Charitable(?) groups beating the drum, closing the circle

In my view, here is how it works.   What works you ask?  The great taxpayer rip-off of course.   It doesn’t matter whether the groups are left-leaning environmental groups or the ten volags (non-governmental organizations) bringing refugees to America, the strategy is the same.   There are probably many more hands in our pockets then we can imagine,  it just happens I know about these two pets of the liberal big government crowd.

Lets take Refugee Resettlement, the subject of our blog of course.  And, lets take for a specific example, The International Rescue Committee (IRC).  Today I noticed this drum-beating article  in something called “The Globalist” (what else!) about Iraqi refugees by Anne Richard, a VP at the IRC.   The title of the article is, “Americas responsibility to the Iraqi refugees”.  There is absolutely nothing new in this opinion piece dressed up as news.  This is boiler plate; if I’ve seen one of these articles I’ve seen ten.  They are all the same, they are everywhere.  These articles are meant to tug at the heartstrings of Americans, you know to soften us up, to make us feel obligated to bring millions of Iraqis to America NOW.

By the way,  Anne Richard is a former employee of the US State Department having worked for Madeleine Albright  (the revolving door in action).    She makes a salary of between $100,000 and $200,000 (based on the salaries of other VP’s at IRC).  But that is ‘chump change’ compared to the IRC CEO’s salary.  Dr. George Rupp, former Pres. of Columbia University, brings in a cool $357,657 a year salary according to the organization’s 2005 Form 990.   Thats more than the Vice President of the United States, the Speaker of the House, or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court receive (no wonder public service is so unpopular).

The IRC is a $200 million plus a year organization that recieves close to half of its income from you, the taxpayer.   Actually it was $88 million from government grants in 2005.  The immigration industry is big business and in order to stay in business it needs to find “refugees” to move around the world.

So, the circle goes like this: 

*   Beat the drum in the mainstream media to bring more refugees while wearing the ‘white hat’ (its about feeling good).

*    Convince Congress, the President and the public that we must do something.

*    More of your money goes out to these private groups through grants and contracts with the federal government.

*    Employees of these NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS make big salaries while wearing the ‘white hat’.

*    To stay in business (and get more of your tax dollars) they need to beat the drum (create the crisis) to bring more refugees to America.

I wonder if there are actually courses in this because the M.O. is the same from one leftist cause to the next.

10,000 visits mark is reached!

We know it isn’t much compared to the mega-blogs, but we just reached our 10,000 visits mark at RRW! Sometime in the last hour, and exactly 4 months from our first post, we reached this milestone for our down-home clearinghouse for news about Refugee Resettlement.  

We plan to continue bringing you information about this complex program of the federal government so that you can play a constructive role in directing the future of your community.  And maybe, just maybe, we will see the program reformed someday.   Thanks for visiting!

P.S.  If you can shed some light on why 6 days after Judy’s post about the UN ignoring Christian Iraqi refugees it continues to top the list of visited posts, we would love to know!

Haitian Immigrant brought AIDS to US

This report, originally from Reuters, was published all over the world yesterday.

The strain of HIV that touched off the US AIDS epidemic and fueled the global scourge of the disease came to the continent from Africa via Haiti, according to a study released Monday.


“Haiti was the stepping stone the virus took when it left central Africa and started its sweep around the world,” said Michael Worobey, an assistant professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona in Tucson, and senior author of the paper.


The deadly virus probably arrived on US shores in about 1969, more than a decade before the full-blown US AIDS crisis of the 1980s, and may have been carried there by a single Haitian immigrant, according to the study.

What relevance to refugees?   During the Clinton Administration the ban on immigrants with HIV AIDS was lifted and refugees with AIDS are permitted entry into the US.   We pay for their treatment upon arrival.  This was confirmed by State Dept. representatives at the September Forum in Hagerstown.

From 1983 to 2005 we admitted 28,625 Haitians with the lions share resettled in Florida.  Just a reminder that the 2005 ORR Annual report to Congress is a handy source of information.   See Appendix A for country of origin and resettlement state.

Note:  We may soon make available DVD copies of the Public Forum on Refugee Resettlement held in Hagerstown, MD on September 19, 2007.    If you are new to RRW you might want to review the September Forum category here.

Questions welcome

We have been plugging away trying to get more state information up in our “Your State” page linked above.  However, it takes awhile and we work on it when we can.   If you don’t see your state yet, please just e-mail us at the address under contact information at the right and we will be happy to help you get started researching in your state.   Afterall, we want this to be a community organizing site and one of our goals is to encourage grassroots involvement in directing the future of your community. 

Iraqi refugees in Syria (Part II)

Last week I posted on a report from the Brookings Institution entitled, Iraqi Refugees in the Syrian Arab Republic, in an effort to answer the question, who are the Iraqis who have fled to Syria?  Since the United States has already begun resettling this fiscal year’s goal of 12, 000, it’s important for us to know who is coming to America.   See also Judy’s post about Christian Iraqi refugees in Jordan.

More from Brookings, who are they?

* “… many [are] urban, moderate or secular Sunnis who do not want to live under the sway of Salafi insurgent groups.”    Salafis are the hard-line fundamentalist Muslims.

* “Many of the Kurds seem to be crossing into Syria in the hope of obtaining third-country resettlment….”  Apparently in May, Kurdish men were crossing into Syria to register as asylees but then freely returned  home making them not true refugees.

*  Shia Iraqis are entering Syria looking for better economic conditions, to escape hardline Islam and to obtain resettlement in third countries.

* Many Christian Iraqis went to Syria in the 1990’s to escape the Saddam Hussein regime.  Others had worked for that regime and left after the regime was toppled.   Many Christians who stayed in Iraq worked for foreign organizations or the multinational forces and have now left Iraq.   The report mentions several times that Christians who sold alchohol were especially driven from Iraq by hard-line Islamic groups.

There are additional reports of radical Sunni insurgents asking Christians to pay the jizya to the Mosque or leave the country.   The report describes the jizya as “a head-tax that non-Muslims historically paid in Muslim states.” 

Brookings says the Iraqi Christians expect they cannot go back to Iraq but “that leaving Iraq will lead to the disappearance of their communities and their distinct identities.” 

* Then there were 30,000 Palestinians in Iraq, “favored under Saddam”.    Many have gone to Syria and some are in refugee camps along the border between Iraq and Jordan.   Somehow Hamas is involved in the “deadlock around the Palestinian refugees blocked between Iraq and Jordan.”   Incidentally recent reports are that some of these Palestinians are being resettled by Brazil.

*  Finally the report discusses the Sunni and Shia radical groups that have left Iraq and entered Syria.  The first group right after the invasion were members of the Saddam Hussein regime and then in the last couple of years the radicals are likely a result of stepped up military action by the multi-national forces (the Surge?).

According to Brookings some of these are coming as refugees, others come “for rest-and-recuperation, or even to check up on whether other members of the group are living cleanly, in keeping with strict Islamic instructions.”

At the end of this Brookings report, there are some statistics gathered from interviews of 192 Iraqis in Syria.   Although the sample must be too small to be accurate it is nonetheless worth mentioning.

44% of the Iraqis living in Syria are Sunni

22% Shia

13% Christian

73% are men

69% are aged 18-50

41% left Iraq in 2006

1% say they left due to an affiliation with the international presence

2% operated liquor stores

23% left due to sectarian violence

I kind of got a chuckle out of the statistics above.  The primary reason given by the mainstream media for the persecuted refugees who must come to America immediately is because of their involvement with the US government (as translators and such), yet only 1% gave that as a reason for fleeing Iraq.