Refugee industry goes in to high gear for Obama/UN big show; what do you do?

Yesterday we told you about the August 28th rally (the warm-up act) in Washington, DC to gin up media for the refugee industry as it pushes into the critical month of September and wants to be sure the money will be flowing their way to distribute larger than ever numbers of impoverished and questionably vetted refugees to your towns and cities.
(For new readers, the resettlement contractors*** are paid by the head to seed refugees, chosen by the UN, throughout America! They can’t do their work without YOUR money!)

Deciding your town’s future at the United Nations!

Also, in September, Obama will send his last ‘determination’ to Congress on how many refugees we will take in FY2017.
Congress can decide to fund those numbers or not!
We can certainly blame lame duck Obama, but the real pressure must be on your Members of Congress!

The big propaganda show itself will occur at the United Nations on September 19th and 20th.

Here is the information released by the United Nations:

The UN General Assembly will host a high-level summit to address large movements of refugees and migrants, with the aim of bringing countries together behind a more humane and coordinated approach.

This is the first time the General Assembly has called for a summit at the Heads of State and Government level on large movements of refugees and migrants and it is a historic opportunity to come up with a blueprint for a better international response. It is a watershed moment to strengthen governance of international migration and a unique opportunity for creating a more responsible, predictable system for responding to large movements of refugees and migrants.

When and where?

It will be an all day event on Monday 19 September 2016 at the UNHQ in New York.


Is there a related event on 20 September 2016?

Also on the margins of the General Assembly, on 20 September 2016, the United States President Obama is hosting the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, alongside co-hosts Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico and Sweden, which will appeal to governments to pledge significant new commitments on refugees. While the Leaders’ Summit will focus on refugees, not migrants, the General Assembly High-Level Summit will address large movements of both. The two events will complement one another.

Will you let the United Nations change your American towns?

For all of you working hard to save your towns (and I’ve met many of you on my swing through the heartland over the last month), this is it!  You have to direct all of your efforts from now and through September at pounding Congress on this issue.  Use the problems you are having where you live as the inspiration and the catalyst for your anger.
Your member is still at home until after Labor Day (see calendar).  Find them in their districts! Tell them what you think! Tell your Senators too!
And, while you are directing your community organizing (yes, you are community organizers!) to halt all of the funding for the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, you must work to get Hillary defeated.
This UN stunt is geared to help Hillary! Obama and the United Nations are counting on a Clinton presidency to continue (and expand!) the work they are beginning on August 28th!
Note to all I talked to in my travels, you still need to work locally to regain control at your local elected official level and get rid of some the mayors who have been ‘captured,’ but at this moment there is only one major goal…

….don’t let Congress fund Obama’s 2017 resettlement goal which surely will come in at the 100,000 to 200,000 level.

***These are the federal resettlement contractors. Is your church working with the UN and being paid with taxpayer dollars to bring poverty and poorly screened refugees to your town? Time to speak up on Sundays (by the way, evangelicals are not off the hook because World Relief is an evangelical organization!)  So-called religious charities are in red.

"Panic" about Muslim migration to Europe is justified says scholar

Invasion of Europe news…….

invaders marching
Will Europeans stop the invasion in time, or is it too late already?

This analysis applies to the US too and for all of you wondering what the hell is driving the invasion, check out this story at Breitbart hat tip Fred. 
(Once again get the idea out of your heads that we should all be humanitarians welcoming the stranger, it is all about money and global power!)

A highly regarded researcher and academic has warned that Muslims in Europe view migration as the start of the Islamisation of the continent. Prof. Abdessamad Belhaj also detailed how globalists are using Muslim migrants to turn Western countries into socially divided societies of easily-controlled consumers.

The scholar of Islam and social sciences warned that large numbers of migrants are “calamitous” for the European people, and that neoliberal elites see Islamic terrorism, and state bankruptcy and collapse as collateral damage in their pursuit of endless wealth.

In an interview with Hungary’s Institute for Migration Research, Professor Belhaj discussed what he calls the Islamic moral economy.

He summarised this economy as based around the belief that “if there is money, it is because of Islam, and if there is Islam it will bring money”.

Simply put, the globalists and the Islamists are teaming up, and to hell with you!  Electing Hillary will put another globalist/neo-liberal elitist in the White House!
Continue reading here.
Our complete ‘invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

"Anti-refugee rhetoric" fueling controversy in southern elections

So says a publication called Facing South.’

Foreign-born growth_v3
Notice that two of the top three states with the most foreign born population are turning from red to blue, and they have promised to flip Texas one day too. Progressives know that most new immigrants vote D (so they can continue to receive their taxpayer funded services).

I want you to read this story (even if you don’t live in the south).
I found it interesting because of its implication that once again southerners are anti-foreigner, but I do want to make it clear that the concern about pouring third world poverty into any state North, West, East or South is growing, and that it is a concern that was growing long before Donald Trump came on the scene.
Security concerns are also driving citizens to get organized politically as well.
In fact as I wrap up my ‘listening tour’ of the heartland, I can assure you that changing America by changing the people is not sitting well anywhere.
From reporter Allie Yee:

“Southern states like Tennessee, South Carolina and Alabama have had some the fastest rates of growth nationally among their foreign-born populations. And while immigrants make up only a small share of most Southern states’ population — and refugees an even smaller share — the arrival of new languages, complexions, cultures and religions has elicited reactions from local communities ranging from wariness to outright hostility and even violence.

The anti-refugee reaction is intertwined with the rise of anti-Islamic sentiment in the region.”

No kidding!

More here.


Trump focuses on Minnesota Somali problem in advance of trip there in two weeks

Update August 10th:  Somali reaction in Maine to Trump’s comments, here.
Sometimes you just want to scream when you read Leftwing (Progressive) media reports like this one.  It begins in the usual style they must teach in J-school!  Sympathetic refugee STORY to soften readers up so that their main point (in this case that Donald Trump has it all wrong) goes down easier.

Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges threatens Trump in tweet: : “Donald Trump, do not go after Minnesota and our Somali population. Just don’t.”

The first thing I looked for was any mention of the marauding gang of Somalis that terrorized the Lake Calhoun suburb just a few weeks ago—not a word!
And, once again we see a mayor who shows no concern for constituents who are afraid or who see the economic writing on the wall as more poverty arrives in Minnesota.
From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

In a Thursday speech, the Republican presidential candidate suggested that Somali refugees have turned Minnesota into a hotbed for terror recruitment and frayed its social safety net.

Trump’s swipe dominated discussion after Friday prayer at Ibrahim’s [the star of the story—ed] mosque in Burnsville.


For the state’s Somali community, Trump’s remarks inspired outrage, renewed calls to vote in November and plans to respond during the candidate’s planned visit to the state Aug. 19. Public officials, including Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, fired back on social media. For organizers of events questioning refugee resettlement that have drawn growing crowds in outstate Minnesota this year, the speech offered welcome validation.


Trump serious

Quoting a 2015 Washington Times article, Trump said Minnesota’s Somali refugees have high unemployment rates and represent “a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terror groups.”

“The state is having tremendous problems,” he said.

CAIR and Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison claim the Somalis  are helping local economies, but here near the end of the story, the Star Tribune admits some of the truth:

Amid a growing number of arrivals from other states, Minnesota has seen an increase in Somali food and cash assistance participation since 2010.

A recent report comparing various groups in the state paints a “stark” picture of the challenges Somali Minnesotans face, said Susan Brower, the state’s demographer. Almost 60 percent live under the poverty line, compared with 11 percent of all Minnesota. Unemployment of adults in the labor force stands at 20 percent, the highest of any group in the state.

Read it all here.
I recently visited three cities in Minnesota and I assure you they have a problem!  For new readers, see especially this post about 10,000 Somalis seeded in MN in ten years.

Everyone reading this post this morning should be doing everything in your power to elect Donald Trump.  Minnesotans must get out to support Trump when he gets there. 

He is saying the things that must be said and giving you permission to say them too!  If he loses, the flood gates will open to the third world like we have never seen before.  And, you will be silenced!

The Khan story reminds me of the food stamp fraud stories that so intrigued me

….more investigative work is needed!  And, you can do it!

In the wake of the media fire storm over Donald Trump’s remarks relating to the Khan family, research, like this by Dennis Michael Lynch showed that Khizr Khan has a financial vested interest in helping immigrants get to the US through the little-known Investor Visa programs at the US State Department.
Here is Lynch:

The father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq, who spoke at the Democrat National Convention, is an immigration lawyer who specializes in a visa program that allows immigrants to effectively buy U.S. citizenship with an E-2 or EB-5 visa.

Khan at DNC
Immigration lawyer Khizr Khan at the DNC convention. If Trump is elected one of the first programs to be investigated is the US DOS Investor Visa programs.

Khizr Kahn has been blasting Donald Trump for wanting to wanting to halt immigration from Muslim nations that have links to terror. Even House Speaker Paul Ryan has jumped on the band wagon, claiming it is wrong to apply a “religious test” for immigrants.

In reality, Trump’s policy on immigration has the potential to impact Kahn financially. Khan’s website states that he helps clients with the E-2 and EB-5 programs, which allow foreign investors to buy into U.S. companies. The programs also provide green cards for family members. The website also states that he assists with purchase of U.S. real estate and businesses.

Continue reading here.   And, as you know Khan’s website has been taken down!  See also Breitbart on the news that the website has been removed.
It is through the Investor Visa program that so many US convenience stores and mom & pop gas stations are being bought up by immigrants.  Go to any seedy neighborhood (like the ones I saw in Toledo recently) and there is an immigrant-run convenience store it seems on every block.  There is no way they are all making a living selling bread, milk and cigarettes.
My guess is that many are participating in what is known as trafficking in food stamps.
For years I followed this fraud issue—-trafficking in food stamps—-and finally had to give it up because so much is happening with the refugee program.
Here is one post I wrote in the spring of 2010 explaining how immigration lawyers, like Khan, not only help the ‘investors’ get in to the US, but very often find them the stores to purchase.  (For the E-2 program only a small investment is necessary to buy in to America.)
Now, I am not saying every store owned by an immigrant is running a food stamp scam, but many are!   And, you will see how many if you type ‘food stamp fraud’ in to RRW’s search window.   You will even find some stories about how US food stamp dollars are sent to Muslim countries as well!
(Let me be clear! I am not saying Khizr Khan knows anything about food stamp trafficking or sending US food stamp dollars out of the country!)

I am, however, now renewing my appeal to any wannabe investigator (amateur or otherwise) to dig into this issue and this issue alone—Investor Visas and Food stamp fraud!—it is huge!

Find the link between the program and stores busted for food stamp fraud!