Sheesh! Not sure I can ever watch ‘Gladiator’ again!
Crowe: I have a few extra rooms in my penthouse in Sydney! Photo: The Australian
Crowe wants to take a refugee home, one of the Muslims presently protesting on Manus Island where those who tried to get to Australia illegally have been housed for the last few years, and help him find a job.
The facility was to be closed by the end of October, but Australia didn’t move the wannabe Australians out and now they are huddled in the facility with no food or water creating a stand off. They fear attack by locals if they venture outside.
Surprisingly what is missing in the news from The Australianis any Trump-bashing for not moving fast enough to consummate Obama’s “dumb deal” and bring 1,250 of them to Anytown, USA.
The impasse is a result of Australia’s policy to deter illegal migration which says if you try to break in to our country, you will never get in. So far they are sticking with it.
Crowe: I want to take a few home with me!
Actor Russell Crowe has blasted the Australian government for its handling of refugees at Manus Island detention centre, offering to house and find work for detainees himself.
In a series of twitter posts, the Gladiator star described the government’s current refugee processing program as “a nation’s shame”.
“Manus. A Nations shame. Lives held in limbo . Lives lived in fear & despair. It’s f***ing disgraceful,” the actor tweeted on Wednesday evening.
A spokeswoman for Immigration Minister Peter Dutton told The Australian she questioned how the actor expected to carry out his offer considering current immigration policies.
“How does he anticipate he will resettle refugees without the necessary visas?,” she said.
[Why not call his bluff and the bluffs of any other rich Leftists, give them a ‘refugee’ to take home and make them sign for full responsibility for that alien’s expenses and actions for say the next 5 or 10 years? Heck! Maybe even require an up front retainer paid to the government for say $50,000 to help repay the taxpayers for their expenses over the last few years!—ed]
New Zealand’s new prime minister, 37-year-old Jacinda Ardern, says her country will take 150 of the mostly male detained aliens.
Crowe’s tweets come as the UN Refugee Agency declared an “unfolding humanitarian emergency” on Manus Island, after food, running water and power was cut off at the detention centre after its official closure on Tuesday.
Some 600 asylum seekers have barricaded themselves inside the complex, fearful they will be attacked if they venture outside.
Iranian refugee Behrouz Boochani, who is among those on Manus Island, told AAP “the place is like a war zone”. [This ‘refugee’ has become the medial mouthpiece active on social media.—ed]
Earlier today, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern confirmed an offer to take 150 refugees annually from Australia’s detention centres.
For new readers, see my Australia “dumb deal” archive here. Last we heard about 50 have arrived in the US.
Dear Mr. President, if any of these Australian ‘refugees’ commit crimes or terror acts in the US, no one is ever going to remember they were a result of an Obama deal struck in the closing days of his administration. They will be yours! You own it now!
You don’t need me to give you that news, but let’s first talk about the Diversity Visa Lottery (aka Green card lottery) which we have discussed often on these pages over the previous ten years. It is one more LEGAL immigration program that must go!
(Here is my archiveon the program. And, I’ll say it again. There are many possible themes for ‘amateur’ investigative bloggers that I’ve been nagging some of you to jump in to over the years including the Diversity Visa Lottery, Temporary Protected Status and immigrant food stamp and medicaid fraud. There is a desperate need for individual bloggers focusing solely on those topics and more every day because we cannot count on the mainstream media to inform us!)
Here is a good summaryabout Trump and the Diversity Visa Lottery in the wake of this latest Islamic terrorist attack from John Binder at Breitbart.
Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov
President Trump could shut this down in a heartbeat with an Executive Order if he so chose. Or, at minimum, add Uzbekistan to the list of countries requiring additional screening.
The suspected foreign national terrorist behind the New York City attack that has left at least eight individuals dead came to the United States years ago through the Diversity Visa Lottery, a program that President Trump and pro-American immigration reformers have demanded an end to.
According to ABC New York, 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov — the man who allegedly mowed down pedestrians in the Tribeca neighborhood of New York City — entered the U.S. in 2010 from Uzbekistan under the Diversity Visa Lottery before obtaining a Green Card.
Just think about this! We haven’t enough diversity in America according to Congress (which has never been able to kill the program) so every year we bring in 50,000 more including from countries that hate us!
The Diversity Visa Lottery gives out 50,000 visas every year to foreign nationals from a multitude of countries, including those with known terrorist problems – such as Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Yemen, and Uzbekistan.
Trump, though, along with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), has been calling for an end to the Diversity Visa Lottery program since August. Under the RAISE Act, introduced in February and endorsed by Trump in August, the Diversity Visa Lottery would be eliminated altogether.
The Trump administration took eliminating the Diversity Visa Lottery even more seriously earlier this month when they introduced the president’s immigration priorities, which like the RAISE Act called for the elimination of the program.
We do not need to wait for the RAISE Act to kill the Diversity Visa Lottery!
(BTW, I’m not a big fan of the RAISE Act because it doesn’t do enough to reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. Let’s not dither around, let’s have a stand alone bill to kill the Diversity Visa Lottery right now.)
Now let’s talk about Uzbeks who have arrived LEGALLY in the US including through the Refugee Admissions Program.
The poster boy for Uzbek Islamic terrorist refugees is Fazliddin Kurbanov who was convicted of conspiracy to commit terrorism in Idaho in 2015. See here.
I’m assuming the bleeding hearts in Idaho who defended Kurbanov were disabused of his goodness when they heard of his brutal attack on the California prison warden.
And, if you had any doubts about how bad he is, he attempted to kill the California prison warden shortly after arriving to serve his 25-year sentence.
For all of the refugee contractors and their groupies busily spreading propaganda that refugees never commit crimes, take note of Muslim Fazliddin Kurbanov who was already in prison, convicted on terrorism charges, and then tried to kill the prison warden a year ago this week!
Where the heck was (is!) the national media on this story?
Unless you read RRW, you may never have known this from KTVB7:
Indictment: Boise man serving terrorism sentence tried to kill prison warden
RIVERSIDE, California — A Boise man who was convicted in 2015 of terrorism-related crimes has been indicted after prosecutors say he attacked the warden at the federal prison where he was held.
Fazliddin Kurbanov, 34, was just months into a 25-year sentence when the attack happened May 31, 2016 at the Federal Correctional Institute in Victorville, California.
He was indicted Wednesday on charges of attempted murder of a federal officer, assault on a federal officer with a deadly or dangerous weapon, and possession by an inmate of a prohibited object intended to be used as a weapon.
According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Kurbanov used a prison-made knife to attack Calvin Johnson, seriously injuring him. According to the Amercian Federation of Government Employees, the warden needed more than 80 staples to close wounds on his torso.
Of course we don’t have the full story and my primary questions are: How did he get a knife? And, how did he get close enough to the warden? Were they alone? Was the warden naive or attempting to show the convicted Jihadist how nice he (the warden) was?
Where is Jamshid Muhtorov another Uzbek refugee arrested in 2012 on terrorism charges?
Recently when I told you about another Uzbek refugee already in prison on terror charges after a guilty verdict in an Idaho trial, here, I wondered what happened to Jamshid Muhtorovwho I wrote about in 2012, here.
Before I give you the latest on Muhtorov, the big question remains:
Why were we bringing in this group of known Uzbek troublemakers anyway? Some didn’t even want to be here!
As one of my knowledgeable readers suggests, maybe the reason Muhtorov has not gone to trial yet is that the government might have to reveal why the Bush Administration was taking in Uzbek dissidents as legitimate refugees in the first place!
Isn’t it time for President Trump to force the US State Department and Homeland Security (and the CIA!) to tell us exactly what happened after the 2005 Andijan Uprisingin Uzbekistan (a Muslim country where the Muslim factions are fighting each other) and why we admitted some of the trouble makers to the US as refugees?
But that isn’t the end of my Uzbek file! Here are some other posts from over the years where you can learn more about why we should, at minimum, add Uzbekistan to the Trump extreme vetting list:
If you are looking for something to do today, call orwrite to the White House and tell Donald Trump to put a halt to the Diversity Visa Lottery and add Uzbekistan to the list of countries whose migrants to America will undergo “extreme vetting.” Click here.
You too should be directing investigations of your number one arch-enemy, George Soros, and his network in America.
Maybe invite Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban to the White House to ask what he is finding out and give him a lavish state dinner while he is here (and don’t invite Jared)!
Civil society groups funded by billionaire George Soros denounced Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban on Sunday, for calling on his country’s security services to investigate the liberal philanthropist’s “network” and people associated with it.
Mr Orban accuses Budapest-born Mr Soros of buying influence in the European Union and pressing it to admit millions of mostly Muslim immigrants, whom the Hungarian leader describes as a deadly danger to the bloc’s security and identity.
Viktor Orban has a family! See Mark Steyn below!
“The Soros network has an extensive sphere of influence within the European Parliament and other EU bodies, and its aim is to build a Europe of mixed population and to condemn the Hungarian government for opposing their view on migration,” Mr Orban said on Friday.
Hungary’s security services would help reveal how Soros-funded groups operated and who was working with them, including Hungarian citizens, he added.
Despite taking a scholarship from Mr Soros to study in England in 1989, Mr Orban now vows to create an “illiberal democracy” that staunchly opposes immigration, a model that is anathema to the billionaire’s vision of an open society. [Don’t you just love it how they throw that little nugget in there. In 1989! who knew what Soros was up to.—ed]
Mr Orban built fences on Hungary’s southern borders to block refugees and migrants in 2015, and fiercely rejects EU efforts to relocate refugees around the bloc and criticism of his alleged erosion of Hungarian democracy and rule of law.
There is more here including a closing paragraph about how Orban’s political party is doing extremely well.
Mark Steyn has a point!
When I went searching for a photo of the Prime Minister, I found this one (above) at wikipediaand it reminded me of Mark Steyn’s article (and my post) after the election of the childless new President of France:
Kicking the croissant down the road….it is demographic conquest stupid!
Steyn lists some of the childless European leaders and suggests they, with no personal stake in the future, don’t look at the world the way those with children and grandchildren do.
…with the arrival of President Macron in the charmed circle, the leaders of Europe’s biggest economies and of all the European members of the G7 are childless: Germany’s Angela Merkel, Britain’s Theresa May, Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni, and now France’s Macron.
Other childless leaders are listed hereat LifeSite.
Great question of our time: How is it that so few European (or American) leaders can recognize an invasion when it is staring them in the face?
The Trump Administration should know by now that they can’t keep stuff like this quiet because they have permitted the blabbermouths in the deep state to run wild.
“White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly told other members of the Trump administration that if it were up to him the number of refugees admitted into the U.S. would be between zero and one,” say leakers in the Trump White House or State Department.
Hereis the latest from The Atlantic. I don’t really want to put an inordinate amount of emphasis on this screening for terrorists activity because I don’t think it is our greatest threat from out-of-control immigration/refugee resettlement.
Our greatest problem (IMHO) is the enormous social and cultural upheaval from large numbers of migrants (of any sort) entering the US who will not assimilate and don’t have any respect for our laws and our Constitution as designed. And, on top of that, we, the taxpayers, pay for it all!
If Islamic terrorism is our greatest concern, how are we going to screen-out the 2-year-olds who enter the country and grow up two decades later (under the influence of the local mosque) to become Jihadists?
(Yes, the Boston bombers were refugees because they were, under the law, a category of refugee—successful asylum seekers. And, yes, Somalis who have tried to kill Americans came as little children, as refugees!).
Let me ask this: If this security screening issue gets ironed out, does it mean our gates will be opened wide to allow uncontrolled migration from across the globe?
Honestly, I’m getting weary of being dragged down the screening rabbit hole…
….but, since I’m sure you want to know what the latest Trump Administration screening project entails, here is some news about it (albeit with a Leftist slant):
The Trump administration issued an order Tuesday that resumed the resettlement of refuges in the United States, but said the applications of citizens from 11 “higher-risk” countries would be considered on a case-by-case basis during a new 90-day review period. The administration has so far declined to name the countries officially and publicly but two officials—one from the administration and the other from an advocacy group—separately confirmed that the countries were Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.All of those countries—except North Korea and South Sudan—are predominantly Muslim.
Six countries on the list—Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and North Korea—were not a surprise: They were also on the latest version of the administration’s travel ban that was announced last month and is currently blocked by the courts. But that travel ban also included the citizens of Chad and Venezuela. Tuesday’s refugee list, on the other hand, included the citizens of Iraq, Mali, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt. The restrictions imposed last month were an outright ban on travelers—but not refugees—from those countries. Tuesday’s announcement does not constitute a ban. Rather, it is a list of 11 countries whose citizens will be subject to additional security screening if they apply for refugee status in the U.S.
Schwartz is more than President of Refugees International. He is a Hard Left Soros protege who ran the State Department refugee program in the early years of the Obama Administration.
The 11 nations on Tuesday’s list made up a significant proportion of refugees accepted by the U.S. in the last fiscal year, which ended September 30. Of the 53,716 refugees accepted by the U.S. in that time, 23,357 were from the 11 listed countries (about 43 percent), according to data maintained by the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. The breakdown of the number of refugees accepted from each of the 11 countries in the last fiscal year is as follows: Egypt, 9; Iran, 2,577; Iraq, 6,886; Libya, 3; Mali, 6; North Korea, 12; Somalia, 6,130; South Sudan, 176; Sudan, 980; Syria, 6,557; and Yemen, 21. [I’m grateful that someone took the time to do the numbers—ed]
“This is remarkable. The administration has had more than six months to review this policy under the March EO [executive order on travel], and they’ve come back in October to re-impose what will largely be seen as another unreasonable ban that primarily affects Muslims,” said Eric Schwartz, the president of Refugees International, a group that advocates for refugees. Although the move announced Tuesday is not a ban, refugee advocates say it is tantamount to one because of the additional security requirements that are often time-consuming.
“I hope they at least have the decency to be transparent about what they are doing, and name the nationalities affected,” Schwartz said. “It is a cynical and tragic manipulation of administrative process, and conflicts with U.S. values and interests.”
I was more interested in the portion of the new EO that calls for the Justice Departmentto evaluate the whole Refugee Program over the next 180 days.
And, gee, maybe the Administration will take its job more seriously than that bunch running the House of Representatives. See yesterday’s House hearing.
We told you that a St. Cloud, Minnesota councilman was planning to introduce a resolution on November 6th asking for a moratorium on refugee resettlement in order to understand better the economic impact of thousands of mostly Somali refugees being placed in the town over recent years by a Lutheran resettlement agency.
(Don’t miss yesterday’s post about Lutherans being paid directly by meatpacking companies to find and retain labor, here.)
So what happens the week before the planned debate on the moratorium resolution?
On Monday night (on the 23rd):
The Mayor and most of the council sprung a “welcoming” resolution, with no advanced warning, and allowed only a few minutes of discussion before voting in support in front of a large audience that was out of control.
Here Leo Hohmann at World Net Dailytells us what happened. Embedded in the story is a video of the meeting that was described by many as total chaos.
What happened at the St. Cloud, Minnesota, City Council on Monday night is being described as a well-organized “ambush” designed to shut down a citizen uprising or “pocket of resistance” against runaway refugee resettlement in the small city.
Councilman Jeff Goerger, who introduced the “Welcoming and Just City” resolution before his colleague’s resolution could be introduced and voted on.
College-age students filled the council chambers. Only five people were allowed to approach the podium and speak, all of them in favor of unlimited refugee resettlement with no accountability to the taxpayer.
A resolution was hastily introduced, read and voted on.
Mission accomplished.
The ambush was successful.
And the local Somali community is now celebrating.
It all started when several of the council members who support unlimited refugee resettlement with no financial accountability to the taxpayerwere informed that one of their colleagues, Councilman Jeff Johnson, planned to introduce a resolution at their Nov. 6 meeting calling for a moratorium on all resettlements in St. Cloud until an economic impact study could be completed.
Johnson’s resolution would also require the city to verify that it is in full compliance with all facets of the federal Refugee Act of 1980 as signed by then-president Jimmy Carter.
But Johnson’s opponents, clearly having collaborated among themselves beforehand, sprung a new resolution on the public at the Monday, Oct. 23, meeting and passed it 5-1 after begrudgingly allowing only a few minutes of debate.
The efforts by Johnson to support financial accountability were undercut before they were even heard in a public forum.
Councilman Jeff Goerger made sure of it.
Councilman Jeff Goerger, who introduced the “Welcoming and Just City” resolution before his colleague’s resolution could be introduced and voted on.
Goerger stated, to a resounding applause, that the city has absorbed the thousands of Somalis “without an impact on the city budget or our quality of life.”
The families of the 10 people stabbed at the mall by Dahir Adan last year might disagree with that “quality of life” remark.
Actions like this (playing dirty) are all the more reason for citizens to organize in towns with mayors and councils like this one in St. Cloud and campaign to elect your own people to local office. See whatI said here.
You might not win the first time, or even the second time, but nothing beats the publicity you can get for your greatest concerns than having your own candidates voice them. What do you have to lose?
The other option is to move.
See my huge archiveon St. Cloud that extends back to 2008 when I first reported on the beleaguered city forever changed by Lutheran Social Services of MN.