May: 1,035 Syrian Muslims admitted to US, only 2 Christians

I was about to have a look at the Syrian refugee admission numbers for May, but reporter Patrick Goodenough of is on top of it this morning.

Christian Syrians with no place to go.

He opens his report:

( – The number of Syrian refugees admitted into the United States jumped to 1,037 during May – an increase of 130 percent over the previous month – but the proportion of Christians among them remains miniscule: two Christians (0.19 percent) compared to 1,035 Muslims.

May’s figure of 1,037 Syrian refugees brings the total number since the beginning of 2016 to 2,099 – compared to 2,192 for the whole of 2015, according to State Department Refugee Processing Center data.

Continue here.
We are still way behind in reaching Obama’s 10,000 Syrians (for this fiscal year) goal by September 30th, but the contractors are working hard to find new ‘welcoming’ towns and cities in which to place the predominantly Muslim Syrians as we have reported here in recent weeks—Missoula, MT, Rutland, VT, Ithaca, NY, Charleston, WV, and Reno, NV (that we have mentioned so far).

Great mystery in Sweden: how do we suddenly have more men than women?

And, what will that mean for the social structure of the country?

More Invasion of Europe news…..
You can’t make this up!
I’ll bet there isn’t one of you reading this who doesn’t know the answer right now before you even read the story!

Nuur at Bare Naked Islam
One of those young men is asylum seeker Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, from Ethiopia, who has been charged in the murder of a white aid worker.

Sweden has opened its doors wide to the Middle East and Africa and who rushed in? Surprise!—young men! Mostly young Muslim men!
Here is how the story at the Daily Mail begins (it is an AP story so maybe that explains its ditzy-sounding opening paragraphs):

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Famous for its efforts to put women on an equal footing with men, Sweden is experiencing a gender balance shift that has caught the country by surprise: For the first time since record-keeping began in 1749, it now has more men than women.

Swedes don’t quite know what to make of this sudden male surplus, which is highly unusual in the West, where women historically have been in the majority in almost every country. But it may be a sign of things to come in Europe as changes in life expectancy and migration transform demographics.

“This is a novel phenomenon for Europe,” said Francesco Billari, a University of Oxford demographer who is president of the European Association for Population Studies. “We as researchers have not been on top of this.”

Ten paragraphs into the story we get the first hint of what has happened to Sweden.

Statistics officials say Sweden’s demographic shift is mainly due to men catching up with women in terms of life expectancy [Oh, really?—ed]. But the arrival in recent years of tens of thousands of unaccompanied teenage boys from Afghanistan, Syria and North Africa is also having a significant impact.

Sweden’s biggest male surplus is in the 15-19 age group, where there are 108 boys for every 100 girls. That imbalance could grow to 115-to-100 this year when the impact of last year’s record number of asylum-seekers — including more than 35,000 unaccompanied minors — is reflected in the population statistics.

You know this will not end well for the white women of Sweden (thousands upon thousands of young men with raging hormones and no women for them).  After citing a warning from an American university researcher, the reporter goes on to quote other ‘experts’ who say everything will be hunky-dory.
A warning from an American:

Valerie Hudson, director of a program on women, peace and security at Texas A&M University, said this should make Swedes concerned, because her research has linked skewed sex ratios in China and India to more violence against women and higher crime levels.

What’s happening in Sweden, Hudson said, “is one of the most dramatic alterations of demography over such a short period of time that I’ve ever seen.” She called it ironic that a country considered a beacon of women’s rights isn’t paying more attention to the issue.

Continue reading here because other women’s advocates downplay the news (naively in my opinion).
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.  And, we have written many posts over the years about Sweden, my pick for the European country that falls to the Islamists first.

Some in Germany worried about large number of conversions from Islam to Christianity

Most worried are the Muslim political activists!

Invasion of Europe news….
As Europe and particularly Germany continues to take in tens of thousands of migrants from the Middle East and Africa an interesting phenomenon has been reported recently.
[By the way, US resettlement contractors like Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and so forth are strictly forbidden to proselytize when they sign their government contracts to place refugees in your town (which must make CAIR very happy).]

Aiman Mazyek (second from right) at rally for Muslims in Berlin with Mama Merkel. No missionary work by churches! Photo:

From Daily Sabah:

An influential Muslim organization in Germany has raised concern regarding an alleged growing number of conversions to Christianity among refugees who hope to receive asylum status.

The growing number of conversions among refugees made headlines in German media earlier this month, when nearly 80 Muslim refugees from Iran and Afghanistan converted to Christianity, in a baptism ceremony held by a protestant church in Hamburg.

Aiman Mazyek, who chairs the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD), said decisions on asylum status should not be influenced by the ethnic or religious identity of refugees.

“Freedom to choose a religion is the basics. But churches should refrain from directing refugees through influence. […] We expect from churches that they refrain from aggressive missionary work, as we expect Muslims to do the same,” he told Anadolu Agency.

However, before we get too excited, it is possibly that the conversions are only to save themselves from being deported back to their shariah-adherent countries.  (See yesterday about why you need to all learn more about Islam).

Conversions to Christianity have mainly concerned Iranian, Afghan or Pakistani refugees, who appear to have a lesser chance to receive asylum status in Germany than Syrians for instance, according to media reports.

Arguing that they face death penalty in their home country due to their conversion to Christianity, they attempt trying to increase their chance for a positive response from the authorities, for their asylum request.

Let’s hope the conversions are for real.
Go here for our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

See Death by Demography at American Resistance 2016!

marching-men 2When the new year began, I had such grandiose ideas that I would have time to write about the 2016 Elections at a new blog, American Resistance 2016!, but the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program is expanding exponentially and thus I haven’t found much time for that blog.
However, just now I pulled several pieces of information together about the migration, about the hijra, and how this election, perhaps since the founding, will have the most profound impact on America’s future than any other before it.
Check it out by clicking here.  Learn all you can about Islam and help spread the word about how it will not be compatible with Western Civilization once the Muslim population reaches critical mass (and that is a very tiny number—3-5% and demands for sharia law begin).
Update May 31: be sure to see Leo Hohmann’s story at WND about the huge numbers of green cards we are giving out to Muslims from all over the world, here.

West Virginia you are up next as expanding federal refugee program looking for fresh territory

And, West Virginia is fresh indeed!  It is one of the states the UN/US State Department program forgot (until now).  Other states with tiny refugee populations are Joe Biden’s Delaware, Bill Clinton’s Arkansas, a few states in the deep south and of course Montana and Wyoming.  I always assumed that Democratic Senator Bobby (“Sheets”) Byrd had kept the program out of West Virginia, but he is gone.

Islamic Assocition of West.jpg&MaxW=332&imageVersion=SoftCropArticlePictures
The Islamic Association of West Virginia (a mosque) is expanding its space. They are involved in the local ‘Interfaith’ group looking to bring Syrians to Charleston.

I just now checked the State Department data and since 2008, West Virginia ‘welcomed’ 156 refugees with the largest number being Iraqis (59), Burmese (46) and Eritreans (40). Tiny numbers of course compared to states which receive in the thousands each year. Guess the low-wage refugee workers will now be competing with out of work coal miners.
Here is the news from the Charleston Gazette-Mail (emphasis is mine):
They all think that economic boom times will follow the refugees (it doesn’t, all of you citizens of West Virginia, please learn from what happened in Utica, here).

As Charleston’s population continues to decline, a refugee resettlement service is considering opening an agency in the city that would assist hundreds of refugees in moving to the area.

Episcopal Migration Ministries [one of nine top federal contractors—ed] a refugee-resettlement agency, sent Jeffrey Hawks and Allison Duvall to Charleston to learn more about the city this week. Hawks is a consultant for the organization, while Duvall is an employee.

The West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry [remember my warning about these ‘interfaith’ groups!—ed] a group that started to create greater understanding of the plight of Syrian refugees, is working to turn Charleston into one of the Episcopal Migration Ministry’s “resettlement communities.” The ministry has 30 of those communities in cities throughout the United States.

The agencies work with local organizations in each city to assist refugees with translation, food, clothing, housing, education, mental health support, medical services, job training and community orientation.

Anti-Muslim sentiment is rampant throughout the country. Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for president, has called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States. Many have called for preventing Syrian refugees, fleeing the carnage of civil war in their country, from entering the country. A West Virginia lawmaker even started a petition to ban them from West Virginia.

However, a group of Charlestonians sat in a meeting room at St. John’s Episcopal Church Thursday afternoon and took turns trying to convince Hawks and Duvall that Charleston would be an ideal place for refugees from Syria and other places to live…

More evidence that the federal contractors are out looking for fresh territory in which to seed Syrians (and other refugees).

But they didn’t have to do much convincing. Episcopal Migration Ministries has already researched Charleston and decided it would be a good fit for refugees. Ultimately, whether the city can be selected as one of the ministry’s resettlement communities will be up to the U.S. Department of State, Hawks said.

Now check this out!  The local Islamic Center is one step ahead of you all with their propaganda campaign (gotta fill that new building!):

Hawks and Duvall met a friendly crowd Thursday evening as well. They attended “The Refugee Experience” at 7 p.m. at the Islamic Association of West Virginia, in South Charleston. At the community event, refugees spoke about their experiences resettling in Charleston.

And, then this is new!  I have never heard of a federal contractor expecting up front money from a wannabe subcontractor.  They must really be stretched to get Obama’s 85,000 refugees in here by the end of the year and be ready for his proposed 100,000 for next year.

…those in Charleston organizing the effort will need to raise about $90,000 for upfront costs. They will need to pay for the salary of at least one employee of the agency for every 75 placements.

Continue reading here.
I can’t guarantee that Trump can save us, but I know for sure that Hillary Clinton will put the refugee program on steroids if elected in November!
P.S. It is Sunday morning, maybe it’s time for any of you Episcopalians reading this to have a word with your priests and church leaders about what they are doing in the name of your faith!
An afterthought: It occurred to me right after I hit ‘post’ that this story might bring in new readers who don’t know that we have been writing about several new sites to be colonized including Missoula, MT, Ithaca, NY, Reno, NV, Rutland, VT and Fayetteville, AR. Many more will be popping up soon as they prepare for the new fiscal year which begins Oct. 1.