“Children” escape Catholic facility and carjack two cars one belonging to 91-year-old veteran

Update October 11Check this story in which the reporter actually refers to the illegal alien children as “refugees.”  They are NOT refugees yet, that is what the No borders agitators want them to be.

It was just a matter of time before the violent crimes got underway and the Office of Refugee Resettlement now has to review security in 139 facilities scattered across America.  Ho hum….

I guess Sister Cathy has her hands full. Check out Maryville Academy, here: http://www.maryvilleacademy.org/

From the Daily Mail (thanks to all of our readers who sent it).  The “vulnerable” children were just seeking asylum from crime in Guatemala.  Remember also that ol’ Rahm Emanuel asked for a thousand of the little darlings!

Two teenage asylum seekers from Guatemala have escaped a detention center in Illinois and carjacked a 91-year-old Navy veteran.

The incident has prompted the federal government to order a security review at all 139 shelters across the country that house illegal immigrant minors, MailOnline can exclusively reveal.

The boys, age 16 and 17, were able to walk away unchallenged from Maryville Academy in Des Plaines, Illinois, outside Chicago, on Wednesday morning and carjack two victims before they were arrested more than 225 miles away outside Iowa City, Iowa, according to authorities.

Police say they targeted an elderly man in Moline, Illinois, who was picking up his prescription at Walmart.

They threatened him with violence, forced him out of his car and then sped off with his Buick LeSabre.


More than 60,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America have poured across the US-Mexico border in recent months and claimed asylum, saying they were fleeing the drug cartel violence in their impoverished home countries.

The federal government is spending $868 million this year to house and resettle them.

Read it all.  There is lots more detail than you will get from the America press!

Here (in July) the Archdiocese of Chicago asked to be given federal bucks to house a bunch of the ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ at Maryville.

Lawrenceville could have been Maryville.

Lawrenceville, Virginia dodged a bullet when citizens protested a similar facility in a local college.  The feds are now being sued for racism because they backed out of the deal.

I should have posted the story earlier, but here it is at Frontpage Magazine:

Last June, community outrage forced the federal government to cancel plans to house hundreds of illegal alien children at a closed college in Lawrenceville, VA. A complaint filed by St. Paul’s College and nonprofit Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) of Virginia with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) alleges the move was racially motivated. Both entities also filed a separate complaint against the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) for canceling the lease, citing another alleged violation of anti-discrimination laws. “No one should block someone’s housing opportunity based on race or national origin,” said Helen O’Beirne Hardiman, fair housing director for HOME. “It’s unfair, and it’s completely illegal for government officials to step in to a private deal and say we don’t want Central American children coming to this community.”

I don’t get how this is a “private” deal when it’s all about federal grants and contracts.

Read it all.  It is all about the money.

For all of our coverage on ‘Unaccompanied minors’ including the role of the Catholic Church in the whole mess, click here.

Human rights activists complain about stricter asylum rules…

….but don’t get too excited about the possibility that the Obama Administration is seeing the light because as we learned last week, thousands of illegals who entered the country this past summer aren’t even showing up for court!

Thousands have just disappeared into the woodwork of America presumably planning to wait it out until Obama and Congress give them amnesty!

From the Wall Street Journal (hat tip Richard):

Watch Eleanor Acer of Human Rights First testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Asylum fraud last February. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mxDxtHAszU

Immigrants who enter the country illegally are becoming less likely to be deemed eligible for asylum, as federal authorities tighten standards amid an increase in Central American migrants this year.

As an initial step to request asylum, apprehended migrants who say they are scared to go back to their home country are screened to determine if they have “credible fear” of persecution or torture. In July, the most recent month available, 63% of those who claimed they were afraid to return were found to have met that criterion, down from 83% six months earlier, according to a report released to immigrant-rights groups by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The decline comes after the agency’s Asylum Division toughened the criteria its officers use during the interviews. The goal of the new guidelines, according to an agency official, is to ensure that immigrants with little to no chance of obtaining asylum in immigration court are quickly sent home.

Immigrant advocates say the tougher screening criteria are preventing many immigrants from being able to make a case for asylum before a judge.

“It’s turning away people who may very well have been entitled to asylum protection,” said Eleanor Acer, refugee protection director at Human Rights First, a New York-based nonprofit group.

The Asylum Division is one of many federal agencies that have been taxed by an influx of tens of thousands of immigrants who have illegally entered the country from Central America this year, many saying they were seeking refuge from gang violence and poverty. From October to June, the Asylum Division received 36,334 credible-fear claims from immigrants, surpassing the 36,035 in the 12 months of fiscal 2013, data from the office shows. Immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras accounted for the majority of the claims.

The office is responsible for screening migrants apprehended at the border, asking, for example, whether they are being persecuted because they belong to a specific social group or feel threatened because of their race or religion. If their claims are credible, the immigrants are referred to immigration court, where a judge ultimately decides whether they qualify for asylum or other protection. Immigrants who go through that process, which can take years, are sometimes released in the U.S. until their cases are resolved.

Unaccompanied children arriving from Central America don’t go through the credible-fear process, as they are routed to the court system directly.

Now be sure to see Hot Air last week where we learned that 70% of the families ordered to appear for a hearing never showed up!

DHS secret revealed: Tens of thousands of illegals released during the border crisis didn’t show up for their immigration hearings

Big smooch from Eleanor to Grover!

About the photo and Acer’s testimony to Congress:  I had to laugh when I watched the clip because she praises and enters into the record the Grover Norquist/Suhail Khan Republicans-want-more-refugees letter which we reported here.

As invasion of Europe continues, Swiss village raises taxes to support one large African family

I’m feeling pretty done with Europe, there seems to be no fight left in any of them (if there ever was any fight in the Swiss).  See previous post this morning.

Residents of Swiss village outraged! So what are they going to do about it?

Check this out from the Daily Mail (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):

A village of just 1,000 residents in Switzerland has been forced to raise taxes because an African refugee and her seven children cost the local authority £40,000 in benefits every month.

Hagenbuch, in the Swiss canton of Zurich, is understood to be spending close to a third of its total annual budget on the family after they arrived from Eritrea in East Africa three years ago.

The massive benefits bill covers day-to-day living expenses such as groceries and cleaning costs, as well as paying for four of the woman’s children to be housed in an orphanage and even bills for general entertainment – such as guided tours of local attractions and entry fees for the zoo.

Read the rest of this outrageous story.

And, go here for our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ series.   Posts on Switzerland are here.

Will it all end in civil war?

Death by demography: Which European country falls first to the Muslim tide?

What do you think?

I’ve been betting on Sweden, but some of my compatriots say it will be the UK.  Other guesses?

The news from Sweden’s election yesterday would indicate that Sweden has just stepped-up the pace in the all important race over the cliff for western civilization.  Or has it?

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Swedish Left wing has pushed out the Center right with Leftists angry that their welfare state is eroding.  They worry that health care isn’t as good nor is education as it used to be, but this article laughably makes no DIRECT link to the enormous influx of Muslim third-worlders Sweden has “welcomed” and the decline in the ability of the social safety net to hold them all.

I suppose the big question for the Left is:  do they want the welfare reserved for Swedes or are they sharing their goodies with the world (until they run out)?

The media label Akesson “anti-immigrant.” Now they will have to pay attention to us says the leader of the Sweden Democrats.

Eventually the WSJ mentions the Syrians and the success of the “anti-immigration” party, Sweden Democrats, in the election.

The strong showing of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats—whose share of votes climbed to 13% from 5.7% in the 2010 election—surprised pollsters. Their opposition strength in parliament also could force Mr. Lofven to recruit a center-right party to his coalition to ensure he can drive through policies.

Fifteen paragraphs in we finally hear about the Syrians (on top of all the other Muslims from places like Iraq and Somalia already flooding into Sweden).  We told you about Sweden swinging wide the door to Syrians just when Obama visited last year at this time, here.

Last September, Sweden became the only European Union country to offer permanent residence to Syrians fleeing their devastated homeland and ahead of the election Mr. Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open their hearts” to those seeking refuge.

He also acknowledged that immigration will strain the state budget in the short term, something the Sweden Democrats seized on for their campaign. They became the country’s third biggest party in Sunday’s voting.  [LOL! short term?  Where are they going to get the resources long term?—ed]

“Now it will be hard for the other parties to ignore us,” Party Leader Jimmie Akesson said.

For those of you watching Europe’s slide with bets on the UK going first, here are some stats from the Daily Mail yesterday (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’) that argue for your case.

The article is entitled: The changing face of Britain: A child in Birmingham is now more likely to be a Muslim than Christian.

Be sure to look at the adult to children ratio in each city.



Get it America!

Our extensive archive on Sweden is here.  See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

Riots in Sweden (again) blamed on unemployment in immigrant enclaves

Update September 9th:  Don’t miss this Somali protest in Sweden where they are demanding their “rights.”

LOL!  “Some sort of social unrest…a statement against society,” says a police officer in Stockholm. (Hint: it is called Islamic terrorism!)

Our ‘canary in a coal mine,’ Sweden, is once again experiencing assorted riots where youths burn cars to make a political statement.  “Youths” in the politically-correct land of “welcome” usually means Muslim immigrants. See our extensive archive on Sweden which has literally opened its doors to the Middle East and Africa.  And, see our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

We show our gratitude by wrecking your country! Photo (2013 riots) and story about the cost of mass immigration: http://gatesofvienna.net/2014/05/sweden-and-the-cost-of-mass-immigration/

From Reuters (emphasis mine):

(Reuters) – At least 20 cars were set on fire overnight in a poor immigrant suburb of Stockholm, police said on Saturday, days before an election in which joblessness and Sweden’s open door asylum policy are major issues.

Sweden suffered its worst riots in years in May 2013, when youths burnt hundreds of cars and battled police in the capital’s poor suburbs for a week.

Gert Rosvall, a Stockholm police station officer, said vehicles had been torched in seven or eight places in Norsborg. Witnesses reported seeing a group of 20 to 50 people in the area at the time of the fires but no one had been arrested.

“This is about some sort of social unrest,” Rosvall said. “It is some kind of statement against society, but exactly what that statement is, we don’t know.”

In August, cars were also torched in the suburb of Rinkeby, which has Stockholm’s highest unemployment level.

Maybe it has something to do with the upcoming elections?

“Whether there is any connection to that, or the fact that elections are coming up, we don’t know,” Rosvall said.

Opinion polls suggest anti-immigration Sweden Democrats will take about 10 percent of votes in the Sept. 14 election, which would be their best ever result, as a growing number of voters question the cost of the country’s open door asylum policy.

Centre right Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, whose government alliance is facing defeat, put immigration at the top at the political agenda in an August speech.

While pointing to the importance of helping people fleeing from conflicts such as the one in Syria, he said the cost of receiving asylum seekers would leave little room for more spending to boost jobs and schools.

No kidding!

By the way, my bet is on Sweden to reach a “tipping point” first in Europe—tipping over to a Muslim-dominated society.  Some are betting on France or the UK, but I think the French and the Brits may have a stronger will to live.  What do you think?