Bosnians busted in Driver License scam

In the aftermath of Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia, the United States admitted over 100,000 Bosnian Muslims as refugees.  They got taxpayer funded airfare, a rent subsidy, food stamps, health care, and a caseworker to find them a job.    Here’s how they repay the charity.    (Hat tip:  Janet Levy)

The FBI has cracked a Spokane-based ring that it says paid bribes to a state contractor and used foreign-language interpreters to help Bosnian immigrants cheat on tests to obtain commercial driver licenses fraudulently from the state of Washington.

Read the whole story at the 

Washington State has received 89,000 refugees through 2005 and nearly 5000 of those are from the former Yugoslavia.

Europeans waking up (finally) to the danger of Muslim immigration

See this excellent post at Jihad Watch reporting on an article from the Daily Express that begins:

AN “overwhelming majority” of Europeans believe immigration from Islamic countries is a threat to their traditional way of life, a survey revealed last night.

Read it all and remember that we are blindly heading down the same path as Europe, except maybe we still have time to turn it around.   We need to get to work!  (Judy admonishes me on this and says I need to explain ‘work’).   The first bit of  work that needs to be done is that we all need to publicize the information we gather about immigration to as wide an audience as is humanly possible, starting with your next door neighbor!  

Complaints fall on deaf ears at government agencies

We have written before about the work of Chris Coen and his organization, Friends of Refugees.  He wrote to us recently out of sheer frustration, but still  filled with determination to get the government’s attention about the plight of some refugees who have been brought to America and virtually dumped by agencies contracted to care for them.  Here is his letter to us.  Keep in mind this has been going on for a long time and his letters to these agencies span years.

Dear Refugee Resettlement Watch,

Although I recently commented about our previous complaints to the Inspector General at the U.S. Department of State (DOS), I have a few more details to share. The first complaint we filed to the DOS’s Inspector General’s Office managed to be ‘lost’ by that office! Cute, isn’t it? They said that maybe the old Inspector General took it with him when he went to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He’s now no longer with DHS either. They rotate people in and out quick to avoid any accountability. It’s very effective.

THEN, we put it in AGAIN – but we beefed it up with a lot more discrediting information about the refugee resettlement agencies that we had managed to get from the DOS’s own inspection reports. BUT, 2-3 months later our complaint letter to the Inspector General, sent via certified mail, was returned to us. They would not claim it. They use a post office box so that a USPS delivery person cannot get anyone to sign for it – and they just refuse to acknowledge all the notices left by USPS to claim it. They got us again! Then, we wrote to various Senators, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, etc. about this trickery — nooooooo response back from anyone.

Okay, then, we put in some complaints with the Inspector General’s Office at HHS[Health and Human Services] about their Office of Refugee Resettlement’s (ORR’s) failure to investigate our specific complaint about World Relief in New Port Richey, FL. It went nowhere. The Director of the ORR, who we targeted for complaint, then took retirement – he retired unscathed. He must be laughing now, living off the taxpayers via his government pension, and never had to answer for one bit of irresponsible stewardship of his refugee programs.

Not to say we won’t try again. We never give up. They’ll never wear us down – not via any length or level of corruption.

Christopher Coen


Friends of Refugees

You can reach Mr. Coen by e-mail.

As Lionheart goes, so go we

Update 1/30/08:   Gates of Vienna blog has up-to-date news on Lionheart, calls him ‘canary in the coal mine for western free speech’ here.   Don’t miss audio of Lionheart on a US radio station.

I’ve written lately about the importance of keeping our free speech and that proliferating blogs is the way for just regular people to defend and keep that important freedom.   As I said, it’s like the gun issue, if we all have one it will be harder for them to strip our rights.

I don’t have time to do the post justice this morning, but please read Us or Them blog here on the case of British blogger Lionheart who is on the run from British police for speaking his mind on his blog.   He said similar things to what I posted the other day about the Nadia Convenience store raid in our county, and has thus broken the law in his native England. 

Iraqis arriving in Manchester, NH

According to the Manchester Union Leader today, New Hampshire will be getting a new wave of refugees beginning with Iraqis and followed by Burundians. 

Eight Iraqi refugees, including two physicians, will fly from Turkey to New Hampshire this week to rebuild their lives nearly 6,000 miles from their war-battered homeland.


They will receive medical check-ups, tuberculosis tests, English training and food stamps to help get them started in their new world. In return, they are expected to get a job within 4 1/2 months and eventually pay back their airfare to America.


They are part of the first wave of Iraqi refugees fleeing the war to land in New Hampshire.

The article goes on to report that Manchester has had its share of refugees since the Refugee Act of 1980 went into effect.

 Since 1980, more than 5,000 refugees — roughly the population of Auburn or New Boston — have been resettled in Manchester from a variety of countries.

But the article was strangely silent on the ruckus that occured there a few years ago when residents of the city went ballistic when Somali Bantu arrived there in large numbers.  I guess the refugee agencies have figured that the city had calmed down enough to bring more refugees.   The article says the Iraqis are well educated, many speak English and had been translators (uh oh!), but the Burundians have lived in camps since 1972.

One thing is for sure, if the Iraqi doctors aren’t happy with America, like those Iraqis who have gone to Arizona, they won’t be getting a ticket home anytime soon.

“They left their houses, they left family members, they’re coming to a new culture,” he [Nabil Migalli, chairman of the Arab-American Forum]* said. “Will they go back to Iraq? Maybe some people might want to go back to Iraq. The situation doesn’t allow that to happen immediately or in the near future.”

 No indeed, Mr. Migalli, there is work to be done here in America.

*Who is Nabil Migalli?  According to New Hampshire magazine he is IT for 2007.

New Hampshire Magazine’s it List: Consider it the guest list for the best cocktail party ever. The 2007 It List is our selection of the 34 most interesting, happening, talked about people in the state. If you got these folks all in the same room, no telling what would transpire, but you can bet it wouldn’t be boring.

I bet he would be the life of the party if he explained over cocktails (no cocktails thank you!), this bit from a letter his Arab-American Forum of New Hampshire signed when it joined International ANSWER in 2004.

In the United States, we, Arab-Americans and Muslims have been maliciously targeted, stripped of our rights, and positioned outside the constitutional framework of this country. A new COINTELPRO has been unleashed against our homes and living rooms, as our fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters are plucked away and thrown into unknown prison cells.

Malicious targeting!  Stripped of rights!  Fathers, mothers, sons and daughters thrown into unknown prison cells.  AAAAAH, say it isn’t so, not in the Live Free or Die state! 

So, lets get this straight, Mr. Migalli, why then are you so eager to bring Iraqi refugees to this hell-hole of a country?