Must read! Leo Hohmann's "Stealth Invasion"

The first full-sized book critical of the US Refugee Admissions Program is out.  I have it and I’m reading it and you should too!

Help make this book a bestseller! At Amazon:

Here World Net Daily gives you some of the major points in a story entitled:

America’s 2nd colonization: This time by Islamists

As Barack Obama’s administration nears its end, the outgoing president is frantically admitting as many ‘refugees” as possible, with the overwhelming majority from Muslim countries such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.


Some might even say America is being “colonized.”


“That term applies to what’s happening to us,” said Leo Hohmann, author of the explosive book “Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement.” The veteran investigative reporter says the left is quite open about how it seeks to demographically deconstruct the United States, one city at a time.

Refugees are being planted in more than 300 cities and towns, often secretly, he said, with elected officials learning about the details of the refugee placements only after the fact.

“The term preferred by the left is ‘seeding’ communities with diversity,” said Hohmann. “Basically, they are talking about creating a nation within a nation, a parallel society, that will be nurtured and taken care of until it matures and is able to overtake the host community. This sounds seditious, but we have it straight from their own mouths from people on the left such as David Lubell of the organization Welcoming America, as I exhaustively documented in ‘Stealth Invasion.’ Their idea is to change America by changing its people.”

Continue here.

The mention of Lubell reminded me to see if he went to Davos to hobnob with the world’s leading globalists again this year. I don’t see anything about it yet, but had to laugh when I see my story of last year here on Lubell’s special Davos award  ((Davos darling (dupe for big banks and big business)) is near the top on search engines.
I first heard about Lubell and Welcoming America, here in 2013.  I did a little research and found that WA was started with Soros money, but that information was ultimately removed from their website.

UN organization distributes 10,000 more illegal migrants throughout Europe

Invasion of Europe news……
Update: See how a German teen outsmarts a would-be ‘refugee’ rapist. Sort of related to this story, but I had such a good laugh I wanted to share it right away. Click here.
We need to be paying more attention to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) which previously, although funded with government funds, was a separate organization from the United Nations. It became part of the UN just last year (see here).  The US funds a large chunk of IOM, but I have never seriously looked in to how much.

This is IOM’s own photo—beware ‘robust’ young men carrying blue and white bags!

Here we learn that they are happy to spread 10,000 of the illegal aliens who arrived in Greece and Italy throughout Europe.  The largest numbers were moved to France, the Netherlands and Germany!

But they are not satisfied with 10,000, they hope to move another 106,000 in the next two years!

What is not clear is if those seeded throughout Europe have even had their asylum claims processed!
So, is it up to the receiving countries to accommodate them and determine if they are legitimate refugees?  If they aren’t legit refugees, then must that country try to deport them?

From an IOM news release today:

Belgium – Over 10,000 asylum seekers have now been relocated from Greece and Italy to other European Union (EU) member states through the EU relocation programme, according to IOM, which is facilitating the operation.

This week, 168 people left Greece for Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway and Portugal. Another 81 people were relocated from Italy to Spain. This brings the total number of people relocated under the scheme to 10,189 since its launch in October 2015.

While IOM welcomes the 10,000 milestone and continuing efforts to relocate eligible asylum seekers, it acknowledges that this number is far too low and is calling for a robust push to meet the goals of the two-year programme – the provision of 106,000 places in other EU member states. [They love the word ‘robust,’ look for it in almost any warm and fuzzy story about refugees.—ed]


France (2,702), the Netherlands (1,216) and Germany (1,099) have received the most asylum seekers to date under the scheme.


As of 31 December 2016, Syrians comprised the majority of EU relocation beneficiaries (58 percent), followed by Eritreans (27 percent), Iraqis (12 percent) and other nationalities (3 percent).


Women accounted for 39 percent of those relocated…

I just love it when they think they are so clever by mentioning the number of women.  Does this mean that 61% are males? And, btw, dumb choice of photo for their press release!
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.  I warn you it is huge as we have been reporting on the slow death of western Europe for years.

Catholic Charities placing Somalis from Uganda refugee camp in Minnesota

The other day when I wrote about the large number of Somalis entering the US from refugee camps in Kenya, I wondered who were all the refugees coming from Uganda and here we learn they are Somalis too!
We have written so many posts about Somalis/Catholic Charities in Minnesota, I have lost track. But, I do remember when I first learned that it was three ostensibly Christian federal refugee contractors who first placed Muslim Somalis in Minnesota decades ago,and they are still at it.  See that 2011 post here.
It was the generous welfare that made Minnesota so attractive to these resettlement contracting agencies.

Somali Muslims are being placed in Minnesota from Nakivale Refugee Camp in Uganda.

Here is the story that caught my eye just now, from CNS news:

A Somali couple with three children is seeking a new life in Minnesota thanks to a Catholic Charities’ resettlement program that cites a Christian imperative for its work.

“Now the family is together and thankful for their new home. While they are learning about Minnesota and adjusting to the cold weather, they have a place to live and food in the cupboards,” Julia Jenson, Catholic Charities St. Paul-Minneapolis director of external affairs and communications, told CNA.

The family comes from the Nakivale refugee camp in Uganda, which hosts 100,000 Somalis who have fled conflict at home.


Laurie Ohmann: the Pope tells us to work with the “poor and the vulnerable in our community.” So why not help the American poor before bringing in third world poor? Photo:

For Ohmann [Laurie Ohmann, senior vice president of client services and community partnerships at Catholic Charities of St. Paul-Minneapolis], the agency’s motive for refugee resettlement is clear.

“It’s an issue of human dignity and supporting their participation in our economic and cultural life,” she said. [Refugee resettlement is about protecting people from persecution, not about economic and cultural opportunities we can give them. See recent report about a Minnesota Somali safely going home to Somalia!—ed]

She cited the principles of Catholic social teaching and Pope Francis’ prominence in “welcoming the stranger and working with the poor and the vulnerable in our community.”


Ohmann acknowledged some Americans’ safety concerns about refugees.

Ohmann then goes through the usual talking points about security screening, which we have learned is pretty much useless with nomadic Somalis who have no records and whose children have grown up to become jihadists right here in America!  See my answer, here, to their talking points about their assertion that refugees are harmless.
And, much to the reporter’s credit for bringing up another of Catholic Charities placement—the Ohio State stabber! So much for vetting!

Among those aided by Catholic Charities affiliates was Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the 20-year-old who in November drove a car into a crowd at Ohio State University then started to stab passersby before he was shot and killed by a campus police officer. The attacker hurt 11 people, one critically.

Artan had come to Dallas as a refugee from Somalia in June 2014 and stayed in Dallas with his six siblings and his mother for about three weeks before moving to Columbus, Ohio. They had been aided by Catholic Charities of Dallas after vetting by the U.S. State Department.

Dave Woodyard, the Dallas agency’s president and CEO, said there was nothing that stood out about Artan during his brief stay there. [There are many questions still unanswered about this family’s short stay in Dallas and their abrupt move to Ohio—ed]

More here.
See my HUGE archive on Minnesota by clicking here.
Warning to Trump transition… remember we are bringing in certain potentially dangerous ethnic groups from safe places in the world. So it is important not to say something like: “We will stop refugees from Somalia (the country).” We don’t take refugees from Somalia, we take Somalis who have spread out all over the world!

Chicago: Story about Rohingya Muslim airport workers is instructive

Thanks to Joanne for sending this story about supposed discrimination against non-English speaking workers at O’Hare airport in Chicago.

Explain to us again how we are security-screening the Rohingya who have fled Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh in boats and are scattered throughout Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Do they have any documents in plastic baggies on these boats? I doubt it!

Before you read it consider these points:

~The ‘star’ of this story and his Rohingya Muslim fellow worker are ‘boat people’ who arrived in Malaysia, likely with no papers, and only stories about abuse in Burma, or possibly Bangladesh. We brought them as refugees to America.*** So while Congress and others focus their energy on Syrian refugees who CANNOT be thoroughly screened, we admit Rohingya Muslims who have been wandering all over Southeast Asia and we don’t know who they are either!

~This article describes a growing practice of hiring Muslim refugees in airports!

~While there is squawking about companies, like the airplane cleaning company, using non-English speaking workers with suggestions they are being cheated, there is no suggestion that the notorious union SEIU is also using them for its purposes!

~We have admitted ( 13,500 Rohingya Muslims during the Obama Administration. 543 arrived in the last three months.

Here is the news at DNAinfo:

WEST RIDGE — A Rohingya refugee who immigrated to the U.S. two years ago from war-torn Myanmar hoped he would find opportunity and a second chance by settling in Chicago, with a job at O’Hare. Instead, Amir Hussin Bin Mohamadur Rahman has found himself at the center of a workers rights struggle unfolding within Chicago’s labor force.

Rahman, 25, got a job shortly after his arrival in June 2015 with Scrub, Inc., a company that employs workers who clean the cabins of planes after flights.

That relationship ended in late November after Rahman publicly rallied alongside Service Employees International Union members and other airport workers in a one-day strike with the “Fight For $15” minimum wage campaign.

Rahman also spoke out at an employee meeting advocating for Scrub, Inc. workers to unionize, an act he alleges led to his firing.


At different times, Rahman and Ahmad made their way to Malaysia before immigrating to the U.S. and resettling in the Rogers Park/West Ridge area where an established Rohinga refugee community exists. [It exists because the US State Department and a refugee contractor place them there. Just what Chicago needs (poor refugees competing with poor Americans for jobs)—ed]

Continue reading here.
***We have an extensive archive on Rohingya resettlement, click here (193 posts).

9/11 Mastermind explains why they call it the 'Religion of Peace'

Get the book!

This is the 5th in my series on James Mitchell’s ‘Enhanced Interrogation’ where the CIA contractor tells us how Enhanced Interrogation Techniques did work to reveal not only upcoming planned terror attacks, but also revealed the mindset behind the Islamic supremacists’ view of how things should be in the world.
Our initial interest was in Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s assertion that the Islamists’ plan is to conquer America through immigration and by out-breeding us, but that violent attacks would ultimately wear us down and prepare us for submission.
See previous posts here, here , here and here.

Make it your new year’s resolution to learn more about Islam!

P.S. I sure hope Donald Trump takes time to read this book!