One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a "refugee rights" group

The Daily Caller has posted a list of the groups (it wasn’t just Media Matters!) who organized the disruptive and at times violent protest that shut down a Donald Trump rally on Friday evening in Chicago. One group is the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR). (Note the Daily Caller reporter has garbled … Continue reading One of the groups organizing against Trump in Chicago was a "refugee rights" group

Catholic group withdraws funding from YMCA over its affiliation with “refugee” group

It is not often we see something like this from a Catholic group. Catholic funding was withdrawn from the YMCA because the Y was affiliated with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights which is promoting gay marriage. Readers should know that the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (like its partners in … Continue reading Catholic group withdraws funding from YMCA over its affiliation with “refugee” group

IBD: La Raza and other non-profits will benefit from S.744 “slush fund”

Your tax dollars! That is exactly what we have been saying for months—S.744, the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill provides massive new funding for non-profits including the nine major refugee contractors. This excellent summary by M. Stanton Evans for Investors Business Daily, even suggests that the slush funds might be the major reason behind the … Continue reading IBD: La Raza and other non-profits will benefit from S.744 “slush fund”

It’s September—time for Wade Rathke and the union boys to organize Egypt!

Labor Day News! You all know who Wade Rathke is right?  He’s the founder of ACORN and the SEIU, but he’s got a new gig—the Organizers Forum—and they are organizing their great Egyptian adventure this month where they plan to tell those Muslim Brotherhood guys how to community-organize American style. Here is what they say … Continue reading It’s September—time for Wade Rathke and the union boys to organize Egypt!