In advance of Obama’s visit to Burma, the NYT does the Rohingya as victims story

Burma, one of the only countries in the world with the guts to stand up to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. Monks protest in 2013:


I would have to write a book to tell you why this story is so infuriating to me.  I don’t have time for books!  But, I have followed the Burma (Myanmar) Rohingya Muslim issue for years (174 previous posts in our Rohingya category) and it makes me want to explode when I see the one-sided portrayal of the issue by the mainstream (leftwing, pro-Islamist media).

By the way, my initial interest in the Rohingya story was that our refugee resettlement contractors are pushing for the US to take more Rohingya refugees (USCCB here), and in fact have already resettled some in America.  Esar Met, convicted of killing a Burmese Christian girl earlier this year in Utah, was almost certainly a Rohingya.

Oh, how times have changed.  Here is Time magazine on the Rohingya in 2002 (see our 2009 post here to see how Time got with the Rohingya as ‘victims’ meme by 2009).  In 2002:

Today, southern Bangladesh has become a haven for hundreds of jihadis on the lam. They find natural allies in Muslim guerrillas from India hiding out across the border, and in Muslim Rohingyas.

Interestingly, the US State Department removed its link where Rohingya had been previously linked to Islamic terror groups.

I don’t see one single word in the New York Times article from last Thursday about what started the latest round of violence between the Buddhist majority and the Muslim Rohingya minority—the rape and murder in 2012 of a Burmese girl by a gang of Muslim men. Not a word about outside Islamic agitators (Muslim “pilgrams”) working among the Rohingya population, and definitely not one word about the Organization of Islamic Cooperation attempting to get an Islamic/sharia foothold in Burma.

Remember everywhere is fair game for the creation of a Sharia state.

Here is the New York Times carrying water for the lecturing Obama again and the Islamist agenda:

SITTWE, Myanmar — The Myanmar government has given the estimated one million Rohingya people in this coastal region of the country a dispiriting choice: Prove your family has lived here for more than 60 years and qualify for second-class citizenship, or be placed in camps and face deportation.

The policy, accompanied by a wave of decrees and legislation, has made life for the Rohingya, a long-persecuted Muslim minority, ever more desperate, spurring the biggest flow of Rohingya refugees since a major exodus two years ago.

In the last three weeks alone, 14,500 Rohingya have sailed from the beaches of Rakhine State to Thailand, with the ultimate goal of reaching Malaysia, according to the Arakan Project, a group that monitors Rohingya refugees.

The crisis has become an embarrassment to the White House ahead of a scheduled visit by President Obama to Myanmar next week. [Obama off to Asia here—ed] The administration considers Myanmar a foreign-policy success story in Asia but is worried that renewed conflict between Buddhist extremists, who are given a free hand by the government, and the Rohingya could derail the already rocky transition from military rule to democratic reform.

Mr. Obama called President Thein Sein of Myanmar last week, urging him to address the “tensions and humanitarian situation in Rakhine State,” the White House said.

In his most public appeal to the government yet, Mr. Obama asked the Myanmar leader to revise the anti-Rohingya policies, specifically the resettlement plan. Myanmar must “support the civil and political rights of the Rohingya population,” he said.

The Rohingya have faced discrimination for decades. They have been denied citizenship and evicted from their homes, their land has been confiscated, and they have been attacked by the military. After one such attack in 1978, some 200,000 fled to Bangladesh.

Many paragraphs of blah, blah, blah and this:

The latest flare-up began with an outbreak of sectarian rioting in 2012, in which hundreds of Rohingya were killed and dozens of their villages burned to the ground by radical Buddhists. Since then, close to 100,000 have fled the country, and more than 100,000 have been confined to squalid camps, forbidden to leave.

No discussion of how the latest flare-up started!  Or, how the Rohingya set Buddhist villages on fire and killed innocents.  Typical biased and disgusting coverage!

See our Rohingya Reports category.  And, you could write a book!

No one wants the Rohingya Muslims either, why is that?

In our previous post this morning we learned that no Muslim countries want to take in their fellow Syrian Muslim Palestinians and the same applies to the Rohingya of Burma and Bangladesh.

Just in time for Mother’s Day, we see the Washington Post on Friday published a lengthy AP sob story on the poor and downtrodden Rohingya people with this large photo centered above the fold on the print edition.

Rohingya mother (“too poor to afford food”) with malnourished 2-month-old featured on the front page of the Washington Post. Photo: Andre Malerba/Getty


I can here the shrieking from critics as I ask this question:  So why is this obviously well-equipped and not underfed mother not breast-feeding her 2-month-old child?

If there is some other medical problem with this child then tell us!  Or, is the purpose of the photo to say that Buddhists starve Muslim children?

The article goes on to tell readers how bad the Buddhists in Burma treat the Rohingya with Buddhist mobs burning villages and killing Rohingya with abandon.  I have been following the news from both sides of this controversy for nearly seven years and frankly it is difficult to tell who started the conflict, but I put my money on Rohingya Muslim agitation for creating most of the problems.

However, of course, the Buddhists get the blame from the Islamic agitators at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation who wanted to open an office in Burma (aka Myanmar).  The Buddhist monks may be the smartest and bravest people in the world to stand up to the politically-correct media, the OIC,  and the humanitarian industrial complex demanding that they turn over part of their country to Muslims.

Read the whole WaPo story if you feel like it.  Then read this story from last month (that I didn’t get to previously) about Rohingya waiting in Indonesia for third country resettlement that never comes.

Indonesia and Malaysia don’t want them!

Two of the stars of this story at IRIN News (Rohingya refugees in Indonesia await resettlement that never comes)  tried to break into Australia, their boat broke down and now they are in “detention” in Indonesia (a Muslim country!).   So why don’t well-off Muslim countries take in their co-religionists?

Rohingya couple in “detention” in Indonesia. Looks like they are safe and comfortable to me!

We even had a report in 2012 that Saudi Arabia did not want Rohingya in the kingdom!

Rohingya to America?

The drumbeat to bring Rohingya Muslims to America has been pretty quiet recently (I expect there is lobbying behind the scenes though!).  Last year we heard the US Conference of Catholic Bishops testify to the State Department that it was time to bring in more Rohingya.

There are Rohingya mixed in with the Christian Burmese we have been resettling for most of the last decade.  One Burmese Muslim refugee of note was Esar Met who was found guilty of raping and brutally murdering a little Christian girl in Salt Lake City earlier this year.

Stories, like the one-sided Washington Post/AP report, are published in an effort to put pressure on the Burmese government and to ultimately soften you up to the idea of “welcoming” Rohingya to your neighborhoods.  It is pure propaganda.

For new readers:  We have an entire category on the Rohingya issue with 173 previous posts.  Someone should write a book because it’s a great example of how the Open borders Left with its “humanitarian” cover and the Islamists have manipulated the news.  One day Americans will be scratching their heads and wondering where did all these Rohingya Muslims come from?  (Just as they are doing now with the burgeoning Somali population in certain US cities.)


Oregon: Ho hum! Another convenience store, another Burmese criminal….

….and further confirmation that we are admitting Burmese Muslims to the US (and dumb ones to boot!).

In our previous post we reported Burmese in Michigan ripping off the food stamp program, a few days ago it was a Burmese murder in Pennsylvania, and now it’s a murder-for-hire plot in Oregon in the busy (and growing***) Burmese “community” of America.

Diversity is strength alert!  Bringing their culture to a town near you!

From Oregon Live  (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):

Mohdsidek Habibullah

Mohdsidek Habibullah claimed the plot to kill his 45-year-old business partner — who ran a Southeast Portland convenience store with him — was all a big joke.

That was despite secretly acquired audio recordings of Habibullah talking about wanting to use a .357 handgun to shoot business partner Mohammed Absar in the head, a part of the body he thought would make less of a bloody mess.

And that was despite the recently purchased black shirt, pants, gloves and mask police found in the trunk of his car. Habibullah claimed they were gardening clothes.

And Habibullah — a 50-year-old immigrant from Burma — continued to proclaim his innocence despite the $1,100 prosecutors say he handed over to a known criminal to buy him a gun and a car that would be used to dispose of the body. Prosecutors say that when the criminal showed up with the car and it was red, he asked him to spray-paint it black to make it less conspicuious.

After two days of trial, Multnomah County Circuit Judge Jerry Hodson didn’t need a recess before finding Habibullah guilty Thursday of the attempted aggravated murder and attempted murder of Absar. The men had known each other for about 10 years, and Habibullah spent the bulk of the day running the Stop-N-Go Market off of Southeast 122nd Avenue while Absar would often spend a few hours at the end of each day closing it down.

Read the whole story to see why I say Habibullah is dumb—remind me why we are letting people like this into the US!

*** So how many Burmese have we settled in your cities in a little over a decade?

Here is one accounting of how many we have resettled over the last 12+ years from Burma (Myanmar) and camps in Thailand.  They are still coming by the thousands!

*Burmese refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 97,713

*Chin Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 30,453

*Karen Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 57,962

*The rest ethnic groups from Burma in the US since 2001: 9297

This last number above would include Burmese Muslims/Rohingya

Click here for our extensive coverage of Burmese refugees in America.  We have a whole category on Burmese Rohingya Muslims, here.

Two Burmese suspected murderers apprehended coming back into US from Mexico

This is a very strange story from the Border Patrol to the Laredo Sun (hat tip: Gary) and I surely can’t guess why two Burmese (they have to be refugees we resettled in the Dallas area) are caught coming back into the US.

Apprehended walking back across the Gateway to the Americas bridge into Laredo.

Here is the whole short news account (emphasis mine):

LAREDO, TEXAS –U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Laredo Port of Entry apprehended two men wanted in connection with a homicide that occurred in Dallas, Texas on March 24, 2014.

“The importance of the work that our CBP officers do in conducting interviews with individuals that present themselves requesting admission into the U.S. can be underscored with the apprehension of these two individuals who were being sought for their alleged involvement in the death of a man in Dallas, Texas,” said Jose R. Uribe, Acting Port Director, Laredo Port of Entry. “Through the collaboration between our federal and state partners, this case was able to be brought to light, resulting in the interception of these men to face the charges that are alleged against them.”

The arrests of the fugitives occurred yesterday Thursday, March 28, 2014 at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge when CBP officers encountered two 18-year-old citizens of Burma that arrived as pedestrians. A CBP officer at primary inspection referred pedestrians A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe, both resident aliens residing in Dallas, Texas who did not present any identity or citizenship documents for a secondary examination. During the examination, CBP officers verified both A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe’s identity, citizenship and confirmed that they were wanted by the Dallas Police Department on outstanding warrants of Murder and Tampering with Evidence. After confirming the warrants were active, CBP officers turned both men over to FBI and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents for transport to Webb County Detention Center pending extradition by Dallas authorities.

The alleged murderers are very likely refugees resettled by the US State Department and its contractors in Texas. That is how most Burmese have come to live in the US.  LOL! They don’t “find their way” to Texas as news accounts so often report.

Here is one accounting of how many we have resettled over the last 12 years from Burma and camps in Thailand.  They are still coming.

*Burmese refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 97,713

*Chin Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 30,453

*Karen Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 57,962

*The rest ethnic groups from Burma in the US since 2001: 9297

This last number above would include Burmese Muslims/Rohingya. Our most horrible Burmese murder case (so far) was the one in Utah where a Burmese Muslim man raped and murdered a little girl.

Saudi press calls Burmese Buddhists “bigots,” while they themselves deport Africans by the thousands

“Buddhist bigots” shouts the Saudi press. The Burmese monks don’t want the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in their country! No one in Europe or the US is as brave as these monks!

This is your laugh of the day (other news coming soon is pretty grim!).

You have to hand it to them, the Saudis have a lot of hutzpah!

In an editorial in the Saudi Gazette, they blast Burma for its treatment of the Rohingya Muslims while they themselves are deporting Africans by the thousands so as to keep Saudi Arabia pure for their people—Arabs.

And, it is even worse, here is one post we published in 2012 where we reported that Saudi Arabia was imprisoning 700 Rohingya people who made it into Saudi Arabia!

Saudi Gazette this week:

… the census is going to demonstrate the strength of the Muslim minority within the country.

Buddhist bigots have already caused near genocidal horrors among the Rohingya. The guilt of the Burmese government has been compounded by its refusal to accept that the Rohingyas, a community which has lived in the country for many generations, are entitled to Burmese citizenship. Not only should all Burmese politicians, including Aung San Suu Kyi, give assurances that they will accept the findings of the census, but that also that they will not use them to promote further persecution of minorities, not least the Rohingya.

For the many new readers we have lately, we haven’t reported on the Rohingya much, but we have a whole category on them here.  Our interest is that the contractors (the Catholic Bishops!) and the US State Department have begun to bring some Rohingya to America.  We don’t know how many because they have them interspersed with the Christian Burmese we have been resettling by the tens of thousands.

Learn more about the OIC, here.