Update from Rome: Tensions high at refugee center, minors evacuated

We reported on Wednesday that local residents in one neighborhood of Rome have had it with the local refugee center claiming the asylum seekers have brought crime to their community.

See our original story here.

Reader ‘pungentpeppers’ spotted this latest news and asks why Italy is even giving refuge to mostly Muslim Egyptians and Bangladeshis. My guess is that—just as is happening in the US with the so-called Unaccompanied Alien Children—everyone who is an economic migrant (not a legitimate refugee) and wanting to get into a first world country these days is claiming they are persecuted and are demanding asylum.  They know how to use that “A” word! Someone has taught them how to use it!

Rome Mayor Ignazio Marino, …the building has been “seriously damaged.” Photo from story about Rome being broke: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/28/rome-spared-bankruptcy-italy-rescue-matteo-renzi

From Deutsche Welle:

 On Thursday, workers at a refugee center on the outskirts of Rome reported renewed tensions with local residents, who have been holding violent demonstrations against the foreigners in recent days.

“We are scared. We are trying to find a compromise with the residents,” a center official, Francesco Amato, told the Associated Press news agency. The refugees currently being housed at the facility are reported to be primarily from Egypt and Bangladesh.

Amid the upswing in violence despite a heavy police presence, minors were evacuated from the site.  [The movement of UACs is going on around the world—ed]

A statement from Rome Mayor Ignazio Marino’s office indicated that the building in the eastern suburb of Tor Sapienza had been “seriously damaged,” according to Reuters news agency.

Hostilities escalated on Monday, with protesters throwing stones and bottles at the center as they shouted insults at its residents.

“Rome rejects all forms of violence, racism and xenophobia,” Marino said in the statement.

Conflicting reports have described the protesters in Tor Sapienza, on the one hand, as disgruntled Italian natives whose ire is directed at the government’s insufficient support for the refugees and, on the other, as far-right xenophobes.

For new readers, check our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series for background on how Italy got into this mess in the first place by sending its Navy out to rescue boats filled with illegal aliens coming from North Africa.

Then this about a country in economic turmoil as it is, from DW:

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Italy will be home to nearly 80,000 refugees and close to 14,000 asylum seekers by January.

For US readers, we are bringing you news from Europe (going over the edge!) so that you know what might be ahead for us as migrant numbers reach a certain critical tipping point.  Will Obama bring us there quickly with his threatened amnesty for millions?

Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Rwandan refugee charged with naturalization fraud

The next time you hear one of the advocates for refugee resettlement claim that the screening is very thorough, remember this case!

I think one of our problems (well, the do-gooders’ problems) is that we (they) can’t wrap their minds around the incredible lies refugee wannabes are willing to tell.    See all of our posts on lying (and other criminal) Rwandan refugees by clicking here.

From The Gazette (Hat tip: Joanne).  Emphasis is mine:

Can you believe it? Ken Ngombwa allegedly lied to get into the US as a refugee.

CEDAR RAPIDS — A Cedar Rapids man who is originally from Rwanda was charged Tuesday in federal court with naturalization fraud.

Ken Ngombwa, 54, is charged with one count of unlawfully procuring or attempting to procure naturalization or citizenship; one count of procuring citizenship to which he was not entitled; one count of conspiracy to unlawfully procure citizenship; and one count of making a materially false statement to agents of the United States, according to an indictment.

The indictment said Ngombwa attempted to obtain citizenship for himself and family members who accompanied him to the United States from Rwanda from March 1998 through Nov. 19, 2004.

Ngombwa and others allegedly made a number of false statements to U.S. immigration authorities, who decided to grant Ngombwa refugee status and permanent resident alien status, which permitted him to become a citizen.

According to the indictment, Ngombwa claimed he was the brother of Faustin Twagiramungu, a former prime minister of Rwanda.

Ngombwa appeared in court Tuesday and was released on bond. He was ordered to surrender any passport or travel documents, stay in Linn County, have no contact with potential witnesses and undergo a mental health evaluation.

If convicted, Ngombwa faces up to 30 years in federal prison and a $1 million fine. He also faces loss of citizenship. [So we get to pay for him in prison for 30 years?—ed]

Ngombwa also faces second-degree arson and insurance fraud charges in Linn County District Court. He is accused of setting multiple fires in his home in July 2013 and giving his insurance provider false information about the fire.

So will he and his extended family be deported?

Be sure to visit The Gazette for the arson story involving Ngombwa from earlier this year.

I think the US State Department should be responsible for paying for all of the legal costs associated with THEIR mistake.

Check out this story about how much the lying Rwandan cost us in New Hampshire a few years back.

I know it is still our tax dollars no matter what federal or state jurisdiction foots the bill, but I would still like to see these criminal cases paid for out of the US State Department’s budget.  Maybe they could even reimburse Iowa, Linn County and the city of Cedar Rapids for anything this liar cost the local and state government, even all the welfare they probably are still receiving.

Number of “Islamic extremists” grows in Germany

German Interior Minister, Hans-Georg Maassen. So if they know this, why take in the tens of thousands of Muslims being admitted to Germany right now?

And, gee I wonder out of what population they are springing?

See our two recent posts on Germany here and here about the country being swamped by Muslim migrants.

German authorities at least have the good sense to call them ‘Islamic extremists’ and not ‘violent extremists.’

From the Associated Press:

BERLIN (AP) — The number of Islamic extremists in Germany is growing rapidly, the head of the country’s domestic intelligence agency said Saturday.

The agency estimates that some 6,300 people in Germany are adherents of an ultraconservative strain of Islam known as Salafism, Hans-Georg Maassen told public broadcaster rbb-Inforadio. In Germany, all Salafis are considered Islamic extremists and on the radar of the security services, though other groups are also monitored if they are determined to be a threat to the state or democratic order.

Maassen said the number of Salafis could rise to 7,000 by the end of the year, compared to about 3,800 three years ago.

Interesting is that he uses the broad term ‘Salafis’ or Salafism instead of what the US authorities often do—tell us it is Al Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, ISIS etc. which only further distances the discussion from the root cause of Islamist violence—the ideology itself!

Let me say though that the greater threat to Germany, the US and the West generally (in my view) is the Muslim demographic time bomb— slower, but more deadly in the long-run than terrorists here or there.

See our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

Settlement reached in 2013 Minneapolis high school riot between African Americans and Somali students

At the time, they called it a “food fight” that erupted in the cafeteria, got out of control, students were injured and the police were called in.  We spent a lot of column inches reporting on it here in February 2013 Please read that post then come back here.

Now, reader Paul alerts us to a settlement reached when the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Division settled a claim by CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations).  The stunning thing about this “discrimination” story at the Minneapolis Star Tribune last week and analyzed by Scott Johnson at Powerline blog is that one would have to be clairvoyant to know that the original incident was between American blacks and Somali blacks—nothing racial about it!

By the way, over the years I have had readers tell me that Somalis think of themselves as superior to African Americans.  Meanwhile the dumb resettlement contractors, thinking they are stirring the good ol’ American melting pot, merrily place the African refugees in low-income black neighborhoods thus helping further the cultural tension.

Somali students: don’t blame us! We don’t blame you, we blame the US State Department, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief. Photo: Star Tribune http://www.startribune.com/galleries/191328001.html

Here is blogger Johnson at Powerline blog:

A cafeteria food fight turned into a riot at South High School in Minneapolis in February last year. The school’s security officers were insufficient to the task. Police officers dispatched to the scene sprayed mace and placed the school on lockdown to get a handle on the situation. Three or four students and a staff member ended up in the hospital.

What was all the excitement about? The Star Tribune discreetly reported that parents and students ascribed the hostilities to “racial tensions between Somali-American students and others.” Who might those others be? For some reason, the Star Tribune’s two reporters were unable or unwilling to get to the bottom of the story.

Fortunately, the British press was not quite so inhibited. The (London) Daily Mail reported that the fight was “between Muslim and black students.”

Read it all.

CAIR never lets a good opportunity go to waste and the media here acts as a willing accomplice by skirting the truth.  I can just see the mainstream reporters’ heads spinning when the reality doesn’t fit their agenda.   ‘But, but, but, they are all black African brothers, they are all supposed to just get along!’ Right? ‘Islam is the religion of peace!’ (That is what they told me in college anyway says my imaginary reporter!). Blah, blah, blah.

Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  See our  January 2011 post to learn who brought them to the “welcoming” city in the first place.

Eden Prairie, MN Somalis want taxpayers to provide more low-income housing (for their people)

Remember readers, if your town (or state—Wyoming!) is “welcoming” refugees (and is initially generous with social services) this is the inevitable outcome—aggressive refugees, once their numbers reach a sufficient level, will demand more from local taxpayers.

Community organizer Asad Aliweyd Director of the New American Academy in Eden Prairie: “…the need is huge.” http://metrostability.org/news/article.php?sid=Alliance_Welcomes_New_Board_Members

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

As an outer-ring, affluent suburb, Eden Prairie may seem an unlikely city to draw a growing refugee community. But 17 years ago, Somali-Americans like Asad Aliweyd moved there for its top-ranked schools, safe community and job opportunities.

Now, nearly two decades later, Eden Prairie has the third-largest Somali population in the Twin Cities, next to Minneapolis and St. Paul, according to the city, with an estimated 3,500 to 5,000 residents.

The Somali language is second only to English in Eden Prairie schools. The police department has its first Somali police reserve officer. And the city has Somali businesses, including a halal grocery store, and two mosques.

“Eden Prairie is more welcoming to Somalis than anywhere else,” said Aliweyd, a former math teacher who now runs a center providing classes for Somali youth and adults.

But he and other Somali leaders are pushing for more support from the city and school district, and for more affordable housing as the city plans for development along the future Southwest Corridor light-rail line. There, Aliweyd envisions a multicultural market like Minneapolis’ Midtown Global Market and more affordable apartments.

“In Eden Prairie, we are in an island,” he said of Somali resources. “If we weren’t here, no one would be doing this.”

City and school leaders say they are providing free resources to residents for everything from finding housing to filling out job applications, hosting a popular monthly program for Somali mothers and having Somali-speaking coordinators to help families.

We’re trying to help them out the best we can with limited budgets,” City Council Member Brad Aho said.  [Bend over!—ed]

There is a lot more in the article.  Go here to continue reading.

Here are our previous posts mentioning Eden Prairie.

Columbus, Ohio activists working hard on behalf of Somalis looking for good affordable housing, here.

See one of our top posts for all time, from 2011Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?—and thank the US State Department, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief Minnesota for dropping the original Somali seed community into the fertile ground of a generous, welfare-rich, state.