People often want to know exactly how is civilization jihad creeping into western society. Here is a case in point.
A Syrian “refugee” who apparently got into Italy (did he cross the Mediterranean?) and made his way to Denmark “married” a Danish woman in an Islamic ceremony not legally sanctioned in Denmark, but now wants to bring his whole Syrian family to Denmark (his wife and other children).
A Syrian refugee with a Danish wife also wants to bring his Syrian wife and children to Denmark.
Mohammed with Danish wife who is fine with his wish to reunite with Syrian wife and kiddos…. Photo:
Mohammed Hussein Kurdi fled the war in Syria three years ago. Via Italy he came to Denmark, where he married the Danish woman Monika Seberg.
The two had a child together in March (2014) and Mohammed received a permanent residence permit in Denmark.
But back in Syria, he also has a wife and three children. Those he would now like to bring to Denmark.
Mohammed misses his three Syrian children and his wife. So now they want to apply for family reunification.
Mohammed has not lied to Monika about his Syrian family, she says:
– He has never concealed the fact that he has a wife and three children, says Monika Seberg.
In Denmark it is forbidden to have multiple wives. But the Danish authorities do not recognize Monika and Mohammed’s marriage because it is Islamic. [So technically, he would have every legal right to reunite with his Syrian wife. Right?—ed]
They will need a bigger home! So who pays for that, the Danish taxpayer?
– There should be two bedrooms, one for her and one for me, and then Mohammed will sleep some nights in one place and some nights the second place, says Monika.
Watch for it, we will have Europe’s headaches soon enough….
You probably saw the news already, but I just happened to see Fox News run the home surveillance video of the attempted rape of a 13-year-old home alone. The perpetrator is seen following her to her home.
But, here is what I want to know!
Mohammad’s mugshot and screen shots of his failed attack on the girl. How wonderful that his family had a home surveillance system!
What is the the immigration status of Mohammad Khaliqi?
Could he be one of the thousands of Iraqi “refugees” resettled in California?
There should be a law! Every crime report should clearly spell out the immigration status of the alleged criminal. Of course, maybe some do and the mainstream media is too politically correct to mention it.
If you see any news about how Mohammad Khaliqi got into the US, let us know!
SAN JOSE, Calif. — San Jose police have arrested a man accused of forcing himself on a 13-year-old girl as she returned home from school.
The suspect has been identified as Mohammad Khaliqi, 31, of San Jose. Police arrested Khaliqi in the 1400 block of School St. in San Leandro on Friday morning.
He’s facing multiple counts of burglary, attempted sexual assault and false imprisonment.
On Tuesday, the man followed the girl as she walked home from school. She told investigators he had forced his way through the front door of her home as she went inside. She fought him off and he fled before police arrived.
The girl then locked the door after he left, hid in a closet and texted her father: “DADDY COME HOME NOW. SOME GUY TRIED TO RAPE ME.”
He is also accused of another, earlier, failed attack in San Jose.
Since I’m not a lawyer, I don’t know where one would attempt to codify this in law, but I wonder if there could be a bill introduced in state legislatures to require arrest documents to include immigration status that is available to the public.
Mona Walter is a brave woman who wants Muslim women to be free and live in peace; called “house nigger” in Sweden for speaking up.
Is there a glimmer of hope here?
And, does this mean that it isn’t until the average Somali gets to the West and is indoctrinated into their ‘faith’ that they become “killing machines?”
So, if that indoctrination happens when the Somali refugee gets to Sweden, is it happening in the US too? Are the mosques teaching the Koran and thus creating the extremists?
And, how many Mona Walters could there be out there?
GOTHENBURG, Sweden — Mona Walter is on a mission. Her mission is for more Muslims to know what is in the Koran. She says if more Muslims knew what was in the Koran, more would leave Islam.
Walter came to Sweden from Somalia as a war refugee when she was 19. She says she was excited about joining a modern European nation with equal rights for women. But as a young Muslim woman, that was not the Sweden she encountered.
A Real Introduction to Islam
It was in Sweden that she first experienced radical Islam on a daily basis.
“I discovered Islam first in Sweden. In Somalia, you’re just a Muslim, without knowing the Koran. But then you come to Sweden and you go to mosque and there is the Koran, so you have to cover yourself and you have to be a good Muslim.”
Walter says she grew up in Somalia never having read the Koran.
“I didn’t know what I was a part of. I didn’t know who Mohammed was. I didn’t know who Allah was. So, when I found out, I was upset. I was sad and I was disappointed,” she recalled.
And it was in Sweden that Walters says she discovered Allah is a god who hates, and that Islam is not a religion of peace.
“I mean, Muslims are normally good people like everyone else,” she continued. “But then when they read the Koran, then they become a killing machine.”
“This so-called ISIS or el Shabab or Boko Haram, they’re not like extremists. They’re not fanatical. They’re just good Muslims, good Muslims who follow the teachings of Islam. The prophet Mohammed, he did that. They’re doing what he did,” she explained.
Political correctness (the promotion of the ‘religion of peace’ myth) has gone to such an extreme here in the US that women like Walter, who probably exist, have no way of ever coming out because they know they will have no protection by so-called progressive women’s rights groups who are by their silence carrying water for the Islamists.
Update April 26th: Reader Julia read some other news accounts of the rape and learned more from KPHO in Phoenix. Fascinating that the Fox story left out a couple of key details—like she was in HIGH SCHOOL (not just school as Fox told us), and that her parents had already married her to the perp against her will. She was likely a minor. Learn more here.
The story is from Fox News while I was away in Little Mogadishu (aka Minneapolis). Hat tip: Denny.
A Muslim woman expected to enter an arranged marriage in Phoenix was raped, beaten and sexually assaulted by her groom-to-be after she refused to marry the man, Fox 10 News Phoenix reported on Wednesday.
Alleged rapist Mohamed S. Abdullahi, 30. Just think we get to pay for his trial and possible incarceration. Maybe resettlement contractor Catholic Charities could foot some of the bill?
Mohamed S. Abdullahi, 30, who was arrested on Tuesday, reportedly faces sexual assault and kidnapping charges. Police referred to the alleged victim as a young adult.
The report said that the families agreed on a “Nikah,” a formal Islamic marriage. The woman, who apparently had no desire to be with Abdullahi, ran away but returned about 15 days later to finish school.
Police are investigating details leading up to the alleged assault, investigating whether the woman’s Somali family forced her into the apartment where police say she was raped and held against her will.
The Arizona Republic reported that the woman was brought to the apartment Monday.
One neighbor told that she saw the woman shaking and crying as she was dragged onto the sidewalk. She said she would have called police if she was aware of the situation.
Once in the apartment, police reportedly said Abdullahi placed a mattress in front of the door to prevent her from leaving. The alleged victim eventually managed to send a message to her friend from her tablet, reported.
Damage control?
Abdullahi was criticized by the Arizona chapter of the Center for Arabic Islamic Relations, saying the allegations have no basis in the Islamic faith. [Just another nut, move along nothing to see.—ed]
Who is responsible for bringing Somalis to Phoenix?
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has two subcontractor offices in Phoenix. Reporters interested in learning more about how Catholic Charities is colonizing Phoenix, call them:
Address: 1825 W Northern Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85021-5298
Phone: 602-997-6105 x51028
AZ-USCCB-03: Catholic Charities Community Services
Address: 615 West Pierson Street
Phoenix, AZ 85013
Phone: 602-530-5519
If you live in Arizona, call or write and ask for their “abstracts”for the last five years and see what they are saying about the “capacity” of Phoenix to care for more Somali (and other) refugees.
Go herefor the whole list of contractor offices across the country.
It is, if you allow your town or city to become the next ‘welcoming’ community for thousands of third world refugees in desperate need of healthcare.
Buffalo, NY (Erie County) is one of the federal government’s “preferred communities” for refugee resettlement and is, according to this meeting announcement, the largest resettlement site in New York State. NY is among the top five resettlement states in the US.
Go here for our extensive archive on problems with refugees in Buffalo. See especially this 2012 post where we learned that the Christian and Jewish population is declining and the Muslim population increasing in and around Buffalo (thanks to Christian and Jewish resettlement contractors listed below!).
When they say “culturally-engaged” healthcare, do they mean that refugees have health issues that are related to the cultural practices they bring to America, like ‘female genital mutilation?’ I see NY is one of the top states for at risk girls!
Think long and hard about whether your town or city wants to take on the massive (and expensive!) physical and mental health care of thousands of refugees!
BUFFALO, N.Y. — The University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions (SPHHP) will hold the second annual Western New York Refugee Health Summit on Thursday, April 9 …
Called “Community conversations to build pathways toward culturally engaged health care in Buffalo,” the health summit is being held as part of the SPHHP’s celebration of National Public Health Week.
Erie County resettles the highest number of refugees in New York State; approximately one third of the state’s 3,700 refugees resettled in Buffalo in 2013. Many arrive in the U.S. driven from their home countries by social and political upheaval, war, and economic or agricultural distress. Even with committed organizations assisting refugees, many barriers exist to obtaining culturally-engaged health care.
The summit will provide a forum where health care providers and refugees can meet and discuss ways to overcome the five main barriers to care that refugees face: coordinating stakeholders, mentoring of providers, mobilizing community leaders, dealing with language barriers and addressing gaps in providing care. [By the way, “stakeholders” does not apply to you, the taxpayers footing the bill for all of this healthcare and most likely this summit too!—ed]
Participants also will review an online platform that is being developed to better share and coordinate Western New York health resources for refugees.
Participating community agency partners include the Burmese Community Support Center, Community Health Center of Buffalo, Neighborhood Health Center, H.E.A.L. International, Jericho Road Community Health Center, International Institute of Buffalo, Journey’s End Refugee Services, Inc., Catholic Charities of Buffalo, Jewish Family Services of Buffalo and Erie County, and the UB Schools of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Public Health and Health Professions, and Social Work.
Wow! Check it out! No wonder Buffalo is so overloaded with needy refugees, five of the nine major contractors have offices there!
BTW, when I first posted this handy list of resettlement subcontractors in December, the State Department said they had 180 cities, but I saw yesterday that they are saying 190 cities (so they gained ten more in the last few months!).
CWS (Church World Service)
NY-CWS-07: Journey’s End Refugee Services, Inc
Tri-Main Center, 2495 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214-2152
DFMS (Episcopal Migration Ministries)
NY-DFMS-07: Journey’s End Refugee Services, Inc
2459 Main Street, Suite 317
Buffalo, NY 14214
HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
NY-HIAS-06: Jewish Family Service Of Buffalo And Erie County
70 Barker Street
Buffalo, NY 14209
USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)
NY-USCCB-02: Refugee Assistance Program Catholic Charities
20 Herkimer Street
Buffalo, NY 14213
USCRI (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants)
NY-USCRI-02: International Institute Of Buffalo, Inc.
864 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14209
LOL! I bet they are all competing with each other to bring in the paying refugee ‘clients.’
We have an extensive ‘health issues’ category you might like to visit, here.