Germany being overrun by refugees, police say they can't process them all

Invasion of Europe news…..

Communist icon Angela Davis recently traveled to Germany, met with refugees and said that the refugee movement was THE movement of the 21st Century.

From Deutsche Welle:

Police in Bavaria admit they don’t have the resources to fingerprint all newcomers. In the first half of the year, almost 180,000 people – many from Syria and Iraq – applied for asylum in Germany.

Border authorities in Bavaria have given up trying to take the fingerprints of all the refugees entering the country, reported “Der Spiegel” on Monday.

The revelations came as officials acknowledged that close to 180,000 people claimed asylum in Germany in the first half of the year.

Quoting an unnamed senior police union official, the magazine said that up to 300 people were able to cross the German-Austria border each day without proper registration due to a lack of resources.

Local media reported that around 45,000 people have entered the country this year without being properly processed by authorities.

Gaddafi’s revenge?
For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.

Renewed warning that ISIS plans to infiltrate 'refugee' flow to Europe

This is not new, but just this week an EU agency is warning (again!) that the invasion of Europe could include ISIS terrorists among the illegal aliens arriving in Europe from North Africa (thanks to Hillary and the girls, here).

Michele Coninsx is the EU’s chief crime and terror fighter.

From Israel National News:

ISIS members could infiltrate Europe together with masses of refugees from Libya, Syria, and Iraq – ironically fleeing ISIS terror in their homelands, said Michele Coninsx, head of the EU’s judicial cooperation agency Eurojust.

Speaking Monday in Brussels, Coninsx told reporters that the EU was working together with other countries to prevent the migration of ISIS terrorists. She declined to specify exactly what steps were being taken.

A video released last week by ISIS in Libya and published by the Arabic-language Asharq al-Awsat shows the two perpetrators of a deadly attack on the Corinthia Hotel in January threatening that ISIS’s newly-established presence in the country would be used as a springboard to invade Europe.

For more and to see the many links, go here.
To learn more about the ‘Invasion of Europe’ see our extensive archive here.

Invasion of Europe: UK says 500,000 migrants waiting to make Mediterranean crossing into Europe

We should call the Invasion of Europe Gadhafi’s Revenge!

I warned you!

The former Libyan leader (before his untimely “demise” at the hands of a coalition of French, British and American smart people) warned that Europe would be conquered, not with guns and swords, but with an invasion by masses of humanity overwhelming the continent from Africa and the Middle East.  That is exactly what is happening.
LOL! I’m not going to let readers forget the role Obama’s gals played in this disaster!  Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power were after Gaddafi’s head, and look what they got!
We live in interesting times (Chinese curse?).
Everyone must leave some letter for your grandchildren and great grandchildren about how you witnessed the end of western civilization in Europe because someone else will be writing the history of Europe (in Arabic).
This is an AP story at Earthlink (hat tip: Chaz).  Emphasis is mine:

ROME (AP) — Naval vessels from Italy, Britain, Ireland and other countries steamed toward the waters off Libya on Saturday to rescue the latest wave of migrants from smugglers’ boats. British authorities warned that up to 500,000 people could attempt the perilous crossing this summer.

Capt. Nick Cooke-Priest, on the British warship HMS Bulwark, told reporters aboard: “Indications are there that there are 450,000 to 500,000 migrants in Libya who are waiting at the border” for voyage from the North African country’s Mediterranean coast in hopes of reaching Italian shores.

Also aboard the Bulwark, part of a multi-nation patrol and rescue force, was British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon. “We could see hundreds of thousands trying to cross this summer,” Fallon told reporters who asked about the captain’s half-million figure.

During Saturday, a total of 3,480 migrants had been safely rescued in 15 separate operations, the Italian coast guard said. Calls for help went out via satellite phone earlier in the day from the smugglers boats, which included six rubber dinghies and nine fishing boats, all some 45 miles (72 kilometers) off the Libyan shoreline, the coast guard statement said.

Pitching in to save the migrants were Italian coast guard, navy and border police boats and aircraft, a tug boat, two German military ships, the Hessen and the Berlin, and an Irish naval ship LE Eithne.


Italian authorities investigating the Libya-based smuggling operations say reliable intelligence is hard to come by, given that Western diplomats have long left Libya, wracked by violence following the 2011 demise of the Moammar Gadhafi regime. Rival governments command different parts of the country, and tribal and militia clashes aggravate the chaos.

With every boat rescue the word goes back to Africa—launch the next boat.

There is no sign that any European ‘leader’ has the spine (or other body part!) to do what Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says must be done—turn the boats back to the North African coast!

See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
Regarding the spelling of Moammar Gadhafi’s name:  We have used different spellings here at RRW mostly due to whatever spelling is being used in the news story we are reporting at the time.

Surprise (not!): ISIS-related terrorists found among UN-chosen Syrian refugees destined for Norway

Just as we have been warning! 

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is picking our refugees too!  And, here in Norway they have discovered Islamic terrorists among the chosen!

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, is selecting the Syrians for your towns. They are doing a lousy job for Norway, what about for us?

When House Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul speculated a week or so ago that the Syrian flow to America could be a “jihadi pipeline,” he was right!  The 14 Senators of the ‘Jihad Caucus’ are willing to put you in danger when they demand that Obama admit 65,000!
From The Local (hat tip: Joanne):

Several refugees sent to Norway under the UN’s quota system turned out to have close links to the terror groups Islamic State (IS) and the al-Nusra Front, Norway’s Police Security Service (PST) has revealed.

According to the service, between five and ten of the 1,000 Syrians chosen to go to Norway by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), were discovered to have links to the one of the two terror groups.

“Unfortunately, there are some who try to exploit and abuse the refugee agency,” Police Superintendent Svein Erik Molstad told Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper. “We have discovered more quota refugees with ties to the al-Nusra front and IS,” he said.

Look at this! Norway sends its Security Service to the Middle East. Is that where the terrorists were discovered and intercepted?  Do we send the FBI to UN camps as well?

PST investigators have so far made two trips to the Middle East, where it works with Norway’s Foreign Ministry to vet refugees passed to Norway under the UN’s quota system.

According to Molstad, the investigations have also uncovered refugees with backgrounds in Syria’s feared secret police, as well as others suspected of carrying out war crime’s during the country’s ongoing civil war.

Although PST is now working in the Middle East, its officers neither interview nor have other direct contact with prospective refugees.

Dagbladet has also learned of Islamic extremists using refugee reception centres as recruiting grounds for terrorists.

Let’s do the math.  If the Norwegian secret service found 10 of 1000 UNHCR refugees with terror connections, that is 1% of the total.  If we admit 65,000, 1% is 650 (LOL! Check my math!).  650 with terror ties could sure cause a lot of mayhem here in America.
If you are new to RRW, our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here, and we have a pretty extensive archive on Norway as well, here.

Invasion of Europe news: "Bloody pitched battle" in Calais migrant camp

We’ve written often about the port city of Calais, France where illegal migrants from Africa and the Middle East are piling up in hopes of illegally entering the UK where they expect to get welfare goodies gratis of the Brits.
Remember!   If they are legitimate asylum seekers they are required to apply for asylum in the first safe country they reach—in France or wherever they first landed in Europe.  Instead thousands of them make their way to Calais and some are successful in getting across the English Channel and reaching their Nirvana.
This is not the first time violence has broken out between ethnic groups and with the police.  See our Calais archive by clicking here.

Witnesses said that groups of Eritrean and Sudanese men fought each other with knives, stones and metal bars in the most alarming incident since the camp was opened by the French government two months ago.

From the UK Express (hat tip: Joanne).  Be sure to visit the article because there is more with lots of photos.

Twenty-four migrants were seriously injured and many more hurt during the bloody pitched battle, which raged for more than six hours before the gangs were dispersed by heavily armed riot police.

Witnesses reported that knives, metal bars and wooden truncheons were used by the two rival factions, who also set fire to several huts at a notorious migrant camp dubbed ‘The New Jungle’.

The gangs, one made up of Eritreans and the other Sudanese, reportedly clashed after a row over access to the best ferry smuggling routes to England boiled over.

Calais-based newspaper Nord Littoral dubbed the brawl a “night of violence” and reported that the vicious fight lasted from midnight until around 6am this morning.

Two squads of France’s fearsome CRS riot police rushed to the scene, close to the town’s Jules Ferry Centre, where a vast illegal camp stretches across sand dunes into the port town.

Calais Mayor Natasha Bouchart: It is all the Brits’ fault!

The horrific brawl was the second serious disturbance at the notorious migrant camp in a matter of days.


News of the mass outbreak of violence comes just a week after it emerged that British lorry drivers are boycotting Calais because they fear “somebody will be killed” by illegal immigrants desperate to get into the UK.


Calais mayor Natasha Bouchart has previously sparked controversy by stating that so many migrants camp in Calais because they are desperate to get to the UK to take advantage of its generous benefits system.

She said: “They want to go to England because they can expect better conditions on arrival there than anywhere else in Europe or even internationally.

“Calais is a hostage to the British. The migrants come here to get to Britain.”

For all of our coverage of the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.
Don’t forget, it was the UK Labor Party and its leaders like the Miliband brothers who created the “generous benefits system” for immigrants in the first place!   David Miliband is now the head honcho at the US resettlement contractor, the International Rescue Committee, and leading the effort (with the blessing of George Soros) to bring 65,000 Syrians to America ASAP!  14 Senators, dubbed the ‘Jihad Caucus,’ are urging Obama to bring in the 65,000 before he leaves office.