Billions of dollars are lost to US economy each year as migrants send money back home

Neil Munro tells us about the losses at Breitbart yesterday: Immigrants Sent $140 Billion From U.S. Back To Homelands in 2016 In fact, we have written many times about how these dollars sent back to Central American countries, like El Salvador, from people here on Temporary Protected Status literally prop up the economy of the country. … Continue reading Billions of dollars are lost to US economy each year as migrants send money back home

No surprise! UN Secretary General (Socialist) Antonio Guterres pushing mass migration

Update: Leo Hohmann has more on this story at his new website, here. In his argument posted at The Guardian, he says more legal pathways are needed because they (from the third world) are coming illegally (whether we like it or not).  Sounds like blackmail to me! He also confirms my oft-repeated contention that it … Continue reading No surprise! UN Secretary General (Socialist) Antonio Guterres pushing mass migration

Temporary Protected Status for Syrians will expire March 31st and the wailing has begun

As we have learned repeatedly, Temporary Protected Status, a LEGAL immigration program, is not temporary. You’ve been hearing the wailing about Salvadorans, who have had 17 years here in America to get over a natural disaster back home nearly 2 decades ago (having to leave the US by 2019) well wait till you hear the … Continue reading Temporary Protected Status for Syrians will expire March 31st and the wailing has begun