Obama State Department approves 100 Syrian Muslims for West Virginia state capitol

Where were you WV Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Republican Rep. Alex Mooney?  Only two choices!—either asleep-at-the-switch or in support of this move by a local ‘interfaith’ group to be named a federal subcontracting agency for the purpose of beginning a new refugee resettlement site in the state.  (Charleston previously received a few refugees through Catholic Charities, but no where near this scale).
If Capito and Mooney had put up significant opposition, we would have heard about it and this decision might have turned out differently.
Does Obama think he can stick it to West Virginia (Trump territory) voters in his final weeks in office? And, where is Joe [Manchin]?  He must be all for it too!

Did Mooney tell this nice lady that he is supporting Syrian Muslim resettlement in the state capitol? Charleston is in Mooney’s district. Photo: https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/57741

Just this morning we reported that in Wisconsin, Republican Rep. Sean Duffy sent a strongly worded letter about plans to begin placing Syrians in his district and here a few days ago we learned that the plan for Bloomington, Indiana was shelved because opposition had grown there and because it is expected that Trump will make some move after January 20th to slow (or stop) the flow of refugees to America (money for resettlement is drying up as well).
So why go ahead with this new site at the West Virginia state capitol?
For new readers we have followed the growing controversy in Charleston extensively for months, see here.
From the West Virginia Gazette-Mail (emphasis is mine):

The U.S. Department of State has approved an application to establish a refugee resettlement program in Charleston, officials announced Wednesday. But that decision could be reversed by the incoming administration, according to an expert on refugee resettlement law.

The West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry, which also is the name local organizers have been informally using to describe their humanitarian effort, will begin as a program of the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia.

In a statement issued Wednesday, the Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson, director at Episcopal Migration Ministries, announced that the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry had been approved to join its network of 30 refugee resettlement sites throughout the country.


In October, they submitted an application for a resettlement agency to place 100 refugees in Charleston in the first year.

David Ramkey, chief financial officer for the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia, said the refugees should be a “welcome addition” and “very productive part” of the community.


Neil Grungras, executive director of the nonprofit Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration, said the Donald Trump administration could reverse the decision.

“The State Department is never obligated to allow even an approved refugee into the U.S.,” Grungras said. “The answer, with regard to the 100 approved, is that it probably depends where they are in their processing. [I will bet a buck that the Obama Administration is packing as many as they can into that pipeline right now!—ed]


Lynn Clarke, a local organizer, said the group had been told that, if they were approved, the refugees would likely begin arriving this summer. She said the group anticipates refugees fleeing from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, but she said they also could be from other countries. –

As I said in a previous post, I don’t know why this ‘interfaith’ group was so hot for Syrian Muslims (apparently Iraqis and Afghans too), they usually don’t get to pick their favorite ethnic groups, but actually get a little bit of everything.

What the hell! Somali American goes HOME for visit to Somalia!

“Women can lead Somalia…” Ilhan Omar

Then why don’t you!
It has got to stop! There is no reason that we are admitting thousands of Somalis to the US every month when their country is safe enough for newly elected Minnesota legislator, Ilhan Omar, to go HOME for a visit!

Maybe it is time for Omar to stay at HOME and help Somalia! LEGITIMATE refugees claim that they fear to go home because they they will be persecuted! What a joke!

I’ve just been telling readers in my two previous posts (here and here) that we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis to the US since Black Hawk Down (over the last two plus decades) and they are coming in now at the highest rate ever!

Why aren’t they going to Somalia to rebuild their own country?

From Africa Times:

Somalia welcomed newly elected American legislator Ilhan Omar home to Mogadishu on Tuesday, where she met with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

The Somali American left as a child and lived for years in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya before moving to the United States in 1997. She is the first Somali-American woman to become a lawmaker in the U.S., where she will serve as a Minnesota state representative.

Omar lives in the city of Minneapolis, which is home to the greatest concentration of Somali immigrants in the United States. Minneapolis-St. Paul also has a large Oromo population, among significant communities coming from Ethiopia, Kenya and other nations. Omar, serving as Director of Policy Initiatives at Women Organizing Women, has a long history of public service and other achievements within the community.

She praised Somalia for its embrace of women in leadership roles during her meeting, specifically noting the 30 percent benchmark for female members in the country’s new parliament.

“Women can lead Somalia,” Omar told Radio Dalsan. “Somalia is moving ahead.”

Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM is responsible!

I am so angry.
In my nearly ten years of writing RRW, I don’t think I have been so angry as I am at this moment.
Obama and his Department of State are committing treason in my view with this huge flood of Somali fake refugees they are ‘welcoming’ to the US just as they walk out the door!

European border agency accuses NGOs of helping people smugglers

Invasion of Europe news…..
Ten days ago we told you about the non-governmental organization ships being sent out in the Mediterranean to intercept the boats packed with African and Middle Eastern migrants attempting to get to Europe.  Now we have news that Frontex, the EU’s border protection agency, is actually claiming that there is collusion between the traffickers and the NGOs.
***Update*** See aide workers kidnapped and threatened by some of these rescued African migrants!

This rescue ship is owned by an American who probably inspired this whole initiative here in 2015. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/572193/Chris-Regina-Catrambone-rescue-3k-Mediterranean-migrants-rescue-boat

For additional background don’t miss Hillary’s role in the invasion of Europe!
And, if you (Americans!) think this has nothing to do with you—think again! (See Southern border and Malta below.)
From Breitbart London:

The European Union’s (EU) border agency Frontex has accused major charities of colluding with criminal gangs to bring migrants into Europe.

Frontex put its concerns about charities working in the Mediterranean in a confidential report written last month, and seen by the Financial Times. The document said migrants had been given “clear indications before departure on the precise direction to be followed in order to reach the NGOs’ boats.”

Frontex was more explicit in its concern over non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the Mediterranean in another report last week, which stated: “First reported case where the criminal networks were smuggling migrants directly on an NGO vessel.”

The border agency also said migrants rescued by charities’ boats often refused to cooperate with debriefing experts, with some claiming “that they were warned [by NGOs] not to co-operate with Italian law enforcement or Frontex”.

And, this is stunning! There are allegations that the money being pocketed by people smugglers is actually going to the Islamic State!

In September, the head of Austria’s anti-human trafficking force warned that much of the profit of people smugglers in the Middle East and North Africa goes to Islamic State, and is now the terror group’s primary source of funding.

Read it all!

US Southern border….

I will bet a buck that US NGOs are also in communication with networks bringing Somalis and Middle Easterners to our southern border (where asylum lawyers wait for them!) and I suggested in a post in 2011 that Congress investigate that possibility. Still waiting! How many in those nearly 6 years since I wrote that post have gotten in across our borders?

Malta operation….

Some of the illegal aliens (like those in the photo above) who reach the Mediterranean island nation of Malta are being shipped off to your US towns!
I’ve been writing about this likely illegal action by the US State Department ever since the Bush Administration began this practice.  Each year we take hundreds of the boat people who get to Malta—a safe European country!—to America as refugees. It is sheer insanity as there is no way these boat migrants launching from Libya and elsewhere in Africa have any documentation or any other way of screening them (other than we apparently believe their personal stories)!
To prove my point, I checked Wrapsnet.org processing country map and data for the first two months of FY2017.
See it here.  Look at this, we processed in to the US 101 (85 cases indicates most were single refugees—men of course) from a safe European country.  Why are these illegal alien boat people our problem?

This is only one page of the data on processing countries. We don’t know which nationalities are getting in through each of these processing locations. From past news reports I know that many being shipped to America from Malta are Somalis. Information on all nationalities entering the US from each processing center should be made public.

I’ve done a books-worth of research on Malta, click here, for ambitious readers.  And, I am not going to stop reporting on the outrage until someone in Congress notices and begins an investigation! Or, Donald Trump kills whatever ‘deal’ we made with Malta/the EU to take excess illegal migrants off their hands!
For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news go here.

Comment worth noting: We aid and abet ISIS when we don't tell the truth about Islam

Editor:  As you know from time to time we post reader comments that we think you might like, but might have missed. This is a comment from ‘7Delta’ in response to our post on how the OSU Somali slasher’s mother is scared (according to her lawyer) by Trump’s tweets.
‘7delta’ (emphasis added is mine):

Oh, for Pete’s sake. The jihadist’s family is traumatized by a tweet and the excuse for Wrong-Way Artan jack-knifing on campus is that he became “radicalized?” The old “the devil made me do it” radicalization defense…meaning, of course, that people who object to stealth jihad and hurt wittle Iswammic feewings are “recruiting” for ISIS. Okay, it’s the right motivational sentiment, but the wrong devil. Of course, according to our Mouths of Sauron, Wrong-Way’s actions can’t have anything to do with Islamic doctrine, now can it?

CNN News anchor Alisyn Camerota suggested last week that American women wear hijabs in solidarity with Moms like this Somali woman. Needless to say, it inspired a flood of responses, like this one, on twitter. http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/11/30/cnns-alisyn-camerota-suggests-american-women-wear-hijabs-show-solidarity-muslims-418251

Sorry, that song and dance went out with the minuet. Knowing Islamic doctrine is in style and their own operator’s manuals blow their flimsy fears and excuses out of Wrong Way’s tail pipe. Mom and Dad, wherever he may be, just got a free ticket to paradise, along with 68 additional close relatives. Chances are Mom and her remaining six young’uns (and probably Dad) had a wedding feast (paid for by us) with their closest friends to celebrate. Passed out sweets to their neighbors too (also purchased on our dime.) She’s not afraid of anything other than her attempts to trick us into being compliant with Shariah blasphemy laws won’t work anymore, as are her fellow hizrahites. In that respect, her fears (and theirs) are well founded.

Still, there’s good news! The reported rapidly spreading ailment, Islamophobia, has been cured! It’s a miracle! Amazing… true…but it never even existed. Imagine that! What a relief. We can quit worrying about it, just in time for Christmas.

Nothing Trump, nor any other happy infidel has done, will do, or can do has any effect whatsoever on Islamic doctrine. We are irrelevant to what Islam believes. The Double Duds, Mohammed and Allah, “radicalized” her son, only they called it devout.

Does anybody with a few functioning brain cells really think ISIS or cultural jihadists would actually tell us that criticizing Islam or electing Trump will recruit for the jihadists, so we shouldn’t do it, if it really did? What? Do they have too many soldiers of Allah and need to cut back to slow down establishing their caliphate so nobody gets hurt? Booty just being spread too thin? The sex slave market is saturated? I don’t think so. Wrong-Way was a devout follower of the 2 D’s. Pretty simple and doesn’t even require more than a basic understanding of Islamic doctrine.

The only thing we do that aids and abets ISIS and the Double D’s is to not tell the truth. Islam is what it is.

No sympathy from my keyboard for Mama Wrong Way’s “fears.” I’m sorry her son felt the obligation to try to kill people and to die a martyr, but that’s an Islamic issue. Maybe she should ask her prophet for profit (he got 1/5 of the booty, ya know) and Allah’s Head what to do when their infidel targets can read and won’t cooperate? That is, if she can figure out how to say it in Arabic, since that’s the only language Allah speaks.

I mean, seriously. Whining and name calling is just not working anymore, not even with the help of female news anchors suggesting infidel women should comply with Shariah law and wear hijabs in solidarity with Muslim women when a jihadist decides to get martyred, as if that’ll make everything okay when their men beat them or they’re the victims of an honor killing, which is in accordance with Shariah law too, or when the Filthy Rich Lawless Center puts people telling the truth on their Dollars for Hate List, or when our suspiciously “ignorant” of Islam president keeps telling us jihad isn’t Islamic. What happened to good old fashioned lying working?

Dang those fake news sites that truthfully report on Islamic atrocities!

A curse of fleas upon the Internet for making the Qu’ran, Hadith and Sira available for the infidel’s reading pleasure.

Seriously, these whiny rote replies are severely lacking in creativity and are as old as Mohammed’s first camel. Nobody, except the bobble-headed, bleached blonde news anchors, their suck-up male counterparts and the few parrots still flapping their fake social justice feathers, believes it anymore. The liars issuing talking points to the blondies and bird brains know the truth. Islam is their tool. Islam, naturally, intends to take their heads. Tickets will be available soon, at a venue near you. Popcorn is welcome.

Okay, got that off my chest. I’ll take another dose of Mucinex just to be sure. Later.

For more guest columns and comments worth noting, click here.  Scroll through the posts and see that ‘7Delta’ has previously graced these pages.

Ohio Somali slasher family's lawyer says family scared by Trump

Oh geez, here we go again.  Who are the victims here, according to the family lawyer, obviously not the Somali refugee who tried to ram down his fellow students with his car and slash them with a butcher knife—the injured victims are not the victims.  Artan’s family has now become the victims. They say (according to their lawyer) that they are afraid because of Donald Trump’s tweets.
They should be afraid, because their story is fishy!

Abdul Razak Ali Artan may have given soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions the greatest opportunity ever to unravel the secretive pipeline of Somalis to America. Who is helping them in Africa, Pakistan, and once in the US? Who did Artan visit in DC days before his murderous jihad against fellow students?

Before I tell you what the family’s lawyer told Voice of America, think about this.
If our law enforcement/FBI takes this case completely apart, travels to Pakistan (a safe country for Muslims), interrogates the UNHCR office there, and tracks the father supposedly in Somalia still, figures out who helped the Mom with seven kids get to Pakistan in the first place, questions Barbara Day in the US State Department, interrogates Catholic Charities in Texas and the non-profits who interfaced with this family in Columbus maybe for once we would begin to get to the bottom of how this secretive pipeline to America works.
Meanwhile as I said yesterday the spigot is wide open for Somalis at this time and the Obama Administration is bringing them in at a faster rate than any time in US history.
Here is Voice of America:


The lawyer representing the family of Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the man who wounded 11 people at Ohio State University last week, has said U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s Twitter response to the attack shocked the family and kept them silent and mystified.

It is all Donald Trump’s fault!  LOL! Get used to this!

In the tweet early Wednesday morning, Trump said, “ISIS is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who should not have been in our country.”


In an exclusive interview with VOA, the family attorney, Robert Fitrakis, said the family is still in a “tremendous shock.”

“They [the family] are very afraid, and they expected to be attacked when they go to school or in the community. There is a great fear up there. With the statement of the President-elect Trump, to some extent I am not sure they want their faces on camera,” he said.


Artan’s family, who fled from Somalia’s chronic violence and poverty, lived in Pakistan for two years and came to the United States in 2014 through a refugee program. [Some reports have said they were seven years in Pakistan—ed]


But attorney Fitrakis said the family could not believe their son had committed such a crime and wanted law enforcement agencies investigating the case to present proof. [So typical of the Somali mindset, they are never in the wrong.—ed]

If you have been wondering, as I had, where is Daddy? Lawyer Fitrakis suggests he stayed behind in Somalia and sent his wife and kids to Pakistan.  Makes no sense, they could simply have gone next door to Kenya and asked for help in one of the big UN camps there. It is also possible Daddy is right here in America somewhere, but wife and kiddos get more welfare if they don’t have him at home with them.

“The mother, Faduma Saeed Abdullahi, is a single mother who was raising seven children including Artan. She was really very obsessed with education and the father of the family is still in Somalia to my understanding,” Fitrakis said.

Then get this, Artan went to Washington days before his rampage…
What the h*** was he doing in Washington, DC , and I wonder if he used this same old car to try to kill Americans? The key to the whole case could be here, who did he see?

According to sources close to the family, Abdul Razak Ali Artan went to Washington late on November 24 and came back to Ohio the following day.

Fitrakis said this short trip that occurred without the knowledge of the family surprised and shocked them.

“The fact [was] that he never went out of central Ohio or Columbus area since the family came here, and his trip to Washington DC left the family very suspicious,” Fitrakis said. “He used an old car that had 200,000 miles on it to drive to D.C.”

Read more here at VOA.