European border agency accuses NGOs of helping people smugglers

Invasion of Europe news…..
Ten days ago we told you about the non-governmental organization ships being sent out in the Mediterranean to intercept the boats packed with African and Middle Eastern migrants attempting to get to Europe.  Now we have news that Frontex, the EU’s border protection agency, is actually claiming that there is collusion between the traffickers and the NGOs.
***Update*** See aide workers kidnapped and threatened by some of these rescued African migrants!

This rescue ship is owned by an American who probably inspired this whole initiative here in 2015.

For additional background don’t miss Hillary’s role in the invasion of Europe!
And, if you (Americans!) think this has nothing to do with you—think again! (See Southern border and Malta below.)
From Breitbart London:

The European Union’s (EU) border agency Frontex has accused major charities of colluding with criminal gangs to bring migrants into Europe.

Frontex put its concerns about charities working in the Mediterranean in a confidential report written last month, and seen by the Financial Times. The document said migrants had been given “clear indications before departure on the precise direction to be followed in order to reach the NGOs’ boats.”

Frontex was more explicit in its concern over non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the Mediterranean in another report last week, which stated: “First reported case where the criminal networks were smuggling migrants directly on an NGO vessel.”

The border agency also said migrants rescued by charities’ boats often refused to cooperate with debriefing experts, with some claiming “that they were warned [by NGOs] not to co-operate with Italian law enforcement or Frontex”.

And, this is stunning! There are allegations that the money being pocketed by people smugglers is actually going to the Islamic State!

In September, the head of Austria’s anti-human trafficking force warned that much of the profit of people smugglers in the Middle East and North Africa goes to Islamic State, and is now the terror group’s primary source of funding.

Read it all!

US Southern border….

I will bet a buck that US NGOs are also in communication with networks bringing Somalis and Middle Easterners to our southern border (where asylum lawyers wait for them!) and I suggested in a post in 2011 that Congress investigate that possibility. Still waiting! How many in those nearly 6 years since I wrote that post have gotten in across our borders?

Malta operation….

Some of the illegal aliens (like those in the photo above) who reach the Mediterranean island nation of Malta are being shipped off to your US towns!
I’ve been writing about this likely illegal action by the US State Department ever since the Bush Administration began this practice.  Each year we take hundreds of the boat people who get to Malta—a safe European country!—to America as refugees. It is sheer insanity as there is no way these boat migrants launching from Libya and elsewhere in Africa have any documentation or any other way of screening them (other than we apparently believe their personal stories)!
To prove my point, I checked processing country map and data for the first two months of FY2017.
See it here.  Look at this, we processed in to the US 101 (85 cases indicates most were single refugees—men of course) from a safe European country.  Why are these illegal alien boat people our problem?

This is only one page of the data on processing countries. We don’t know which nationalities are getting in through each of these processing locations. From past news reports I know that many being shipped to America from Malta are Somalis. Information on all nationalities entering the US from each processing center should be made public.

I’ve done a books-worth of research on Malta, click here, for ambitious readers.  And, I am not going to stop reporting on the outrage until someone in Congress notices and begins an investigation! Or, Donald Trump kills whatever ‘deal’ we made with Malta/the EU to take excess illegal migrants off their hands!
For all of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news go here.

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