And, the health care system there is begging the feds for more money to help relieve this latest fallout from Biden’s totally screwed-up Afghan evacuation.
Americans turned away from Virginia hospitals over Afghan evacuees
(Editor: Glad to see that the Afghans are not being referred to as ‘refugees.’ They are not legitimate refugees!)
A massive influx of Afghan evacuees strained Northern Virginia hospitals so much this week that American citizens were being turned away.
Every Virginian should be complaining to Virginia Democrat Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. Let them know that Biden’s disastrous Afghan surrender will be hurting them and their party in the next election. Throwing more taxpayer dollars at the problem won’t get them off the hook.
A hospital near Dulles Expo Center has been running out of beds, forcing the facility to turn away non-Afghan patients who didn’t need critical care, according to The Washington Post.
The overwhelmed hospital system prompted a regional emergency response group to monitor the hospitals after one became so packed with patients that federal officials lost track of a number of Afghans receiving medical care, including a month-old child suffering from a possibly life-threatening condition.
Kristin Nickerson, executive director of the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System, said the child was later located in one of the hospitals. Nickerson, who also directs the Northern Virginia Hospital Alliance, confirmed that another hospital was forced to turn away American patients.
“Our hospitals are already almost at capacity,” she said, referring to patients with COVID-19. “It’s not like they have tons of free beds available. We are still in the middle of a pandemic.”
Nickerson said federal officials have not been responsive to requests for financial help. The Washington Post reported that a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said questions should be presented to the Department of Homeland Security, which did not respond to several attempts seeking comment.
The offices of both Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner said they are aware of and monitoring the situation.
Nickerson further explained that a federal contractor which was supposed to retrieve Afghan evacuees after their hospital visits has left them in the facilities for up to six hours. Cherokee Federal, the contractor in question, did not respond to The Washington Post’s request for comment. [Oh, gee, another contractor for me to investigate!—ed]
Surprise (not!):
As Afghan evacuees continue to arrive, the cost to care for them continues to rise.
On Aug. 28, top local administrators, who make up the board of the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System group, sent a letter to Virginia’s secretary of health and human services, calling for federal and state dollars to be allocated for the ongoing effort.
“To meet the current need, we are leveraging what little resources we have to augment the existing team at the moment, but this is not sustainable with only a staff of 12,” the letter said.
J. Stephen Jones, chief executive of the Inova Health System, said the hospitals shouldn’t expect the impact of the Afghan crisis to end any time soon.
By the way, I have 390 posts in my health issues category. See what other health problems refugees and migrants of all sorts bring to America. Health problems, including mental health problems, that you ultimately pay for, one way or another.
If you missed it yesterday, I wrote a refugee-related story at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
I’ve been in my garden trying hard to not succumb to frustration, anger and sadness about what dementia (is it dementia?) Joe (or more precisely his handlers) have done to Afghanistan and are doing to America.
I’ll post when I see something that isn’t being widely reported, but know that the refugee contractors are busier than ever readying your towns and cities for the onslaught of refugees they expect to arrive momentarily not just from Afghanistan, but in the coming months from everywhere in the world even as our southern border is being invaded.
I am urging all of you to get involved and fight locally and if you aren’t working soon, by getting involved in electing a new Congress in 2022, you need to be!
It isn’t simply a question of security! American taxpayers have been footing the bill to prop up Afghanistan for 20 years, now we will be paying for the care of tens of thousands of refugees who will not be working anytime soon. That is in addition to hundreds of thousands of border invaders.
Here is a Politico story from Monday with some important nuggets of information.
As Biden ends mission in Afghanistan, a refugee backlash looms at home
First, near the end of the report we learn that there are members of Congress (probably being lobbied by the refugee contractors***) urging Biden to set the refugee ceiling (an annual September event) at 200,000 rather than the 125,000 Biden previously promised them.
….more than 65 House Democrats are now calling on Biden to increase the annual refugee admissions cap to no less than 200,000 for fiscal year 2022 — up from BIden’s pledge of 125,000 — given the situation in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Biden handlers preparing for backlash. Politico claims that Trump is the instigator. If so he must have changed his tune as in the early days of the Afghanistan disaster he had expressed support for a refugee flood from the Muslim country. See my posttwo weeks ago.
Here is Politico on Monday:
President Joe Biden has faced a torrent of criticism for abandoning Afghan partners as their country fell to the Taliban. Now, there is also a looming political controversy over the thousands of Afghans Biden will end up resettling over here.
An increasingly vocal group of Republicans — led by Donald Trump, who made immigration restrictions a hallmark of his presidency — oppose the resettlement of Afghan refugees in the U.S., claiming that they could be dangerous, or will change the make-up of the country. And they plan to make it an issue in next year’s midterm elections, along with broader attacks about Biden’s messy withdrawal from Afghanistan.
One of those Republicans, Rep. Matt Rosendale of Montana, said the chaos in Afghanistan should not be “an excuse to flood” the U.S. with refugees.
And, then be sure to see the list of initial target resettlement cities for SIVs, but know that thousands of those arriving don’t have that status, here.
Know also that the contractors are prepping many more smaller towns and cities because they know they can’t find enough cheap housing in their usual target locations.
***For newbies, here are the nine federal resettlement contractors which basically call the shots and tell the administration to jump and how high they must go as they change America by changing the people.
Go here to see which cities they already control. List was updated in May.
Here is a post I wrote just now at ‘Frauds and Crooks’with this note from me:
Editor: I am posting this story here and at RRW today because it supports my recent harangue that you must get to work locally! There is no one coming to your rescue as the Open Borders agitators expand their reach into towns large and small across the country.
They are working day and night to change America by changing the people!
The only hope you have now is to fight against the Progressive Left where you live! Local elected officials can still be moved through public pressure. There really is no hope at the state or federal level right now.
Actually Wausau is not a new site altogether. Way before my time of writing this blog, which I started in 2007, Wausau saw a huge influx of Hmong refugees in the wake of our disastrous war in Southeast Asia.
Some Hmong went on to do okay as ‘new Americans,’ others not so much, as I pointed out here in 2019 at my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
I suspect Wausau has seen refugees continue to arrive in recent years placed there by the nearest resettlement office, but we can no longer get the data as the US State Department has closed to the public most of the information they store at the Refugee Processing Center.
Apparently Wausau has run out of needy Americans for the Christians to love and care for!
However, now it appears Wausau is on the target list for a new resettlement agency there, this time with the Ethiopian Community Development Council as the lead government contractor. (There are nine major contractors!***)
Look people! ARE YOU LISTENING? (Yes, I am shouting.)
How many times in the last 13 to 14 years have I written about this—enough to make me feel insanity setting in!
We are losing our country!
Do you know, the other day someone asked me about Wyoming and I wrote this post:
In the post is a link to the present refugee resettlement sites.
Those are the sites where the contractors have subcontractor offices. I wrote the post on Tuesday and since then ONLY 16 readers have even bothered to open the link to see if their location is already an established resettlement site.
Those are the sites where very large numbers of additional refugees will be placed in the coming months as the Biden Administration seeks to find housing and social services for up to 125,000 refugees from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. And, that does not include the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pouring in.
By the way, in my experience, once a refugee office is open in your town it will also ‘serve’ as a magnet for illegal aliens and asylum seekers who will be looking for guidance on where to get their free stuff.
It is increasingly difficult for me to continue to repeat things I have been writing about for over a decade and wondering if anyone is listening.
At the end of the Obama Administration, the contractors were looking for approximately 40 new sites because they had worn out their welcome in some long-standing resettlement cities.
They thought Hillary would follow Obama to the White House and the numbers that were high under Obama would expand even further. Trump created a hiatus for a few years, but we are now back to the big push to change America by changing the people.
As I said here about Winchester, Virginia in May, they are scrambling for new sites.
I said it again on Friday when I wrote about Asheville, North Carolina, see here.
In September, Biden will be setting the cap for FY22 and it is expected to be 125,000 beginning on October 1, 2021.
They are bidding for bodies!
That is what one longtime refugee watcher calls it because the contractors are paid by the federal government (by you, the taxpayer) on a per head basis!
To accomplish Biden’s goal, the nine contractors are competing with each other and madly scrambling to find new fresh territory and get sub-offices open.
In fact, they must get their plans in to the US State Department ideally in August or early September—the rush is on and that is why stories like the one from Wausau I’m about to mention are popping up.
The reader who alerted me about Wausau sounded desperate to know what they could do to stop the planned site.
Let me be clear! There is no lawsuit you can file, no national leader to help you (no Senators, no Congressmen), and no national immigration control group that will come and save you.
There is only one thing you can do and that is hard.
You must organize locally and make an enormous political noise against the plan (while being called a racist and xenophobe).
Back in February I began a series of posts about organizing locally.
I never did finish the series because so few people were bothering to read it (and when people don’t read, I get lazy!). I know that the mention of work sends people into hiding and I know it’s not being read even as it is linked on my homepage because I get data daily about what posts people are reading.
Local Religious Leaders Looking to Bring Refugees to Wausau
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — A group of Religious leaders in Wausau is hoping to help settle dozens of vetted and screened refugees in the region in the next few years.
Pastor Rebecca Voss must believe it is so much cooler to welcome poverty from across the world than to help poor neighbors right here at home.
After meeting with the group led by First United Methodist Church Pastor Rebecca Voss, the Ethiopian Community Development Council has selected Wausau to receive around 75 approved refugees from Africa and the Middle East.Voss says it started as an idea in a Bible Study group that grew over time. [Just think about that, some non-profit group largely funded by the feds and located in Virginia has “selected Wausau!”—ed]
“We really were studying Christian hospitality, what it means to welcome the stranger and how we can be a place of refuge, safety, and healing for those who have been through some pretty traumatic experiences,” said Voss. “They have no place to call home, but we can create a community of love and respect for one another.”
The group is working with the ECDC, one of nine nationally recognized resettlement agencies. Voss says the group met them at “the right time and the right place,” to get the idea moving forward through a series of meetings with Voss’ group and some local businesses.
“They met with community leaders in both the non-profit sector and business sector, and really it led to a diversity of people being in solid agreement that we need refugees probably more than they need us,” she said. “They are resilient, many of them have been through a lot of trauma, so they will need a lot of compassion as they get resettled. But, we do know that they will strengthen our community.”
How Christian of them to find cheap foreign laborers for local businesses.
Do they have meatpackers in Wausau, I wonder!
She adds that’s especially true since many refugees are hard workers who can help fill some of the jobs that have been sitting vacant as the region comes out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This next bit makes me laugh! Yeh, yeh, volunteers will help, but guess what? Volunteers quickly burn out and the burden of the refugees falls on the community at large, or they simply fall through the cracks while they build ethnic enclaves where crime grows. I have seen it time and time again.
She went on to say that the group is not looking for any public money or support from the city. Each refugee would be paired up with a sponsorship group such as a Church, Bible Study group, book club, or anyone else with a desire to help out. They would provide some money upfront- around $2,000 or so- to get the refugees into a rental property with some light furnishings and furniture.
Then they would be expected to show them basics such as how to navigate the public transit system, use the library, get them set up with healthcare, get their children registered for school, and any other life skills they may need help with as they look to build a life in the region.
ECDC doesn’t pick Wausau’s refugees and neither does the city! They are chosen mostly by the United Nations! Those listed below are mostly Muslims. The Burmese coming in large numbers to the US right now are Rohingya Muslims.
Voss adds that despite the name “Ethiopia” being in the name of the group they are working with, there would be people from other African countries brought to the area along with some from Burma, Afghanistan, and Iraq. That could also include interpreters who worked with the US military during the recent wars in both nations.
Does Wausau have a satellite office forCAIRyet? If not, look for one getting established soon!
The first refugees could be settled by October of this year. Others will be placed throughout 2022.
Yup, that is what I said above—the drive is on to find ‘welcoming’ and naïve communities as fast as possible because they want to be ready by October first.
And, one more thing!
Once a site is chosen and the refugees begin to arrive it will be too late because the flow will never end as the contractors work to bring more members of the extended families of the first refugees they place in Wausau.
I hope you made it this far so that I won’t feel like I have wasted hours on a beautiful Sunday saying the same thing I have been saying for years!
*** Here for new readers are the nine government contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in the US. Some of the fake non-profits are almost completely funded by the federal government/you! ECDC is one of those as I pointed out here.
Remember dear readers that Biden has already said he plans to boost the refugee admissions ceiling for FY2022, which begins in less than three months, to a high not seen in decades—125,000!
Biden said he was aiming for 62,500 this year, but will likely only hit around 10,000.
Remember also that President Trump reduced the ceiling dramatically (to much wailing and moaning by the refugee pushers) and admitted 22,555, 30,000, and 11,814 respectively from FY18-FY20.
Decades ago, following 9/11, we saw low refugee admission numbers, but 11,814 is the lowest in 40 years.
FY02 was 27,000 and FY03 was 28,000 (rounded numbers). Otherwise, in the last few decades the number ranged from roughly 40,000 to 85,000 annually.
Here is the story I found intriguing. Sure looks like the Progs are searching desperately to get their messaging right so as to convince the general public that Trump had it wrong and we now must open the gates to the third worlders from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
The poll analyzed below sought to determine if the public was more willing to support large numbers of refugees if they were told they were women and children.
Surprise! It didn’t make a big difference. In fact they suggest that the images at the border of women and children given a free pass may have turned people off!
By the way, the authors seem to get a little mixed up in the opening paragraphs, confusing the border issue with the refugee program, so I skipped their opening….
Does Framing of Refugee Question Change Public Opinion?
According to research by Mariano Sana covering public opinion on refugees from 1938-2019, Americans tend to view the number of refugees in the U.S. as “about right.” Yet, despite the growing global refugee crisis, the annual refugee ceilings under the Trump administration were the lowest in 40 years and have not returned to pre-Trump levels under the Biden administration.
Presidential administrations have chosen to keep relatively low refugee ceilings partly because of the public backlash. When examining the Syrian refugee crisis, it is easy to see a clear change in U.S. public opinion of refugees. Before the San Bernardino and Paris terrorist attacks, only 19% of U.S. survey respondents believed that the U.S. should stop admitting refugees and 44% of respondents felt like the U.S. should be doing more to aid refugees. However, after the terrorist attacks, there was a shift in the perception of Syrian refugees as threats. Another survey showed that after the San Bernardino and Paris attacks, a slight majority of 53% of Americans said that the U.S. should stop receiving refugees altogether. While these events occurred during the Obama years, this anti-immigrant sentiment carried through the 2016 election and allowed the Trump administration to easily lower the refugee ceiling with little public backlash.
Past research has found that Americans tend to prefer non-Muslim refugees and women and children. If women and children are seen by the public as more sympathetic and deserving of refugee status, this should increase support for refugee policies overall. However, considering the increase of unaccompanied minors arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border and broader anti-immigration sentiment, such support for women and children has declined.
As you look at the questions the pollsters asked, be aware that the numbers they used (they rounded the numbers I gave you above) are the LOWEST in the history of the US Refugee Admissions Program.
V1: In fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020, the U.S. admitted approximately 23,000, 30,000, and 12,000 refugees respectively. Should the number of refugees entering the U.S. decrease, stay about the same, or increase?
V2: In fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020, the U.S. admitted approximately 23,000, 30,000, and 12,000 refugees respectively, including many women and children. Should the number of refugees entering the U.S. decrease, stay about the same, or increase?
Below is one chart of their initial data.
It is stunning to see that only a small percentage of respondents want to see those (Trump!) numbers increased, even as they are the lowest three consecutive years ever!
Less than 20% want to see an INCREASE from the lowest numbers, and when asked about women and children the number went down!
There is more. Most notably more Republicans (grrrr!) than Democrats wanted to see the numbers increased!
International Policy Digest wraps with this:
The results suggest difficulties in gaining broader sympathy for refugees, which will likely complicate efforts at raising the ceilings on refugees accepted each year.
It is pretty clear what you should do! Tell everyone, even Dems, that you know at every opportunity that Joe is boosting refugee admissions from approximately 12,000 to 125,000 in one year beginning in October!