‘Hate’ crimes were fairly steady through most years of Obama Administration

And, religious ‘hate’ crimes were most often against Jewish people, not Muslims.

The Salt Lake Tribune published an article over the weekend in which they seem to reach for statistics to show that so-called hate crimes (mostly racial) are on the rise in Utah and elsewhere.

Learn about the Hate Crime data collection at the FBI here: https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/civil-rights/hate-crimes

One could easily conclude that yes, the ‘hate’ crimes were up a little in 2016 from the previous year, but about the same (or slightly lower) as Obama presided over in 2011.

Although they don’t say it, the implication is that Trump’s hateful rhetoric and followers are to blame for a trend.

We’ll wait for the 2017 data, since of course it was Obama (the peacemaker) presiding over the country for this data.

Here are the opening paragraphs of the Tribune article:

Incidents of hate crimes in Utah rose significantly for the first time in two years in 2016, and based on complaints and investigations this year, the local FBI believes those numbers will continue to rise.

Last year, local law enforcement reported 66 incidents to the FBI, ranking Utah No. 23 out of the 49 reporting states and the District of Columbia, according to recently released 2016 hate crime statistics.

Those 66 incidents encompass 72 offenses, or individual crimes, reported in 2016. The most common was simple assault, with 22 instances, followed by vandalism at 18 and crimes against society — drug, gambling, prostitution, weapons violation or animal cruelty offenses — at 13.

Sounds like just flat out criminal activity to me! (Did you know they were counting hate crimes against animals in this data?)

When you read the article don’t miss the part about how as a state becomes more “diverse” the hate crime incidents rise.

When I checked the data, here, sure enough the states with the most ‘haters’ were California, New York, Ohio, Michigan and Massachusetts also among the most diverse states in America. Wyoming, arguably with the least diverse population, was the least hateful state with only 3 incidents in 2016.

So could we make a case that diversity does not make us stronger, but in fact causes more strife and stress in society?

Here is an interesting chart showing the national ‘hate’ crime stats. The reporter says hate crimes were rising for the last five years (through 2016).  Yes, but she doesn’t mention the fact that they were slightly higher in 2011 than in 2016.


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Here is an important takeaway: someone please tell CAIR Minnesota’s director Jaylani Hussein that in 2016 ‘hate’ crimes based on religion were more than twice as high against Jews than Muslims.

CAIR would have us think that all over America people were hating on Muslims. Gosh, who might be hating on all the Jewish people?

Jewish people were most likely to face the brunt of hate crimes targeting a person’s religion, with 684 reported incidents, about 54 percent of the total. Those incidents involved 862 victims, up nearly 18 percent from 2015 . Muslims were the target of 307 incidents….

There is lots of interesting data at the FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics for 2016.  I don’t have the time to explore it all, but you might.

Endnote:  I was just thinking about that 2016 Lake Calhoun incident in Minnesota, remember this. Was it categorized, by the FBI, as a ‘hate’ crime by Somalis against white people?  Heck it might fit in the racial category and the religious category!

If  that blatant incident isn’t in the data base at the FBI then you can throw out anything the FBI says about ‘hate’ crimes.

See my Utah archive here. See that the likelihood of their hate crimes increasing is pretty good as they continue to diversify through refugee resettlement.

Wholesale movement of Bhutanese refugees to US to end (so they say!)

But, the UN still has 8,500 more to go to completely clean out their camps in Nepal.

The other day I mentioned that the US under Obama committed to helping the UN clean out some of its African camps of the people from the DR Congo and I predicted the resettlement would go way beyond the 50,000 (over 5 years).

After all, the US State Department has a track record….

Sauerbrey with UN ceil
Bush Asst. Sec. of State for PRM, stunned the UN in the fall of 2006 with news that the US would lead in cleaning out the camps.

New readers may not know that in 2006, the Bush Administration said, oh sure, we will take 60,000 over 5 years of the displaced ‘Bhutanese’ (really people of Nepali origin) living in UN camps in Nepal.

Never mind that we had no strategic interest and no responsibility for the Bhutan/Nepal quarrel.

The mostly Hindu ‘Bhutanese’ ended up in camps in Nepal when the country of Bhutan said they wanted only their people in their country (formerly known as Shangri-La).  Nepal refused to take in its people flooding out of Bhutan causing the UN to build camps.

So, I presume looking for more docile third world workers, George W. Bush said sure!

We were only supposed to take 60,000 over five years. But guess what?

We are now up to 94,473 (2,000 more are being processed) in nearly ten years!

I’m telling you, once the spigot opens, closing it becomes almost impossible!  Just look at the Somalis who we have been admitting for 30 years!

From Kathmandu Post:

Nov 19, 2017-As the decade-long third country resettlement programme of the Bhutanese refugees living in eastern Nepal draws to a close, the fate of the those still in the camps hangs in the balance.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and the UN refugee agency in Kathmandu confirmed that the third country resettlement scheme is closing down after the last batch of refugees leaves by the end of December.

Currently there are around 8,500 refugees in the camps in Jhapa district but both sides—Nepal government and the UNHCR—have yet to find alternatives for them.

There was pressure on Nepal government to locally assimilate the refugees in Nepal, but Kathmandu has been constantly saying that these refugees should be repatriated to Bhutan.


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LOL! So much for sharing in the responsibility with 7 other countries!   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhutanese_refugees

Nearly nine out of 10 Bhutanese refugees (90 percent) have been resettled since the launch of the third country resettlement programme in 2007, with nearly 111,000 refugees resettled in eight different countries. “Globally, far less than 1 percent of refugees are resettled. Thus, the resettlement programme for Bhutanese refugees in Nepal is truly exceptional,” the office said. The UNHCR, together with the international community, is working closely with the government of Nepal to find solutions for the remaining refugees, the UNHCR added. According to the UN office, with nearly 111,000 refugees resettled in third countries and only 8,500 of them remaining in Nepal, the opportunities to achieve durable solutions at this juncture are great.

[In 2006 we were told there were 100,000 that needed to be spread around the world, but see now they are up to nearly 120,000. Where did the extra 20,000 come from? Wandering in from the neighborhood?—ed]


Quick facts

Approximately 120,000 Bhutanese fled from their country and arrived in Nepal to become refugees from Bhutan in the early 1990s

They were lodged in several camps in Jhapa in eastern Nepal

The third country resettlement programme was launched in 2007

In the last one decade, nearly 111,000 refugees from Bhutan have been settled in various western countries, with the US alone receiving more than 90,000 of them

Nearly 2,000 refugees are currently undergoing screening process under the third country resettlement programme

The UN refugee agency says it is set to close down the third-country resettlement programme by early next

The last batch is likely to leave in December after which an estimated 8,500 Bhutanese refugees will remain in Nepal

More here.

For my extensive file on the Bhutanese resettlement to America, click here. You will see in early posts how hard the people fought to NOT be distributed around the world.

And, if you want to know how many your state ‘welcomed’ here is a map today at Wrapsnet.

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Top ‘welcoming’ states are Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas (making sure those states turn reliably blue, so dark blue you can’t read the numbers on the map!)

US top refugee processing countries shifting with Trump Administration

I know this is getting in to the weeds, but I want readers to understand that for instance, the Somali refugees arriving in the US are picked up all over the world, and so if there is a ‘travel ban’ for say Somalia it doesn’t mean that no Somalis are coming.

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Most Somalis coming to the US come from Kenya because the big UN camps are there and the UN makes the first cut on who comes to America.

From time to time, I show you processing country maps which are posted at Wrapsnet (the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center) for the previous months of the fiscal year (by the 5th of the present month).

For background, visit this post from December 2016 where you can see the top PROCESSING country is Kenya followed by Turkey and Tanzania as numbers two and three.

I’m always annoyed to see Malta as a processing country because as a European country it is responsible for the illegal boat migrants who land on its shores (not America!), but ever since the Bush Administration we have been turning illegal aliens on Malta into refugees destined for Your Town, USA.  See my huge archive on the disgraceful Malta deal, here.

And, tell me, how can they seriously assure us that some boat migrant from Libya who washed ashore on the island nation of Malta has been thoroughly security screened!  Was he carrying his documents and criminal record in a ziploc bag?

Here is Wrapsnet’s processing countries map for the first month of President Trump’s first full fiscal year—October FY18.  FY17 began when Obama was still in office.

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In the first month of fiscal year 2018 the US admitted 1,247 refugees



Here below is a list of the countries from which we are processing refugees so far this fiscal year.

Malta to America Express!

See that Trump’s State Department has continued the Malta to America express!  By the way there is no way I’ve ever figured out how to identify what nationalities are arriving from Malta.  In the past we did learn that many are Somalis. The numbers are small but significant because we again are taking illegal migrants that are really Europe’s problem!

The Trump Administration could stop the Malta arrangement with a phone call if they wanted to.

And, I sure would like to know why we take any refugees from Israel! They should be taking care of whichever ‘refugees’ seek asylum there.  What is that all about.


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Kenya is still in the top three but dropped from first to third place. First place goes to Nepal (for the so-called Bhutanese refugees) with Malaysia as number two. Note that Ethiopia is not far behind the top 3. Malaysia is the likely jumping off location for Rohingya to America. Turkey and Tanzania are now way down the list.



Since one of the top three sending countries is Kenya I checked Wrapsnet for the number of Somalis who entered the US in the month of October.  The total number was 113.

Then, for fun! I wanted to see how many and where they went in Minnesota. The total was 23 in October.  Minnesota got the highest number in the 113. The other 90 were scattered around America. None to St. Cloud right now.

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Here are some of the top ethnic groups resettled in the US in October: Bhutanese (273), DR Congolese (181), Burmese (147), Somalis (113), Ukrainians (77) and Syrians (33).

Because knowledge is power, here is what you can do…

With long cold winter days ahead, you too might want to have fun with numbers at Wrapsnet, the US State Department’s data collection site.  You never know what you might find out about your own state or even your own town!

Endnote: While we are looking at maps, you might want to revisit a map showing the countries that have been warned about the deadly Plague spreading out from Madagascar.

Pew produces handy summary of where refugees have been placed since FY02

The Pew Research Center, which has the money and time, has put together a handy interactive map to show which ethnic groups were placed in which states since fiscal year 2002.

This is the 2017 map (FY17 ended on September 30th, 2017). Of course it can be deceptive because it doesn’t show the numbers.

Take Hawaii for instance that shows Burmese predominated in the refugee flow to that state, but it doesn’t tell you that the flow was probably a whole 3 Burmese refugees (maybe 5 or 6, I was too lazy to look up the number).


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The nationalities change over the years as the US jumps to the United Nations’ tune and follows its dictates as to what groups to further diversify America with (that are in vogue at the moment). DR Congo is a hit-cause right now, but watch for movement to the Burmese Rohingya.  Iraqis had their hay-day.  Bhutan chic is fading, and Syrians are oh-so-yesterday. Somalis remain a reliably cool choice year after year.


In case you are wondering, Wyoming wisely stayed out of the whole mess over decades. However, a couple of years ago the Republican governor there proposed setting up a refugee office in the state with the help of the Lutheran contractor out of its Rocky Mountain office.  There was a robust citizens’ uprising that ended that idea for now.  (See my Wyoming archive.)

Author Jynnah Radford tells us this at the end (a refresher for new readers).

Generally, refugee populations are dispersed across the U.S. based on local community resources, efforts to reunite families and the ability of nonprofit organizations to resettle refugees. Nine voluntary agencies share the national resettlement workload and determine where refugees will settle. (These agencies maintain a nationwide network of 309 affiliated offices in 180 locations to provide services.)

In other words…

Local community resources” = welfare, good medical care including mental health care and available housing, etc.  And, LOL! global companies looking for cheap and compliant labor!

Efforts to reunite families” = once they have established a seed community of a particular ethnic group in your town or city, they will bring in the extended family and that is part of the trick on you! Population gets too large and you are labeled a hate monger and racist for denying ‘family’ reunification if you ask for a slowdown.

Ability of the nonprofit organizations to resettle refugees” = do the members of the big nine*** have a subcontractor group/other citizens’ group up and running.

“Nine share the workload” = those nine have a monopoly on the resettlement process, they bid for bodies (paying clients) among the incoming refugee cases.

(Nine) “determine where refugees will resettle” = you and your community have no say, they are deciding the future of your town in secretive weekly meetings in DC.

***These are the big nine quasi-government agencies, run by no one elected by you, that make the decisions about how to change your town by changing the people (with the help of the Podesta Group and the meatpackers!).



The US Chamber of Commerce wants laborers, no concern for you, as they tell Trump to extend ‘temporary’ refugee program

Temporary Protected Status is yet one more LEGAL way to get and keep the US immigrant population high.  It is not truly a refugee program, but was designed to give TEMPORARY protection to foreign nationals who happened to be in the US when some big event happened back home—like a hurricane, earthquake or civil war.

The operative word is temporary, but that is the last thing it is!

neil bradley
Chamber Veep Neil Bradley.  See his resume here. See where he worked and see why the Republicans do not control immigration. The Republican leadership in the swamp is driven by business interests represented by the US Chamber of Commerce—to heck with American workers, to heck with your town and your safety.  https://www.uschamber.com/neil-bradley

The program for each country must be renewed every 18 months, so the Trump Admin is facing some upcoming deadlines.

Pressure is mounting and the US Chamber of Commerce (they are not your friends!) are out in front leading the lobbying efforts for Haiti, Honduras,  and El Salvador.

Before I give you the news.  This is what you need to know!


TEMPORARY protection was given to Haitians on July 23, 2011

TEMPORARY protection was given to Hondurans on January 5, 1991

TEMPORARY protection was given to Salvadorans on March 9, 2001

And, in each case the temporary protection was extended every 18 months.

Those migrants who knew this was temporary were given false hope for decades in the case of Honduras and nearly two decades for El Salvador.  The false hope was that amnesty would be passed in Congress with the help of their buddies at the US Chamber of Commerce.

Dear local Republicans….

The Chambers’ interest here is in MONEY (for big business pals and global corporations). They are not even that interested in your local small businesses where you live. They are not concerned with the loss of your quality of life or the cultural conflicts created by excessive immigration.  This is definitely not about humanitarianism either, so don’t be fooled.

Here is the US Chamber of Commerce (which also drives the Congressional Republican leadership in case you wonder why nothing happens with reform of refugee resettlement) pressing the Trump Administration in a letter on Friday published at America’s Voice (not your friend either!):

Today, in a letter to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President and Chief Policy Neil L. Bradley called on the Trump Administration to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations for El Salvador, Honduras, and Haiti, citing strong economic concerns.

The Trump Administration must decide whether to extend the TPS designations by the following dates:

11/6/17 Decision deadline for 59,550 Hondurans and Nicaraguans: 10 DAYS
11/23/17 Decision deadline for 50,000 Haitians: 27 DAYS
01/08/18 Decision deadline for 195,000 Salvadorans: 73 DAYS

Go here for the full letter (SOS!).  See if some of those jobs are jobs Americans will do!

And, by the way, not mentioned is that many of these workers send millions of dollars in the form of remittances back to their HOME countries—millions LOST to the US economy—but never mentioned in any of the supposed economic studies about how we need this (cheap and compliant) immigrant/refugee labor.