Rohingya Muslims arriving in Malaysia in large numbers, how many are headed to the US?

This is a story I never got around to last week (traveling), but wanted to be sure you see it and understand that….

….we are probably taking some of the illegal migrants that arrive in Malaysia as ‘refugees’ to your towns and cities.

Rohingya in Malaysia. Are they getting in line for America? (European Pressphoto Agency)

We haven’t written much about the Rohingya issue in Burma and Bangladesh lately, however we followed it for years because initially the US State Department was not accepting as refugees Rohingya Muslims (at one point some of their Islamic groups were actually on a State Dept. list of potential terrorist groups).

They are now being resettled in the US among the tens of thousands of Christian Burmese people we have brought in over the last ten years.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops:  we want some Rohingya to resettle!

One of my big surprises occurred when I attended a State Department “scoping meeting” and heard the US Conference of Catholic Bishops representative tell the State Department we needed to bring in more Rohingya Muslims, here in 2013.   By the way, here is a pretty good summary post if you would like more background on the Rohingya problem.  For ambitious readers! see that we have written 175 posts archived in our Rohingya Reports category.

Also, readers may want to review our posts on Esar Met, a Burmese Muslim convicted of raping and murdering a Christian girl in Utah shortly after his arrival in the US.  Met and the girl had lived in separate parts of the same UN refugee camp in Thailand because Muslims and Christians are not housed together.  In America they were put in the same apartment complex most likely by one of the resettlement contractors working in Salt Lake City.  Here is one of many posts on the murder case.

Here is the AP story at the Los Angeles Times that I wanted you to see.  Rohingya are on the move.

Brave Burmese monks (2013) protest the Organization of Islamic Cooperation attempts to get a foothold in Burma (aka Myanmar) in order to demand Rohingya rights.

 About 1,600 Rohingya and Bangladeshi refugees have landed illegally in Malaysia and Indonesia in the last two days, apparently after human traffickers abandoned their virtual prison ships and left them to fend for themselves, officials said Monday.

One group of about 600 people arrived in the Indonesian coastal province of Aceh on four boats on Sunday, and at about the same time a total of 1,018 landed in three boats on the northern resort island of Langkawi.

How many Burmese refugees are we taking?

The mostly Christian Burmese are one of the largest (if not the largest) ethnic group of refugees we have resettled since 2005 (I checked the data from January 2005 until May 1, 2015).

This is what I learned:  We resettled 140,812 Burmese refugees since 2005.***

This surprised me:  In that number were 12,615 Burmese Muslims!  The word Rohingya is not used, but most certainly the Rohingya represent a large portion (if not all) of that number.

We process (into the US) large numbers of supposed refugees in Malaysia!  Who are they?

In the first seven months of FY 2015 (from Oct. 1, 2014-April 30, 2015) we actually admitted 5,727 “refugees” from Malaysia (see processing country data here). Who are they, and why are we admitting them?

If these Rohingya make it to Malaysia they are supposed to apply for asylum in that safe Muslim country.

Malaysia should not be simply a way-station on the road to the West.

I hope that we are not doing what we are doing illegally in Malta and that is bringing some of Malta’s illegal alien boat people to America!

***Addendum:  I went back to data bases to see how many Burmese refugees we admitted in this fiscal year (from Oct. 1, 2014 until May 1, 2015).  That is seven months.  We admitted 9,040 Burmese and 1,649 of those are Muslims (about 18%).  If they continue at that pace this will be the top year for the entry of Burmese Muslims into the US.

Let’s not bring 50,000 Syrians to Detroit, it is a dumb idea!

It is a dumb idea to bring 50,000 to the whole of the United States, but that is exactly what some in the refugee contracting community want to see. Remember UK Labor Party transplant, David Miliband, now CEO of the largest (financially) US resettlement contractor, the International Rescue Committee recently said Obama must admit 65,000 Syrians to the US by the end of his term in office—by the end of 2016!

Now the New York Times has published an Op-Ed by a couple of open borders agitators suggesting Detroit could be saved by the infusion of 50,000 Syrians refugees into the city overnight.  On what planet are these guys living?

They never mention of course that the FBI testified in the House Homeland Security Committee that we cannot properly screen Syrians for security concerns because there are no records available on who they are!

Republican Governor Rick Snyder expanded Medicaid in Michigan and got a pat on the back from pal Obama. Readers, the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare is one of the major reasons your state will become a magnet for immigrant and refugee “seedlings” in Obama’s plan to colonize American towns with “New Americans.”

You’ve probably seen this outrageous suggestion because it came out the day before I went to Iowa.  (I have a lot of catching up to do and my internet connection is dropping!—grrrr!)

LOL! looks like the idea was dead in the water by Friday as hundreds of critical comments flooded the NYT!   Maybe it’s not too late for yours to be added!

The New York Times (hat tip: Dick):

Detroit, a once great city, has become an urban vacuum. Its population has fallen to around 700,000 from nearly 1.9 million in 1950. The city is estimated to have more than 70,000 abandoned buildings and 90,000 vacant lots. Meanwhile, desperate Syrians, victims of an unfathomable civil war, are fleeing to neighboring countries, with some 1.8 million in Turkey and 600,000 in Jordan.

Suppose these two social and humanitarian disasters were conjoined to produce something positive.

Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan, a Republican, has already laid the groundwork. In January 2014 he called for an infusion of 50,000 immigrants as part of a program to revitalize Detroit, and signed an executive order creating the Michigan Office for New Americans.  [Here is one story about Gov. Snyder inviting in to Michigan Middle Eastern migrants.—ed]

Syrian refugees would be an ideal community to realize this goal, as Arab-Americans are already a vibrant and successful presence in the Detroit metropolitan area.

You have to give it to these authors for hutzpah as they list cities (as wonderful examples of immigrant assimilation) that are having huge problems with their refugee communities.  And, they don’t even mention the Somali ISIS-wannabes in Minneapolis!

Utica this year filed suit against the State of New York attempting to get more money out of the government for its horrific immigrant-overloaded school system problems, and we have a lengthy archive of horror stories from Lewiston, ME where one recent little problem cropped up when a Somali kid burned down an apartment building!

Refugees resettled from a single war zone have helped revitalize several American communities, notably Hmong in previously neglected neighborhoods in Minneapolis, Bosnians in Utica, N.Y., and Somalis in Lewiston, Me.

Obama would have to lift the ceiling (exactly as David Miliband recommended), the already impossible security screening would have to be expedited, and you the taxpayer, will be hit up for an expansion of the refugee spending budget of $1.5 billion!  (which, by the way, is a figure larger than it has been previously reported).

Resettling Syrians in Detroit would require commitment and cooperation across different branches and levels of our government, but it is eminently feasible. President Obama and Congress would have to agree to lift this year’s refugee ceiling by 50,000. The State Department, which handles overseas processing of refugees, would need to open offices at the camps in Jordan and Turkey, determine eligibility and administer a lottery for resettlement. Homeland Security, which controls the borders, would have to carry out accelerated security checks, as has been done in the past for Vietnamese and for Iranian religious minorities. Health and Human Services would need an expansion in the $1.5 billion it budgets for refugee resettlement.

There is much more, read it all here.

And, as for the African American community of Detroit buying this diversity is beautiful mythology.  Check out Baltimore where black gangs directed mobs to loot Arab and Asian stores!

About the photo caption:  Go here for more information on the expansion of Medicaid as a “key indicator” of the “capacity” of your community to ‘welcome’ refugees.

Everyone is abuzz about the DHS bus carrying Somalis looking for asylum in the US

Surely you’ve seen the news by now (it is all over the internet) about the DHS bus in California carrying Somalis and other Africans apprehended at our southern border and now asking for asylum.

The story, that began as a video clip making the rounds of social media is fleshed out further here at World Net Daily.   Luckily broadcaster Anita Fuentes of ‘Open your eyes people,’ was there to ask questions of the driver and to film the bus.

Go to World Net Daily for the full story and more about Somalis and asylum in the US.

For new readers, once an alien is granted asylum they may receive all of the social service benefits that a normal refugee gets, and they may get care from one of the federal resettlement contractors.

Asha Omar (19) granted asylum in El Paso, Texas in 2010, tells the improbable tale that she “made her way” by herself to America with a stop in Cuba before reaching the Mexican border.

This is not news to us!

We have been telling readers for years about the Somali trail from Africa to our southern border and a claim of asylum.

In 2011, we urged Congress to investigate the strange phenomenon of a supposedly impoverished young Somali traveling sometimes from Somalia to Syria to Russia to Cuba and then to Central America or Mexico and making it to the US border where a claim for asylum would be made with the help of immigration lawyers who seemed to be expecting them!

It is not just in the Mediterranean region where an invasion is occurring!

Here is the 2011 post in which I urged Congress to investigate this strange business:

Is there a conspiracy by NGO’s to bring asylum seekers to US borders?

Here is an earlier post (2009) about Africans getting to South America on their way to the US southern border:

African asylum seekers reaching South America, hope to get to the US

And, here is a more recent post on the same subject:

Six Somalis headed to US arrested in Mexico

There are more posts on the same subject here at RRW, but no time to search for them right now.

I once saw a fantastic travel map for Somalis who ‘made their way’ to Russia and then flew to Cuba from there.  Next stop was Mexico and the US border (wish I could find it to show you!).

Does no one ever ask?  Who is helping these ‘youths’ and who is paying for it all?   I’ve seen estimates that such a travel plan costs upwards of $10,000.

ISIS making millions trafficking ‘refugees’ to Europe from Libya

Obama and his girls (Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power) sure blundered when they joined the pack to bring down Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

I wonder if the media will one day point a finger at this bunch for destabilizing North Africa just as they do now at George W. Bush for bringing down Saddam Hussein and destabilizing Iraq (I won’t hold my breath).

Here Time magazine reports that trafficking in migrants is part of the new business model used by ISIS to fund their operations.

Migrants pay thousands of dollars to armed groups in Africa and the Middle East on their journey to Europe.

Illegal migrants wait to be rescued off Malta earlier this month.

The movement of migrants across the Middle East and Africa towards Europe has generated up to $323 million for the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, a new report has revealed.

Many of the migrants embark from Libya on unseaworthy boats which have foundered with thousands drowning and thousands being rescued by European navies. At least 170,000 refugees made the sea journey last year, and that number looks likely to increase this year, according to the European Union’s border-surveillance organization Frontex.

European Union and African officials are scrambling to find ways to stop the migration. On Wednesday the Guardian revealed a 19-page E.U. strategy report to crack down on the smugglers, which included air strikes on boats and possibly the use of troops in Libya.

But while E.U. officials anguish over the plight of people crossing the Mediterranean to get to Europe, the migration has proved an invaluable business opportunity for groups like ISIS. So valuable that international crime experts believe ISIS might have launched some attacks specifically in order to drive people to flee, and then profit from their flight.

Read more here.

Just a reminder!  US readers this affects you!

We are bringing some of those illegal boat people to America as REFUGEES and sending them to your towns and cities.   I just checked State Department data bases and see that as of April 30th we had admitted 331 of Malta’s illegal aliens to the US in 300 refugee cases this fiscal year alone.  That means that the majority coming to America are not in family groups and are most likely single young men.

We told you here that some aliens from Malta ended up in South Carolina.

Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series and here for our extensive Malta archive.

Nutty Norwegians: Christian Party wants 10,000 Syrian Muslims admitted to the country

Can you say death wish!


The day after the Norwegian Christian Democratic Party (KrF) congress said a resounding yes to accept 10,000 Muslim refugees from Syria, the party discussed how the country should manage to take care of all of these, plus the 5,000 who already are waiting in reception centers.

Welcome to Norway! We want to give you all sorts of taxpayer-funded stuff!

The Party decided that the refugees should get two-year introduction jobs with wages subsidies from the state, parental guidance course, right to daycare for all asylum children and increased government subsidies for resettlement.

The Christian Party is a support party for the Norwegian government, which consist of the Progress Party (FrP) and the Conservative Party (Høyre).

Norwegians should open their homes to them as well!

Earlier this week, the Christian Party also suggested that Norwegians should open their own homes to traumatized Muslim refugees from Syria.

One has to wonder why the Christian Party hasn’t received news of the ongoing Christian genocide by the same Muslims in the Middle East.

To American readers:

Don’t forget, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has 11,000 picked out for the US right now, and US resettlement contractors want us to take 65,000 Syrians by the end of Obama’s term in office.

Of the just over 800 we have admitted so far, 92% are Muslim Syrians.  There are only 43 Christians in the group of 800 plus resettled in American towns up to May 1.  Slightly over 700 are Sunni Muslims.

All of our previous posts on Norway are here.  Our series on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.