World Relief Atlanta: with less government funding for refugees, agency will rely on church donations

What a shock! What an outrage, as President Donald Trump reduces the number of paying clients for the refugee contractors***, this ‘religious’ charity declares it will have to seek private donations from churches.

Last I checked, World Relief (full name: World Relief, National Association of Evangelicals) a private Christian non-profit group was 73% funded by you, the taxpayer, to place refugees in your towns and cities.


World Relief Atlanta
So how many will donate their private money for their (religious) humanitarian good works? 


When the Refugee Act of 1980 became law, it was understood that resettlement was a public-private partnership, but as the years have gone by the contractors have gotten lazier and lazier about raising private money.  Poor managers, they must never have envisioned a day when some of their federal money would dry up.

Now (gasp!) World Relief Atlanta says it will have to go to the churches for their ‘religious’ charitable work.  Imagine that!

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Italy takes steps to reverse demographic decline of Italians by making it easier to have babies/large families!

When I read Mark Steyn’s disheartening America Alone, ten years ago, like Steyn, I saw no hope for Europeans to halt the steep population decline of their people.  Italians, Germans, French and Spaniards, etc. just weren’t having enough children to replace themselves while migrant population numbers were skyrocketing.

For the first time since I started my ‘Invasion of Europe’ series I see hope for a reversal of the trend everyone thought could never be turned around.   Is it too little, too late, who knows, but thank God there are now political leaders willing to try!


Italy’s Salvini and Hungary’s Orban say NO to the idea that “New Europeans” are needed for Europe’s economy to survive. Thanks, but no thanks, we will produce our own children!


Continue reading “Italy takes steps to reverse demographic decline of Italians by making it easier to have babies/large families!”

UN picks refugees for UK, picks mostly Syrian Muslims

Editor: I’m back and there is so much news I don’t know where to begin! I hope you have been able to follow my Twitter feed over the last ten days at Twitter, or here at RRW, where I posted the most interesting bits I came across while traveling.

This story is all over the internet, so I expect you have seen it already.  I’m posting it to make the point that although the story is about the UK, the US should be cutting the UN completely loose from our decision-making process when choosing refugees for America for FY19. The UN tells the US which refugees to accept and from where, but that is changing under this President.

(As we speak, the deep state and the White House are surely at loggerheads over numbers for the coming year.) 


Syrian christians

Continue reading “UN picks refugees for UK, picks mostly Syrian Muslims”

Another Bhutanese refugee kills himself; ripping people from their culture sometimes is inhumane

This story comes from Vermont.

I haven’t written about Bhutanese refugees in awhile. To date, we moved over 96,000 of the Nepali people (mostly Hindu, some Buddhists) who had been expelled from Bhutan to American towns and cities.

Go here for a post which gives a little of the background about the George W. Bush era plan to help the UN clean out its camps on the border of Nepal. It was supposed to be a joint effort with many other countries, but of course we took the vast majority of them.

We said we would take 60,000 beginning in 2007, but as is always the case, we go way beyond what we told the public we would do.

Here is where they were distributed in the US (from Wrapsnet):

Bhutanese numbers


Bhutanese numbers 2


We have also reported on many previous occasions about the exceedingly high suicide rate in the US Bhutanese ‘community.’

It is interesting to me that many do-gooders who push refugee resettlement to America never grasp that some people cannot make the cultural shift and that pushing resettlement can actually have deadly consequences, as it did for this man.

If you go back to my early posts (see archive) on the Bhutanese resettlement, you will see that the camp dwellers initially fought like hell to not be “scattered to the four winds.”

Note that he worked in a meat processing plant! Even in Vermont, refugees work in slaughterhouses! Why didn’t that make him happy?

Continue reading “Another Bhutanese refugee kills himself; ripping people from their culture sometimes is inhumane”

“Soulmates”: Israel’s Netanyahu and Hungary’s Orban meet tomorrow in Israel

Here is an idea for Donald Trump today (the master at making Leftwing media heads explode).

Just as everyone is going crazy over Trump’s summit with Putin, he could invite Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House to discuss big beautiful border walls!


orban and Netanyahu
Haaretz calls them “soulmates.” Last year France 24 called them “spiritual brothers.”


I can dream, can’t I!


israeli border wall
Israel’s border wall with Egypt


Today Orban will be in Israel meeting with Netanyahu and the far Left publication Haaretz gives us an idea of the magnitude of the media meltdown the US press would have if an Orban/Netanyahu/Trump event was scheduled!

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