Another month with small numbers of paying customers for the refugee contractors

Month number seven of fiscal year 2018 ended last night, and from the contractors*** point of view, it was another dismal one for agencies collecting a per head payment for refugees they place and ‘take care of’ for only a few months.
April’s total was 1,607 which is below average for the previous six months (average 1,758 for previous months this FY). 
The team….Bolton, Trump, Pompeo:

bolton, pompeo trump
It will be interesting to see what happens with the Refugee Program and those SIVs now that a couple of serious hardliners are in place.  CAIR recently called Pompeo an “Islamophobe.”

I know for many of you this is 1,607 too many, but believe me this is catastrophic for those NGOs that got fat and lazy on budgets as much as 99% supplied by the US taxpayers.
Continue reading “Another month with small numbers of paying customers for the refugee contractors”

Another 16 detainees that Australia refuses to resettle are on their way to four locations in US

We learn from Radio New Zealand that the 16 ‘refugees’ from Muslim countries are going to Chicago, Las Vegas, Texas and Arizona (cities in TX and AZ not named).

australian detainees
More mostly Muslim young men on the way to America on the taxpayer’s dime!

Trump’s travel ban has eliminated those from Somalia, Sudan and Iran, but golly-gee, this bunch is from those safe countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Rohingya from Bangladesh/Burma.

President Trump promised the Aussies that we would take up to 1,250 of those the Australians don’t want in their country—Obama’s dumb deal is Trump’s dumb deal now.

Continue reading “Another 16 detainees that Australia refuses to resettle are on their way to four locations in US”

Rohingya 'refugees' back in the news (why you should care)!

I’ve told you before that I turn on CNN every morning so I get a feel for where the Left is going every day and today I said uh-oh, here we go on the Burmese Rohingya again. CNN featured a longer piece on the “plight” of Rohingya Muslims in Burma (a Buddhist country).

No fear! Buddhist monks protest Rohingya Muslims in Burma (aka Myanmar)

I couldn’t possibly rehash the decade long controversy (the decade I chronicled in my Rohingya Reports category where 220 posts are archived), but I want you to know why this matters to you and that is that we are admitting Rohingya refugees to live in towns near you—14,882 in the last decade—including over 1,000 since Trump became President (So much for a so-called “Muslim ban!”)
Before I get to the numbers breakdown over the last ten years….
…here is a bare bones story about stepped-up UN (with the US!) efforts to smackdown the Buddhist government of Myanmar.
Continue reading “Rohingya 'refugees' back in the news (why you should care)!”

Does America have a moral obligation to resettle refugees?

That is the question a young opinion writer asks and answers (in the affirmative of course!) in the wake of Wednesday’s Supreme Court hearing on the President’s travel ban.
The long opinion piece in Deseret News by writer Gillian Friedman evoked a largely negative response by readers.  I especially got a chuckle out of this comment:
Screenshot (413)
Continue reading “Does America have a moral obligation to resettle refugees?”

Best hope for reforming US Refugee Program is now, during the Presidency of Donald Trump, says expert

“I saw first-hand the flagrant abuses and scams that permeate the refugee program.”

(Mary Doetsch, retired Foreign Service Officer)

Trump and Pompeo
Will President Donald Trump and soon-to-be Secretary of State Pompeo, do what must be done and overhaul the USRAP?

Mary Doetsch is a retired US State Department Foreign Service officer who spent eight years (of a 25-year career) as a Refugee Coordinator serving on four continents.
As someone who has worked on the inside, her op-ed at the Washington Examiner today carries more weight than anything I could ever write as an outsider looking in!

US refugee program needs a complete overhaul

Ms. Doetsch opines (emphasis is mine):

During my career in the State Department, I became a refugee coordinator in the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, or USRAP, because I wanted to help and support persecuted persons in legitimate need of international protection. But the pervasive fraud I saw during my eight years in the field was alarming.

It cries out for a fix, and President Trump might just be the person to do it.

Undoubtedly, many individuals who work within the refugee field have humanitarian aims. But refugee resettlement has morphed into a numbers-driven, financially motivated business, growing blindly at the expense of the American public and our national security.

The US Department of State logo is displ

There once was a time when private charities, civic groups and faith-based organizations provided the bulk of funds and volunteers to resettle and help assimilate refugees in the United States. Today’s deeply flawed system relies almost exclusively on nine federal contractors (paradoxically referred to as “Voluntary Agencies” or VOLAGS) to resettle refugees.


The contractors have a vested interest in processing ever-larger numbers of applicants, since they make money on every refugee settled. And as non-governmental organizations they can and do lobby for advantageous changes to law, something they could not do if they were government agencies. Their lobbying umbrella wields enormous influence over refugee admissions policy, pressuring Congress and the bureaucracy to increase admissions and provide ever greater funding. They stage political rallies, file lawsuits against unfavorable policies, and lobby for causes that coincidentally help their bottom lines, yet this linkage is rarely, if ever, mentioned.

This isn’t just important from the oft-discussed security perspective, but also because of the rampant fraud and abuse that has permeated this program for generations.


As a former Refugee Coordinator who served throughout the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Cuba, I saw first-hand the flagrant abuses and scams that permeate the refugee program. I witnessed widespread exploitation and misuse, from identity fraud to marriage and family relation scams, and from private individuals profiting from their involvement in USRAP to distortion of the actual refugee definition to ensure greater numbers of people who should really just be migrants are admitted as refugees.


While refugee admissions have been declining under the Trump administration, without structural reform in the USRAP these numbers could again skyrocket under a new administration more favorable to the refugee industry.

Midway into fiscal year 2018, fewer than a quarter of the 45,000 individuals proposed in the FY18 refugee ceiling have entered the country. This slow-down in admissions may reduce the problem of fraud, but it cannot be eliminated without a complete overhaul of the program.

I’ve only snipped a portion of Doetsch’s op-ed, click here to read it all.
What you can do….
Contact the White House and tell the President it is now or never to overhaul the US Refugee Admissions Program, or once out of office the program will go back in to high gear.  Reducing numbers for a few years is not enough!