Uzbek arrested in Idaho on terror charges; was he airlifted here by Bush State Dept?

In 2005 the Bush Administration secretly airlifted Uzbek’s to the the US claiming they were “refugees.”  Most went to Western states.  Update!  He didn’t arrive on the airlift but he is definitely a refugee! We have many posts on the subject. One theory is that the Bush Administration wanted to curry favor with the Muslim … Continue reading Uzbek arrested in Idaho on terror charges; was he airlifted here by Bush State Dept?

Washington lobbyist for big business: “The basic goal is to promote the free flow of labor into the USA”.

That is a quote from Tamar Jacoby, President and CEO of  Immigration Works USA, at a meeting we reported, here, in 2009.  It was a closed-to-the-public and press conclave held at a MARRIOTT HOTEL in Washington, DC and included such luminaries as Grover Norquist.  The assembled, as reported by a NumbersUSA expose‘, were talking about … Continue reading Washington lobbyist for big business: “The basic goal is to promote the free flow of labor into the USA”.

Vlad Tepes blog helping to expose lies about Muslims being killed en masse by Buddhists in Myanmar

Thanks to reader Dana for sending this blog post from Vlad Tepes where we are directed to this story (PakaAlert Press) about how social media is manipulating the news from Burma(Myanmar) on Rohingya Muslims supposedly being slaughtered by Buddhist monks. The author, and investigator who reveals the photographs used to manipulate the news is himself … Continue reading Vlad Tepes blog helping to expose lies about Muslims being killed en masse by Buddhists in Myanmar

Police try new tactic to defeat Kurdish gangs in Nashville neighborhoods

It looks like this will be Muslim refugee crime day at RRW.   First, we had new information about the Burmese Muslim murder suspect in Salt Lake City and I have yet to get to the North Dakota Somali murderer and here comes news from the Kurdish capital of the United States—Nashville—about efforts by police to … Continue reading Police try new tactic to defeat Kurdish gangs in Nashville neighborhoods