Hillary's Burma problem: Rohingya refugees on the loose

Editor’s note:  This issue of Rohingya refugees coming to the US in large numbers is on par with the Syrian refugee lobbying push!  Watch for it!
I have a boatload of information on Burma (Myanmar) I should have been posting, but I’ve been dragging my feet simply because it is so much information.  Hillary’s announcement (not really, she had already announced) that she was (surprise!) running for President of the US over the weekend, forced me to at least mention this nugget.

Hillary and Aung-San-Suu-Kyi-and-Clinton_full_600
Hillary thrilled to meet Aung San Suu Kyi in 2012. Hillary must not have heard about Suu Kyi’s great transgression—not supporting the Rohingya cause in Burma! Photo: http://www.asiastudies.de/?p=148

Longtime readers know that we have followed the issue of Rohingya refugees for nearly 8 years (see our Rohingya Reports category) mostly because of our concern that there would be a big PR campaign to bring this most fundamentalist ethnic Muslim group to America, and there is!
We are bringing them and a big media push is on to bring many thousands more!  I recently looked at the number of refugees who are getting out of Burma (Buddhist leaders want Burma to be a Buddhist nation) and being brought to your towns and cities—-over 12,000 Burmese Muslims so far!

So the Buddhists of Burma want to keep Burma as a Buddhist nation and it is our responsibility to take in the expelled minorities!  Why?

Hillary had been bragging that during her reign as Secretary of State she was working her magic diplomacy on the Burmese government and getting them to calm down.  Guess that didn’t work out so well as all the news is about the thousands of Rohingya getting into boats and sailing to Malaysia and Indonesia so they can be picked up by the US and brought to rural America!
By the way, the famous human rights activist, Aung San Suu Kyi, released from house arrest in Burma after 15 years, is not taking up the Rohingya cause much to the consternation of groups that comprise the human rights industrial complex.  (See our many posts on that subject here).

The Podesta Group sent to Burma to help save Hillary’s legacy! 

From the Washington Free Beacon (hat tip: Cathy):

As Myanmar backslides into religious conflict, a lobbying firm founded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman is working to rehabilitate its image.

The Southeast Asian nation inked an $840,000 contract in March with the Podesta Group, founded by Clinton campaign chief John Podesta and his brother Tony. The firm will work to “strengthen the ties between … Myanmar and United States institutions,” according to its contract.

That could involve meetings with members of Congress, the White House, reporters, and policy groups, according documents filed with the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

The liberalization of Myanmar was once seen as one of Secretary of State Clinton’s few success stories. However, recent humanitarian crises have drawn stern rebukes from top U.S. officials and human rights organizations.

The United Nations’ Human Rights division on Wednesday condemned the country’s government for jailing an activist who spoke out against state-sanctioned violence against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority.

“Rather than prosecuting individuals, who brazenly call for the Rohingya to be killed, for hate speech and incitement to violence, the authorities have jailed a peaceful advocate who dared to question the misuse and manipulation of religion for extremist ends,” the United Nations wrote.

Surrounding countries now face a refugee crisis as tens of thousands of Rohingya flee the country.

For everything you want to know on Rohingya Muslims, see our Rohingya Reports category (this is the 180th post archived there). Be sure to scroll through the posts and see that Buddhist monks want the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) to stay out of Burma!

Oh brother, now the New York Times is on the Rohingya bandwagon

Here we go again, the media drumbeat to bring more refugees to America is sounding!
The Leftwing media is made up of a bunch of sheep as they follow one another with the same ‘news’ stories designed to advance a political agenda—in this case they are promoting the resettlement of Rohingya Muslims to America.
When the NYT gets on the story, you know the propaganda is reaching critical mass!

Rohingya boat people arrive in Indonesia. Indonesia is a safe Muslim country and if they are legitimate asylum seekers they should be asking for asylum there. When we bring them to America we create a ‘pull factor’ and more will attempt the voyage.

Why is it a concern of the US that too many Muslims from Muslim Bangladesh are flowing to the Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia?  Why can’t they just stay there, in the Muslim world, with their co-religionists?   Is it America’s job to take every poor Muslim (or every poor person for that matter) to your towns?
And, btw, just as we are preoccupied with the lobbying push to resettle 65,000 Syrians (mostly Muslims), I guess the UN and the US State Department are going to start slipping in larger numbers of Rohingya behind our backs.
Here is the NYT beating the drum with its sob story:

There are at least 200,000 Rohingya migrants from Myanmar [aka Burma—ed] already in Bangladesh, and only 32,600 of them have been granted formal protection as refugees fleeing persecution, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Far fewer, perhaps only several hundred, have been resettled from refugee camps in Bangladesh over the past decade and allowed to begin new lives in other countries.

In Malaysia, those determined to be refugees and therefore eligible for resettlement, a process that could take years, would be joining more than 45,000 Rohingya who are already classified as refugees and are waiting to be taken in by another country. They receive no government aid while they wait, nor can they legally take jobs to support themselves.

About 1,000 Rohingya refugees were resettled in the United States in the last year.

I told you here in 2013 that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops asked the US State Department for more Rohingya to resettle.   My research indicates that we have admitted over 12,000 “Burmese Muslims” in the last 10 years—surely most are Rohingya.
The NYT continues:

The Rohingya, a stateless Muslim people who have long faced discrimination and have been deprived of basic rights in Myanmar, are likely to meet the criteria for refugee status under international law, namely having “a well-founded fear” of persecution for reasons of race, religion or nationality in their home country.

Such an effort, however, has yet to materialize.

According to the agreement hammered out last week by the foreign ministers of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, none of those countries agreed to host any refugees permanently.

Australia’s prime minister, Tony Abbott, said Thursday that his country would not take any refugees from the current exodus.

Read more here.
Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia don’t want them—-why do we?
See our Rohingya Reports category with its 178 previous posts and its 178 reasons why this is a problematic resettlement.

Rohingya Muslims are definitely being brought to American towns

We’ve suspected that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the US State Department are working to bring Rohingya boat people, who arrive illegally in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand to America, but yesterday we learned that 1,000 of them have come recently.

A Rohingya-packed boat adrift in Thai waters last week. The breakdown of borders is happening all over the world.

This is what we reported earlier in the week:

How many Burmese refugees are we taking?

The mostly Christian Burmese are one of the largest (if not the largest) ethnic group of refugees we have resettled since 2005 (I checked the data from January 2005 until May 1, 2015).

This is what I learned:  We resettled 140,812 Burmese refugees since 2005.

This surprised me:  In that number were 12,615 Burmese Muslims!  The word Rohingya is not used, but most certainly the Rohingya represent a large portion (if not all) of that number.

According to activists, the UN is not moving the Burmese Muslims out to third countries fast enough!  And, there are 45,000 of them registered with the UN and expecting to be moved to the West.

Here is what we just learned, from the Borneo Post:

ALOR SETAR: A Rohingya welfare body in Malaysia is pressuring the United Nations (UN) to expedite re-settlement of Rohingya refugees to third countries.

Rohingya Society in Malaysia (RSM) chairman Dr Abdul Hamid Musa Ali said as of today, about 2,000 of the tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees residing in the country had been successfully placed in several third countries.

He said the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) should play a role in safeguarding the welfare of Rohingya refugees in Malaysia.

“It is very disappointing as many questions are being raised on how just only 2,000 Rohingya refugees have been successfully relocated to third countries, from about 45,000 refugees registered with the UNHCR.

“This does not include the 60,000 to 70,000 Rohingya immigrants in Malaysia who are still not registered with the UN agency for refugees until now,” he told Bernama here today.

Abdul Hami, who is a Rohingya refugee and UNHCR card holder, said until today, just over 1,000 Rohingya refugees were re-settled in the United States, and the rest in several European countries.

There will be a regional summit on May 29th in Bangkok, Thailand in order to try to figure out what to do for the thousands of boat people arriving from Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh.  Be sure to watch the film clip here and see that one refugee says—THEY ARE LOOKING FOR A MUSLIM COUNTRY IN WHICH TO LIVE.  That is great!  There are many to choose from (including Indonesia, Malaysia and heh! how about Saudi Arabia?).
Get used to that ‘R’ word—Rohingya—listen to pronunciation here.
It appears that the PR push is on and that as we express our concerns about Syrian refugees arriving in the US in large numbers, the Rohingya are being quietly resettled here along with the thousands of Iraqi and Somali Muslims each year.
See our Rohingya Reports category here (it includes 177 posts and extends back almost 8 years).  Here is one post from 2008 where we said that as early as 2002, Time Magazine linked Rohingya refugees to Islamic terrorist groups.  You might be interested to see this post as well.  In 2012 a reader alerted us to the fact that the US State Department had removed from a terror watch list a group linked to Rohingya.
The next time you hear one of your friends or some dumb politician say that ‘LEGAL immigration is good,’ remember that this is legal!

Ireland taking in more Rohingya Muslims; Syrians too

The Irish Times has published one of those touchy-feely articles about how the Rohingya, who have already arrived in Ireland, are faring.  Articles like this one are meant to ‘educate’ readers in advance of a new wave of Muslim migrants coming in from countries where warring factions are producing ‘refugees’ by the millions.

Changing Ireland! The Islamic Cultural Center of Ireland was “funded by the al-Maktoum Foundation of Dubai and has a Sunni orientation. It was officially opened in 1996 by President Mary Robinson and Sheikh Hamdan Al Maktoum.” http://curiousireland.ie/islamic-cultural-centre-of-ireland/

We are told that Ireland had some problems (the Times calls them “hiccups”) with Muslim teenaged boys and young men who didn’t want to stay in school, but that generally the Rohingya are doing well.  However, they aren’t happy with the modest mosque they found in their new town:

There were other problems. Assured that by the Irish authorities that Carlow had a mosque, and imagining a full minaret, the new families arrived to find just a house used by the town’s tiny Muslim population. For orthodox Sunnis who had escaped religious persecution in Burma it was a disappointment. They now worship at an apartment in the town.

Rest assured, as more arrive from throughout Asia and the Middle East, some rich country (United Arab Emirates? Saudi Arabia?) will build them a lovely mosque.  The mosque will then draw in more Muslims (take note Carlow!).
You can read the whole article here.
The Irish Times does admit this:

Some aren’t so sympathetic. This week an Irish Times poll found that 52 per cent of Irish people are against taking in fleeing Mediterranean migrants.

And, see this one from earlier in the week about the next batch of mostly Muslim refugees on the way.
But, at the end of the story published today, there is a useful summary of where Ireland stands now with the arrival of migrants (thanks to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees) as part of the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

Ireland is one of only 30 states that take part in the refugee resettlement scheme, a United Nations programme.

Since it began here, 15 years ago, 1,198 programme refugees, from 27 countries, have been resettled in Ireland.

The UN declares them refugees before they arrive in Ireland, and they do not go through the direct-provision system for asylum seekers.

Three hundred refugees are due to come to Ireland under a new EU scheme. Civil war in Syria and the large numbers of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean in dangerous boats have made the need even more pressing.

Buddhist monks want to keep the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) out of Burma (Myanmar) as it tries to insert itself into the Rohingya controversy there. The OIC has great influence in the United Nations which is picking most of Ireland’s refugees.

In 1999, Ireland agreed to take 1,000 Kosovan refugees; they were resettled in Millstreet, Co Cork; Killarney; Waterford; and Wexford. Many later returned home.

In 2006, 180 Iranian Kurds who had been living in refugee camps in Jordan for 25 years were resettled in Carrick-on-Shannon and Dublin under a UNHCR programme.

In 2007, 100 Burmese Karen people were resettled in Ballina and Castlebar, after coming from Thailand under the UNHCR programme.

In 2008, 71 Sudanese were resettled in Kilkenny city, after transferring from Uganda, also under the UNHCR.

In 2009, 13 Burmese Rohingya families – 64 people in all – were resettled in Carlow town from Bangladesh, under the auspices of the UNHCR.

In 2013, 31 Afghans and four Iraqi Palestinians were admitted from Syria.

In 2014, 90 Syrian refugees fleeing their country’s civil war were resettled from Lebanon with relatives and friends around the country.

This year, 13 Syrian refugees of a projected 100 have arrived; 120 more people, also mainly Syrian, are due next year.

Ireland has separately agreed to admit 114 other refugees under a Syrian humanitarian admission programme.

See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
Also, for more on Rohingya then you ever wanted to know, see our Rohingya category here with 176 previous posts.  There is a newly energized push to get Rohingya Muslims moved to first-world countries.
Every time I see one of these articles about the “persecuted” Rohingya without any mention of the atrocities perpetrated by the Rohingya against the Buddhist Burmese, my blood boils.  I have followed the issue in Burma and Bangladesh for years and know that the Rohingya are not pure-as-the-driven-snow and have been Islamist supremacist agitators and killed many Burmese, but that is NEVER mentioned by the likes of the Irish Times!
To my Irish friends:  See this youtube clip about this blog and how I got into all of this…..it is now over a half a million views!

Rohingya Muslims arriving in Malaysia in large numbers, how many are headed to the US?

This is a story I never got around to last week (traveling), but wanted to be sure you see it and understand that….

….we are probably taking some of the illegal migrants that arrive in Malaysia as ‘refugees’ to your towns and cities.

Rohingya in Malaysia. Are they getting in line for America? (European Pressphoto Agency)

We haven’t written much about the Rohingya issue in Burma and Bangladesh lately, however we followed it for years because initially the US State Department was not accepting as refugees Rohingya Muslims (at one point some of their Islamic groups were actually on a State Dept. list of potential terrorist groups).

They are now being resettled in the US among the tens of thousands of Christian Burmese people we have brought in over the last ten years.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops:  we want some Rohingya to resettle!

One of my big surprises occurred when I attended a State Department “scoping meeting” and heard the US Conference of Catholic Bishops representative tell the State Department we needed to bring in more Rohingya Muslims, here in 2013.   By the way, here is a pretty good summary post if you would like more background on the Rohingya problem.  For ambitious readers! see that we have written 175 posts archived in our Rohingya Reports category.

Also, readers may want to review our posts on Esar Met, a Burmese Muslim convicted of raping and murdering a Christian girl in Utah shortly after his arrival in the US.  Met and the girl had lived in separate parts of the same UN refugee camp in Thailand because Muslims and Christians are not housed together.  In America they were put in the same apartment complex most likely by one of the resettlement contractors working in Salt Lake City.  Here is one of many posts on the murder case.

Here is the AP story at the Los Angeles Times that I wanted you to see.  Rohingya are on the move.

Brave Burmese monks (2013) protest the Organization of Islamic Cooperation attempts to get a foothold in Burma (aka Myanmar) in order to demand Rohingya rights.

 About 1,600 Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees have landed illegally in Malaysia and Indonesia in the last two days, apparently after human traffickers abandoned their virtual prison ships and left them to fend for themselves, officials said Monday.

One group of about 600 people arrived in the Indonesian coastal province of Aceh on four boats on Sunday, and at about the same time a total of 1,018 landed in three boats on the northern resort island of Langkawi.

How many Burmese refugees are we taking?

The mostly Christian Burmese are one of the largest (if not the largest) ethnic group of refugees we have resettled since 2005 (I checked the data from January 2005 until May 1, 2015).

This is what I learned:  We resettled 140,812 Burmese refugees since 2005.***

This surprised me:  In that number were 12,615 Burmese Muslims!  The word Rohingya is not used, but most certainly the Rohingya represent a large portion (if not all) of that number.

We process (into the US) large numbers of supposed refugees in Malaysia!  Who are they?

In the first seven months of FY 2015 (from Oct. 1, 2014-April 30, 2015) we actually admitted 5,727 “refugees” from Malaysia (see processing country data here). Who are they, and why are we admitting them?

If these Rohingya make it to Malaysia they are supposed to apply for asylum in that safe Muslim country.

Malaysia should not be simply a way-station on the road to the West.

I hope that we are not doing what we are doing illegally in Malta and that is bringing some of Malta’s illegal alien boat people to America!

***Addendum:  I went back to data bases to see how many Burmese refugees we admitted in this fiscal year (from Oct. 1, 2014 until May 1, 2015).  That is seven months.  We admitted 9,040 Burmese and 1,649 of those are Muslims (about 18%).  If they continue at that pace this will be the top year for the entry of Burmese Muslims into the US.