Increasing number of Haitians coming across US southern border…

…..and arriving in San Diego.   Gee, why San Diego? From SignOn San Diego: A record number of Haitians have arrived on America’s southern doorstep, asking for asylum or temporary parole just as the United States is set to resume deportations to Haiti next month — one year after the catastrophic earthquake in the island country. … Continue reading Increasing number of Haitians coming across US southern border…

Liberians participated in March on America, deportations looming?

My previous story this morning about the Liberian gang rape case in Phoenix reminded me that Liberians participated in the Marxist March on America last Saturday.  Here is a story from All Africa about that participation. Hundreds of Liberians in the United States joined other immigrants to press for reforms in the immigration system that … Continue reading Liberians participated in March on America, deportations looming?

Haitian immigrants fact sheet from Center for Immigration Studies

Please visit CIS for all sorts of handy facts about how many Haitians are in the US and what their status is in terms of citizenship, education, welfare use and so on.  Here are just a few of the facts, compiled by Steven Camarota, to pique your interest: Of the 546,000 Haitians in the US in 2008 (assuming the … Continue reading Haitian immigrants fact sheet from Center for Immigration Studies

Miami Herald: Maybe as many as 200,000 Haitians illegally in US will apply for TPS

We told you about the Obama Administration’s decision to grant illegal alien Haitians already in the US before the earthquake Temporary Protected Status here. Now comes word, oops! that the number is far greater than originally thought.  The Obama administration is preparing to handle applications from as many as 200,000 undocumented Haitian immigrants who want … Continue reading Miami Herald: Maybe as many as 200,000 Haitians illegally in US will apply for TPS