More evidence Europe is under siege by the flow of illegal migrants from Africa

Here is some of the latest news on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

Tourists on the Greek island of Kos “disgusted” with migrants camped on the streets and inhabiting the beaches.

First, a new wave of illegal aliens flooded Italy and Greece this week.  Obviously no effort is being made to take Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s advice to turn the boats back to the African coast.  Each successful rescue simply sends the message back to Africa to fill the next boat!

From Al Jazeera:

More than 4,200 migrants are being brought to southern Italy after being rescued from boats in the Mediterranean in just 24 hours, the Italian coastguard said.

The migrants were rescued from wooden fishing boats and motorised rubber dinghies on Friday and Saturday in operations involving ships from nations including Italy, Ireland, Germany, Belgium and Britain.

Distress calls were made from 22 different boats, many off Libya but also off the southern Italian coast.


The huge spike in the number of people trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea in recent weeks has been attributed to the worsening security situation in Libya – the staging post for most of the crossings – as well as milder weather.

Greece getting hammered.

While massive, this year’s numbers are level with last year when authorities registered 41,243 arrivals between January and May 31.

A difference is however being felt in Greece which has registered 37,000 arrivals since the beginning of the year – already 3,000 more than in the whole of 2014, di Giacomo [International Organization of Migration] said.

The EU’s attempt to divide the masses between the 28 nations of the European Union is going no where.

See the Daily Sabah.   Most EU countries are balking.  And, besides, with the huge numbers coming, relocating 40,000 sounds like only a drop in the bucket!

The first significant sign of progress on the issue of mass migration to the EU was achieved on Wednesday after the submission of a proposal for a relocation and resettlement scheme to respond to the current migration challenges that the EU is currently facing. As part of a wider ranging migration strategy, the relocation scheme proposes to accept 40,000 asylum seekers and relocate them throughout EU countries in order to share the heavy burden of migrants mostly arriving in Italy and Greece. The proposal has not yet been approved by EU member states and is a controversial issue as the majority of EU countries are reluctant to take in refugees.


According to the resettlement program under the EU action plan on migration, Germany, one of the largest recipients of asylum applications among EU countries, would receive 8,763 of them, France would take 6,752 and Spain 4,288. The rest would be distributed among the other 23 countries. However, Britain, Ireland and Denmark already opted out of the plan with other Eastern European EU countries opposing the resettlement scheme. Member states would receive 6,000 euros per relocated asylum seeker from the EU.

Then we have news that Spain is undesirable according to Syrian refugees:  not welcoming enough, not enough welfare goodies?
Here, Poland is balking at the EU proposal, but did agree to take in 200 Christian Syrians.  The EU wants them to take 2,659 mostly Muslim Africans and Syrians.
There are lots more stories about individual country responses to the EU plan to share the burden. I’ll add more here as I see them this week.
Our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.    You won’t see much about this in the American press, but it’s important to know that Western civilization is under siege across Europe, Australia, and in Israel.
Update:  See ‘Welfare jihad in Europe’ here.

Minnesota Somalis: 'We would rather be in Somalia'

Or, at least in a country that follows shariah law!
That is the gist of the comments a film maker received from several young Somali men and women interviewed on the streets of “Little Mogadishu” (aka Minneapolis) recently.
Here is World Net Daily late yesterday:

On Friday a camera crew with the David Horowitz Freedom Center released a video posted to Robert Spencer’s blog, Jihad Watch, in which documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz interviews Somali men and women on the streets of Cedar Riverside.

Young Somalis who grew up and were educated in America (on your dime!) still believe it is o.k. to kill people, like Pamela Geller, who do not agree with the teachings of the Koran and exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech.

Their answers to questions about Islamic law, American law and issues of peace and freedom were revealing.

Continue reading here. They discuss their hatred for Pamela Geller in addition to extolling the virtues of following Islamic law—shariah—which of course would permit them to kill her.   Then this near the end:

The interviewer asked one final question: If they had a choice, would the Somalis rather live in America or back in Somalia?

“I’d rather to live a Muslim country with my people,” the young man with the Brooklyn Nets cap said without hesitation. “I’m not Americanized. I just speak fluent (English) and I’m articulate, and I can articulate what I’m trying to say. That’s about it. But as far as that my culture and my preferences and everything, it’s still Somali, you know what I mean?”

“I would rather live in Somalia,” said the man in the sunglasses.

“For me, I think Somalia,” said the woman in the pink hijab.

For new readers:

Check out some of our earlier posts.  See this one from 2011‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis’ which describes the decades’ old ‘work’ of federal refugee resettlement contractors:  Lutheran Social Service of MN, Catholic Charities and World Relief (now called ‘Arrive Ministries’) that continue to resettle Somalis in Minnesota (over 10,000 in the last ten years alone).
And, don’t miss Lutheran Social Service of MN—-doing well by doing good! (here and here).

Jewish refugee resettlement agency: Let's bring Rohingya Muslims to Pittsburgh (to increase diversity!)

I’ve been telling you that the resettlement contractors are now going to push Rohingya Muslims on us in a big way.
Just two days ago we reported that the New York Times was on the bandwagon and you will be seeing more and more articles like this one at newspapers where you live!  The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had wisely editorialized saying that the Rohingya migration crisis is Asia’s problem.  The Jewish group begs to differ.

Leslie Aizeman
From Left: JF&CS Refugee Services Director, Leslie Aizenman, Secretary of State for the U.S. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard and Allegheny County Chief Executive, Rich Fitzgerald. I’m guessing that County Executive Fitzgerald is on board (or was on board) with diversifying Pittsburgh in 2012.

What is so maddening to me is that no where in this opinion piece, by the Director of Refugee & Immigrant Services Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Pittsburgh, does she use the ‘M’ word.
The average American reading this will have no idea that the Rohingya are very fundamentalist Muslims who are arriving (illegally from Burma and Bangladesh) in countries like Indonesia and Malaysia (Muslim countries) and are not wanted there either.
So tell me why Pittsburgh will benefit from more of this kind of diversity?
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

In response to Asia’s Migrants: More Boat People Deserve Help From Those Nearby (May 20 editorial): We at Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Pittsburgh agree that there is a role for the United States to play in helping to save the lives of refugees, such as the Rohingya from Burma.

The United States welcomes 70,000 refugees annually. Through a national network of resettlement agencies, these refugees find their way to local communities where they add to the local population, settle down, work and raise families.

If the Rohingya community and others like them were permitted to resettle in the United States like other refugees, JF&CS, along with its partner agencies, would welcome some of them to Pittsburgh. Such an effort would be consistent with the evolving municipal plans to promote Pittsburgh as a welcoming city.

We learned just in the last week that we have resettled 1,000 Rohingya Muslims in the US just this year and over ten years we resettled over 12,000 Burmese Muslims to the US (surely many of those are Rohingya), so we are already bringing in the Rohingya!
Ms. Aizenman continues:

The successful resettlement of the refugees in Pittsburgh depends on the support of the community — employers, landlords, social service providers, educators, medical professionals, public offices and community volunteers who understand the plight of these refugees and welcome and work to accommodate our newest Americans.


Refugee resettlement is one concrete way to save lives while increasing the diversity and population of Pittsburgh.

Director of Refugee & Immigrant Services
Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Pittsburgh***
Squirrel Hill

Commenter, Rich Kowal, says what most sensible, thinking Americans believe:

We should be taking care of the our veterans, children and elderly citizens first before we worry about diversity.

See our Rohingya Reports category (179 posts going back 7 years!) outlining many (many!) reasons we should NOT be bringing Rohingya to your towns and cities.
Go here to find Pittsburgh resettlement contractors’ contact information (and all local contractors throughout the US).
***Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Pittsburgh is a subcontractor of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society one of the nine major contractors promoting the resettlement of 65,000 (mostly Sunni Muslim) Syrians to the US.   HIAS also wrote a report for which they received $35,000 from the obviously filthy rich JM Kaplan Fund to outline how to shut you up—to keep you from questioning what they are doing to America.   LOL!  The report is 30 pages long so they were paid over $1000 a page for not much!

So it begins…Nashville schools to teach Arabic

Update May 30th:  Be sure to see call to action here.

And, in case you didn’t know, Arabic is the number one language of refugees entering the US right now.

Nashville Director of Schools Jesse Register: “…helps meet the demands of our increasingly diverse city.”

From The Tennessean (hat tip: Joanne):

Starting this fall, Metro Nashville Public Schools will begin offering Arabic language classes.

The creation of the classes expands on the district’s foreign language offerings of Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, Latin and German, according to a press release from the district.

All of the Arabic classes will be offered in grades 7-12 and are being installed in six South Nashville schools. The area is one of the most diverse in the district and includes a high number of English Language Learners.


The six schools were chosen based on an audit of students’ home languages. Each of the schools has students that speak Arabic as their primary language, and beginning Arabic and heritage Arabic classes will be taught for the varying abilities of students.

For more information, I wrote about Arabic coming to Maryland schools here in 2011.  I don’t think the plan ever advanced.  I guess I better find out!
By the way, we told you here in 2014, that Nashville’s public schools are a wreck thanks to the large numbers of impoverished immigrants in the city.  Maybe those immigrant kids should be focusing on learning basic education skills including learning to speak and write ENGLISH well!
Nashville has been a targeted resettlement city for a long time.  See our whole Nashville category, here, to learn more.  Wow! This is our 80th post on Nashville.

Oh brother, now the New York Times is on the Rohingya bandwagon

Here we go again, the media drumbeat to bring more refugees to America is sounding!
The Leftwing media is made up of a bunch of sheep as they follow one another with the same ‘news’ stories designed to advance a political agenda—in this case they are promoting the resettlement of Rohingya Muslims to America.
When the NYT gets on the story, you know the propaganda is reaching critical mass!

Rohingya boat people arrive in Indonesia. Indonesia is a safe Muslim country and if they are legitimate asylum seekers they should be asking for asylum there. When we bring them to America we create a ‘pull factor’ and more will attempt the voyage.

Why is it a concern of the US that too many Muslims from Muslim Bangladesh are flowing to the Muslim countries of Malaysia and Indonesia?  Why can’t they just stay there, in the Muslim world, with their co-religionists?   Is it America’s job to take every poor Muslim (or every poor person for that matter) to your towns?
And, btw, just as we are preoccupied with the lobbying push to resettle 65,000 Syrians (mostly Muslims), I guess the UN and the US State Department are going to start slipping in larger numbers of Rohingya behind our backs.
Here is the NYT beating the drum with its sob story:

There are at least 200,000 Rohingya migrants from Myanmar [aka Burma—ed] already in Bangladesh, and only 32,600 of them have been granted formal protection as refugees fleeing persecution, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Far fewer, perhaps only several hundred, have been resettled from refugee camps in Bangladesh over the past decade and allowed to begin new lives in other countries.

In Malaysia, those determined to be refugees and therefore eligible for resettlement, a process that could take years, would be joining more than 45,000 Rohingya who are already classified as refugees and are waiting to be taken in by another country. They receive no government aid while they wait, nor can they legally take jobs to support themselves.

About 1,000 Rohingya refugees were resettled in the United States in the last year.

I told you here in 2013 that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops asked the US State Department for more Rohingya to resettle.   My research indicates that we have admitted over 12,000 “Burmese Muslims” in the last 10 years—surely most are Rohingya.
The NYT continues:

The Rohingya, a stateless Muslim people who have long faced discrimination and have been deprived of basic rights in Myanmar, are likely to meet the criteria for refugee status under international law, namely having “a well-founded fear” of persecution for reasons of race, religion or nationality in their home country.

Such an effort, however, has yet to materialize.

According to the agreement hammered out last week by the foreign ministers of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, none of those countries agreed to host any refugees permanently.

Australia’s prime minister, Tony Abbott, said Thursday that his country would not take any refugees from the current exodus.

Read more here.
Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia don’t want them—-why do we?
See our Rohingya Reports category with its 178 previous posts and its 178 reasons why this is a problematic resettlement.