George Soros flying in “conservatives” to lobby for amnesty

Editors note:  This is cross-posted from Potomac Tea Party Report, here.  We have an extensive Grover Norquist archive here for your further edification. And, it will be one big happy lovefest with Ali Noorani’s National Immigration Forum and surely with Noorani’s pal Grover Norquist hovering in the wings (or, he might be right out front). … Continue reading George Soros flying in “conservatives” to lobby for amnesty

Hey Mike, those darn Lutherans are busy lobbying again

Editors note:  Mike is a reader (mikefromlongisland) who commented extensively, here, in the last few days about why and how the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (a 501(c)3 charitable organization) could be lobbying on bills before Congress.  (Imagine your local Tea Party doing such a thing with a 501(c)3 designation—but oops!  Tea Parties aren’t being … Continue reading Hey Mike, those darn Lutherans are busy lobbying again

Christian RIGHT now shilling for big business/Muslims and supporting “comprehensive immigration reform”

(Just an aside) I’m sure it hasn’t escaped readers here at RRW that “comprehensive” never includes reforming the refugee resettlement program. An Act of God or an Act of Grover (Norquist)? The coalition largely driven (up to now) by big business (cheap labor!), the Christian Left, and the hard core Open Borders Socialists, can say … Continue reading Christian RIGHT now shilling for big business/Muslims and supporting “comprehensive immigration reform”

Brown victory in Massachusetts sends open borders advocates back to square one

This AP article is already two weeks old, but thanks to FAIR (Federation for Immigration Reform) for bringing it to my attention.  I had been wondering where Massachusetts new Senator stood on Immigration and now I guess we know! BOSTON—For months, immigrant advocacy groups like the Chelsea Collaborative and Berkshire Immigrant Center have been gearing … Continue reading Brown victory in Massachusetts sends open borders advocates back to square one

It’s baaaack! White House prepping for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (aka Amnesty)

Update August 29th:  More from Immigration Daily here.  LOL!  The Hill had an article here, on this meeting as well. Hoping I suppose for some “political manna,” the starving Obama White House hasn’t even nailed down Health Care Reform and they are moving briskly ahead, lining up their immigration industry lobbyists, for the next big … Continue reading It’s baaaack! White House prepping for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (aka Amnesty)