Uh oh! Monday could be hot in Germany as Muslims plan counter-demo against Islamophobes

The demonstration from both sides is planned for Cologne which saw a huge outpouring of concern for the Islamization of Germany last October.  However, the largest demonstrations against further Muslim immigration to Germany have occurred in Dresden on recent Mondays.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s New Year’s message: If you question Muslim immigration you have “hatred in your hearts.”

From the World Bulletin (emphasis is mine):

At least 13 non-governmental organizations of Muslim and ethnic-Turkish immigrants in Germany announced Thursday their joint decision to protest against the right-wing populist PEGIDA movement.

“We are calling on all citizens to join demonstration in Cologne on Jan. 5 and take a stance against racism, xenophobia, hatred against foreigners and hostility against Islam,” the organizations said in a joint statement.

“We will support all democratic initiatives and allies that oppose PEGIDA and other groups inspired by it,” the statement added.

Germany’s Muslim Coordination Council, a platform of four large Muslim organizations in the country, signed the joint statement along with associations representing Turkish-German businessmen, TUMSIAD and MUSIAD-NRW.

Union of European Turkish Democrats, one of the most influential organizations among Germany’s three million Turks, also backed the call for joining the counter-protests in Cologne, organized by a German citizen initiative supported by political parties, trade unions and church organizations.

Cologne is one of Germany’s most populated cities known for its multi-cultural plurality and large number of immigrants.

A recently formed right-wing anti-Islam movement, Cologne Against Islamization of the West, is also planning a demonstration in the city Monday. The initiative is a copycat group inspired by the Patriotic Europeans Against Islamization of the West or the PEGIDA, which gathered more than 17,000 protesters in the city on Dec. 22. The rise of the right-wing group made headlines in Germany and abroad.

Germany witnessed an increase in suspicion and negative feelings towards Muslims in recent months as far right and populist parties sought to benefit from a growing fear of Islam and Muslims, largely influenced by reports of murders and atrocities committed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorist group in the Middle East.

Nearly 30 percent of Germans polled by the Stern magazine said they believed anti-Islam demonstrations organized by PEGIDA were justifiable.

Meanwhile, Merkel says we love our Muslims (underlying message, our economy needs those cheap laborers!)

From OnIslam:

CAIRO – Addressing the nation on the eve of the New Year, German chancellor Angela Merkel urged people to help refugees fleeing conflicts, telling them to turn their backs to the “racist”, “full of hatred” anti-Muslim grass-roots movement.

“It goes without saying that we help them and take in people who seek refuge with us,” the chancellor said, Deutsche Welle reported.

Merkel also urged Germans to welcome immigrants, adding that Europe’s biggest economy must welcome people fleeing conflict and war.

She also lamented the rise of the new movement, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA), that has been holding weekly rallies in the eastern city of Dresden for weeks.

Referring to protests that took place before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Merkel said, “Today many people are again shouting on Mondays: ‘We are the people’. But in fact they mean: You do not belong – because of the color of your skin or your religion,” Reuters reported.

“So I say to everyone who goes to such demonstrations: Do not follow those who are appealing to you! Because too often there is prejudice, coldness, even hatred, in their hearts.”

She really does have that Leftist lingo down!

Don’t you think it’s interesting that some never learn from history.  Germany, of all places, should know the perils of silencing speech.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series for more information.

Lewiston, ME: 14-year-old Somali boy charged with arson is capable of “criminal thinking”

Another diversity is strength alert!

May 2013 Lewiston inferno. http://bangordailynews.com/2013/05/03/news/lewiston-auburn/another-multiple-building-fire-hits-lewiston/

Gee, no kidding!  Wait until you read the latest on the Somali refugee youth who is charged with burning down four apartment buildings in Lewiston nearly two years ago.  He could end up walking free!

Update January 14th:  Plea deal struck, arsonist sent to juvenile facility for three years.

I laughed when I saw the Sun Journal headline which said he was a “moderate risk” to the community if released, but that was for setting fires.  What else is he capable of?   Hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers.’  (Emphasis below is mine)

LEWISTON — Abdi Ibrahim is capable of “criminal thinking” and is considered a moderate risk to “act out” using fire if released from the Long Creek Youth Development Center in South Portland.

Ibrahim, who is facing four felony counts of arson in connection with fires that burned four apartment buildings and a garage on Bartlett and Pierce streets in Lewiston on May 3, 2013, is considered a higher behavioral and social risk to the community because of a history of poor social skills and chronic behavior problems in multiple settings, including assaulting others and running away.

And even though he has hidden cigarette lighters in his bedroom and twice been found smoking since he was placed in state custody, a state forensic examination found no specific indication he has “any fascination with fire as a means of acting out.”

Now, here is that interpreter issue again. Remember “welcoming” communities, it is your responsibility to find and pay for interpreters in every case involving an immigrant (that means in school discipline situations, for health care issues, and for the criminal justice system, among others).

Ibrahim will appear in 8th District Court on the morning of Jan. 12 to argue that his arson confession to police be suppressed because an interpreter did not translate his Miranda warning correctly.

Ibrahim was born in Africa and spent his early years living in a refugee center in Kenya before his family emigrated to the United States. They first settled in Baltimore, Md., moving to Lewiston when Ibrahim was 6 or 7 years old. (Hey, look at this—Baltimore dodged this bullet!—ed).

The law requires a minor to have parental consent or have a parent present during a police interview, but according to Ibrahim’s attorney, Jeffrey Dolley, Ibrahim’s mother, Marian Ibrahim — who is Somali and not fluent in English — did not have an adequate understanding of the procedure for that interview because the Miranda warning wasn’t translated to her or her son correctly. As a result, her consent was never “given.”

According to court records, Ibrahim was interviewed at the Lewiston Police Department, where he waived his Miranda rights, including his right to remain silent, while his mother was assisted by an interpreter over the phone.

Ibrahim, who is now 14 years old, was 12 at the time of his taped confession.

According to court records, Dolley learned the Miranda warning was incorrectly translated after he had a language expert listen to the audio recording of the police interview.

During that interview, after initially denying he was involved, Ibrahim confessed to setting a fire at the back of a three-bay garage behind an apartment building at 149 Bartlett St. by lighting a cigarette and paper with a lighter, using gasoline as an accelerant.

The teen was initially found not competent to stand trial and the case was suspended while he received emotional and behavioral counseling in residential care at Sweetser Children Services in Saco. In August, the court found him competent to stand trial, and he was transferred to Long Creek Youth Development Center.

At the same time and in preparation for trial, the court ordered the state’s Department of Health and Human Services to conduct a risk assessment of Ibrahim’s behavior, including his likelihood to start fires.

Read it all. The state believes he needs 24-hour supervision and the residential care facility in which he was initially placed, and which did the evaluation, is incapable of doing that. His parents think he is fine without that supervision.

The assessment said he was only at a “moderate risk” for setting fires if released in the community, but you need to go read the almost unbelievable description of the charming family he would return to.

Think about it, this kid could walk free over a technicality!

We have page after page of posts on troubled Lewiston, the Somali capital of New England, click here for more.

And, one more thought.  Are those “Welcoming America” agitators including the cost to a community of immigrant crimes when they promote those “studies” about immigrants bringing economic boom-times to American cities?  I bet not!

Refugee Soap Opera on a Bus in Sweden

Editor’s note: This is another in what could become a series of guest posts from reader ‘Pungentpeppers!’

Update:  More on the story from the UK Daily Mail!

The idea of bringing in bunches of strange and exotic people into Sweden is turning into a crazy soap opera.

Frightened Middle Eastern asylum seeker who refused to get off the bus feared wolves and bears! http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2054&artikel=6058405

Where are the deluxe accommodations in central Malmö the smugglers promised?

The latest refugee soap opera taking place is on a BUS in a quiet and pristine part of Sweden some six hours north of Stockholm. It’s called Grytan and is a 20-minute drive south of Östersund. Sheltered by one of Sweden’s many evergreen forests, Grytan lies in a sublime setting where those escaping trouble can finally feel at peace and reconnect with nature.

Map and more at Tundra Tabloids. http://tundratabloids.com/2015/01/refugees-to-sweden-refuse-relocation-destination-its-too-far-north.html

 After sunset (it comes early here in winter, 2:31 p.m. on New Year’s Day), visitors can check out excellent local restaurants that offer Swedish specialties like elk meat balls with pickles, cranberries and cream sauce! Yum!

Lodgings specially built for refugees are superb and include all amenities, including a health center, two playgrounds, and internet access, as well as special events including outdoor barbecue picnics with music and volleyball.

This video shows contented asylum seekers relaxing, eating American-style sandwiches, and getting some exercise. What fun!

But now there’s rebellion brewing in Grytan. Some new arrivals refuse to get off the bus! They say Grytan is too dangerous! Bears and wolves might eat them!

One of the frightened newcomers is above.  (See all of the photos showing the rest of the group and the lovely facility prepared for them.)

They all look like Middle Eastern men – is that a surprise? The protesters who were interviewed on Swedish radio confirmed their origins.

They said they need a “better place” and that “here exist bear and wolf and more animals …. we are Arab people. We can’t stay here in that weather”.

Another man complained “I am 75-years-old and come from the Middle East. Then I get sent to a place that looks like this,” said a man from Syria to the local Östersunds-Posten (story at The Local), pointing to the icy road.

“It is dangerous for me to be here,” he said.

Some of the protesting asylum seekers spent the night on the bus and then complained it was cold. In the latest development, the asylum seekers are threatening to stage a hunger strike! I suppose the idea of elk balls with cranberries and cream sauce does not appeal to them.

When will the Swedes get it right?

For more on those yummy elk meat balls, go here.

See our complete archive on Sweden by clicking here (includes posts on other ungrateful “refugees”).  LOL! Remember these guys who complained that their Swedish castle was haunted.

Amarillo, TX: Unbelievably frank description of a refugee overloaded city, and how it got that way

In this opinion piece by Nancy Koons, the executive director of Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle, we learn some very important truths about the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department/the UN and the Office of Refugee Resettlement.

We have reported previously here, here and here about Amarillo, TX as a “pocket of resistance.”

Here is what I learned (re-learned!):

1) Meatpackers have indeed driven the program.

2) The contractors are in competition with each other for warm bodies to resettle (no matter what problems a city government might be having). Is it because they are paid by the head?

3) The US State Department is ignoring the city’s concerns and even as Catholic Charities asked for a reduction in number, the State Dept. sent more refugees to the same city.  Is this arrogance or incompetence?

4) A community’s educational system is one of the first to suffer when refugee overload occurs.

5) Once yours has become a “welcoming” city more contractors will come.

And finally, I learned that there are some people inside the system willing to be brave and speak the truth!  Nancy Koons is one of them.

From the Amarillo Globe News (emphasis below is mine):

Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle, formerly Catholic Family Service Inc., has provided social services in the Texas Panhandle since 1932, including a refugee resettlement program that began in the mid-1970s, following the fall of Saigon.

The refugee program was in response to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops which, with other national organizations, assisted the U.S. State Department with resettlement nationwide.  With the goal of helping refugees achieve self-sufficiency, one consideration for establishment of a resettlement site was availability of employment. The meat-packing industry became a primary source.   [Not ‘assisted’ as in out of the goodness of their hearts, they are paid contractors.—ed]

Presently, USCCB is one of nine volunteer agencies (volags) at the national level that facilitates refugee resettlement. Until 2007-2008, USCCB was the only volunteer agency (volag) that facilitated resettlement in Amarillo, doing so through CFS.

In 2007-08, two more national volags began facilitating resettlement in Amarillo — Lutheran Immigration Services and Church World Services (membership includes Methodist, First Christian Church, Presbyterian, Church of Christ and Episcopalian churches). These two additional volags facilitate refugee resettlement through Refugee Services of Texas, Amarillo office.

Resettlement peaked in 2010 when CFS resettled 448 individuals and RST-Amarillo resettled 251 individuals. In total, 699 refugees were resettled in Amarillo in 2010. Refugees also came to Amarillo from other areas of the country, having already resettled through agencies in other cities. This is referred to as secondary migration, and is largely employment motivated. Not all secondary cases check in with a local resettlement agency. In 2010, however, 276 secondary case refugees came to CFS for assistance.

In August 2011, I began in my role as executive eirector at CFS. Residing out of the Amarillo area for six years, I was unaware of the dramatic increase in refugee resettlement, languages and cultures, and consequently the impact on the community — particularly the schools.

It wasn’t long before I heard from numerous concerned residents and staff from the Amarillo Independent School District. It was clear that the increasing rate of resettlement needed to slow down significantly to allow the community to catch up with challenges brought about by dramatic demographic changes. I invited officials from USCCB in Washington D.C., and the state refugee coordinator from Austin to meet with representatives from AISD to hear their challenges. At this meeting, AISD representatives graciously articulated extraordinary challenges in the schools. They begged USCCB and the state refugee coordinator to slow down the rate of resettlement to give AISD and the community the opportunity to “catch up,” and enable them to better serve all of the student population.

At CFS, I immediately reduced our projected arrivals for fiscal year 2012 by 50 percent, the projection of 400 was reduced to 200. RST-Amarillo had projected 200 arrivals for fiscal year 2012.

I learned soon after that our agency’s reduction was picked up by RST-Amarillo — they increased their projected 2012 arrivals to 400. Unfortunately, the community did not experience the reduction we had intended. In the following months, the local director of RST-Amarillo said he was unaware of problems at the schools. To his defense, complaints came to CFS because the community was, and still is, largely unaware of a second resettlement agency in Amarillo.

In July 2012, I shared this information with Mayor Paul Harpole. Dialogue continues on the local and national levels to address critical refugee issues in our community. Compared to fiscal year 2010, Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle anticipates 160 arrivals, a 64 percent reduction from 2010. RST-Amarillo anticipates 282 arrivals, a 12 percent increase from 2010.

There is a bit more where Koons talks about her faith and ‘welcoming the stranger,’ but in all honesty she and others can do that without taking money from the US Treasury—from their fellow citizens’ wallets to be precise!   The Bible never directed Christians to steal from others to make themselves feel better and more charitable.

Another mosque fire in Sweden—the land that hands out welfare goodies and loves diversity

We reported on a previous arson fire involving a Swedish mosque, here a few days ago. (Update: Not so fast, more investigations fail to prove arson, here.)  I do hope we learn who is ultimately responsible because I have become so cynical that I think there is a chance that either other Muslims with grudges (Muslims like using fire for revenge!) are responsible, or that the fires are intentional to enhance the victim status of Muslims in Western countries for propaganda purposes.

If it turns out to be local Swedes striking the matches because of anger over immigration policy, then civil war is closer than I thought.

The latest mosque experiencing an arson attack is located in Eslöv, in the south of Sweden where diversity is blooming according to this informative website which proudly declares:

Apart from Swedish, some of the major languages are: Albanian, Arabic, Bosnia, Croatian, Serbian, Dari, English, Sorani, Kurmanji, Persian, Somali, Thai and Tigrinya.

From The Local (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’):

UPDATED: Police suspect a mosque in southern Sweden was deliberately torched on Monday, with a local imam blaming rising Islamophobia in the region.

Imam Samir Muric fears for his safety. But, if you were so afraid would you allow a news outlet to take and publish your photo?

Emergency services were called to the mosque in Eslöv, a small city in the south of the country, at around 3.15am on Monday.

It is understood that the blaze began after flammable liquid caught fire in one of the rooms in the building.

Firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and were able to prevent the fire spreading, although the flames still caused minor damage to the building. Firefighters suspect foul play.

“There is no possible natural explanation for this type of fire to break out by itself”, fire department spokesman Gustaf Sandell told Sveriges Radio.

Samir Muric, the local imam, said he was worried for his own safety. [What is Muric’s ethnicity? Sunni? Shia? Maybe this is an Islam on Islam crime? Why is that information never reported?—ed]

“Unfortunately, this is probably something to do with Islamophobia. I live close by and it’s beginning to feel unsafe,” he told the TT news agency.

You have to laugh because the Leftists in the media immediately link the arson story to the rise of the political right in Sweden:

Mosques in Sweden have been subject to growing numbers of attacks in recent months.

The fire comes less than a week after several people were hurt in a separate fire at a mosque in Eskilstuna in central Sweden on Christmas Day. Police say they are unable to confirm whether the blaze there was started on purpose.

Sweden, known for tolerance and refugee-friendly policies, saw a nationalist right party, the Sweden Democrats, become the third-largest force in parliament in legislative elections in September and reports of race-related violence are on the rise in the country.   [No mention of the race-related violence being perpetrated by Muslim youths!—ed]

In early December, the party brought down the government after less than three months by refusing to back its budget proposal in parliament.

On Saturday the government announced it had reached a deal with the opposition that will enable it to remain in power and to avert the country’s first snap elections in more than half a century, but the far right has threatened to hold a no-confidence vote.

See our extensive archive on Sweden here (my bet for the first country to collapse under the economic burden of “welcoming” the mostly Muslim migrants from the Middle East and Africa).

Our ‘Invasion of Europe‘ series is here.