Unlikely aborted deportation flight to Somali will ever be rescheduled, as court steps in

A federal judge in Florida has blocked the government from deporting the 92 Somalis who made it to West Africa before some yet-to-be-explained glitch caused their deportation flight to return to the US.  See previous posts here and here.
The usual argument is being raised that we can’t possibly return migrants who have committed crimes in the US back to S***hole countries. It would be inhumane, immigrant activists claim.

So, what this says to me is, if we will be barred from sending lawbreakers back, then we must vigorously keep them out of the US in the first place through robust screening. 

Otherwise, taxpayers will be expected to pay for their incarceration for years!

From Courthouse News:

Judge Gayles:   https://ballotpedia.org/Darrin_P._Gayles

MIAMI (CN) – A federal judge temporarily blocked the government from deporting a group of Somali immigrants who say they were shackled and handcuffed for two days by immigration officials during a failed deportation attempt last month.

In a ruling issued Friday in Miami federal court, U.S. District Judge Darrin Gayles said that the 92 Somali immigrants have the right to reopen their removal orders because they are looking “to apply or re-apply for asylum or withholding of deportation based on changed circumstances arising in the country of nationality or in the country to which deportation has been ordered.”


For decades, Somali nationals were rarely deported from the U.S. mainly because their country lacks a “functioning central government,” according to Gayles’ 14-page ruling, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement began deporting Somalis more often after changes to U.S. policies last year under the Trump administration.

Of course they blame it on Trump, but Obama was deporting Somalis as we told you here in 2013, and in 2005 the US Supreme Court said the US can send aliens back to where they came from—even to hellhole countries.
The botched deportation is now used as a further excuse about why they face threats in Somalia:

The immigrants argue that the international media attention surrounding the botched deportation has made it unsafe for them to return to Somalia because they would be targets of the extremist group Al-Shabaab, which believes that people returning to Somalia after living in Western nations for a long period of time are enemies of their cause.


U.S. law prohibits the deportation of individuals to countries where they could face political persecution or torture.

I bet those sneaky immigration lawyers never told the Judge that the Supreme Court said in 2005 that such deportations were legal, see here.   The fact that the Bush Administration didn’t do it, doesn’t make it a law!

Lisa Lehner, a senior litigation attorney with Americans for Immigrant Justice, said in a statement that “the court’s thorough review of what it termed the ‘exceptional circumstances’ of this case reveals a depth of understanding of the plight of these individuals.”

The Somali immigrants are represented by Americans for Immigrant Justice, the American Civil Liberties Union, University of Miami Law Clinic, University of Minnesota Law School’s Center for New Americans and Broward Legal Aid.

More here.
My prediction: This batch will be released back into your towns and cities.  Minnesota here they come!

US immigration lawyers: Go North! Canada: NOOOO!

Sticking it to President Trump in January 2017, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, welcomed one and all to Canada…..


Trudeau diversity heart
Trudeau’s vision of diversity: http://canadafreepress.com/article/skin-deep-justin-trudeaus-vision-of-diversity


….now a year later it is oopsy! Never mind!

Here are the opening paragraphs in the New York Times on January 28, 2017:

OTTAWA — As President Trump’s executive order on immigration stranded people around the world and provoked condemnation, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada took to social media to restate the country’s open-door policy.

“To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith,” Mr. Trudeau wrote on Twitter on Saturday afternoon. “Diversity is our strength.”

And, thousands and thousands believed him and are headed north (to the open-door!), with perhaps the largest number so far being the Haitians who have lost Temporary Protected Status here in the US.  It is feared Salvadorans will be next.

To try to cut them off at the pass, Trudeau is sending representatives like this one who visited California recently.

From the LA Times:

In a private dining room at Zov’s restaurant in Tustin, a Canadian envoy made his pitch to about a dozen immigration attorneys and immigrant rights leaders.

Pablo Rodriguez, a member of Parliament, leaned over from his seat in the middle of the table and asked everyone to spread the word: Please do not cross into Canada illegally.

Trudeau and Pablo Rodriguez
Trudeau: Please Pablo, Go! Tell them not to come. I was just getting in a few licks at Trump, I didn’t really mean we are welcoming to everyone!

“Get the facts and make a decision based on the right facts, before leaving your jobs and taking your children out of school and going up there hoping to stay there forever,” Rodriguez said. “Because if you don’t qualify … you will be returned and in this case not to the United States. You will have lost your status and would be returned to your country of origin.”

Worried that anti-immigrant rhetoric and decisions from the Trump administration could drive more people across its border, the Canadian government is trying to nip that in the bud.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dispatched Rodriguez to California.

The whip for the majority Liberal Party in Parliament, Rodriguez arrived in the U.S. a few days after President Trump announced his decision to end temporary protected status of an estimated 200,000 Salvadorans in the country.

His message was not that different from immigration hardliners in the U.S. But it was delivered with a nicer Canadian soft sell.

World Relief, one of the nine federal resettlement contractors paid to place refugees in your towns, was there. Before you continue know that the DACA ‘children’ are NOT REFUGEES even if the contractors want you to think they are.

Moments before the meeting, Glen Peterson, director of the refugee resettlement agency World Relief’s office in Garden Grove, said he had told one of his staffers he was meeting with a Canadian member of Parliament regarding immigration issues.

“Oh good,” she said. “Are they taking refugees?”

Peterson said the woman is a beneficiary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has protected nearly 700,000 young immigrants who were brought to the United States as children and are currently in the country illegally. In September, Trump decided to terminate the program in six months, forcing Congress to find a solution.

There is much more, click here.  Note that US immigration attorneys are disregarding Pablo’s message and are prepping their clients to head to Canada.
See my Canada category here.  What a mess they have now with Trudeau and first his Syrian airlift and now Central Americans and Somalis especially heading north.
This post is also filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.

Australia "dumb" deal update: More vetting ordered for next batch of fake 'refugees'

This is now the third post in three days about the Obama deal with Australia to take to America over a thousand illegal aliens*** who tried to break into Australia and who were subsequently detained in offshore locations.  See here and here for background.
Amazing how little US media attention is being paid to the deal that Trump (foolishly in my opinion) went along with! 
Now we learn from RNZ (New Zealand) that a new round of vetting will begin shortly.

Manus protestors
Protests continue….  A picture worth a thousand words.  https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/pacific/348913/more-us-vetting-for-manus-refugees

So far, if the detainee is from one of the banned countries, they are not being considered, but frankly that makes no difference because those on the way to your states are from mostly Muslim Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burma (Rohingya).
Radio New Zealand:

Refugees detained by Australia on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island have been advised more vetting for United States resettlement will begin at the end of the month.

About 110 refugees from Manus and Nauru have been taken by the US so far, with another 130 from Nauru expected to go in the coming weeks.

The US agreed to take up to 1250 refugees from Australian offshore detention in November 2016.

A note telling the refugees about the upcoming vetting was posted online by the Kurdish journalist and Manus Island refugee Behrouz Boochani.

Screenshot (159)
“Journalist?” Social media is available to detainees like this one.  They probably all have phones too! 

It said the selected men would be transported to Port Moresby to attend appointments and then returned to Manus Island.

Refugees from six Muslim-majority nations including Iran will not be considered due to a US travel ban on their residents.

Australian statistics from 2014 indicate the majority of Manus Island refugees are from Iran.

More here.

Thought you might like to see some comments from readers to my previous post on the Australia “dumb” deal.

‘FatherJon’ from Australia says this:

No surprises that some of them couldn’t substantiate their bona fides, seeing as the trick was for them to destroy or sell their IDs prior to being landed in Australia in order to re-establish favourable identities as someone else. Unsurprisingly the do-gooders prefer not to acknowledge that, claiming the IDs were ‘lost’ at sea. As for ‘youngsters’ being amongst them, that’s more confected narrative, many of them were clearly young adult males at time of landing, but claimed to be under 18 yoa, in order to gain greater sympathy from laws dealing with children, similar to America’s problems with ‘kids’ from Latin America.

The list goes on…..they have more tricks than in Harry Houdini’s toy box!


I see that at least two of them want to study “human rights”. Will this study include our rights, the rights of legitimate citizens of this country? I feel that my right to safety and a quality of life that includes not being crowded or forced to compete for scarce resources are being violated by these people’s presence here. And what about the rights of people who have been murdered, raped, robbed and tortured by “refugees” who should have never been allowed into our country in the first place? If they are really so concerned with human rights, stop ignoring ours for a change.


As always seems to be the case, if these are truly refugees then where are the women and children?? If Australia was unwilling to integrate these men into their cities, why didn’t they just return them to whence they came? Their resulting anger, sexual repression and mental health issues after being sequestered for 5 years in a remote location are now America’s to bear. There is nothing about this bad “deal” that Obama committed us to that makes sense. Shame on President Trump!


I wonder if they’ll get a “Welcoming” parade from our local “welcoming” community organizers? We will be watching. We will hold them accountable. That is YOU LIRS in my area!  [LIRS is the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service which we learned previously is one of the federal contractors being paid to place the Australian rejects into US towns.—ed]

See my complete (extensive!) archive on the Australia “dumb” deal by clicking here.  If you once knew but have forgotten, as part of the unprecedented deal, Australia is going to take some Central American Christians now in Costa Rica in exchange. (So how are those people even our problem?)
LOL! Donald! It is “dumb!”
US to Australia: We will take over a thousand illegal alien Muslims off your hands.
Australia to US: And, in exchange we will take an undetermined number of Christian economic migrants presently living in Costa Rica off your (US) hands. (huh!)
***I repeat, legitimate refugees are to ask for asylum in the first safe place they land.  If they fail to be granted asylum by proving they would be persecuted if sent home, they should be returned to where they came from, not be given the ultimate jackpot—a free ticket to America.

Flight glitch causes some delay as Australia's rejected 'refugees' head to US

More information about yesterday’s news.
Secrecy continues….

Which of these men is coming to your town?


‘Refugees’ who attempted to break in to Australia were detained on Manus Island. Some are on flights to American towns and cities. Photo: https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/national/2017/11/13/manus-island-refugees-asylum-seekers/

Perhaps the most telling bit of this whole story at SBS News is the last line:

The transfers have been challenging for journalists to cover, with American, Australian and United Nations’ authorities refusing to confirm or deny the flights.

If this is such a good and humanitarian thing, why is it being kept from you?
We do, however, learn a few more nuggets from this latest report on the illegitimate ‘refugees.’
Besides one headed to Elizabeth, NJ, another young Muslim man (that Australia did not permit to come to its mainland) is headed to Knoxville, TN where he wants to study about human rights (will we see him out protesting Trump at the next election?).
Just what America needs more human rights agitators! Jobs Americans won’t do?

A transfer of about 40 refugees from Manus Island to the United States hit a road-bump in Manila on Tuesday afternoon when a number of men were unable to transfer to their flight to New York, SBS News has learned.

Organisers of the refugee transfer had given men tickets for a flight through Vancouver, but SBS News understands they were denied boarding because they did not have the required travel documents to transfer through Canada. Several of the men are stateless.

The men, who had been due to separate from the other refugees in Manila boarded the same flight to Los Angeles five hours later. The flight landed in LA at roughly 12:40pm Australian time.

The men, who have spent upwards of four years stranded in Papua New Guinea, will be settled in locations including Knoxville in Tennessee, Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, Elizabeth in New Jersey, Atlanta in Georgia and in North Carolina. Those transferring through New York will now arrive a day late.


Mushtaq Hussain, whose 22-year-old brother is part of the latest transfer, told SBS News his brother Sajid was ready to start a new life in Tennessee.

“He wants to study and work also, and he wants to see our parents because he was very young when he was locked in Manus Island,” the 29-year-old older brother said.

[Very young? He makes it sound like he was there as a tiny child. These latest illegal migrants detained on Manus have been there for a maximum of 5 years, so Mushtaq would have been 17. And, where are the parents, in Knoxville?—ed]

“He like human rights and maybe he will study about human rights.”  [Tell me why the younger brother couldn’t have joined his older brother in Indonesia instead of getting a ticket to America after trying to illegally break in to Australia?—ed]

Airfare ‘loans’

It is not clear if this special group of special people will have to reimburse US taxpayers for the cost of their airfare!
Readers need to know that ‘refugees’ are required to pay back the airfare, but they do it through the resettlement agency that then keeps a cut of what they extract from the refugees.
The US State Department refuses to reveal how many loans are repaid (see here).
So what is the penalty for not repaying the loan? They are told they will have a bad credit rating! No kidding, so some refugee from the third world who may not have seen toilets even is expected to be frightened in to paying because of threats of a bad credit score—-arghhhh!
SBS continues….

The US government usually requires refugees to repay the cost of their transfer once they are established in the United States, a request to confirm that this would also be the case for refugees under the Australian deal was not met with a response before publication.

After five years in the United States, refugees are eligible to apply for US citizenship.

Four federal resettlement contractors are named:

Upon landing at their final destinations, the men will be met by various American resettlement agencies, such as the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the International Rescue Committee and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.

The settlement agencies are contracted to provide 90 days of support for new arrivals, including registering for identification and employment services and assisting with access to healthcare and education. [Mental healthcare and WELFARE!—ed]

More here.

Readers you need to get this information out as far and wide as you can.

Taxpaying citizens would be furious if they even knew!
Maybe Trump had a legitimate reason to go along with this “dumb” and costly deal that Obama arranged as he was walking out the door. I don’t know, but I can’t imagine one because Australia needs us more than we need Australia.
This we know….
The Australia deal is so outrageous and so unheard-of even in the refugee world, that it adds another black spot to the whole secretive UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
If I was working for a refugee contractor*** I would be shaking in my boots.  If just one of these guys (who will be in need of mental health treatment) goes off the rails and commits a violent crime or terrorist act it will be another (maybe final!) nail in the coffin for the program.
We will be watching!
Australia “dumb deal” archive is here.
*** Nine US refugee contractors that monopolize all resettlement in the US (Number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income they receive from you—the taxpayer—in a recent financial analysis.)

Australian rejected 'refugees' on the way to US this week!

We can get excited about the slowdown in the normal refugee flow to America (see post yesterday), but here comes the very abnormal flow—58 of the Australia-rejected mostly single men who have been detained by the Aussies for as long as four years will now be free in America.
The deal, originally agreed to by Obama as he was walking out the door, represents an application of international refugee law that is simply unheard of and possibly illegal.
A legitimate asylum seeker is to ask for asylum in the first safe country in which he or she arrives.  If Australia rejected them, they should be returned home, not given a ticket to America!

Australian detainees on the way
Here they come, mostly Muslim young men that Australia refused to admit to its mainland.   Photo: SBS News

This batch is going to: North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Georgia!  

And, you know that resettlement contract agencies in those states know they are coming and this will all be kept secret from your ‘welcoming’ towns!

Here is the latest about the hush-hush movement of 58 of the men from mostly Middle Eastern countries to Anytown, USA.
From Australia’s SBS News (emphasis is mine):

Ian Rintoul, activist and refugee advocate, says 40 left on one flight on Tuesday morning bound for Manila where, he says, they’re due to be split up – one group bound for New York, the other group travelling on to Los Angeles.

One US resettlement agency has confirmed they are coming, but you can be sure that you, citizens of that town, will not be told!

US, Australian and United Nations authorities involved with the transfer have all refused to confirm or deny the transfer details, but at least one refugee agency in the United States told SBS News that they have received official advance notice of several arrivals.  [Who?—ed]

Refugees will be resettled in locations which include North Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia, according to information from refugee advocates and resettlement agencies.

26-year-old Shafiq Turi, who said he has been told he will be resettled this week in Elizabeth, New Jersey….


54 refugees from Nauru and PNG were resettled under the arrangement last year.

“I’m so happy for those people coming here,” said Reza Mohammad Nezhadtazkam, a 43 year old Iranian man from Manus Island who was resettled in Arizona last year.

So 58 in this group plus 54 last year, and 130 additional ready to go too!

The Guardian reports that roughly 130 people from Nauru will also be transferred in the upcoming cohort, with advocates expecting that a flight from Nauru will depart later this week.

‘A horrible deal’

Trump and Turnbull
Trump should have followed his initial instincts. If just one of these men turns out to be a criminal or terrorist, it will be on Trump. We will be watching!

The official shroud of secrecy around the transfers has made it challenging to report on the progress of the deal, which rose to prominence when it was the subject of a combative, leaked conversation between President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in January last year.

President Trump denounced the agreement as “a horrible deal, a disgusting deal” in the late January call, a transcript of which was later published by the Washington Post.

“This is going to kill me,” he said. “I am the world’s greatest person that does not want to let people into the country.”


Refugees are met at the airport by American resettlement agencies and taken to temporary accommodation when they reach their final destination.

As with all refugee arrivals in the United States, resettlement agencies then spend the next few days assisting refugees with applying for identification, government documents and employment services. [And WELFARE!—ed]

There is much more at SBS News, click here.
If there are any real investigative reporters out there, you could call resettlement agencies in each state mentioned and see if any will admit that they have Australia’s rejected ‘refugees’ to pick up at the airport shortly!
Go here to find a US State Department-funded resettlement agency near you!
And for new readers, see my entire archive on the “Dumb” Australia deal, here.