WND: Frightened Christians lose battle over U.S. mega-mosque

That is the title of a story about the travesty that occurred in Sterling Heights, Michigan on Tuesday evening.
Before you read this consider the fact that the US Department of State continually places Muslims in the same communities in which they have placed Christians from the Middle East.  I’ve seen them place Burmese Muslims into Burmese Christian communities in some US cities as well, and thus they bring centuries of religious conflict to American soil.

Obama is still winning! US Attorney Barbara McQuade said she was “very proud” to help get this mosque placed in a Christian neighborhood. Pres. Trump and AG Sessions did not save the Iraqi Christian community that likely helped put them in the White House, but they should now move quickly to replace all of Obama’s US Attorneys! Photo : http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/us-attorney-how-to-report-a-hate-crime-in-michigan

And, also consider that mosques represent the expansion of Islam in to the land of the Kafir.  Iraqi Christians will now be pushed out of this community in Sterling Heights, a win for the Islamic supremacists.
Our earlier post is here.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

In the end, the Iraqi Christians of Sterling Heights, Michigan, say they felt abandoned and left vulnerable by their government.

It didn’t matter that they had escaped genocide in the Middle East.

It didn’t matter they had 180 people at the City Council meeting Tuesday to voice their concerns about a large mosque being proposed in the middle of their neighborhood.

It didn’t matter, they say, that Donald Trump is their new president or that Jeff Sessions is the new attorney general.

They lost. The Muslims won.

The city on Tuesday night agreed to a settlement with a Muslim group that wants to build a mega-mosque on 15 Mile at Mound Road, in the heart of a residential area filled with Christians who escaped Muslim persecution in Iraq.


The Chaldeans and others opposed to the mosque were hopeful up to the last minute that new Attorney General Jeff Sessions would step in and dismiss the DOJ lawsuit against the city.


Barbara McQuade, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan and an Obama appointee, led the investigation into the city’s handling of the mosque project, and she remains in her post under Trump. She praised the settlement at a news conference Wednesday morning, saying it made her “very proud.”

Continue reading here.
We can only hope that the Justice Department now moves quickly to remove all of Obama’s US Attorneys!

Trump is right about Sweden; it has long been my pick for the first EU country to fall

…anyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us [Sweden] a visit.

(Tove Lifvendahl)

Invasion of Europe news…..
Everyone talks about France and Germany, but, for years, my money has been on Sweden as the first country to fall to the tide of overwhelming Muslim migration.
If you don’t know what Trump said at his rally in Florida on Saturday, look it up. He did not say Sweden had a terrorist attack.  In fact, what is happening to Sweden is worse than a one-off Islamic terror incident. Mass Muslim migration is taking down the whole taxpayer-supported safety net, and ultimately (I don’t see how they get out of it) Sweden, as we know it, will not exist.

The Spectator article is mild compared to what you can quickly find on Sweden’s migrant crisis elsewhere. Like this: http://new.euro-med.dk/20151220-swedens-immigration-debacle-exposing-the-hypocrisy-and-subversion-by-one-world-ideology.php

We have an extensive archive on Sweden, go here and see what I mean.  And, as you look through those posts from over the years, remember that we—America—cannot copy Sweden’s disastrous model!
When the Muslim population reaches a critical level, their supremacism kicks in! (Hijra!)

This is one of several articles we will likely see in the coming days that confirms the grievous error made by the politically correct majority of Swedes.
From Tove Lifvendahl at The Spectator (from last fall):

For a British boy to be killed by a grenade attack anywhere is appalling, but for it to happen in a suburb of Gothenburg should shatter a few illusions about Sweden. Last week’s murder of eight-year-old Yuusuf Warsame fits a pattern that Swedes have come slowly to recognise over the years. He was from Birmingham, visiting relatives, and was caught up in what Swedish police believe is a gang war within the Somali community. Last year, a four-year-old girl was killed by a car bomb outside Gothenburg, another apparent victim of gang violence.

For years, Sweden has regarded itself as a ‘humanitarian superpower’ — making its mark on the world not by fighting wars but by offering shelter to war’s victims. Refugees have arrived here in extraordinary numbers. Over the past 15 years, some 650,000 asylum-seekers made their way to Sweden. Of the 163,000 who arrived last year, 32,000 were granted asylum. Sweden accepts more refugees in proportion to size of population than any other nation in the developed world — when it comes to offering shelter, no one does it better. But when it comes to integrating those we take in (or finding the extra housing, schools and healthcare needed for them), we don’t do so well.

It may be news to the rest of the world, but gang warfare has been a feature of our country for years now.


‘If you are not prepared, you are unprepared.’ These are the words of Fredrik Reinfeldt, our former prime minister, and perfectly sum up Sweden’s migration crisis. We still hear politicians defiantly claim that our country is a humanitarian superpower — but they don’t do so as often, and they sound distinctly less smug when they do. The Swedish Way might not shine quite as brightly as a beacon to the world. But anyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us a visit.

Continue reading here.
I disagree with one point here, “politicians” do not deserve all the blame, it was the naive Swedes themselves, after all, who voted these ‘leaders’ in to office!
Go here for my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Government demographic studies all wrong on Somali numbers in US

We probably have at least twice as many Somalis of ethnic descent living in the US as the federal government is telling us!

This little article caught my eye yesterday, so I went back this morning to look at numbers I have recorded for years.

Somalis in Minnesota with Somali flags!

From Orangeville.com about Minnesota Somali numbers, with this line at the end:

The 2015 American Community Survey says almost one-third of the more than 129,000 people in the United States reporting Somali ancestry lived in Minnesota.

129,000! No way!

This is what we know:  Back in 2008, I laboriously poured over data provided by the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement’s annual reports to Congress and wrote this post about the numbers. (We did not have access to Wrapsnet at the time).  Each year after that I updated the post with the Somalis we admitted to the US—through only the Refugee Admissions Program.

Through FY16 we admitted 136,376 Somali ‘refugees’! 

That number does not include all the Somalis who got in to the US through other means including the Diversity Visa Lottery, those who received student visas and disappeared into the American woodwork, are here protected by Temporary Protected Status, or who came across one of our borders and applied for asylum (or simply disappeared) over the last 3 decades.
And, in order for there to be only 129,000 people of Somali ancestry here it would require us to believe some who came to the US left the country, that a whole heck of a lot of them died while they weren’t having babies for nearly 35 years! It is nuts!
When the government does census counts do they rely completely on who is willing to answer surveys, or do they make some attempt to look at government-held numbers about those who entered the country?  Apparently they rely on Somalis willing to tell them something!
In addition to the 136,376 through FY16, we have admitted 4,478 in the last 4 months and 19 days.
And, we pick up Somalis all over the world, and I can assure you that vetting the wandering Somalis is impossible.
Here is where that 4,478 were placed since October 1, 2016 (according to Wrapsnet):

If you can’t read Florida, it is 48, Alaska is 6 and Hawaii 0.

The top five states ‘welcoming’ Somalis since October 1, 2016 are Minnesota (609), New York (397), Ohio (306), Kentucky (283) and Arizona (276).  Virtually all Somalis are Muslims.
And, of all the ethnic groups entering the US right now, Somalis (I believe) lead the pack in the number of terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks, or who have been arrested and convicted of helping to support jihadists in some form or another.

Frankly, there is absolutely no reason for the US to take in more Somalis! The UN is pushing them on us! We did not break Somalia. Why is the country’s long running civil war our problem? See here.

Tell Donald Trump what you think by clicking here.  Then tell your members of Congress and US Senators to grow a spine and stop this colonization as well!

The nerve! UN Secretary General goes to Saudi Arabia and says "Islamophobia" to blame for world's worst violence

 “Guterres is a perfect example of the unholy alliance between the secular Marxist left and the Islamists.”

(John Guandolo)

Saudi Arabia welcomes NO refugees, even those who are Muslim.

Newly selected UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, went to a Muslim country that refuses to resettle Muslim refugees—Saudi Arabia—and said infidels are killed because they are instigating Islamic violence by practicing free speech!

From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily.  Hohmann quotes Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, John Guandolo, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Phil Haney and me in his analysis of Guterres outrageous comments to the Saudi king:

The United Nations — under a new leader who personally oversaw the relocation of millions of Muslim refugees into the U.S., Canada and Europe — is doubling down on its “anti-Islamophobia” campaign against the West.

U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, a Portuguese socialist who headed the U.N’s refugee agency before being promoted to secretary general in January, traveled to Saudi Arabia this week where he sat with Saudi royals and cited “Islamophobia” as the reason for increasing terrorism around the world.

Guterres is the former UN High Commissioner for Refugees responsible for directing thousands of Muslim refugees to your towns.

“One of the things that fuel terrorism is the expression in some parts of the world of Islamophobic feelings and Islamophobic policies and Islamophobic hate speeches,” Guterres said at a joint news conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. [You know he is aiming these comments at Donald Trump! If we have another deadly terrorist attack he is setting it up for the world to blame Trump!—ed]

Echoing the comments of Hillary Clinton in her 2016 presidential campaign, Guterres said Islamophobia actually helps the Islamic State or ISIS to attract new recruits.

But the way others see it, Guterres just gave a free pass to Islamic extremists to commit acts of terror throughout the world.

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann calls UN Sec. General the “jihadist’s advocate.” If you have forgotten, Senator John McCain attempted to destroy Bachmann in 2012 when she charged that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the Obama Administration. Today McCain is working to destroy President Trump. McCain is either senile or bought, in my opinion.

It’s a lot like blaming the victim, says Phillip Haney, an Islam specialist who worked for more than a decade at Homeland Security screening immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.

“So Mr. Guterres is telling you that Islamophobia is such a great crime that you will be killed for it and terrorists will rise up because of this and it will be your fault,” Haney told WND.

“Why? Because you are an Islamophobe. It’s your fault that they’re killing you,” he said. “What’s he saying if that’s not what he’s saying?”


“No other religion enjoys such protection from criticism,” Bachmann said. “Ironically, no other religion in current times has advanced more violence, carnage and bloodshed than Islam and yet Islam’s gatekeepers demand their religion not be criticized.

“We need to recognize this is nothing more than a well-designed strategy to achieve Islamic conquest and the U.N. Secretary General is now the jihadist’s advocate.”


Guandolo said Guterres is a perfect example of the unholy alliance between the secular Marxist left and the Islamists.

I’ve only snipped a small amount of a  detailed report, please go here to read it all.
See my Guterres archive here and don’t miss this 2009 post where Guterres credits Islam and Sharia Law for creating the idea of welcoming people who are persecuted.

Tell President Donald Trump to get us out of the United Nations! Click here.

Hohmann's "Stealth Invasion" is Amazon #1 best seller in Terrorism category

“This book couldn’t be more relevant to where we are right now, as president Trump begins strong actions on immigration and refugee reforms.”

(Susan Freis Falknor)

If you want to learn more about ‘Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement Jihad,’ please visit Blue Ridge Forum for an excellent book review, here. Then buy the book, educate yourselves, and send a message that Americans are waking up by placing and keeping this important book in best seller categories. It is a small investment to send a message!