Syrians in Greece picky about where they will go, reject Ireland

Whew! Does this mean Ireland could dodge a bullet! Invasion of Europe news…. Probably not as the Irish government still plans to persuade them to resettle there and begin Syrian Muslim colonies in the Republic of Ireland.  Of course this begs the question—if they think they can go country-shopping, how desperate are the Syrian migrants … Continue reading Syrians in Greece picky about where they will go, reject Ireland

One of the Paris killers was a Syrian refugee who had passed through Greece

Breaking news and lead on Drudge just now:  Two of the terrorists are refugees who came through Greece, here. The Guardian is reporting the news with a caveat. The holder of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the gunmen who died in Friday night’s attacks in Paris passed though Greece in … Continue reading One of the Paris killers was a Syrian refugee who had passed through Greece

Greece in chaos as 50,000 refugees arrive in the country in July alone

Invasion of Europe news….. From Malta Today: The Greek islands of Kos, Chios and Lesbos are in “total chaos” due to a heavy influx of refugees, the UN’s refugee agency UNHCR have warned. The organisation said that around 50,000 migrants arrived in Greece in July alone, more arrivals than in the whole of 2014. The … Continue reading Greece in chaos as 50,000 refugees arrive in the country in July alone

As economy crumbles, Greece becomes number-one target for asylum seekers

Invasion of Europe news….. It boggles my mind that all of this horrendous news coming out of Europe rarely makes it to the US media.  Only when one of the illegal migrant ships sink do we hear about it.  Why is that?  Is the media in America afraid to show what uncontrolled immigration is doing … Continue reading As economy crumbles, Greece becomes number-one target for asylum seekers

Greece threatens EU: will unleash detained migrants and jihadists on Europe…

….if the EU and the International Monetery Fund leave Greece hanging! This would be very interesting to see.  The ‘Invasion of Europe’ would surely be on steroids if the Greeks follow through with the threat!   Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, and Malta are all on the frontiers of the European Union and experiencing the brunt of … Continue reading Greece threatens EU: will unleash detained migrants and jihadists on Europe…