Missoula, MT refugee arrivals could begin in August, most will be Muslims

This is the latest from Montana, a state which hasn’t had any refugee flow for a number of years, but is now about to get its first resettlement office.  We have been following the controversy for months and urge you to go here and review the political strife in Big Sky Country over the plan.

Bob Johnson IRC
IRC’s Bob Johnson said he was instructed by his superiors in New York to not discuss recent Islamic terror attack against gay night club in Orlando. Photo: http://www.rescue.org/blog/bob-johnson-refugee-resettlement-director-seattle

Early on, suggestions were made by the proponents and those carrying the water for the International Rescue Committee (the primary federal refugee resettlement company in charge of the office), that there probably wouldn’t be Syrians in the initial flow. But, it seems all that has changed and that most of the refugees that could be chosen for Montana are in fact Muslims.
Here is the news at the Missoulian:

Bob Johnson, a senior adviser for the IRC’s Seattle office, returned to Missoula this week to make preparations for the reopening of a refugee resettlement office. He said the agency for whom he’s worked 40 years instructed its people to abstain from commenting publicly in the wake of the Florida shootings.

Announcement of the Missoula office’s executive director is still a couple of weeks away, and it now looks like it’ll be August before the first refugees arrive in town. In March the IRC contracted with the U.S. State Department to resettle up to 100 refugees in Missoula in the first year, a figure that can be adjusted up or down in subsequent years.

The State Department approved a staff of 2 1/2 in Missoula – the executive director, a caseworker and a half-time finance manager. The latter two jobs are still being advertised.

The IRC says it will give from two weeks to two months notice of where the first refugees will come from, said Mary Poole of Soft Landing Missoula, the volunteer organization that successfully made the case to the IRC to open the Missoula office.


What is clear is there’s a better chance than first thought that some of the refugees will come from Syria. The U.S. has been slow to meet President Barack Obama’s pledge to resettle 10,000 displaced Syrians this fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. National Public Radio reported this week that so far that number is just 2,800, but a White House National Security spokesman said the U.S. remains committed to the president’s plan.

Virtually all Syrians arriving in the US now are Muslims. Of course Afghans and ROHINGYA*** are Muslims. Most of those from DR Congo are very needy, mentally troubled, but mostly non-Muslims. Does Missoula have good mental health facilities? 

An IRC official in April told a reception hosted by Soft Landing that because Missoula has no established nationality base of refugees, it’s likely that its first families will come from a population that has no family ties in the U.S. According to the Missoula Independent, those could be Syrian families of four to 10 members; Afghans; families and single-woman households from the Republic of Congo; or Rohingyas, an ethnic Muslim minority from Myanmar (Burma).

What a wonderful coincidence, the schools in Missoula have been teaching Arabic (the number one language of refugees entering the US) for a few years already!

The 6-year-old Arabic language and culture program in Missoula’s three public high schools was another unexpected asset to the IRC.

Continue reading here.
And, if you feel like it, visit reporter Jared Goyette’s piece from several weeks ago.  It is a typical warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely discussion about how one opponent of the plan got friendly with a proponent of the plan.  I have been meaning to write about it, but the only point I need to make is this:  Mary and Drew are nice people, but don’t fall for the emotional stuff that Jared is peddling.

You have every right to question, in a clear-eyed unemotional way, public policy in your state that will effect your wallet, your safety, your health and the social cohesion of your community forever!

***Learn more about devout Rohingya Muslims here.  We have 189 posts on this ethnic group and only yesterday we mentioned that we are admitting them to our towns and cities now by the thousands.  Remember this! The Rohingya are not our problem.  They have been fighting for decades with the Buddhists in Burma.  We did nothing to make the Rohingya our responsibility!  (Not that any others are ours either. But, the Left loves to tell us we are responsible for wrecking Iraq and so those are ours!).

A quick review of some critical refugee numbers for this fiscal year, it isn't just Syrians that should concern you

As you know the Obama Administration is aiming to bring in 85,000 refugees from around the world (many religions and nationalities) this fiscal year (FY 2016 ends on September 30th).

So what do we know about thousands of Rohingya Muslims we are now picking up throughout this region of the world? No data bases there either! No criminal records to search. http://www.cfr.org/burmamyanmar/rohingya-migrant-crisis/p36651

And, yes, refugee resettlement supplies a small portion of the million or so ‘immigrants’ of all stripes we admit every year.
Our focus here at RRW is primarily (obviously) on the refugee portion or as the feds like to refer to them—humanitarian arrivals, which along with the refugees include a number of different categories of legal and illegal migrants (see a description here) that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement takes responsibility for.
There has been so much news about the Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees entering the US this fiscal year and I wanted to see how those numbers compared with some other Muslim-sending countries (again this is for refugees!), and so I checked the State Department data base for this fiscal year (which began on Oct. 1, 2015) and up to June 15, 2016.
This is what I found (I did not check every country) and I want to emphasize that we really can’t properly vet any of these people especially the devout Rohingya Muslims coming from Burma that have been scattered throughout South East Asia.

Afghanistan (1,455) virtually all Muslims

Burma (8,693) with 2,102 of those being Muslims (this is very new, we only in the last year or so admitted large numbers of Rohingya Muslims)

Iraq (5,781), 4,722 of those are Muslims (mostly Sunni but a large number of Shiites as well).

Somalia (5,956) all Muslim and we pick them up around the world!

Syria (4,328) virtually all Muslims

There are also many Muslims from other Middle Eastern and African countries coming, I just checked the major ethnic groups.
Again! Security screening any of these refugees is almost impossible and certainly won’t stop the 2nd generation jihadi killers.
So, as you freak out over Syrians, consider that they aren’t the only Muslim ‘refugees’ being spread out through America this year.
P.S. One day the Rohingya will be on the national news, so anyone interested in learning more about them can visit our Rohingya Reports category, here.  It goes back to 2008 and has 188 posts in it!

Contemplating 'welcoming' refugees? Pay attention to Amarillo, TX

Amarillo was in the news this week when a former refugee was shot dead in a Walmart store after taking hostages.  If you are looking for excitement in your boring towns and cities, follow the Amarillo example. If you kind of like your peaceful all American town, then you better think twice about becoming a new refugee resettlement site. (And, make all the political noise you can when the feds come to town with their contractors).

Paul Harpole
Harpole testified April 21 before the state Senate’s Committee on Health and Human Services, which held a hearing on refugee resettlement

Amarillo has been getting refugees for years and years so that is why they are now overloaded and stressed.  I suspect early on, the federal contractors snuck into town (they always set up the seed communities with the least amount of publicity they can get away with) and no one caught on until the schools were overloaded and multiculturalism had destabilized the resident population.
Before seeing Leo Hohmann’s detailed report on Amarillo see our post earlier this year that is turning in to one of the top posts of the year, click here.
Take note Rutland, VT, Missoula, MT, Ithaca, NY and Reno, NV among others!
Here is Hohmann at World Net Daily:

A man who took two co-workers hostage at an Amarillo, Texas, Walmart Tuesday was a Muslim refugee from Somalia, and that fact came as no surprise to those who track the federal government’s robust refugee resettlement program.

Amarillo is bursting at the seams with foreign refugees, from Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and its mayor has pleaded repeatedly with the government to stop sending refugees to his city.

But they keep coming.

The schools are stretched, and the local police department is having a hard time getting a handle on the rising crime.

On Tuesday, it was just another example. Mohammad Moghaddan, a Somali refugee, was shot and killed by sheriff’s deputies after he had taken two Walmart employees hostage.

Moghaddan, 54, was a current employee of the store, and his actions were quickly declared “a case of work place violence” by the sheriff’s office. The hostage taker, armed with a handgun, was shot dead by a SWAT team as terrified shoppers were ushered out of the store.

The city’s mayor has been on a crusade since 2011 to get the U.S. State Department, working with the United Nations, to put a damper on the number of refugees flooding into his city.

So far, Mayor Paul Harpole has had little success.

Continue reading here for all the details.
And, again for you in prospective ‘welcoming’ towns remember the message from Amarillo—once you go down this road and open an office in your town there is no slowing the flow later.  Just ask another mayor, Ted Gatsas in Manchester, NH who like Mayor Harpole has tried to persuade Washington to stop sending so many, to no avail.
See our Amarillo archive which extends back to 2008.  This May 2008 post may be our earliest realization that Amarillo was being changed by BIG MEAT in need of cheap immigrant labor or, because the federal government makes it attractive (financially beneficial) for them to hire non-Hispanic laborers (hmmmm?), see here. BTW, in a quick look around I saw that there are 11 meatpacking companies near Amarillo. Why is it the job of the US State Dept. to provide laborers for processing plants, that is what I want to know!

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau stunt (not!)

Update!  A reader tells me I fell for fake news!!! See here! Sorry! Problem still for Trudeau now that this is out there circulating forever … I’ll delete the post shortly, just wanted readers to see how stupid I was!


We have an entire category on Canada (179 previous posts) with real news, go here for more.

Amarillo Somali refugee taken down by police in hostage situation

Update:  Came to US from Iran, here.  Is he a Somali as originally reported?
I was out this afternoon and heard news on the radio that a man had taken hostages in an Amarillo, TX Walmart and knew right away another Muslim was involved.  The radio news I heard never mentioned the man’s identity so as soon as I came in, sure enough here is ‘100 percent fed up, on twitter ***with the news.  He is Somali, one of probably a thousand the US State Department has planted there so BIG MEAT would have a ready supply of cheap labor.

Amarillo is suffering from Somali overload. Everyone of you considering ‘welcoming’ refugees to your towns had better pay attention to Amarillo! http://watchdog.org/253687/mideast-refugees-obama/

For new readers, we have a huge archive on Amarillo, TX (a pocket of resistance where the mayor has tried for years to slow the flow). I’ll tell you more about Amarillo tomorrow when I have more energy. I’ll check the numbers too unless one of the many reporters on the refugee story beat me to it!
Here is what we learned at ‘100 percent fed up.’  Those Texans didn’t waste any time movin’ in:

Suspect shot by SWAT team and hostages are safe, per the Amarillo Police Department. Via: RS

Lt. Erick Bohannon with Special Crimes identified the suspect as 45-year-old Mohammad Moghaddan, a former employee of Walmart. Bohannon cited an apparent dispute between Moghaddan and a former manager as a possible motive for Tuesday’s events. [LOL! Workplace violence, move along, nothing to see.—Ed]

Officials believe Moghaddan barricaded himself, the unidentified manager, and another person inside an office.

The city’s police department, state troopers, and the Randall County Sheriff’s Office among other agencies all reported to the location around 11 a.m. when the first calls were received. Just over an hour later, tactical units entered the building, located the suspect, and fatally shot Moghaddan. via: KSLA

More tomorrow….. Send links in comments if you see more details overnight.
Wow! Just checked and we have 1,965 posts in our ‘crimes’ category.
***For news junkies! When you’ve been out, twitter is a really good way to quickly catch up on the news, assuming you have selected people to follow who you know stay on top of things all day!