Coming by 2019! Sweden will sink under this load as family reunification ramps up

Invasion of Europe news….
Sweden is my guess for the first European country to completely implode with the burden of needy Middle Eastern and African refugees (it has been my choice for years).  Although, I admit, Germany (larger and wealthier) is working hard to catch up with Sweden.

Refugees in Sweden, from 2015 story at Gateway Pundit.

Pay attention to this ‘family reunification’ issue because it is going to impact your American town—you will see it in a year or two in the newly selected resettlement sites.***
Just as your town realizes you can’t handle the numbers coming, you will be called mean-spirited and worse if you try to deny the ‘family’ members the ‘right’ to join those who arrived in the first wave.
Here is the story this morning at Speisa (New Gigantic Migration Shock):

SWEDEN — “It’s a level we’ve never seen before,” said the Moderates’ migration policy spokesperson Johan Forssell when he told Aftonbladet that over 300,000 cases of family reunifications are expected by 2019. The record figures come from the Migration Board’s forecast, according to Aftonbladet.

The huge migration wave last year could be repeated and almost doubled when over 300,000 family members are expected to arrive up to the year 2019.

When Aftonbladet talks with Johan Forssell, he says it is a large volume to handle.

It’s a level we’ve never seen before. Until 2019, it is about 317,000 cases. This will have a major impact on the issues of housing, jobs, schools, health care. It underlines that we need to have long-term and sustainable immigration policies, says Forsell.

More here.
For more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.  And, for my huge archive on Sweden, go here.
***These are the locations we have identified so far that have been targeted by the US Dept. of State as new resettlement sites.  We hear there are 47 of them (the remainder are still secret).
This is the largest number in one year perhaps since the program began in 1980. They must get these offices open because a) Obama has proposed astronomical numbers for FY17, b) because once opened, offices are hard to close, and c) they want to get as many open and running before a possible Donald Trump Administration takes office in January.
Once the first batches are resettled the contractors go to work bringing in the family members. They will vilify you if you try to stop the “reunification.”

Asheville, NC

Rutland, VT

Reno, NV

Ithaca, NY

Missoula, MT

Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted!)

Charleston, WV

Fayetteville, AR

Blacksburg, VA

Pittsfield, MA

Northhampton, MA

Flint, MI

Bloomington, IN

Traverse City, MI

Poughkeepsie, NY

Wilmington, DE

Watertown, NY (maybe)

Youngstown, OH (maybe)

Whoa! Big news! Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to bring 50 Muslim Syrian families to Delaware

So, why is that a big deal?  HIAS resettles Muslims all the time.  That is not the big news!
Delaware has hardly taken any refugees in 36 years despite the fact that then Senator Joe Biden was one of the original architects of the Refugee Act of 1980 and observers have always suspected that Delaware has gotten so few because it was a case of ‘not in my back yard’ for good ol’ Uncle Joe.

As one of the few men still living responsible for the Refugee Act of 1980 (There were about a dozen Senators, Ted is dead, but Jimmy Carter is still kicking), thank VP Joe Biden for the demographic change in your state (but not in Delaware until now!).

Now here comes news that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (see our huge archive here), one of nine federal resettlement contractors, has targeted Delaware for 50 FAMILIES according to the news from Delaware Public Media (that could be more than 200 refugees in total).
Although the article doesn’t say, we assume they would go to the Wilmington area where synagogues are lining up to help place the Syrians.  We already know that 98-99% of Syrians entering the US as refugees are Muslims and most of those are Sunni Muslims.
Here is the story at Delaware Public Media:

First State faith leaders and other community groups gathered Friday morning to learn more about a wave of Syrian refugees coming to Delaware as early as the end of the year.

About 50 Syrian families are slated to be resettled in the First State in December or January. [Planning has obviously gone on in secrecy because this plan is way down the pipeline and already approved at the US State Department. The big rush is that they want to beat a Trump Inauguration!—ed.]

Delaware’s Jewish Family Services agency is teaming up with HIAS – one of only nine organizations working with the U.S. State Department and the refugee resettlement program charged with placing refugees in the United States and abroad.

HIAS Senior Director of Communications Bill Swersey says this is the first time Syrian refugees are being resettled in Delaware, and adds the list of immediate needs for them is long.

Islamic Community is surely overjoyed!  Yes, because that means the Hijra is advancing into Delaware!

Several synagogues, non-profits and the Islamic Community of Delaware have already signed on to help. Delaware and Wyoming were the only two states not to have settled any Syrian refugees during the 2016 Fiscal year that ended Sept. 30th.

Urgent notice to Wyomingites!  They may have secret plans in the pipeline for you too!

LOL! This is why I seem to never get done (and it is a beautiful Saturday here), I read something that I know is wrong and I then have to find the facts.  I knew there were MORE than two states that did not get Syrian refugees, so I checked the Dept. of State data base.  Here is a map of where all the Syrian refugees were seeded in FY2016.

Alaska and Hawaii didn’t get any either, they just didn’t fit on the map. I count 11 states that did not get Syrians! HIAS must be giving false information to make Delaware folks feel guilty.

Nervous in Delaware? Be sure to read ‘Ten things you need to know!’
For new readers, HIAS is the refugee contractor that told the Southern Poverty Law Center to investigate me, see here.
***We have heard that the US State Department has secretly targeted 47 new resettlement sites. And, that is because they have worn out their welcome in many locations, plus the numbers being admitted are so large that they need many more cities in which to seed them.  These are the ones we have identified so far.  We have now added Wilmington.

Asheville, NC

Rutland, VT

Reno, NV

Ithaca, NY

Missoula, MT

Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted!)

Charleston, WV

Fayetteville, AR

Blacksburg, VA

Pittsfield, MA

Northhampton, MA

Flint, MI

Bloomington, IN

Traverse City, MI

Poughkeepsie, NY

Wilmington, DE

Watertown, NY (maybe)

Youngstown, OH (maybe)


Heads up Poughkeepsie, New York: 'Christian' charity to bring you Syrian Muslims likely before January 2017

Update November 12th: Church World Service counts on fact that local communities don’t know much about refugee program/history of terrorism, here.
Update November 8th: Information meeting (Nov. 10th) moved to larger venue as criticism mounts. Federal contractor admits little information given to local elected body, here.
Update November 5th: Sitting Democrat Congressman should have known all this was coming to his district, here.
Update November 3rd: Mayor says he didn’t know anything about it, here.
Update October 30th: Issue becomes a campaign issue. Democrat Congressman supports Syrian refugees for the area, Republican candidate says, create safe zones in Middle East, here.
We have heard that the US Department of State has secretly identified 47 new resettlement office locations to add  to their 200 or so sites listed here.
Readers are asking me how can they find out if their town is targeted.  There are only two ways to know (there is NO list provided by the feds) either someone leaks the planning process, or you see an article like this one at WPDH Hudson Valley.

‘Church’ group will be bringing mostly Syrian Sunni Muslims to Poughkeepsie!

However, by the time they are at this stage of the planning, months of work as well as an R & P Abstract has been prepared and most likely the skids have been greased with local elected officials.
If you live in or near Poughkeepsie, and you care, you have work to do.
Here is the short news article which announces a public meeting (that will be structured in such a way to limit criticism).
By the way, it is ‘Christian’ charities like Church World Service, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and Catholic Charities that have been changing the demographic make-up of New York State to the point that churches are being converted to mosques in the region.
Remember at the present rate we could be admitting 135,000 refugees this fiscal year with 20,000 of them being Syrian Muslims (because Congress does not have the guts to cut the funding!).
They are trying to get these offices open before Inauguration Day in case Donald Trump is elected. It will be much harder for him to slow the flow if the offices are up and running! If Hillary wins they will be on the glide path to 135,000 or more!
From WPDH:

A new resettlement office is opening up in Poughkeepsie to help Syrian refugees integrate into the Hudson Valley after arriving in the United States.

Church World Service announced in a press release that they will be opening up a new location in Poughkeepsie. The global humanitarian organization is one of nine U.S. resettlement agencies and has already been working to resettle refugees in Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse.


According to CWS, the Poughkeepsie office will offer newly-arrived refugees a case manager that will assist in finding employment and give support for basic needs like access to health services, cultural orientation and job prep.

A public information session is scheduled to educate the public on what the office will be doing and how the community can help. For those who are interested in learning more about the program, the information session will take place on November 10 at the Adriance Memorial Library from 4:30 to 7pm.

Go here for more on the meeting on November 10th, but be forewarned, this will be a very CONTROLLED meeting so if you are strongly opposed you must do homework in advance.  Note that you must RSVP.  Do it now!
Start your research here at RRW by going to ‘Ten things you need to know!’
And, see also Frequently Asked Questions, here.
*** Here are the new sites we have identified so far (Poughkeepsie has been added):

Asheville, NC

Rutland, VT

Reno, NV

Ithaca, NY

Missoula, MT

Aberdeen, SD (may have been thwarted!)

Charleston, WV

Fayetteville, AR

Blacksburg, VA

Pittsfield, MA

Northhampton, MA

Flint, MI

Bloomington, IN

Traverse City, MI

Poughkeepsie, NY

Watertown, NY (maybe)

Youngstown, OH (maybe)

Endnote: I am hoping to have more posts today (there is so much happening). So if you are one of those readers who says you are getting too many e-mails from me (actually from wordpress automatically) then simply unsubscribe. This is a blog for serious students of the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program willing to learn and take action!

Two federal refugee contractors have close ties to ISNA (Muslim Brotherhood USA)

First check out what Discover the Networks says about the Islamic Society of North America here. ISNA was founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood in America in 1981.

Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, KY is the present President of the USCCB. His term ends next month. Louisville is a big refugee resettlement site. One year ago Kurtz called for the US government to bring in 200,000 refugees, 100,000 Syrians. Catholics should question the Bishops’ involvement with ISNA.

Then go here and see ISNA’s list of groups it considers its allies, its interfaith partners (hat tip: Brenda). Two of nine federal resettlement contractors are partners, but see if your ‘faith’ group is a partner as well.

Church World Service
Founded in 1946, Church World Service (CWS) is the relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 35 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations in the United States. Working in partnership with indigenous organizations in more than 80 countries, CWS works worldwide to meet human needs and foster self-reliance for all whose way is hard. ISNA works with Church World Service on issues of global poverty issues.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of the Catholic Church hierarchy who work together to unify, coordinate, promote, and carry on Catholic activities in the United States and to organize and conduct religious, charitable, educational and social welfare work at home and abroad. The bishops are served by a staff of over 350 lay people, priests, deacons, and religious. The relationship between the USCCB and ISNA dates back to the 1990s, when they began the Midwest Muslim-Catholic Dialogue. The USCCB is an Executive Committee member of Shoulder-to-Shoulder.

Would someone tell Archbishop Kurtz that 99% of the Syrians being admitted in to the US right now are Muslims! Or, maybe he doesn’t care?

Silencing Catholics! Migration pays, pro-life pays nothing!

Don’t miss this excellent article at One News Now (hat tip: Joanne) suggesting the Bishops have sold out Catholic principles for pay days.

Elizabeth Yore, an attorney and international child rights advocate, argues that money is the real issue at hand here.

“Migration pays very well – pro-life pays nothing,” Yore told LifeSiteNews before noting that the Obama administration has given thousands of federal grants and contracts to the Catholic Church, including many grants this fiscal year for hundreds of millions of dollars to the USCCB, Catholic Charities, CRS and the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).

Just so you know. Here is how much of your money funded the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration Fund in 2014 (from their 2014 annual report):

Our Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves, especially Thomas Jefferson (who understood Islam). Here we are, US taxpayers, paying millions of dollars each year to the Catholic Church to import Muslims to our towns.  Federal grants and travel loans (above) are all your money!


Maryland: CAIR wants 14-year-old girl investigated in case of threatening note to Iraqi refugee family

Thanks to Wikileaks, we are becoming increasingly aware (more than ever before) of how the mainstream media presents ‘news’ in a way to push an agenda or oppose candidates they don’t like.
A prime example……
I literally sat here with my mouth open when I read this story (the whole story!) at WBAL in Baltimore by Saliqua Khan (Islamophobic note we are told in the headline!).
If I had stopped reading at paragraph ten, I would have a completely different idea of what happened.  Here is what we are told first:

DUNDALK, Md. —A civil rights group is asking authorities to investigate a hate message as a bias-motivated crime after a note was left at the Baltimore County home of a family of Iraqi Muslim refugees.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, on Friday called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a note left at the family’s Dundalk home.

Zainab Chaudry speaking for CAIR in Maryland is quoted as blaming it on…you guessed it! Donald Trump!

CAIR said the hate message, left on the door of the family’s home, said, “Terrorist, Leave, No one wants you here, Your kind is a disgrace, 9/11 was your fault.”

The message also included a crude drawing of a Muslim woman wearing a head scarf (hijab) and holding a bomb, with the comment, “Take that (expletive) off your head.”

The victim’s father, who’s family recently found refuge in the U.S. and speaks very little English, said he’s worried about his family’s safety after his 11-year-old daughter received the note.

“Now, I am scared and worried about my child,” the victim’s father, Raad Lalqaraghuli, said. “I was scared, no sleeping.”

The Washington-based civil rights organization said the targeting of the Maryland Muslim family is the latest in a series of hate incidents directed at American Muslims, mosques and Islamic centers nationwide in the past week.

At this point I felt bad for this Muslim family (no sympathy for CAIR!)…..

But, now get this! The police already investigated and determined it was a squabble between CHILDREN!

Continue reading:

Baltimore County police have determined that a dispute between children led to an offensive note left on at the apartment of a Muslim family.


Officers were able to identify a 14-year-old girl, whose family lives in the same building, as the person who wrote the note. When officers met with the girl and her parents, she stated that she wrote the note because two of the children in the family had “cursed at her and made offensive gestures.”

Officers explained to the girl and the family the seriousness of what she had done. The girl’s parents were cooperative and assured officers that they would handle the matter at home.

The investigation indicated that while the note was offensive, that no crime had happened.

“This is nothing that happened as a result of an organized hate group this was a dispute between two children,” Baltimore County police spokeswoman Elise Armacost.

So if you stopped reading at paragraph ten, you would never know this!
By the way, Dundalk is a poor suburb of Baltimore and it is no surprise that resettlement contractors likely placed the Iraqi family here.
For more on Zainab Choudry, I wrote about her here in 2013 at Potomac Tea Party Report.