Knife-wielding attacker (who injured 9) in St. Cloud mall was a Somali

Update September 20th: Here is a story about his original resettlement, as a child, in Fargo, ND. It is a short drive from Fargo to St. Cloud (I drove it while on my RRW road trip this summer).
I guess as time goes  on we will hear if he came to the US as a refugee youngster and benefited from the generosity of US and state taxpayers or whether he is a relatively new refugee (the vast majority of the Somalis in the US came in through the Refugee Admissions Program).
Only a small fraction of the nearly 200,000 Somalis in the US now came in through other legal means (some came illegally across our southern border).
Remember what MN Governor Dayton said last year, don’t like our Somalis get out of Minnesota!

St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis, a staunch defender of the burgeoning Somali community in St. Cloud, looked a bit distraught at the press conference today. Said stuff like this kept him up at night. Really? Or was it just last night?

It is simply pathetic that a couple of hours ago all of the officials arrayed in a lengthy St. Cloud press conference—the mayor (who has been a vocal advocate for the expanding Somali enclave there), the police, even the FBI couldn’t bring themselves to identify the dead perpetrator, but waited (did they wait on purpose?) to give the ‘Somali community’ time to spin the story.
He was a good boy, no violent past, a good student, a college student in St. Cloud. (Maybe even a security guard!) So what! He was first and foremost a Jihadist. And, Obama and his Lefty friends who chalk up ‘violent extremism’ to poverty and lack of opportunity can just shut up! This guy had prospects for a good future and he chose jihad for Allah instead.
Here is Michael Leahy at Breibart:

The Saint Cloud Times is reporting Dahir Adan, a member of the local Somali Community, was the man who attacked nine people at a local mall Saturday while shouting about “Allah.”

A short time earlier, St. Cloud Somali-American community members identified the deceased suspect as Dahir Adan.

Leaders of the Somali-American community in St. Cloud gathered Sunday with his family and issued a statement of sympathy for the family and the nine victims of the attack.

Community leader Abdul Kulane said as far as the family and community know, the suspect did not have any history of violence. He was known as a smart, accomplished student at Apollo High School. He was a junior at St. Cloud State University, Kulane said. Adan was also working part-time as a private security officer, leaders said.

At a press conference on Sunday, St. Cloud, Minnesota city officials refused to release the identity of the man who attacked nine people with a knife in a local mall Saturday night while shouting “Allah.” The attacker was killed by an off-duty police officer from a nearby city who happened to be in the mall at the time.

Continue here.
And then here Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit has more where we learn that he was originally from Fargo, ND (another major resettlement city not far from St. Cloud) from the Jihadists facebook page. Thank the Lutherans of Minnesota and North Dakota for changing America by changing its people.  (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is the major federal contractor with subcontractors in both those locations.)
By the way, I have been to St. Cloud twice and on my first visit in 2015, the St. Cloud Times thought it was a good idea to attempt to discredit what I say.
See my huge archive on St. Cloud by clicking here.

Don’t forget, Obama goes to the United Nations and holds his super-duper refugee summit on Tuesday to persuade America to take in even more Muslim refugees!

Lesson from Missoula, Montana: They will lie to you!

It couldn’t be a clearer demonstration of what I’ve been saying for years.

Pay attention prospective ‘welcoming’ communities!

Once a federal contractor gets an office established, your town will have NO CONTROL over how many will come and where they will come from.

Activist Mary Poole got the ball rolling and invited the International Rescue Committee to set up an office in Missoula. The rumor is that Mary is taking one, maybe two, families to live at her house to save taxpayers having to care for them (joking of course!)

And, LOL!, for all of you getting a run-around from your contractor office about the Abstract (what abstract? we don’t know what you are talking about?), well now we learn they sure did know what you were asking, but they wanted to make you feel dumb and uninformed.  The arrogance of these federal contractors is stunning!
Here is the latest from Missoula where the commissioners said they would “welcome” one hundred, well, oopsy now they will get 150—including Syrian and Iraqi Muslims among many ethnic groups.

(When your community gets a smattering of everything, it may sound cool to get all the “international flavor,” but be ready for a lot of extra taxpayer-funded costs in the local school system to accommodate myriad languages and levels of learning .)
Before you continue reading, be sure to see this post where we reported that the first Congolese families arriving in Missoula were homeless.
From The Missoulian:

Four families of Congolese have arrived in Missoula in the past month, but resettlement here will soon take on a more international flavor.


Carr, executive director of the Missoula International Rescue Committee (IRC) office, said some of the millions who have fled civil war in Syria will land in Missoula after going through an international screening process and orientation.

“There will maybe be Iraqi refugees who will come. There may be refugees who come from Central African Republic, Chad, Sudan, Burma, Bhutan, Latin America,” she told about 30 people Tuesday night at a meeting of the Missoula County Democratic Central Committee in City Council chambers.

Obama is keeping the number of Syrians in the 2017 flow a secret!

Mayor John Engen: So how many refugees will he take to live at his house?

While a target for Syrian resettlements in fiscal year 2017 hasn’t been announced, Obama’s refugee plan is expected to welcome even more.

That’s been a topic of debate among presidential candidates and in Montana, where Missoula opened the lone resettlement office in the state just two months ago.

Carr said the abstract proposal for Missoula now calls for 150 refugees in the next year. That’s up from “approximately 100 per year” that Missoula County Commissioners said they would welcome in a January letter to Anne Richard, assistant secretary of the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugee and Migration.

The bureau cited the support of the commissioners, Mayor John Engen and most of the Missoula City Council in agreeing to reopen an IRC resettlement office in Missoula. Soft Landing Missoula, which formed a year ago in response to the refugee crisis in Syria, has marshaled local support and continues to provide resources and manpower as the Congolese arrive.

Continue reading here.

Montanans there are 3 things to remember:

~The new year begins in 2 weeks (not in January), so Syrians could be there in October!

~They can distribute them within a hundred miles of Missoula especially if they are looking for cheap housing!

~The REPUBLICAN Congress could stop the whole thing from happening before October 1 by defunding the program in the Continuing Resolution (if they wanted to!).

See our complete archive on Montana by clicking here.  Colonizing Wyoming should be next!

German humanitarian worker tells his (horror) story about working with "refugees"

Invasion of Europe news….
The best blog to read on what is happening with the invasion of Europe is Gates of Vienna.  Thanks to Diana West (via twitter) for directing me to this post from yesterday.  In this translation from a German publication, we learn first hand about how a disillusioned refugee aid worker came to his decision to quit.

Germany: It is the most extraordinary thing to see—an advanced western society committing suicide.

Here is just a small bit at Gates of Vienna:

Farewell to Hope

In the end, the farewell was much easier than I thought, which is probably due to the exponential climb of my frustration, on all levels.

I have given up on my voluntary work as an assistant to refugees and migrants.

The many thousands of hours during which I tried to supply real help turned out to be utterly useless. Along with me, three other volunteer workers have also quit. There was no single defining incident. I had begun to notice that, for months, my work was senseless. Senseless in that the majority of the people with whom I dealt did not want to integrate.


I am worried that our society will experience a monumental shift to the right because the pot will boil over in the next election.

Continue reading here, I’ve only given you a small snip.
For our complete archive on dear old Deutschland, click here.  And, go here, for more on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

Now they are after West Virginia as new refugee office planned for state capitol

West Virginia has been near the bottom of the list of resettlement states for the last 9 years that I’ve followed the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, but all that could change.
Resettlement contractors are running out of housing and frankly ‘welcome’ where they have overloaded cities like Lancaster, PA (do you want WV schools to have to cope with this!) and Buffalo, NY so they are casting about looking for fresh territory (populated with lots of naive do-gooders!).
A couple of years ago the folks in Wyoming were able to hold off a program there.  Montana couldn’t quite manage it and now has homeless refugees in Missoula.  Rutland, VT citizens are working hard to turn back the plan to bring Syrians to their city.  And despite what this story from the Charleston Gazette implies, a pocket of resistance is growing in Charleston, WV.

US Senator (Republican) Shelley Moore Capito. So is she for changing West Virginia by changing its people? She sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee. West Virginians need to ask her if she supports billions of your dollars going to import poverty?

Most eastern states have not dodged a bullet (LOL! except for Joe Biden’s Delaware).  West Virginia has always been near the bottom of the list of states being targeted. Not anymore.  See my earlier post on Charleston, here.
Imagine in a state where the coal mining industry has been decimated by Obama, they are now being asked to ‘welcome’ impoverished refugees from mostly the Middle East and Africa with a new resettlement office in Charleston!
Where are West Virginia’s two US Senators? Where is Rep. Alex Mooney (a Freedom Caucus member) who represents Charleston? Are they o.k. with importing more poverty for the state?
And, don’t miss the fact that WV Rep. Evan Jenkins is on the House Appropriations Committee. All three, Capito, Mooney and Jenkins could bring this plan to a screeching halt if they wanted to!
From the Charleston Gazette earlier this month:

Of the more than 10,000 Syrian refugees placed in the United States this fiscal year, just five were resettled in West Virginia, but efforts persist to make the state a haven for Syrians fleeing the carnage of civil war in their country.

Charleston is still in the running to become one of the Episcopal Migration Ministries “resettlement communities.” The resettlement agency has 30 similar communities throughout the United States where local organizations assist the refugees with translation, finding work and health care, getting to know their community and other services.

This April 14, 2014 photo provided by the Congressional Campaign of Alex X. Mooney shows Republican Alex X. Mooney who is running for West Virginia's 2nd district Congressional Republican nomination in the May 13 primary. (AP Photo/Congressional Campaign of Alex X. Mooney)
Rep. Alex Mooney represents Charleston. He is of Cuban heritage, will that blind him when faced with a decision to fund Syrian Muslims (among others) to be placed in his district? (AP Photo/Congressional Campaign of Alex X. Mooney)


In November 2015, Catholic Charities of West Virginia, which, for 30 years, has assisted in resettlement of refugees, including Syrians, told the Gazette-Mail it had told the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that it had the capacity to help resettle 100 Syrian refugees. Catholic Charities’ Migration and Refugee Services Division typically helps resettle about 50 refugees per year, but it anticipated a greater need because of the crisis in Syria.

Patti Phillips, director of development and marketing for the nonprofit, said this week that, during the fiscal year, just a handful of Syrian refugees — a family of five — were placed in West Virginia. During the 2015-16 fiscal year, about 30 total refugees arrived in the state. Phillips said Catholic Charities only places refugees in West Virginia who have pre-existing ties to family or friends in the area.

Danna Van Brandt, public diplomacy and public affairs adviser for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, provided a statement from Barbara Day***, domestic-resettlement section chief for the same bureau. Day said the State Department’s placement plan for refugees in West Virginia in fiscal year 2016 included up to 50 refugees from around the world and was “formulated in partnership with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities of West Virginia.”

Here we are with this family-tie trick. What they will do is start seeding new refugees into Charleston and next year they will be bringing the family members of that first group!  So it never ends!  Be sure to see my ‘Ten things your town needs to know’ by clicking here.
The Gazette continues…..

“Refugees are placed in West Virginia when they have family or personal ties in the state,” Day said. “Being resettled in a place where a refugee has personal ties is a crucial way to ease a refugee’s transition into life in the United States.”


In May, Episcopal Migration Ministries [one of nine major federal resettlement contractors.—ed] sent an employee and consultant to Charleston to learn more about the city, in hopes of establishing the city as a resettlement community. If Charleston is selected, a local organization potentially would assist in resettling 100 to 150 refugees each year in Charleston.

The West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry, a group that started to create greater understanding of the plight of Syrian refugees and combat rising anti-Muslim sentiment, had encouraged the resettlement agency to consider the area.

See more here on the WV Interfaith Refugee Ministry and how they admit WV is poor and lacking in jobs, but what the hell, bring in the diversity anyway!  Beware any ‘interfaith’ group where you live.
How many refugees has WV gotten over the years?
I just had a  look at the numbers for  West Virginia (Refugee Processing Center).  Since Obama took office the state has resettled 176 refugees (a tiny number when you compare it to Texas’s over 7,000 a year).  In 2008 only 5 refugees were placed in WV.  This year there were 25 up until September 1.
In addition to the Syrians, the primary countries of origin of the refugees so far have been Iraq, Burma and Eritrea.  The top resettlement city was Moorefield and a few went to Morgantown.  Of course, as we said, Charleston, the capitol, got its first Syrians (99% of Syrians entering US are Muslims, we are not saving Christians!) and is now being considered for a new resettlement office to bring in up to 150 soon.
*** Day is another federal employee who rotated into her position from a refugee contracting agency. There should be a  law against this!  See more here.

Hundreds of Somalis and other Africans coming across US southern border, requesting asylum

Invasion of America…..
This is nothing new, it’s been going on for all the years I’ve been writing this blog.  However, I expect the pace has been picking up lately as they fear that Trump might be serious about the wall.
You know that anyone, supposedly impoverished, but with the resources  to travel across the world to get to our border, has to be up to no good.  In fact, since we take thousands (over 8,000 Somalis this year alone) of supposedly legitimate refugees from Africa, my first question is, so why didn’t they apply through regular channels?

So how do the poor, struggling asylum seekers know exactly where to go? Who is instructing them? The same person or persons paying their way?

This latest story is at Breitbart, but first revisit a post I wrote in 2011 in which I said Congress should be doing some serious investigation of the supposedly poor Somalis who know to “make their way” to our border and ask for asylum (who is instructing them? and who is giving them the money for such an expensive trip?).
Where is Congress?
I think Congress isn’t investigating because then you would be alerted to a really really scary security situation not so different than Europe is facing.  Invasion on a smaller scale, but nevertheless an invasion.

Here is Ildefonso Ortiz at Breitbart:

Hundreds of African asylum seekers have flooded Mexican border cities with the U.S. in an effort to get to California and Texas to obtain U.S. asylum — many of the unvetted migrants are from the terror hotbed of Somalia. Rather than having to hide along the way, the African migrants have been getting a special permit from Mexico that gives them a free pass to the U.S. border.

The influx of asylum seekers from African countries who entered Mexico illegally has been building for several weeks as hundreds of individuals continue to arrive primarily to Mexicali to cross into Calexico, California, in order to seek asylum. Mexican immigration authorities have been spotted ferrying the asylum seekers from shelters and plazas to international bridges with the U.S.

Mexican immigration authorities have largely kept quiet about the wave of African migrants who have been entering Mexico through that country’s southern border and then making their way to the U.S. border to seek asylum. Some of the cities they seek include Calexico and San Ysidro, California, and El Paso, Texas.

Continue reading here.
For new readers, asylum is part of the Refugee Admissions Program.  These Africans ask for asylum and then wait for a court date (many of them loose in America). If granted asylum (with the help of dozens and dozens of immigration lawyers wanting to help them) they get the same welfare goodies and a resettlement contractor to help hold their hands through our welfare system and eventually to American citizenship.