Trump should have mentioned Mama Merkel's mess as migrants sue German government

Invasion of Europe news….

German Chancellor Angela Merkel flung Germany’s gates open wide over a year ago and the world poured in.

Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel must never be permitted to serve together as leaders of two great world powers!

With tens of thousands seeking asylum (permanent refugee status), the German government gave them a temporary status until their claims could be processed.  That temporary status came with a stipulation that they could not bring their extended family members until granted permanent asylum.
Since then, thousands of refugees have successfully sued using international law.
Beware America!  This is why protecting our national sovereignty is so important!  We cannot permit any treaties or agreements that would allow foreign courts to dictate immigration/refugee policy here (but we may be doing that already!).
What is happening to Germany is why we need to revisit any such agreements if Donald Trump is elected President in a few short weeks.
Here is the news that should be concerning for all Western nations who wish to remain free.

More than 17,000 refugees have complained against the partial asylum status, known as subsidiary protection, offered by the German Government.

On arrival in Germany refugees are given the form of asylum from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

But the partial status which means they are safe from being deported, includes a two year ban on families coming to join them.

In the first eight months of this year 90 per cent of refugees who challenged the subsidiary protection status won their case and were granted full rights under the Geneva Refugee Convention.

More here.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Germany: Another Syrian refugee arrested for planning terror attack

Invasion of Europe news….
German police arrested a Syrian refugee who had been granted asylum (that means they had screened him and approved him) after a two day manhunt late yesterday. So much for vetting Syrians!
We do not want to be Europe!

Don’t forget! When Hillary was asked who is the world leader she most admires, she answered German Chancellor Angela Merkel who has allowed a million Middle Eastern and African migrants to invade Germany.

In last night’s debate, it is too bad ‘The Donald’ didn’t mention how the US would be following in Mama Merkel’s foot steps if we elect Hillary as Prez. (But then it’s too easy for us to ‘monday morning quarterback.’)
Here is one of many news accounts about the latest Islamic terror plot in Germany, this one at ABC News:

German police arrested early Monday a Syrian man who is suspected of preparing a bomb attack, following a nearly two-day manhunt.

Jaber Albakr, a 22-year-old who had been granted asylum in Germany, was arrested in the eastern city of Leipzig, police in Saxony state said. Leipzig is around 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Chemnitz, where he had evaded authorities on Saturday and where authorities found explosives.

Police were informed that fellow Syrians were holding the suspect at an apartment in Leipzig, and “immediately went there and arrested him,” Saxony police spokesman Tom Bernhardt said.


German media have reported that Albakr is believed to be connected to Islamic extremist groups, but Saxony police have not commented on his possible motive or the bomb plot’s target.

The explosives were destroyed Saturday in a controlled detonation by bomb squad experts in a pit dug outside the five-story apartment building because they were considered too dangerous to transport.

In July, two attacks carried out by asylum seekers and claimed by the Islamic State group, in which multiple people were injured and the assailants were killed, put Germany on edge — along with two other attacks unrelated to Islamic extremism, including a deadly mall shooting in Munich.

Authorities say Albakr came to Germany in the flood of 890,000 migrants who entered the country in 2015 and had been granted asylum.

Again, dear readers, if he was granted asylum he went through a vetting process and was found to be a stellar candidate to become a NEW German!
Trump’s people should run ads showing the horror show going on in Europe and say that Hillary wants to open the floodgates here too!
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Lifelong Socialist, Islam apologist, chosen as new Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres

Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watch will surely know the name since Guterres served for ten years as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and his office was primarily responsible for the flow of refugees coming to the US now. He is responsible for the fact that most Syrians chosen by the UNHCR to come to America are Sunni Muslims, not Christians.

Socialist Guterres, the new Secretary General of the UN. Why are we still funding an organization working for the destruction of the US?

I thought when I heard the news that his tenure as UNHCR ended in December 2015, that he would be disappearing into the sunset (or catching some rays on a Portuguese beach) after arguably helping create a migrant crisis (or at least his leadership did nothing much to stem it) that looks like it will ultimately swallow the European continent.
Frankly, as I read about him, saw him in person once***, and followed the UNHCR, I saw him as a sullen, lackluster, uninspiring socialist ideologue that he is.  But, he must have something going for him at the UN to be chosen over other more colorful, less ideological and more accomplished contenders. I’m guessing he was a favorite of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Perhaps my impression of him as an apologist for Islam was seared in 2009 when he wrote a forward to a study that maintains that it is Shariah law that underpins the world tradition of helping refugees, of welcoming the stranger—not Judaism and Christianity. I was stunned and wrote a post listing all of the Muslim countries headed by Saudi Arabia that do not welcome strangers, not even their fellow Muslims (none have welcomed the Palestinians!), and God forbid would never welcome Jewish or Christian refugees.
Here is the news story that I was responding to:

New York, 23 June (AKI) – The 1,400-year-old Islamic custom of welcoming people fleeing persecution has had more influence on modern international refugee law than any other traditional source, according to a new study sponsored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

High Commissioner Antonio Guterres said that more than any other historical source, Islamic law and tradition underpin the modern-day legal framework on which UNHCR bases its global activities on behalf of the tens of millions of people forced from their homes around the world.

This includes the right of everyone to seek asylum as well as prohibitions against sending those needing protection back into danger, Guterres said in the foreword to “The Right to Asylum between Islamic Sharia and International Refugee Law: A Comparative Study.”

In the study, Professor Abu Al-Wafa, Dean of the Law Faculty at Cairo University, describes how Islamic law and tradition respects refugees, including non-Muslims; forbids forcing them to change their beliefs; avoids compromising their rights; seeks to reunite families; and guarantees the protection of their lives and property.

Now, again, check out my list from 2009 showing just how Muslim countries are NOT (in fact) helping resettle refugees but are moving them on to the West, Australia, and the US.
Since 2009, when I wrote about Guterres comments, several Muslim countries have taken in Syrian refugees (they had no choice as they flowed across borders). Countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are flooded (Saudi Arabia still takes none).  However, whenever someone starts to give you that equivalence argument, always remember that the refugees in those countries will not become permanent, voting, citizens. Their residence is temporary. That is not so with refugees coming to the US—they come permanently and become citizens. And, it is the permanent requirement that Guterres has been pushing for years.

Back to Guterres

We are told in several news accounts that he became a member of the Socialist Party in his native Portugal in 1974 (at age 25).  By the way, Portugal, to this day, takes very few refugees.
Here is one account at the BBC:

Speaking earlier this year, Richard Gowan, a UN expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said insiders believed Mr Guterres, from Portugal, “could give the UN the kind of kick up the backside it needs”.

Mr Guterres was born in Lisbon in 1949. He studied engineering and physics at the Instituto Superior Tecnico, before going into academia after graduating in 1971.

But academia only held the fervent Catholic’s interest for a couple of years. He joined the Socialist party in 1974 – the same year five decades of dictatorship came to an end in Portugal – and soon became a full-time politician.
In 1995, three years after being elected the Socialist party’s secretary general, he was voted in as prime minister, a position he held until 2002.

Missing from this resume and other accounts I have read is that he was not only a Socialist in Portugal, but lead Socialist International as its President from 1999-2005, immediately preceding his tenure as UNHCR.  See more here at wikipedia.

Guterres with Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard. As a political appointee, Anne Richard should be among the first to go if Donald Trump is elected President of the United States.

Get out from under the United Nations’ thumb!

So it strikes me that this might be a good time for Americans to reignite a  demand that we begin to extricate ourselves (and our money!) from the United Nations.
Indeed we are placing refugees in your towns and cities that have been chosen by the United Nations for us and what do we see—a rapidly expanding increase in the Muslim refugees chosen for us.
And, btw, I don’t believe there is anything in the Refugee Act of 1980 that requires us to do what the UN says regarding refugees. We could pick our own refugees!
We know what the UN is and what they are up to, choosing Guterres as Secretary General is a clear indication that the UN is on a mission to change America by changing its people, and has placed one of the world’s greatest proponents of doing just that at its helm.
See our extensive archive on Guterres by clicking here.
***If you want to learn more, scroll down in this post about a big refugee pow-wow at Georgetown last year and read about Jim Simpson questioning Guterres about why so few Syrian Christians are being resettled.

One more child 'refugee' grows up and wants to kill Americans, Maryland this time

His name is Mohamed and he came from Bangladesh as a baby.  Was he a part of a refugee family (the knife attacker in St. Cloud), a successful asylum seeker family (like the Tsarnaevs or the recent NJ bomber), or perhaps his family won the ‘diversity visa lottery’ (we have taken thousands of Bangladeshis through that dreadful program)? All are legal immigration programs the Republicans in Congress refuse to fix!
And, as long as law enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security, and most media don’t tell us which legal means the newest Islamic terrorist used to get in to the US, I’ve decided to call them all refugees.

He was one more ISIS terrorist. Another story at AP gives additional details:

Enterprising reporters should call all of the federal resettlement contractors in Maryland and see if he is one of theirs.
Here is news about the latest Islamic terrorist we raised with our welfare dollars.
From Breitbart:

The FBI has detained yet another Islamic immigrant named Mohamed for preparing a jihad attack.

This time, the arrested Islamic immigrant is Nelash Mohamed Das, aged 24. He was born in Bangladesh and was living in Maryland.

Since 2001, law-enforcement officials have arrested more than 101 people named for Islam’s reputed prophet, Muhammad. Many other Islamic immigrants, converts and citizens have launched deadly attacks against Americans in Orlando, Florida, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in San Bernardino, California, in Fort Hood, Texas, and in other places.

In 2015, Das began to prepare a murder attempt of a U.S. service member living in Hyattsville, Maryland. When he and a confidential FBI source drove to the target’s house on October 3, Das was arrested as he tried to remove the weapons from the car’s trunk.

Keep reading.
By the way, here is my fix for every one of the cases where we raised a child and he (or she) grew up to be convicted on terrorism charges, the whole family gets deported and any other relatives and friends who could be proven to know what he/she was up to—out!  A few cases like that and we wouldn’t have these ethnic families and communities knowing that an attack was coming and remaining silent.

American Thinker: Trump sees the Trojan Horse

Actually the Ottoman Turks (the Muslims) were ultimately defeated at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. Polish Hussars, pictured here, pushed the Turks back on SEPTEMBER 11-12, 1683 freeing the Austrians and sparing Germany. Gates of Vienna blog posted a good report on what happened here a few years ago: Unfortunately, the Muslims are back today as so-called “refugees” being welcomed to take Europe without a fight.

There is a good article about the Hijra by Ted Belman at American Thinker yesterday. Here are the opening paragraphs:

Ever wonder why there are so many Muslims and Muslim countries in the world? Over the millennia many countries were conquered, but didn’t remain Persian or Greek or Roman as the case may be. You see, the countries conquered in the name of Islam, became and remained Islamic. For example Pakistan, part of India, and Malaysia both were Hindu; Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and N. Africa were Christian; Afghanistan was Buddhist. They are all Islamic now.

This transformation was not by chance but by design. All these countries were conquered by force then shorn of their wealth and many of their women. Then the Muslim conquerors introduced Sharia and continued fighting the local inhabitants. The inhabitants were either forced to convert or accorded Dhimmi status. As time went on all cultures submitted and eventually became Islamic.

The advance of Islam was finally reversed in Spain and stopped at the Gates of Vienna in 1642 [Not sure about 1642, here is the final battle in 1683. More here—ed]. Thereafter the power of Islam went into decline but other than Spain, it never lost its hold on the people it conquered. This decline was reversed in the Twentieth Century when Arabs became wealthy as a result of their vast oil reserves. This wealth was then deployed to conquer the west, not by Violent Jihad, but by Stealth Jihad.

This design was referred to as The Islamic Doctrine.

Continue reading here.
The Islamists know and understand their history better than we do!  I bet they are laughing their heads off about the success they are having invading Europe today!  Interesting isn’t it that Poland is one of the few European countries that ‘gets it’ and isn’t inviting in the Muslim ‘refugees.’
BTW, we have a category here at RRW for years called ‘Stealth Jihad.’  Check it out sometime.