Guest commentary: A warning directly from Europe

Editor’s note: From time to time, we publish guest opinion pieces or comments that readers have sent us.  This one is from an American living in Europe who wants to warn us, and remind us that we only need to look to Europe to see America’s future if we don’t get mass migration under control. It is archived in our category ‘Comments worth noting/Guest posts.

Trending in Europe: Polygamy, Child Brides, and Female Genital Mutilation

Do you ever wonder what America will look like in a few decades?
Just look to Europe.

doner kebab
Mama Merkel would like us to focus on ‘welcoming’ diversity as if it is all about Döner Kebab replacing the apfelstrudel in Deutschland rather than the serious issues raised in this guest post.

Even though the United States is further behind in the process, American politicians are following Europe with the exact same policies.
As an American expat living in Europe, let me give you a first-hand account of the cultural changes we see unfolding in European society. Because this theme is so big, I’ll only focus on three disturbing topics most of us would rather not discuss: polygamy, child brides, and female genital mutilation. These trends are spreading throughout Europe as a direct result of immigration polices and demographic changes.

The Big Myth

First we need to name the big myth that underpins all of this insanity. It’s the idea that all refugees/immigrants arriving in our country will adopt Western values. We hear this from Barack Obama, Angela Merkel in Germany, and David Cameron in Great Britain. But it’s a lie. Anyone who spends a day in Brussels, an afternoon in Frankfurt, or a weekend in Stockholm knows the real truth. Tragically in Europe, it appears that integration is a myth.

Profiting from Polygamy

In Britain, a Muslim men can take multiple wives and have numerous children with each wife because everything will be paid for by the welfare system. These women are often forced into contracted marriages. Here’s how the process works, using a hypothetical example:
A Muslim man arrives in London and is granted asylum. The next year 4-8 of his family members arrive through family reunification. Then he arranges a marriage through family in Pakistan. His new wife arrives from Pakistan and she eventually has five children. She is unemployed and they receive generous welfare benefits. A few years later the man marries another woman from Pakistan and repeats the same process. Using this strategy the family can explode to 15 or more people, with each wife entitled to housing and benefits by the British taxpayers. With the growing strength of the Muslim community throughout Europe, Sharia law and legalized polygamy are now accepted norms.
If you think this is an exaggeration, you can read all about this trend unfolding not only in the Britain, but all over Europe:

“The multiple marriages have been encouraged by changes made to the British welfare system by the previous Labour government, which allowed Muslim immigrants to have a second, third or fourth wife (and in some cases five or more) treated as a single mother who can get a house and an array of other state payments for herself and her children.” [August 2012 Report]

“The “blind eye” turned towards polygamy in Britain – and in FranceBelgium and Germany – has ensured that some Muslim men are having upwards of 20 children by multiple wives, almost always at the state’s expense.” [November 2015 Report]

Welcome to the Islamization of the West. Polygamy is pure Islam as directed in the Koran, Sira, and Hadith. Mohammed, for example, had 11 wives and a large number of sex slaves. The Koran commands all Muslims to follow the example of Mohammed.

The Troubling Trend of Child Brides

The influx of refugees has exposed another cultural schism between Islam and Western civilization. You would think that in countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway, we would not be struggling the issue of child brides. But here we are in 2016 discussing this topic.
Numerous asylum seekers are arriving in Europe with wives who are below the age of sexual consent. One 23 year old Muslim man arrived with his 11 year old wife and 18 month old child. It’s a trend we see throughout Europe, reflecting the accepted practice in the Muslim world. Selling little girls as young as eight years old into marriage is a practice in Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries.
Muslim men having child brides is pure Islam. According to the Sira, Mohammed’s favorite wife was Aisha. She was six years old when she was officially contracted into marriage with Mohammed, and nine when she was brought into Mohammed’s sex harem. Mohammed was 53 years old at that time. The Hadith even describes how Mohammed allowed her to bring dolls into the sex harem because she was so young (Hadith; Muslim:177).

The Sickening Practice of Female Genital Mutilation

Here’s another topic that nobody, including me, wants to discuss in 2016 Western civilization. But thanks to our immigration policies and the Islamization of the West, female genital mutilation is increasingly practiced in our society and we need to face the uncomfortable facts. Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes “cutting off the female’s clitoris or labia and sometimes sewing the vagina shut” to prevent intercourse. FGM is practiced in much of Islamic society and parts of Africa.
Female genital mutilation is a growing problem in Europe. In 2003 the British government passed the “Female Genital Mutilation Act of 2003” to mitigate the spread of this barbaric practice. An official European parliament report estimates over “500,000 women and girls in Europe are living with female genital mutilation and an estimated 180,000 girls are at risk… [but] these figures are underestimated and do not take into account second-generation or undocumented migrants.”
The problem is so common in multicultural Germany, Berlin is now home to Europe’s first clinic devoted to treating victims of FGM.
Female genital mutilation is also part of Islamic culture. The practice is referenced in the Sira, which describes a man named Hamza who was the “son of a clitoris cutter” (Ishaq: 557). The Hadith assumes both men and women are “circumscised” as it describes bathing after “their circumscised genitalia touch” in intercourse (Muslim: 003,0684). Female genital mutilation was a common practice in 7th century Arabia, and now also 21st century Europe.

Western Civilization or Mass Immigration?

An entire encyclopedia could be written on the cultural changes we see unfolding in Europe. Literally every aspect of society is slowly changing, from big cities to small villages. Ancient churches are being closed and replaced with mosques and “Islamic education centers.” German bakeries are closed and replaced with “Doner Kebab” shops on every corner. And of course, you see the demographic changes everywhere: an older European society is slowly dying out and being replaced by a younger Muslim society.
My fellow Americans, the choice is yours. You can either choose to keep your society, civilization, and way of life, or you can choose multiculturalism in the form of mass immigration, but you can’t have both. If you want to see what your future looks like if you choose the latter, just turn your attention to Europe.
As Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party says, “Europe is burning.” You don’t have to make the same mistakes.

For more from Real Facts Media (from within the belly of the beast!) click here.

For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive go here. See map where Female Genital Mutilation has already come to America.

Illinois: Zakat Foundation to open cultural center specifically for Rohingya Muslims in the state

While we focus on Syrians, thousands upon thousands of equally questionable Muslim refugees are being admitted to the US—most notably Somalis, Iraqis, Uzbeks and now enough Rohingya Burmese Muslims to warrant a special “cultural” center for them!

Explain to us again how we are security-screening the Rohingya who have fled Burma (Myanmar) and Bangladesh in boats and are scattered throughout Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

My! My! how times have changed.  When I first began writing RRW, the US State Department would not admit Rohingya Muslims. Now thousands are here!
We have probably the largest archive anywhere on the Rohingya Muslim ‘refugee’ issue with 187 posts extending back to 2007 where we first learned from Time magazine about how Islamic terror groups had infiltrated the devout Rohingya population.
If someone wanted to write a book on how the ‘humanitarians’ and the international Leftists can wear down a country (the US) by creating a media drumbeat to the point where our leaders have now thrown previous caution to the wind and are admitting refugees who definitely cannot be properly screened, your research is done on these pages! (Unfortunately, most of our so-called leaders in Washington don’t even know this is happening!)
Here is one of many posts I wrote way back when.  And this is what Time magazine said about the Rohingya in 2002!

Here is what Time magazine said about Rohingya on October 14, 2002 in an article entitled, ‘Deadly Cargo’ by Alex Perry.

Today, southern Bangladesh has become a haven for hundreds of jihadis on the lam. They find natural allies in Muslim guerrillas from India hiding out across the border, and in Muslim Rohingyas, tens of thousands of whom fled the ethnic and religious suppression of the Burmese military junta in the late 1970s and 1980s. Many Rohingyas are long-term refugees, but some are trained to cause trouble back home in camps tolerated by a succession of Bangladeshi governments. The original facilities date back to 1975, making them Asia’s oldest jihadi training camps. And one former Burmese guerrilla who visits the camps regularly describes three near Ukhia, south of the town of Cox’s Bazar, as able to accommodate a force of 2,500 between them.

This is the news today from Illinois (hat tip: domstudent11) from The Daily Northwestern:

Home to more than 2,400 new refugees from 29 nations that migrated in the past year, residents say Illinois has historically been an open and welcoming place for asylum-seekers and immigrants alike.

“Illinois is easier to resettle because it’s so diverse,” said Suzanne Akhras Sahloul, a Syrian refugee and founder of the Syrian Community Network. “It’s important to see people who are of different ethnic backgrounds because then that makes our transition a little bit easier.”

Rohingya Cultural Center to open in Chicago on Saturday.

But following Governor Bruce Rauner’s call in November to halt the flow of Syrian refugees into Illinois and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric on immigrants, including a proposal to temporarily bar all Muslims from entering the United States, some say the state may turn in a different direction. [Illinois is in the top five states for the resettlement of Syrian Muslims, see here.]

Muslim ‘charity’ to open cultural center just for Rohingya.

In the 2015 calendar year, Syrians made up about 6 percent of all refugees in Illinois, preceded by those from the Democratic Republic of Congo at 12 percent, Iraq at almost 20 percent and Myanmar at nearly 40 percent, according to U.S. Department of State data.

The Zakat Foundation of America, an organization that provides resources for low-income communities, plans on opening a culture center just outside of Evanston this weekend. The center, which has been in the works for six months, is the latest effort by the organization to provide resources for Rohingyan refugees fleeing Myanmar.

“There are two basic things motivating the project,” said Jamie Merchant, public relations coordinator at Zakat. “The specific problems of this uniquely disadvantaged community of the Rohingya and also trying to establish a new angle for approaching the general challenges of resettlement.”

Catholic Bishops lobbied for Rohingya!
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is one of the major lobbying groups to push for the seeding of America with Rohingya Muslims as we reported here in 2013.  I was in attendance when the USCCB said we must bring more Rohingya to America.
One more thing….
Although there is no evidence any of your tax dollars are going to this group, but generally the federal government (with grants) encourages the establishment of cultural centers specifically for ethnic groups to be with their own kind of people, how does that help assimilation to America?

Illegal African migrants, rescued at sea, riot, want to move northward in Europe

Invasion of Europe news…

Here they come! It’s spring and the European invasion from Africa is picking up steam.

Looks like the spring migration from North Africa is well underway. Somalis and Eritreans this time.  I expect the invasion from Africa to be in full force soon as the bottleneck in Greece (of mostly Middle Easterners) is impeding movement through that country.
It is the invasion one-two punch!
Here is the latest about the riots yesterday on the Italian island of Sardinia.  Both Breitbart and the UK Daily Mail have the story.

The Leader of Italy’s Northern League, Matteo Salvini, did not mince words. “I am sick and tired of these immigrants,” he said. “They want to leave, so let’s weigh them and ship them back home.”

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.
By the way, have you seen any of this on American mainstream media?  No? Me either!  (They are all too busy counting delegates!)
One more thing—speaking of the campaign—be sure to see my post this morning at American Resistance 2016 about Trump’s plan to curtail one of the primary drivers of migration to America—remittances!

'We are at war' says European writer, mass Muslim migration is the cause

Invasion of Europe news…..
In the wake of the latest Islamic terrorist attack, this time in Belgium, a writer who says he is weary (he should be he has been writing and warning about the escalating Islamic violence in Europe for at least ten years, maybe longer, but that’s when I began reading Fjordman’s work) penned an essay posted at Gates of Vienna last week.

We live in incredible times! The invasion of Europe is happening before our eyes and the invaders are being welcomed!

This is the section that jumped out at me:

After the many Islamic terror attacks in Europe in 2015 and 2016, several Western political leaders have stated that we are at “war.”[8] Yes, we are. But at war with whom? Are we supposed to wage war against an enemy we don’t even dare to name?

The cause of this situation is very simple: Mass immigration in general and Muslim immigration in particular. Western Europe did not have these problems 50 years ago. The eastern half of Europe that has not been widely subjected to Muslim immigration does not face the same problems today. All those who have promoted or accepted Muslim immigration are responsible for creating entire urban districts full of people who are plotting to murder us. And yet, they still continue.

There is much more, read it all here.

Don’t fall for the comforting big lie!

What is that?  The lie that America’s Muslims are better assimilated and we won’t have these problems.
Maybe we don’t have it as bad as Europe yet, but we will when American cities have the large Muslim populations cities like Brussels have.  It is only a matter of numbers!
I’m too lazy to do all the searching around for those population percentage numbers, but here is a 2014 article at Gatestone reporting on the high Muslim populations of cities in Belgium and The Netherlands (Fjordman thinks Holland is next).

The number of Muslims in Brussels—where roughly half of the number of Muslims in Belgium currently live—has reached 300,000, which means that the self-styled “Capital of Europe” is now one of the most Islamic cities in Europe.

In 2013, Muslims made up approximately 26% of the population of metropolitan Brussels, followed by Rotterdam (25%), Amsterdam (24%), Antwerp (17%), The Hague (14%) and Utrecht (13%), according to a panoply of research.

We hear the refrain constantly—the US is bad because we support Israel, we kill women and children in the Middle East and so many of us are ‘Islamophobic’ (LOL! Some of us like Donald Trump), but what did the people of Belgium do to justify being brutally murdered in the name of Islam?  Nothing as far as I can tell.  They have “welcomed” the Muslim migration with open arms, accommodated them,  and still get kicked in the teeth!
The comforting lie….
Have you noticed this?  A whole host of talking heads, elected officials, ‘humanitarians’ and so forth are running around saying that in America it’s different, our Muslims don’t live in impoverished situations and they have upward mobility, yada yada yada. First of all, that theory assumes that there is no Islamic component to their lives, but it isn’t true and it won’t be true if we continue to import over 100,000 (more?) a year to America.
We already see the beginning of the ‘disenfranchised’ Muslims in Minneapolis where there exists a large Somali Muslim population where 63% of Minnesota’s Somalis live below the poverty level.  So, if you want to blame violent Islamic terrorism on poverty, we have that too!
It is very simple, once the Muslim population reaches a certain level (exactly what that point is will vary), the Islamists among them become emboldened and ‘moderates’ fear them and protect them because they all know that this is about the Hijra, the migration, the creation of Islamic caliphates around the world.
The smart ones are being patient, working their way in our political system, while it’s the young hot heads, the ones who can’t wait for the generations-long change the migration take-over requires who jump the gun and want to kill us (and do kill some of us!).
Maybe in some strange way, we should welcome some Islamic terror attacks which help to alert us, wake us up! so hopefully we can stop the great demographic takeover before it is too late.
The only way to save America from the same fate as Europe, is to enact a moratorium on Muslim immigration—NOW!
For our complete archive on the ‘invasion of Europe’ going back years, click here.

New York is consistently one of the top 5 states in the nation to 'welcome' refugees

But, contrary to what you might think, it isn’t New York City they are going to.  Resettlement contractors operating in the state are placing them in Albany, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Utica along with a whole host of smaller cities throughout the state.

NYC Syrians rally
In the fall of 2015, open borders activists demonstrated to welcome Syrians to NYC, but we no longer resettle refugees in any great numbers in traditional immigrant gateway cities. Photo:

On these pages over the years we’ve told you about problems and especially made note of the UN designated ‘Town that Loves Refugees‘ (Utica) having serious problems now with schools overloaded with educationally needy children, here.  It does not take a genius to figure out that there is a huge cost associated with educating children who do not speak English and may not even know how to pick up a pencil!
School funding will be one of the first impacts on overloaded cities (other examples Amarillo, TX, Manchester, NH and Wichita, KS).
About a decade ago, Utica had been made the centerpiece of a national propaganda campaign.  I call it shaming.  The message, as I see it, goes like this: Hey look, here is a welcoming city, what’s wrong with your xenophobic, racist, unwelcoming attitude in ____ (fill in the blank) city.
In Albany in 2009, a New York blogger told us about big problems with the resettlement contractor there.  All of our posts on Albany are here.
As I looked through our extensive archive on Buffalo, I see stories about overload and refugee/immigrant crime that results when multiculturalism fails.
Cultural clashes ending in violence dominates our files on the city of Rochester as well.  See here.
town that loves refugees
This PR campaign was a product of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

In Syracuse where the mayor (laboring under the illusion that importing poverty will revive the city) is welcoming Syrian Muslim refugees as a Catholic Church has become a mosque.  Our Syracuse archive is here.
And then as we have already mentioned there is Utica, here.
So let’s have a look at the numbers going to the state of New York right now because, despite problems, the spigot is wide open in New York state….
To see the contractors and the cities they are operating in, go here, to the handy list of about 180 cities in America where federal resettlement contractors have set up shop.  It looks like seven of the nine federal refugee contractors have carved up the territory in New York state.
(Remember, refugees can be resettled within a hundred miles of the contractor’s office, so you are not off the hook if you don’t live in one of the five primary resettlement cities in New York!)
I didn’t go back to the data  ***prior to the George W. Bush presidency, but found that if you thought the numbers of refugees coming to NY had jumped since Bush, you are right.
During Bush’s term in office, NY saw the arrival of 19,620 refugees, but that number jumped dramatically during the Obama presidency (which still has the remainder of this year to complete). Since January 2009, NY ‘welcomed’ 28,807 needy refugees (no wonder housing is short, crime is up, and schools are overcrowded!).   That is an increase of over 9,000 from Bush years to Obama years.
During the Bush years, the refugees went to those same cities (mentioned above) plus many more small cities. Large populations of refugees included those from Burma, Somalia, Liberia, Ukraine and Russia.
Since Obama took office here are some of the top ethnic groups going to New York state (in addition to smaller numbers of dozens of others):

Burma (9,489)

Bhutan (6,648)

DR Congo (1,280)

Iraq (3,468)

Somalia (3,638)

Despite the welcoming banner in the photo above, New York state has received 67 Syrians (99% Muslim) to date (since the beginning of the conflict). Most went to Buffalo and Syracuse.
As far as I know, no ‘pockets of resistance’ have formed in New York.  Please correct me if I’m wrong.  There is an effort being made in the New York state Senate to monitor refugees, go here for the story we haven’t covered here (yet).
And, check this out! States with the most mosques correlate with top refugee resettlement states!
New York state Presidential primary is on April 19th—vote!
***This is data for only refugees and does not include all of the other “humanitarian arrivals” you, as taxpayers, are caring for each year.