Surprise! (Not!) Trump DOJ finds another Islamic terrorist refugee living in US—an Iraqi this time!

So much for that “robust” vetting of refugees that the Obama Administration was bragging about!

Ameen lied on his refugee application to America highlighting again that it is virtually impossible to vet refugees!

Just last week it was this pair of Somalis in Arizona and now this Iraqi in California—liars living on your dime!

How many more will Trump’s Justice Department find?

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Arizona: Refugee couple arrested, lied on refugee application, terror connection found

I first spotted this story at Arizona Central and my first thought was—-here we go again. Although labeled as “refugees,” are they going to tell us anything about the nationality of the lying husband and wife who got in to the US during the Obama Administration?

But after looking around at other stories about yesterday’s breaking news, I see we do have more information this time.  However, my big red flag question is this:

How did these alleged terrorist Africans (supposedly Ethiopians, but their names are Somali names) get to Arizona via China?


arizona welcomes refugees

I checked Wrapsnet and sure enough we do process a few refugees in to the US from China!  How insane is that! With all the refugee fraud going on around the world, why would we trust anyone (Africans no less!) coming in via China?

Continue reading “Arizona: Refugee couple arrested, lied on refugee application, terror connection found”

Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization

He doesn’t exactly put it that way. The title of his piece yesterday is simply:

Who Are Europe’s Most Important Politicians?

President of the Middle East Forum, Daniel Pipes is a historian/author with a primary focus on Islam and migration.

Invasion of Europe news….

First Pipes tells us that he had put his faith in Geert Wilders a few years ago, and although he still admires the Dutch politician, he says Wilders perhaps focused too much on the nature of Islam and not enough on what migration generally was doing to the Netherlands and Europe.

Here are a few snips from Pipes’ piece published in the Washington Times yesterday, here, and at the Middle East Forum here:

After expressing admiration and explaining about Wilders, Pipes says….


orban and merkel
Her foolish actions helped create powerful leaders like Hungarian PM Viktor Orban


Continue reading “Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization”

“Soulmates”: Israel’s Netanyahu and Hungary’s Orban meet tomorrow in Israel

Here is an idea for Donald Trump today (the master at making Leftwing media heads explode).

Just as everyone is going crazy over Trump’s summit with Putin, he could invite Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House to discuss big beautiful border walls!


orban and Netanyahu
Haaretz calls them “soulmates.” Last year France 24 called them “spiritual brothers.”


I can dream, can’t I!


israeli border wall
Israel’s border wall with Egypt


Today Orban will be in Israel meeting with Netanyahu and the far Left publication Haaretz gives us an idea of the magnitude of the media meltdown the US press would have if an Orban/Netanyahu/Trump event was scheduled!

Continue reading ““Soulmates”: Israel’s Netanyahu and Hungary’s Orban meet tomorrow in Israel”

Trump to Europeans: You are losing your culture!

I was telling a reporter just yesterday that perhaps one of Donald Trump’s greatest gifts to us is that, with his penchant for speaking his mind, he gives us permission to say what we believe in our hearts, but may fear saying.

So here he is in the UK speaking frankly to The Sun, as reported by The Hill:


Trump: Europe is ‘losing its culture’ because of immigration

President Trump is railing against what he described as the migration of “millions and millions of people” into Europe, declaring that the continent is “losing its culture” to refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa.

In an interview with the British tabloid The Sun published Thursday, Trump said that it is a “shame” that European leaders had allowed so many migrants to enter their countries’ borders.

President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Great Falls, Mont.

“Allowing the immigration to take place in Europe is a shame,” the U.S. president told the tabloid, which his owned by conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way,” he continued.

Trump’s publicized comments came shortly after he arrived in the U.K. for a long-awaited trip on the heels of a tense set of meetings at the annual NATO summit in Brussels, where he delivered a blistering criticism of European allies and demanded that member nations pay more for defense.

The president’s comments during his interview with The Sun, however, highlighted Trump’s deeply held skepticism of immigration and resurfaced a line of attack that he had used often on the campaign trail – that Europe was being overrun by non-Europeans and was quickly becoming a shell of what it once was.

“I think you are losing your culture,” he told the tabloid….

The Hill reporter goes on to say, but, but, but, the numbers coming in have slowed.

I have seen that talking point everywhere. So, even if the numbers of migrants have diminished somewhat in the last two years, the damage was done when hundreds of thousands of Africans and Middle Easterners previously got in and are still there roaming around Europe!

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive (which I have been adding to for years) by clicking here.

Endnote: As regular readers know, I watch CNN for a bit every morning to learn what has their panties-in-a-wad each day, and boy were they freaking out about The Sun interview, but not one word about this part of the interview—-the immigration/cultural destruction comments!