Just when I thought I knew all the ways in which the federal refugee resettlement contractors were milking taxpayers, along comes ‘Switchboard.’
If the millions of dollars we dole out to nine refugee contractors isn’t enough, we, US taxpayers, are funding what is for all intents and purposes a federally funded Leftwing community organizing operation!
Continue reading!
This story’s headline at WickedLocal(wth?) caught my eye.
Chelmsford mosque hosts forum on immigration, refugee issues Billerica leader speaks
Gee, what kind of forum was a Massachusetts mosque holding I wondered.
Here are a few snips from the beginning of the news account:
A forum held Nov. 14 at the Islamic Society of Greater Lowell mosque explored issues of immigration and refugees — including changes, challenges, and uncertainties.
The forum was sponsored by BRIDGES — the acronym for Building Respect in Diverse Groups to Enhance Sensitivity.
BRIDGES represents a collaborative effort of state, federal and local government agencies.
Participants included religious leaders, law enforcement officials, a representative from U.S. Rep. Laurie Trahan of the 3rd Congressional District.
BRIDGES formed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, explained Fatema Esmail, of the Anjuman-e-Ezzi Masjid in Billerica — a mosque that serves the area’s Dawood Bohra, a movement within Shi’a Islam.
Esmail said the organization began with a mission — “to start a better dialogue for understanding, between community leaders and government officials.”
Activities have included cultural sensitivity trainings for personnel at Logan Airport, and with police departments across the state, and across New England.
We will have to have a look at BRIDGES in the future, but here is what I was most interested in…
The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement sent a representative?
The federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) (this is Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services) is sending spokesmen out to forums like this and suggesting that everything should be fine and dandy (for more refugee arrivals) in New England as governors there would want more refugees.
But, Jason Crislip, “representing the ORR”, doesn’t work for ORR.
He works for David Milibandat the International Rescue Committee that has apparently recently created another avenue, called Switchboard,to siphon off more of your tax dollars!
These Leftist Open Borders groups are masters of deception as they create new groups, which is all fine and dandy as long as we aren’t paying for it!
Jason Crislip, of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, said the Trump administration has proposed reduction of refugee resettlements in the current fiscal year from 30,000 to 18,000. [Crislip is not on the staff of the Office of Refugee Resettlement!—ed]
ORR surrogate Jason Crislip
In addition, Crislip said a presidential executive order, issued Sept. 26, aims to provide state and local consent for the resettlement of refugees.
Not to worry assures Crislip, your New England governors will be on board with MORE refugees.
Governors of New England states have generally indicated support for local consent, said Crislip, who said, “This is a good thing for the refugee program in New England.”
The resettlement program will continue as normally until June 1, which [sic] expected changes take effect, Crislip said. Crislip said the Department of State has begun releasing some information to illuminate the changes.
June 1? What happens then? The Deep staters have their pipelines well established, and those of us whose communities will be changed by what they decide in Washington, DC will be the last to know!
I’m going to be paying close attention to Switchboard which is fully funded by you—the taxpayers through a $ 1.2 million grant from the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
Dear Stephen Miller, if you read RRW, check out this latest federal boodle going to community organizers working against the President!
The IRC received $1,194,063 through competitive funding through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant # 90RB0052. The project will be financed with 100% of Federal funds and 0% by non-governmental sources.The contents of this website are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
Just think about that!
WE supply the funding and Open Borders agitators do what they want (in our name!).
Here is a recent story from their blog (a blog that you pay for!).
The Leftwing propaganda machine runs on stories, stories to tug on your emotions. We need to be doing more of that with stories of our own like those I report at ‘Frauds, Crooks and Criminals!’ for free!
Muslims Hope To ‘Wake Up’ At The Ballot Box This Year
On a recent Saturday afternoon in an office in St. Paul, Minn., a flurry of calls went out to Native American and Latinos voters reminding them to vote Nov. 6. And there was a new group added to the list: Muslims.
Until last year, ISAIAH, a multi-racial coalition of faith communities in Minnesota, was mostly made up of churches. Now, 24 mosques have joined the voter turnout effort. The group is focused on getting communities of color to vote this year in reaction to what it describes as politics of fear and a rise of white nationalism.
Pals! Imam Asad Zaman (left) with Rep. Keith Ellison. Will Ellison be Minnesota’s next Attorney General after today?
With Muslims and immigrants used as boogeymen in political rhetoric, Imam Asad Zaman, executive director of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, said, getting his community to the ballot box is vital. Zaman is leading the local Muslim effort to get out the vote and has been a leader on political engagement in the community for more than 15 years.
And there are more Muslims now running for office, hoping to be part of a “blue wave.” In Minnesota, nine Muslims are on the ballot for state, federal and local offices.
“Many candidates running for office are using Islamophobia as a means to get to political power. That is absolutely un-American,” Zaman said. “The community is under assault. Fortunately, most of us are beginning to wake up.”
The community is under assault. Fortunately, most of us are beginning to wake up.
(Imam Asad Zaman)
He points out that in Minnesota there are 50,000 registered Muslim voters. Though Muslims make up a small voting bloc — they’re about one percent of the nation’s population — those votes can matter in close elections. Many feel a renewed sense of urgency to choose leaders that will represent them.
About two-thirds of Muslim voters identify as Democrats according to the Pew Research Center and about 13 percent as Republican.
Muslim populations growing in key battleground states
“What’s interesting is that they are clustered in key areas including battleground states such as Virginia, Florida, Michigan, Ohio and especially in urban areas,” Alzayat says. “So, for example you have about 120,000 registered Muslim voters in the state of Michigan. You have about 120,000 registered in Florida. You have about 100,000 registered in Virginia and those numbers really matter because in close elections … just a few votes can make a difference let alone tens of thousands, if not 100,000.”
Thanks to reader Julia for sending the storyfrom the Daily Mailwith the rather long headline:
REVEALED: Iraqi refugee who planned to carry out terror attacks with bombs he built in Las Vegas was caught in elaborate FBI sting teaching agents to make IEDs with skills he learned in Iraq
Check out the Daily Mail story with photos and a video. The video mentions that the brother of the alleged wannabe bomber reported that they are Iraqi refugees.
Ahmad Suhad Ahmad
But what interested me more than the actual news is that the US media is once again burying the information about Ahmad Suhad Ahmad being a REFUGEE we welcomed to America.
Ahmad reportedly wanted to bomb someone or something in Mexico.
I searched for a US story to write about and there are plenty, but most didn’t mention the refugee part of the story. This one was the most interesting.
Refugee Caught Making Bombs For Assassination, Media Covers Up Story
A refugee has been caught in the nick of time as he was making bombs to prepare for a terror attack, but the mainstream media wants to hide it from you.
Ahmad Suhad Ahmad, a refugee from Iraq, was caught in an undercover sting operation by the FBI making bombs in his Las Vegas hotel.
This is the reason you have to vet “refugees” as they attempt to flood into the United States.
Not every one of them is a freedom seeking migrant looking for a better life. Some of them want to take yours.
It is also the reason you have to vet stories from the mainstream media as it will do anything to push the idea that all refugees are good and there is no danger.
And, if I didn’t make myself completely clear in the post I wroteabout the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, because the mainstream media fails to tell the general public the full truth about refugees and how the resettlement process works, and about many other issues, conspiracy theories grow and fester.
Unfortunately, it is constant deceptive reporting from major media’s Leftist world-view that produces irrational actions by people who are angered by the continual half-truths they see every day at the Washington Post, the New York Times and on CNN (to name a few of the main culprits.)
And, it is how President Trump’s railing against “fake news” resonates with those now getting most of their news from alternative media on their phones and computers. They see the full story (both sides!) by reading widely on the internet and feel they have been lied to by the dominant media.
Update: Just as I am ready to post, I see some stories now reporting the alleged bomb-maker’s refugee roots.
ROME (Reuters) – Italy’s far-right League party intervened on Sunday to block efforts by a Muslim association to turn a former hospital chapel into a mosque.
The Muslim group last week made the highest offer for the chapel in the northern city of Bergamo at an auction organized by a local hospital, outbidding the Romanian Orthodox Church which had been using the building for its religious services.
But the project proved short-lived, with League leaders in the wealthy Lombardy region, which includes Bergamo, announcing they would halt the sale by using a 2004 law that enables them to intervene and safeguard cultural sites.
“I would never put a Church on sale and I am amazed that the hospital management did not realize what a sensitive issue this is,” Lombardy President Attilio Fontana, a League politician, wrote on Twitter.
“However, we will exercise our right of first refusal (for the sale) and there will be no space for any appeal,” he added.
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini
His decision means the region must now buy the property.
League leader Matteo Salvini warned earlier this year that Italian culture and society risked being eradicated by Islam. “Centuries of history risk disappearing if Islamisation, which up until now has been underestimated, gains the upper hand,” he said in a statement.
There is a discussion in the Reuters story about the demographic change in Italy.
The story suggests that the Muslim population is still relatively small, but we know that the size doesn’t have to grow that much before demands for religious accommodation begin.
Mosques become a place around which Muslim communities build (even if there aren’t many practicing Muslims in the area when the mosque is first opened).
Longtime readers know that a pet project of mine for several years was following the food stamp fraud busts going on around the country. See my complete file on the subject here.
I’m relieved to see that some organization of stature has taken the issue of food stamp “trafficking” seriously.
Report: Millions in Food Stamp Dollars Flowed to Terrorists
See the whole report: http://g-a-i.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2018_GAI_SNAP_FRAUD_TERROR.pdf
Millions of taxpayers dollars trafficked through food stamp fraud went to terrorists who funded their activities at home and abroad, according to an explosive report from the Government Accountability Institute (GAI).
The report from GAI, where Breitbart NewsSenior-Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer serves as president, highlighted several instances where money obtained through Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits fraud went to fund acts of terrorism, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing.
“Hawalas” used to launder money
The U.S. Treasury Department and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) identified that many terrorists would get away with funding their illicit activities by using businesses known as “hawalas” to launder money.
A “hawala”— which is an Arabic term defined in English as transfer (or trust)— is a method of transferring money through informal agents from international networks, and many Muslim immigrants settled in western countries use the “hawala” method to transfer funds to family members.
GAI, citing a U.S. Treasury report, found that more than $7 billion flows into Pakistan alone through hawalas every year.
Investigators say it is very difficult to track the money moved around through hawalas, even though the federal government has known about the use of hawalas and their alleged role in financing terrorism for years.
But as federal investigators became more familiar with the welfare fraud mechanisms used to fund terrorist activities after the September 11 attacks, investigators have cracked down on a number of instances where terrorists have used the benefit fraud for such purposes.
By the way, even if your tax dollars don’t make it into the hands of terrorists, the billions of US dollars sent out of the country via remittances to ‘home’ countries have a huge impact on the US as it is money that is not available to our economy.