Italy: 50 of the latest batch of migrants allowed in have vanished, Catholic Church let them go!

Invasion of Europe news…..

It was less than two weeks ago that we told you about the stand-off between Interior Minister Salvini and the forces arrayed against him demanding he allow the latest migrant transport ship to unload its cargo.

Father Francesco Soddu
Father Francesco Soddu of Caritas: After all they weren’t in detention! They “voluntarily” departed!

He relented once a commitment was made for most of the 144 to be placed in the care of other countries.

Additionally dozens were to be taken in by the Catholic Church (we cheered that agreement where the migrants would not be a cost to the taxpayers of Italy).

Guess what?

It is those the church took in who have disappeared in to Europe!

From The Local:

Around 50 of the 144 migrants recently allowed into Italy after being stranded for days on a coastguard vessel have disappeared from reception centres, the country’s hardline Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said on Wednesday.

Salvini grim
Matteo Salvini

These migrants “were so in need of protection, a roof and a blanket that they decided to leave and disappear,” Salvini said on Facebook.

“This is the umpteenth confirmation that those who arrive in Italy are not skeletons fleeing war and famine,” he claimed.

The migrants were picked up by the Diciotti coastguard ship on the night of August 15th and were left stranded at sea for ten days as Salvini refused to allow the vessel to dock in an Italian port. The interior minister, who heads the anti-immigration League party, finally relented after Ireland, Albania and the Italian Catholic church agreed to lake most of them in.

The head of Catholic charity Caritas, which was hosting the migrants at its Rocca di Papa reception centre south of Rome, said it was a “voluntary departure”.

The group was not in detention, Father Francesco Soddu told Ansa news agency, and suggested that they may be trying to reach other countries in Europe.

More here.

Guess those 50 are no longer Italy’s problem—Germany? France? The Netherlands? Here they come!

Go here for more on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’

Immigration the number one issue as Swedes vote this Sunday

“….the myth of the Sweden model is melting away.”

(A “sad” former Prime Minister Carl Bildt)

Who is to blame for that but the present and former government officials who opened the door to uncontrolled migration from Africa and the Middle East!

All of Europe will be watching as the country, considered the most welcoming of the welcoming countries of Europe, goes to the polls this coming Sunday.

We will be watching too because I’ve long predicted that Sweden falls first to Islamic supremacism, albeit they have some strong contenders in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands.  France under Macron is a top contender as well. And, then Spain has edged its way forward with its recent welcome of migrant transport ships.

On Sunday we will see if Sweden pulls in the reins in this race to cultural annihilation…..


New swedes
‘New Swedes’ gather for a political discussion


Here the New York Times gives us a detailed rundown (with its normal dripping bias on full display) of what the stakes are and what might happen.

LOL! Even the title of the NYT piece says that if you oppose the socialist (open borders) government then you might not be moral.

Sweden Was Long Seen as a ‘Moral Superpower.’ That May Be Changing.


STOCKHOLM — In a civic center in Rinkeby, a heavily immigrant district of northwest Stockholm, several hundred people gathered recently for a forum on Sweden’s coming election and the future of the country.

The conversation, about the nature of Sweden’s democracy and the importance of voting, was sophisticated and passionate. But it was frustrating for one participant, Ahmed Ali, a Somali immigrant, who thought people were dancing around the main issue.

“The stakes are really high in this election,” he said in an interview. “There are more extremists in the country, and they have more influence. They don’t have a real political agenda. They just hate immigrants. And this xenophobia is happening all over Europe.”

As an angry and divided Sweden prepares to vote on Sunday, the shape of the next Swedish government is utterly unclear, because of the rapid rise of the anti-immigration, anti-Europe Sweden Democrats, a populist nationalist party that is expected to win a fifth of the vote.

Swedish politician
A very important election for  Afro-Swedes says Kahin Ahmed who opposes the recent surge in populism

“This election is very important to us,” said Kahin Ahmed, 48, who is running for a local seat, but complains that none of the Swedish parties put immigrants or black people high enough on their party lists to get elected in proportionate numbers, even in areas like this one. “There is a racist party moving forward fast, and we have to stop them.”

Sweden, long considered “a moral superpower,” as the political scientist Lars Tragardh put it, has traditionally welcomed immigrants. But that is changing under the pressure of globalization, immigration and anxiety about national and cultural identity. As in Germany and France, parties of the extremes, of the left and especially of the right, are increasing their support at the expense of those that have traditionally dominated.

Sweden “is joining the rest of Europe,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister from the center-right Moderate Party, said with evident sadness. “And the myth of the Sweden model is melting away.”

The melting was in evidence recently in Sergels Square in central Stockholm, where Martin Westmont, a candidate for the Stockholm regional council, made the Sweden Democrats’ case to the voters.

Swedish Democrats is the party to watch!

“We’re the new wave,” he said. The election “will be a revolution.” He predicted that the Social Democrats, the party who built the famous Swedish welfare state, would collapse, “even if not this time,” and “we will become the largest party.” Many voters were still reluctant to tell pollsters that they would vote for the Sweden Democrats, Mr. Westmont suggested.

Populism has shifted the political discourse to the right and raised the temperature, even among the traditionally phlegmatic Swedes. Political support is fragmenting, with the long-dominant Social Democrats heading for their worst showing in a century.

Continue reading here.

See my Sweden archive here.  ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

Regular refugee numbers don’t tell the whole story; thousands of Afghans getting in to US each year in separate program

They are called Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs for short) and they supposedly helped the US in some way (or they could have helped an NGO!), sometimes as interpreters.  They and their immediate family members are welcomed to the US and treated with the same package of goodies refugees receive.

Also, we are told that the resettlement contractors are paid (by you) to place them as well, and those funds we’ve heard are helping to keep the contractors from completely going belly-up!

(See my post yesterday about the number of regular refugees admitted this fiscal year, the number is relatively low, but the SIV number is not! 2,196 Muslims were admitted as regular refugees, but add to that 9,166 Afghan Muslims in the last 11 months!)


Nato commander
Yesterday US General Austin Miller took over NATO command in Afghanistan.  We have been there for 17 years. Here is what I want to know? If we continue to bring to America the tens of thousands of Afghans who willingly helped us, won’t only the worst of the worst be left in the country?


Continue reading “Regular refugee numbers don’t tell the whole story; thousands of Afghans getting in to US each year in separate program”

The Left loves this Pope, let me count the ways!

Actually I’m not going to run through a litany of his positions that mirror an internal Leftwing political agenda, but when reader Paul sent this good blog post from John Hinderaker at Powerline, what came to mind was the photo below and this report I did just over five years ago.

In my view, Pope Francis is at the top of the list of feckless and frankly treasonous ‘leaders’ in Europe who are directly responsible for the Invasion from Africa and the Middle East that roils the continent from Sweden to Italy on a daily basis.

One might be led to conclude that creating chaos and discord is the aim as this Pope welcomes Africans to Italy as he did five years ago.  Surely he must have gone to the Saul Alinsky school for political agitators!


pope on lampedusa
In July 2013, Pope Francis went to the Italian island of Lampedusa and welcomed (said Mass!) for the African invaders of Europe!


Here is Hinderaker’s blog post yesterday telling us about how biased international journalists are when covering the Liberal Pope who pushed out the Conservative Pope and became the present Pope only 4 months prior to his welcoming stunt on Lampedusa.


It seems pretty clear that liberal reporters and editors view Pope Francis as an ally, maybe one who could decisively neutralize their long-time adversary, the Catholic church. Hence they are protecting him against what would, with a conservative pope, be a scandal of historic proportions.

Read it all here.

Reminder to longtime readers and for new readers:

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is the largest refugee resettlement agency in the US and is paid millions of your tax dollars every year to change America by changing the people!

And, I guess we see clearly why journalists never investigate their financial dealings, or question the separation of church and state.  Why, because the Bishops’ goals directly align with most journalists’ political world view.

This is just one more example of why Trump won the White House! The deplorables have caught on!

See my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.

It began long before German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened Germany to a million migrants beginning in 2014.

Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted

In September of last year, the Trump Administration set the CEILING for refugee admissions at 45,000 for the fiscal year that began October 1, 2017.

As of the last day of August the number actually admitted so far is 19,899. 

Trump and Bush
Previously George Bush held the record for the lowest number of refugee admitted to the US. President Trump is set to break that record.

That would be an average monthly admissions rate of 1,809 for FY18. Assuming that rate continues (although August was below average at 1,685), total admissions for the year will come in at less than 22,000 for the entire fiscal year.

I looked around to see if I saw any anti-Trump screeches from the federal refugee contractors***,  but not so far. Maybe they are all at the beach.

Here (below) is a map from Wrapsnet showing where this year’s ‘New Americans’ were placed.

See how ‘welcoming’ your state has been this year!

Hint! Texas and Ohio top the list!

Continue reading “Trump Administration likely to come in at half the number of refugees they had signaled could be admitted”