How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!

Related update: See that Chobani has a new Lesbian ad that has fired-up one group of Moms! Click here.
And, it informs us about one reason why Donald Trump says the Chamber of Commerce is no friend of America!
I had to laugh this morning as CNN talking heads were scratching theirs about why Trump would go after the Chamber of Commerce which they described as reliably Republican and conservative. No longer!

The Chamber at the national level and in many cities and counties is being run by Democrats or Open Borders Republicans.

Chobani twin falls plant
Chobani brags that it built this massive $450 millon plant in 326 days. I would like to know if any shortcuts were granted by officials at all levels of govt. who surely had to approve the project on environmental grounds.

The most important points you need to know about what refugee resettlement is all about comes together in the wake of that awful sexual assault of a little girl in Twin Falls, Idaho by migrant boys (they still refuse to call them refugees).
Local government officials lashed out at citizens who wanted answers because they needed to shut them up—why? Because this city is invested in Chobani Yogurt’s largest plant in the world which is in turn dependent on cheap refugee/immigrant labor (some call it slave labor!).
By suggesting that a large refugee population may not be good for your town, you ruin their carefully crafted narrative.
Refugee resettlement is about MONEY and power and to hell with whether it changes the social, economic and cultural makeup of your home town or threatens your security. So-called humanitarian compassion is the cover for a lot of very dirty business.
Calling you hateful or racist is how they shut up anyone who dares to look more deeply into the scheme that includes foreign interests (many of the big meatpackers drawing refugee labor are foreign owned!), the UN, the US State Department, Dems looking for voters and everyone involved, including the so-called ‘religious charities, looking to line their pockets while telling themselves they are doing God’s work!
In another Hohmann/WND investigation on the situation there we learn that the Mayor of Twin Falls, who gave a sanctimonious speech when citizens became emotionally enraged by the bits of the story that were leaking out about the sexual assault of the little girl (were the accused boys’ family members working at Chobani, that is what I would like to know!), is also the President of the Chamber of Commerce and was instrumental in bringing the massive Chobani Yogurt plant to the city.
We have previously told you about Chobani, and that its CEO and founder Hamdi Ulukaya, is from Turkey.  Yesterday, he responded to Obama’s call for large corporations to hire more refugees with a ‘yes sir’ happy to do it!   See that news, here.

***Important update*** 

Bloomberg has scrubbed its story from yesterday in which they reported that Chobani Yogurt was one of the companies responding to Obama’s call to hire additional refugees. Apparently they have not promised to do so!  What is up with this???? In January Hamdi Ulukaya was reported at the World Economic Forum at Davos saying he would urge other companies to hire refugees, has he changed his mind about his own company, see hereSure looks like it!

Corrects to remove reference to Chobani yogurt hiring additional refugees in ninth paragraph

Now, here is what Hohmann learned (read this story, recognize the pattern!):

WND has learned that Barigar was instrumental in recruiting Chobani to Twin Falls back in 2011, and he now plays a dual role of elected official and president/CEO of the local Chamber of Commerce.

Barigar, a Democrat, has been in leadership roles with the Chamber for 11 years. During that time he has also served two stints on the city council, with a gap between January 2008 and January 2012 in which he was not part of the city government.

It was during that gap, but while he was running for office in 2011, that he was busy working to lure Chobani to Twin Falls.

“I was a member of the recruitment team that recruited Chobani to Twin Falls in 2011,” Barigar told WND in a phone interview Thursday.

Read the whole thing, see the pattern as clear as I’ve ever seen it, and look for this happening in your town!  Citizens of Rutland, VT, Missoula, MT, Asheville, NC, Reno, NV, Charleston, WV, etc. read this. 

People ask me all the time what they should do, and frankly after doing your homework and getting your facts (including info. on campaign contributions), you are going to have to work to remove elected officials who are working to change America by changing the people and are worshiping the all-mighty dollar while they do it!
Endnote: When I looked at that photo and reflected on the speed with which this plant was built, I’m thinking someone with an investigative bent could write a book about this whole project, how it came to be, and how it has changed the town of Twin Falls forever. You can visit our Twin Falls archive, here, to start your research. Be sure to see this older post here at RRW about the expanding mosque there (who is paying for it?).

Swiss take Muslim assimilation seriously; girls can't become citizens if they refuse coed swim class

Invasion of Europe news…..
swiss flagSwitzerland is one of the few countries in Europe not completely inundated with migrants from the Middle East and Africa.  And, if this news gets out in a big way, maybe fewer Muslim migrants will be knocking on their doors.
From the Washington Times:

The Swiss government recently rejected citizenship for two Muslim immigrant girls who refused to swim with boys in a coed class at school, USA Today said Tuesday, citing reports from Swiss media outlets.

Little swiss town with gothic church on Lake Lucerne and Alps mountain, Switzerland.
Little swiss town with gothic church on Lake Lucerne and Alps mountain, Switzerland. The country is 70 percent Christian. Photo:

“The girls, whose names were not disclosed, said their religion prevents them from participating in compulsory swimming lessons with males in the pool at the same time,” USA Today reported. “Their naturalization application was rejected because the sisters did not comply with the school curriculum, Basel authorities said.”

“In Switzerland, unlike in the United States and many other countries, integration into society is more important for naturalization than knowledge of national history or politics,” USA Today explained. “Candidates for citizenship must prove that they are well assimilated in their communities and respect local customs and traditions.”

Roughly 5 percent of Swiss citizens are Muslim, while more than 70 percent are Christian and 21.4 percent profess no religious affiliation, according to the CIA’s World Factbook.

While the Swiss constitution guarantees “[f]reedom of religion and conscience” and the right to “choose” and “profess” one’s religious or philosophical views “alone or in community with others,” in recent years the Swiss have sought to promote cultural assimilation among Muslim immigrants via legislative means.

More here.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

A letter to the citizens of Radford, Virginia (a new targeted resettlement site)

I’m not going to snip this must-read article published by Jeff Bayard at the Virginia Free Citizen today because I want you to go there and read the whole thing!  Bayard has nailed it—this is exactly what you can expect if your town is secretly chosen.

Radford Main Street. Learn more about the bucolic town on the New River here:,_Virginia

Radford, Virginia is apparently joining other towns that the UN/US State Department and their contractors have quietly targeted as new ‘welcoming’ (Ha!) resettlement locations.
The feds and the contractors and sub-contractors (like Catholic Charities) are anticipating increased numbers of refugees to be coming in to the country and they are running out of places to put them as existing resettlement towns (approximately 200 of them!) are becoming overloaded and community discord has set in.
We have reported on plans for new sites in Missoula, MT, Charleston, WV, Reno, NV, Ithaca, NY, Rutland, VT, and Fayetteville, AR, so far, just in the last few months.
Now here is a letter “to the citizens of Radford, VA” This is it in a nutshell!  The grassroots in Virginia have been studying how this program works for some time now and this essential article shows it!

Idaho update: City council meets again, citizen reports little girl afraid to go outside

This is the latest news from Twin Falls, Idaho about the case where three migrant boys from Sudan and Iraq are accused of sexually assaulting a 5 year old girl in their apartment complex.  Officials admit the boys have likely been in the US for less than two years, but say they do not know if the boys are UN/US State Department refugees, or whether they just drifted in to the US and made their way to rural Idaho.  I’m being cynical of course.
There is no ‘line’ to get into America from places like the Sudan and Iraq.  There are pretty much only two ways—either illegally as illegal aliens who crossed our borders or overstayed visas, or as resettled refugees.  Which is it?  I assure you that the US State Department, federal contractor US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), and Jan Reeves*** (Idaho state refugee coordinator) know who these people are and exactly where they came from.

Twin Falls mayor Democrat Shawn Barigar is angry that Twin Falls has been the subject of discussion on the world wide web by people who don’t share his values. (Which values?)

They could be what the federal government calls “secondary migrants”—refugees resettled in another city or state and who then move on their own to another location (often in search of jobs or better government services/welfare).
In recent years the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS) has been tracking secondary migrants (as best as they can), so they know who these people are.  The College of Southern Idaho (the subcontractor operating under the USCRI umbrella in Twin Falls) says they were not resettled in Twin Falls, but by now they know where they came from—Boise maybe?
Whoever resettled them and to which city they were initially placed is known by Reeves and Barbara Day in Washington.  If they are not REFUGEES then Ms. Day needs to make a public statement to clarify that information (and, I will apologize for calling the boys refugees if they are not!).  

Silence means that Washington is hiding something.

I’m digressing.  Here is the latest (or at least the latest as of yesterday!) from Twin Falls.  Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us this:

The 5-year-old Idaho girl who was sexually assaulted by migrant boys from Sudan and Iraq has become a “prisoner in her own house” since the crime was allegedly committed more than three weeks ago, says a close friend of the family.

That’s because one suspect’s family who was evicted from the apartment complex has still not moved out.

The families of the three boys involved – two from Sudan ages 10 and 14 and a third from Iraq age 7 – were all evicted from the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls last week following publicity about the sexual assault, which occurred June 2 in a laundry room at the complex. The Sudanese families immediately left the complex but the Iraqis still reside there, right next door to the victim.

Do not miss the two video clips from the most recent city council meeting embedded in this story.  Watch the mayor of Twin Falls tell residents to stop being emotional and then Julie Ruf, a citizen who has doggedly pressed elected officials on the case, calmly explain to the mayor and council that citizens should get emotional about a little girl being violated and now kept prisoner in her own home because one of the alleged perpetrators is still her neighbor.
Continue reading here.
And, by the way, US Attorney Wendy Olson has walked back her previous comments that demonstrated her political bias and appeared to threaten free speech rights. Hohmann has reported on her latest missive.  (Consider this! If Hillary is elected you will see Olson keep her job, if Trump is President in 2017, he will hopefully be cleaning house at the Justice Department!).
Update:  More on Olson’s attempt to extricate herself from the controversy, here.
If you are new here today, click here, for previous posts on the case and Twin Falls generally.
*** For inquisitive reporters, there is one person who knows whether the alleged abusers from Sudan and Iraq are refugees resettled in Idaho or elsewhere (and who might have moved to Idaho) and that is Jan Reeves.  Reeves likely knows where the evicted families are now living as well.  Reeves is an Obama-designated “Champion of Change” and, as the state refugee coordinator, has been calling the shots on who goes to Idaho for 25 years.  (In Idaho, a Wilson-Fish state, the state government has no say in how the program is run, Reeves runs it.)

Fargo: Lutheran federal refugee contractor kept information on active TB from public

In yet another in a series of investigative reports on Tuberculosis, and diseases generally, in the refugee population coming to America, Michael Patrick Leahy now reports that in Fargo, North Dakota the lead contractor bringing refugees to that state was not forthcoming about information one assumes they would know—-how many of the refugees they resettle there have latent and active TB.

Lutheran Fargo building
Doing well by doing good! This time last year, LSSND was busy with its grand opening of its huge brand spanking new headquarters in Fargo. Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney was on hand for the ribbon cutting.


Dr. John Baird, Health Officer for the Fargo Cass Public Health Department in North Dakota, confirms to Breitbart News that the agency, which serves all of Cass County, has diagnosed and treated four refugees with active tuberculosis (TB) between 2012 and 2015.

Baird’s confirmation of active TB among refugees in the Fargo community comes barely a month after a spokesperson for Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota (LSSND), the resettlement agency hired by the federal government to operate the program in North Dakota, denied that any refugees it has resettled in North Dakota have been diagnosed with active TB.

“We have a good working relationship with NDDoH [North Dakota Department of Health], and have not encountered any issues pertaining to active TB disease among refugees,” an LSSND spokesperson told Fargo’s local NBC television affiliate, KVLY, as reported by the station’s Valley News Live program on May 16.

“Based on Dr. Baird’s statement, the LSS statement to Valley News Live in May was factually inaccurate at best, and an intentional deception at worst,” Breitbart News said in an email to LSSND, asking for a comment to explain their statement that they “have not encountered any issues pertaining to active TB disease among refugees.”

Continue reading here for more important details in an article that once again shows the complete lack of transparency on the part of federal contractors and some officials that work closely with them.
I continue to wonder if community members who sign up with the contractor (LSS in this case) to help refugees get settled are given any instructions in how to avoid exposing themselves to any communicable diseases or parasites.  Does anyone know? Has anyone who volunteered for a resettlement agency been briefed on health issues?
See also our post last week about Fargo’s welcoming Democrat Mayor Tim Mahoney. Fargo has been selected by some millionaires and billionaires as a Gateway to Growth, here.

On the Bhutanese refugees

Leahy mentions that the large numbers of Bhutanese refugees (and some Somalis) come from countries with high levels of TB. For new readers, the Bhutanese (not! Muslims) are really ethnic Nepalis who had been expelled from Bhutan when that country sought to keep Bhutan for true Bhutanese people.  The refugees’ (we call Bhutanese) original country is Nepal.  Nepal wouldn’t take them back so they lived in UN camps on the border of Nepal for 20 years or so.
We had no national interest that would lead us to get involved in this refugee situation…but we did!
In 2007, the George W. Bush Administration said (heck yeh!) we would help the UN by cleaning out those camps and ‘welcoming’ (the original number was somewhere around 60,000) of them to live in your towns.  I bet we are now up to 80,000 who have been transported on your dime from UN camps to your cities.  And, the camps are still not cleaned out because more arrive at the camps looking for a plane ticket to the west!
We have a huge (and I mean huge!) archive on the Bhutanese here at RRW (find more than you ever wanted to know).  The big medical issue that brought them to the attention of the federal government and the CDC was not TB, but the extremely high suicide rate after resettlement to the US.  Why are they killing themselves asked the CDC and the ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement)? Could it be culture shock?
Endnote:  Just now I had a look at LSSND’s website. So tell me why a Lutheran non-profit group is now in partnership to build low income housing in North Dakota.  See here.  Forget the humanitarian BS, this is all a money making racket! Lutherans get paid by the feds to bring in the refugees and then they make money building them housing!
This post is filed in our ‘health issues’ category with 304 previous posts. Leahy’s previous reports are posted there.  You will find the Bhutanese suicide posts filed there too.