Rep. Brian Babin to Congress: Don't fund Obama refugee slush fund!

As I have been saying, Congress is going to be deciding on the so-called Continuing Budget Resolution this week because they are all eager to get out of Dodge (DC).

Big test!!! Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Speaker Paul Ryan will soon show their colors on Refugee Admissions Program if they cave and give the Obama ORR BILLIONS more of your dollars to spend before the end of March. We will be watching!

The Obama Administration is asking for a huge special funding addition because they claim the Office of Refugee Resettlement is going to run out of cash in February (the CR would, if as predicted, extend 2016 funding levels through March).  ORR has (surprise!) a huge number of Unaccompanied Alien Children to take care of as the border is being assaulted by all those wanting in before Trump takes office.
I told you all about it here last week.
Now, Rep. Brian Babin of Texas pleads in an opinion piece at the Daily Caller for the REPUBLICAN led Congress to not fall for it because once appropriated it will literally be a slush fund available to ORR which they could distribute to the refugee contractors through all sorts of means even if Trump cuts off the flow of refugees on January 21st (which he can do!).
I’ll let you read Babin’s op-ed yourself because I have one more important warning for you and I have to get out of here shortly.


Even if the House of Representatives does not capitulate to the Administration’s plea for BILLIONS more of your tax dollars, the Senate Appropriations Committee might very well be happy to accommodate Obama and add in the money [For Marylanders remember Babs Mikulski is on this committee!!! Swan song? Money for more Muslims for Maryland?—ed]
If the Senate adds the money, when the House and Senate conference committee meets to iron-out differences between their respective versions of the funding bill, the House leadership (Paul Ryan!) could waffle and not fight for the House version on this important point.
We know their tricks and it goes like this: ‘Gosh we tried, but the Senate put the money in and there was nothing we could do about it! We sure don’t want to shut down the government over this.’ (Of course it would be Obama shutting down the government for not signing the CR!)
You need to put pressure on your House members to not add in the money and then to stick to their guns in conference committee—tall order I know!

And, tell the Trump transition team what could go down here! This is a test for Speaker Ryan and whether he will work with Trump on Trump’s promises about the refugee program.

All of our posts, on the all important funding issue, are tagged ‘Where is Congress.’

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly calls for one year moratorium on refugee resettlement

I happened to catch his talking points memo last night.
However, he didn’t have the story exactly accurate on Australia.  He praised that country for its tough stance on illegal migrants as if it’s always been that way. But for those interested in digging in to the facts there, see our category on Australia (184 posts going back 8 years) and see that their hardline stance is relatively recent and that the country foolishly admitted, for years, large numbers of Muslim migrants that are now pretty aggressive.
O’Reilly also mentioned the strange deal that the Obama Administration is advancing where we would take off Australia’s hands hundreds (at least) of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers (our coverage here) presently housed in off-shore detention facilities.
However, here is the part we liked best in O’Reilly’s statement.  Thanks to Media Matters for tracking this type of story more closely than some on our side do.
You can see 3 + minutes of the statement by O’Reilly by clicking here.  (I see they left out the Australia portion.) You may not like some of O’Reilly’s prescriptions for dealing with our illegal aliens living in the US.

Ohio Somali slasher family's lawyer says family scared by Trump

Oh geez, here we go again.  Who are the victims here, according to the family lawyer, obviously not the Somali refugee who tried to ram down his fellow students with his car and slash them with a butcher knife—the injured victims are not the victims.  Artan’s family has now become the victims. They say (according to their lawyer) that they are afraid because of Donald Trump’s tweets.
They should be afraid, because their story is fishy!

Abdul Razak Ali Artan may have given soon-to-be Attorney General Jeff Sessions the greatest opportunity ever to unravel the secretive pipeline of Somalis to America. Who is helping them in Africa, Pakistan, and once in the US? Who did Artan visit in DC days before his murderous jihad against fellow students?

Before I tell you what the family’s lawyer told Voice of America, think about this.
If our law enforcement/FBI takes this case completely apart, travels to Pakistan (a safe country for Muslims), interrogates the UNHCR office there, and tracks the father supposedly in Somalia still, figures out who helped the Mom with seven kids get to Pakistan in the first place, questions Barbara Day in the US State Department, interrogates Catholic Charities in Texas and the non-profits who interfaced with this family in Columbus maybe for once we would begin to get to the bottom of how this secretive pipeline to America works.
Meanwhile as I said yesterday the spigot is wide open for Somalis at this time and the Obama Administration is bringing them in at a faster rate than any time in US history.
Here is Voice of America:


The lawyer representing the family of Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the man who wounded 11 people at Ohio State University last week, has said U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s Twitter response to the attack shocked the family and kept them silent and mystified.

It is all Donald Trump’s fault!  LOL! Get used to this!

In the tweet early Wednesday morning, Trump said, “ISIS is taking credit for the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Somali refugee who should not have been in our country.”


In an exclusive interview with VOA, the family attorney, Robert Fitrakis, said the family is still in a “tremendous shock.”

“They [the family] are very afraid, and they expected to be attacked when they go to school or in the community. There is a great fear up there. With the statement of the President-elect Trump, to some extent I am not sure they want their faces on camera,” he said.


Artan’s family, who fled from Somalia’s chronic violence and poverty, lived in Pakistan for two years and came to the United States in 2014 through a refugee program. [Some reports have said they were seven years in Pakistan—ed]


But attorney Fitrakis said the family could not believe their son had committed such a crime and wanted law enforcement agencies investigating the case to present proof. [So typical of the Somali mindset, they are never in the wrong.—ed]

If you have been wondering, as I had, where is Daddy? Lawyer Fitrakis suggests he stayed behind in Somalia and sent his wife and kids to Pakistan.  Makes no sense, they could simply have gone next door to Kenya and asked for help in one of the big UN camps there. It is also possible Daddy is right here in America somewhere, but wife and kiddos get more welfare if they don’t have him at home with them.

“The mother, Faduma Saeed Abdullahi, is a single mother who was raising seven children including Artan. She was really very obsessed with education and the father of the family is still in Somalia to my understanding,” Fitrakis said.

Then get this, Artan went to Washington days before his rampage…
What the h*** was he doing in Washington, DC , and I wonder if he used this same old car to try to kill Americans? The key to the whole case could be here, who did he see?

According to sources close to the family, Abdul Razak Ali Artan went to Washington late on November 24 and came back to Ohio the following day.

Fitrakis said this short trip that occurred without the knowledge of the family surprised and shocked them.

“The fact [was] that he never went out of central Ohio or Columbus area since the family came here, and his trip to Washington DC left the family very suspicious,” Fitrakis said. “He used an old car that had 200,000 miles on it to drive to D.C.”

Read more here at VOA.