is expected to take 12-18 months and in the meantime, the family needs to pay rent.

Their rent is $550 per month, so we are looking to raise $6,600, or 12 months of rent. That said, every cent counts! Each month of rent we can raise will get the family closer to the date they can get the benefits they need to meet their own needs. The next date they need $ for rent is December 1, 2017. We’ll be keeping the fundraiser going until we meet the goal or the family wins their appeal.

As refugee support groups face drastic funding cuts these days, the resources available for families like this one who are already here are dwindling. That’s why we are turning to you for help.

By giving to this fundraiser, you will help this family achieve the peace of mind and breathing room they need for Aisha to work on her health and recovery from trauma and for Majid to focus on succeeding in high school and build the foundation he needs to one day become a doctor and help others.  [I don’t want to sound too cynical but I swear in every refugee story there is a kid who wants to be a doctor!—ed]

It’s true that the family has other needs, though this fundraiser is focused on the basics of maintaining their housing. But if you have any ideas or resources you’d like to share or have questions about their other needs, please let us know!

We are so grateful for your support!

Watch this space for updates—we may plan a good, old-fashioned rent party!
Help spread the word!

Bringing poverty to America…..

Mark Hetfield
Mark Hetfield

New readers need to know that when the original Refugee Act of 1980 was debated in Congress, sponsors like Ted Kennedy, promised it was not about importing poverty!

Resettlement contractors like US Together get federal support for the family for about 3 months at which point they drop them like hot potatoes to get ready for their next paying clients.

They actually call them clients!

By the way, US Together is a subcontractor of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society where its CEO makes over $300,000 a year.  Sure hope Mark Hetfield is contributing to this poor woman’s  rent as he is busy lobbying Congress for more refugees (and trashing Trump!).

Afghan refugees living in Sacramento squalor

This is an old story, in fact it is a story from when Obama was still in the White House, but here it is in the UK Mirror on Saturday.  One can only assume its purpose now is to make Trump’s America look bad.

However, it isn’t Trump’s America that made these refugees live this way—placed in substandard housing fearing the inner city scum preying on them. (Hint! It isn’t white nationalists stealing their stuff either!).

More evidence that the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program should be suspended and investigated!

Out of date by over year, the news is important to make my point—the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program should be suspended and investigated!  President Donald Trump has a window of opportunity to do it right now—in advance of Fiscal Year 2018 which begins October first!  See here.

Even (most especially!) if you are a ‘humanitarian’ and don’t give a damn about the costs to the US taxpayer, about your security or terrorism, or your health, you should be joining a chorus demanding an investigation of the resettlement contractors*** who placed these Afghans in dirty and dangerous housing.

Here is a photo from the Mirror.  There are lots more (all with captions criticizing the US now under Donald Trump’s presidency).

Afghan interpreters
Unhappy Afghan young men (they say they helped the US in Afghanistan so they have a special refugee category) now living jobless in squalor in Sacramento County.  Good for America? Or, bringing us closer to chaos.


The Mirror is just using information gained in a 2016 investigation by the Sacramento Bee:

Aging suburban neighborhoods in unincorporated Sacramento County now have the biggest concentration of substandard rental apartments in the region – a reality reflected in a recent Bee series on Afghan refugees.

One area in particular, Arden Arcade, has become a problem. The Bee series, “No Safe Place,” documented how former interpreters and other Afghans who worked alongside U.S. forces in the war have been placed in run-down apartments infested by bedbugs and roaches. County documents show the problems go far beyond that. In recent months, inspectors have also found potentially life-threatening dry rot in three Arden Arcade apartment complexes that house many of the Afghan refugees.


To some degree, the county relies on complaints from residents to enforce building codes, Chamberlain [Barry Chamberlain, the county’s code enforcement chief] said. He said it’s unlikely that the Afghan refugees filed code complaints with the county, perhaps because some of them can’t speak English well. He said he wasn’t aware of the concentration of Afghan refugees in some complexes until he was interviewed by The Bee.

For the most part, the refugees have been placed in the complexes by four resettlement agencies: International Rescue Committee; World Relief; Opening Doors; and the Sacramento Food Bank, most of which have headquarters within a few miles of the complexes.  [Opening Doors is a subcontractor of Church World Service—ed]

They say it’s growing increasingly difficult to find affordable housing for the refugees, who lack a U.S. credit history. In Arden Arcade, most of the refugees interviewed by The Bee say they pay around $700 a month in rent.

More here.

Back in 2008 I reported on a letter-to-the-editor from an Iraqi teenager living in Arizona.  He made this logical comment about the large numbers of Iraqis (applies to Afghans too!) who are resettled in the US and then find themselves jobless, disillusioned and unhappy.  He said:

It is better to have 10 Iraqi refugees who are satisfied with their lives than having 100 angry ones with no life at all.

And, if that Iraqi boy can figure that out, why can’t the refugee industry contractors, the US Congress and the White House!

The answer isn’t to throw more money at the refugee program. The answer is to bring only the number of refugees that taxpayers can afford!

*** For new readers, these are the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below.  Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.

The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US and because of that they have NO incentive to slow the flow.

If you are a good-hearted soul and still think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again! Big businesses/global corporations depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor.  It is for this reason that Republican leaders of Congress are supportive of an uninterrupted flow of refugees into America.

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.  (The three identified by the Sacramento Bee in this story are highlighted in red.)

More on Kennewick sword-wielding Somali refugee killed by police

The Spokeman-Review wants you to know that Hussein Hassan was just a nut.  Which of course begs the question—do we screen incoming refugees for mental illness? The answer appears to be NO!

I probably wouldn’t bother posting this story meant to get you to ‘move along, nothing to see’ except for the fact that once again we see that Tyson Foods is a draw for refugee resettlement agencies to place their refugees as cheap laborers in meatpacking plants.

(See my previous post on the incident not reported by national media too busy with Charlottesville.)

We also learn here that it was the giant International Rescue Committee*** that placed Hussein Hassan with wife and EIGHT kids (taxpayers are responsible for!) in the proximity of Tyson Foods.

When Officer Jason Kiel found him on Olympia Street about 6:30 p.m., Hussein Hassan reportedly charged him, hitting him several times in the head. Officer Joshua Kuhn arrived next and both officers drew their guns and fired.

Downtown Kennewick, WA. Changing American towns whether you like it or not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennewick,_Washington By the way, I just searched for awhile trying to find a photo of Somali refugee Hassan and found none. Why no photo?

In the small community of Somali immigrants in the Tri-Cities, the father of eight was a well known, though a volatile, fixture, said Abdrahman Hassan, who owns a Kennewick grocery store.

“I think a lot of people in the Tri-Cities, they know this guy,” he told the Herald.

Abdrahman Hassan said he didn’t know how long Hassan had been in the U.S. but knew he brought his family to the Tri-Cities about five years ago after the International Rescue Committee Seattle helped move him to Tukwila in 2010.

Hussein Hassan spent a year in Pasco, before moving into a Sixth Avenue apartment in Kennewick.

He worked at Tyson Foods and then ConAgra before losing his job. He fell twice in a freezer tunnel at the Richland plant and hurt his back, according to documents he filed in a Benton County court.

His small claims court suit against his supervisor, claiming discrimination because he was Muslim, was ultimately dismissed. It’s unclear if he again found work.

Last October, his troubles worsened.

Someone called police because his wife reportedly was damaging a neighbor’s car.

Continue reading here to find out what happened when police came to his door.

*** For new readers, the International Rescue Committee is one of the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below.  Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.

The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”

If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again! Big businesses/global corporations like Tyson Foods depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor.

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.

Starbucks awarding grants to other coffee companies to train refugee baristas

Jobs Americans won’t do?

I guess we can conclude that there are no Americans, no low-skilled citizens, looking to brew up your morning coffee.

Here is an idea!  Get your own coffee maker and do your brewing at  home!

By the way, I had a huge number of readers, here and at twitter when I posted about Breitbart’s TB and Starbucks story here last week.




This story tells us that a successful effort to train refugee baristas will depend on whether a lot of refugees are being placed in your city and whether lots of people are patronizing coffee shops.

“Opportunity for All” grant? Sounds more like “Only refugees need apply” grant!

From The Daily Californian:

Berkeley’s 1951 Coffee Company has been awarded the “Opportunity for All” grant by the Starbucks Foundation, allowing it to expand its barista training program for refugees to other cities in the United States.

The antidote: Make your own coffee at home! (LOL! I’m not affiliated with or promoting any particular coffee machine manufacturer!)

The grant awards the coffee company $63,000 to serve an additional 85 refugees, asylees and Special Immigrant Visa holders, according to a press release issued Wednesday by the company.

1951 Coffee was one of 41 nonprofit organizations selected by the Starbucks Foundation because of its approach to helping refugees obtain the skills required to succeed in a “rapidly changing global economy,” the press release stated.

Doug Hewitt, co-founder of 1951 Coffee, said he and co-founder Rachel Taber were very pleased to learn that the nonprofit had been approved for the grant. According to Hewitt, the grant will allow the company’s two-week barista training program in Oakland — which takes place every other month — to increase its services to monthly.

Hewitt added that, in terms of expansion, 1951 Coffee is looking to first take its training program to San Diego. Depending on how that effort goes, the nonprofit will decide where else to take the program.

According to Hewitt, in order for a city to have potential for expansion, it must have a refugee population being resettled there, as well as a strong coffee industry.

Continue reading here.

Washington state Somali shot dead by police was refugee from Dadaab

In case you missed the update from World Net Daily about the “man” who sliced open a police officers head in Kennewick, Washington over the weekend (when everyone was busy focused on Charlottesville), here we learn that Hussain Hassan was from the UN’s Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya.  So much for screening—either security or mental health!


Dadaab in Kenya


See my post yesterday, here.

Wrapsnet has a very cool feature and that is the map showing “processing” countries. This Fiscal Year, through July 31, we processed 5,228 refugees through Kenya to American towns and cities.  Most of those would have been Somalis from Dadaab.  The total number of Somalis admitted to the US this FY was 5,899 through July 31.

Recently a Somali (sounded educated) wrote to me to tell me that there is a huge amount of fraud going on at Dadaab, but of course I have no way of verifying his information.

By the way, only Turkey sends us more refugees than Kenya.