Canada: newly elected liberals working day and night to get 25,000 Syrians in to Canada in next 7 weeks

Considering airlifts and naval transports!

Liberal MP John McCallum gestures during a news conference about upcoming government cuts in Ottawa, Thursday Feb.23, 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld
John McCallum the new Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship: we are working overtime to make it happen this year. Bio:

Oh, poor Canada….
From CBC News:

The Liberal government intends to honour its promise to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada over the course of the next seven weeks, says newly-appointed Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship John McCallum.

“It certainly remains our objective to get them here by the end of the year,” said McCallum during an interview on CBC News Network’s Power & Politics Friday.

“Military bases are a possibility… air transport… even naval transport has not been ruled out.”

“It’s a large amount of work to do in a very short time,” he said.

There is more, here.  By the way, the previous government (Harper) had said Canada would take 10,000 over the course of the next year.
For our America readers, be prepared, Obama isn’t going to like being upstaged!   Every one of you must continue to pound your elected officials in Washington (I know they are weak), but they seem to be the only thing standing between us and a mass invasion from the Middle East.  World ‘leaders’ are going mad!
For new readers, we have 160 previous posts in our Canada category, here.

Can Germany put the Genie back in the bottle?

It’s doubtful even if the New York Times says German leaders are working on it….

Genie in a bottle
More Invasion of Europe news!  
Before even reading this below, go here, and have a look at the UN High Commissioner for Refugee’s interactive map which shows the daily flow of migrants into Europe.  It is absolutely fascinating to see! 7,315 were crossing into Germany from Austria just yesterday alone!  Two days before that (on Wednesday) it was 9,930.
And, so how do Germany’s politicians plan to get the message out to those on the move, and do they really think that even if the thousands arriving daily on Europe’s shores are going to hear the news (do they read the NYT?), what are the odds that they are going to say oopsie! and turn around?  See ‘Is the end nigh?’
From the NYT:

BERLIN — The German government is considering restoring controls on Syrian refugees arriving here after fleeing war in their homeland, and will significantly tighten rules allowing refugees to bring their families here, the Interior Ministry said on Friday.

The announcement followed weeks of mounting doubt about whether Germany has the capacity to handle almost 800,000 refugees who have arrived so far this year and who could total more than a million by year’s end.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and her government have come under fire at home and abroad, accused of triggering the influx of refugees from Syria and elsewhere when the German office overseeing migration said in August that it would no longer check Syrian arrivals. Those pursuing asylum had already been arriving in Central Europe in ever-increasing numbers earlier in the summer, but the pace quickened after that statement.

Continue reading to see the new rules they are thinking of putting in place.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.  Click here for more on “Mama” Merkel and Germany.
By the way, I’ve been tweeting a lot of Europe news because I can’t post it all, so if you are on twitter follow me here @refugeewatcher.

UNHCR estimated daily European arrivals

Invasion of Europe news……
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has an interactive daily map of migrants arriving and spreading in Europe.  This is a screenshot for this morning.  Have a look, here.   Note that Hungary is dodging the bullet as only 31 slipped through on November 2.
It is actually very interesting to be able to click on the sliding scale and go back day by day to see where the flow moved since September.
Screenshot (12)
Many media outlets are reporting that the migration into Europe this past month (well over 200,000) is the most ever, worse is predicted for next year!
From the UK Express:

MORE than 200,000 migrants entered Europe in October, beating all previous records, as the United Nations (UN) warns 2016 will see an even greater number of new arrivals.

For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ click here. 
***Update***  Everyone has been sending me this good summary of the European invasion crisis at Powerline blog so I thought I better link it here so as not to lose it.

George Soros: EU must take in one million migrants a year…..

……for the foreseeable future!

Invasion of Europe News…..

We told you about the role of Hillary pal George Soros here the other day.  But, since everyone is talking about it, be sure to see Soros’ manifesto on how to bring down European borders forever.

merkel and Soros
Patrick Cleburne writing at VDARE tens days ago makes the connection and asks: has German Chancellor Angela Merkel been bribed?

Out of his own mouth (hat tip: Skip).  The asylum seekers are the victims!

The European Union needs to accept responsibility for the lack of a common asylum policy, which has transformed this year’s growing influx of refugees from a manageable problem into yet another political crisis. Each member state has selfishly focused on its own interests, often acting against the interests of others. This precipitated panic among asylum seekers, the general public, and the authorities responsible for law and order. Asylum seekers have been the main victims.


First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly – a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit.

Adequate financing is critical. The EU should provide €15,000 ($16,800) per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover housing, health care, and education costs – and to make accepting refugees more appealing to member states.

By the way, for those of you thinking that Soros is an old man and we don’t have to deal with him for much longer, remember he has children who I am told are ready to continue his ‘legacy.’
Go here to see a 2013 post we wrote and see Soros, son Jonathan and David Miliband (former British Foreign Secretary who heads one of our nine major resettlement contractors) at awards ceremony for Soros.  You (the American taxpayer) give over $300 million to the International Rescue Committee which honors Soros who works day and night to destroy borders around the world!

George Soros is a Hungarian-born American business magnate, investor, author, and philanthropist. He is chairman of Soros Fund Management. Wikipedia
Born: August 12, 1930 (age 85), Budapest, Hungary
Spouse: Tamiko Bolton (m. 2013), Susan Weber Soros (m. 1983–2005), Annaliese Witschak (m. 1960–1983)
Organizations founded: Open Society Foundations, More

UNHCR Antonio Guterres leaving post at the end of the year, replacement?

We heard that news at the big pow-wow at Georgetown on Thursday, so I decided to look around and see if I could find out more.
This is a Reuters story from a month ago where we learn that U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is not extending Guterres’ term even though he could.  Hmmm!

Then Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (a Socialist) yuks it up with Obama at the Mandela Memorial Service in 2013. She is on the short list to replace Antonio Guterres as UN High Commissioner for Refugees. Michele (right) obviously not thrilled with hubby.

By the way, go here and see the list of pledges for Syrian resettlement and see that Portugal (where Antonio Guterres is a past President) is taking a whopping 23 Syrians.
What!  He can’t persuade his own home country to take in a larger number of Syrians?  Besides being the former President of Portugal, Guterres is the former President of Socialists International. He gave up that post when he became UNHCR:

Guterres retired from Portuguese politics and worked as President of the Socialist International until 2005.

Reuters (U.N.’s Ban rejects calls to keep refugee chief amid crisis):

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has disregarded a request from a large number of member states to keep the U.N. high commissioner for refugees in his job for an extra year to cope with the worsening refugee crisis, diplomats said.

Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres was elected by the U.N. General Assembly in 2005 and re-elected in 2010. Earlier this year, the assembly voted to extend his mandate by 6-1/2 months to Dec. 31, on Ban’s recommendation.

But the sources, who include the chairman of the U.N. refugee agency’s executive committee, said Ban decided to resist pressure for a further extension of one year, and resort to a normal election process to make way for a new high commissioner.
Several diplomats said it was unusual for a secretary-general to ignore such appeals, though they acknowledged it is Ban’s right to do so.

So who is on the short list (at least at the time this story was published):

Comissario told Reuters there was a short list of three candidates for the post: Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and veteran diplomats Achim Steiner of Germany and Filippo Grandi of Italy.

The UNHCR statute makes no mention of term limits for the high commissioner, though it states that the terms of the appointment are set by the secretary-general.

Consider this nightmare:   Obama heads UN in 2017 with Helle as UNHCR!