Nigerians 'escaping' US and asking for asylum in welcoming Canada

Well what should Canada expect when their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invited them in in the immediate wake of the election of Donald J. Trump!  Now the Canadians have the audacity to tell us we have to be more strict about who we admit to the US, so our soil doesn’t become a stepping stone to their welcoming arms in the north.

Trudeau diversity heart
Toning down Trudeau’s welcome!

Before I get to the story from the Washington Post, let me say a few words about the asylum racket. Unlike the usual US Refugee Admissions Program that I write about all the time where ‘refugees’ are selected abroad and flown here, prospective asylum seekers arrive in a safe country and request asylum by claiming they will be persecuted if returned home for reasons such as religion, race, political persuasion etc. (running from crime and violence is not a legitimate reason for eligibility!).
If they are granted asylum they are then full-fledged refugees who get all of the ‘services’ other refugees receive. 
trudeau tweet
A tweet heard around the world!

According to the UN and following generally understood international norms, they are to ask for asylum in the FIRST safe country they reach.
But, all of that first country stuff is out the window as people all over the world are out doing “asylum shopping.” 
If they land in Greece they want Germany and those Central Americans on our southern border right now were supposed to have asked for asylum in Mexico, but they are testing our asylum system knowing that if they get a foot in the door the process will drag out for years.
The Nigerians crossing into Canada are also shopping because they believe the political climate in the US, under President Trump, is not conducive to a favorable ruling in an asylum claim.
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Another month with small numbers of paying customers for the refugee contractors

Month number seven of fiscal year 2018 ended last night, and from the contractors*** point of view, it was another dismal one for agencies collecting a per head payment for refugees they place and ‘take care of’ for only a few months.
April’s total was 1,607 which is below average for the previous six months (average 1,758 for previous months this FY). 
The team….Bolton, Trump, Pompeo:

bolton, pompeo trump
It will be interesting to see what happens with the Refugee Program and those SIVs now that a couple of serious hardliners are in place.  CAIR recently called Pompeo an “Islamophobe.”

I know for many of you this is 1,607 too many, but believe me this is catastrophic for those NGOs that got fat and lazy on budgets as much as 99% supplied by the US taxpayers.
Continue reading “Another month with small numbers of paying customers for the refugee contractors”

Another 16 detainees that Australia refuses to resettle are on their way to four locations in US

We learn from Radio New Zealand that the 16 ‘refugees’ from Muslim countries are going to Chicago, Las Vegas, Texas and Arizona (cities in TX and AZ not named).

australian detainees
More mostly Muslim young men on the way to America on the taxpayer’s dime!

Trump’s travel ban has eliminated those from Somalia, Sudan and Iran, but golly-gee, this bunch is from those safe countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Rohingya from Bangladesh/Burma.

President Trump promised the Aussies that we would take up to 1,250 of those the Australians don’t want in their country—Obama’s dumb deal is Trump’s dumb deal now.

Continue reading “Another 16 detainees that Australia refuses to resettle are on their way to four locations in US”

EU, led by France and Germany, set to punish Hungary and Poland this week

Of course it all has to do with Hungary and Poland standing against the European Union that is demanding those countries take their ‘fair share’ of migrants who have arrived illegally by the hundreds of thousands in recent years because France and Germany were spineless.
If the EU cuts off their funds, why don’t they just join the Brits and leave the EU?
Invasion of Europe news….
From the Express:

Eastern EU states such as Poland and Hungary would be punished under the proposals if they are deemed to have fallen short of the bloc’s ‘democratic values’.

Trump and Macron
While Trump and Macron swooned, the Hungarians and Poles were standing firm against bullying from France and Germany.  Come on Donald, snuggling with Macron isn’t helping your image. Where is the State Dinner for Viktor Orban?

Brussels’ move comes after growing calls from Germany and France, the EU’s two most influential members, to punish rebel member states.

Under the proposals, to be unveiled by the EU’s budget chief Guenther Oettinger this week, bureaucrats would freeze access to funding for EU projects.

An EU source said: “The proposal will include the temporary freezing of funds in order to motivate a change of behaviour among states.”

The measures are likely to further increase tensions between Brussels and the populist, right-wing governments in Warsaw and Budapest.

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has repeatedly clashed with the EU over the migrant crisis after refusing to sign up to refugee resettlement schemes.

And Poland has angered Brussels after introducing controversial judicial reforms judged anti-democratic by the European Commission.

See my previous posts on Hungary and Poland.
My complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ file is here.

Rohingya 'refugees' back in the news (why you should care)!

I’ve told you before that I turn on CNN every morning so I get a feel for where the Left is going every day and today I said uh-oh, here we go on the Burmese Rohingya again. CNN featured a longer piece on the “plight” of Rohingya Muslims in Burma (a Buddhist country).

No fear! Buddhist monks protest Rohingya Muslims in Burma (aka Myanmar)

I couldn’t possibly rehash the decade long controversy (the decade I chronicled in my Rohingya Reports category where 220 posts are archived), but I want you to know why this matters to you and that is that we are admitting Rohingya refugees to live in towns near you—14,882 in the last decade—including over 1,000 since Trump became President (So much for a so-called “Muslim ban!”)
Before I get to the numbers breakdown over the last ten years….
…here is a bare bones story about stepped-up UN (with the US!) efforts to smackdown the Buddhist government of Myanmar.
Continue reading “Rohingya 'refugees' back in the news (why you should care)!”