Chinese Virus Economic Decline Slows Cash Flow out of US

We don’t talk often enough about the vast amount of money that leaves the US each year and flows to third world countries around the globe—dollars that prop up entire countries. (In case you have ever wondered why countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador don’t want their people to come home, this is why!) … Continue reading Chinese Virus Economic Decline Slows Cash Flow out of US

Refugee and Migrant Movement is Stalled Worldwide; Nothing to do with Trump!

As World Refugee Day approaches on June 20th, expect to see more stories like this one about the plight of a growing number of refugees (they are always growing, so nothing new there!) whose movement is blocked not by racist border restrictions,  but by the Chinese Virus that has closed borders since late March. On … Continue reading Refugee and Migrant Movement is Stalled Worldwide; Nothing to do with Trump!

Maine Writer: Where is the Data to Support Alleged Benefits of More Refugee Workers?

This is an excellent opinion piece from Maine, a state we have extensively reported on here at RRW. The writer very logically explains that before the state willy-nilly invites even more refugees and asylum seekers who supposedly would fill the needs of businesses looking for labor, more data is needed because right now it sure … Continue reading Maine Writer: Where is the Data to Support Alleged Benefits of More Refugee Workers?

Your tax dollars flowed to terrorists around the world via food stamp fraud

That is what a new report says. Longtime readers know that a pet project of mine for several years was following the food stamp fraud busts going on around the country.  See my complete file on the subject here. I’m relieved to see that some organization of stature has taken the issue of food stamp … Continue reading Your tax dollars flowed to terrorists around the world via food stamp fraud

Refugee program costs US taxpayers $125 billion over ten years

“The costs are staggering. The costs are truly staggering!”  (Don Barnett, Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies)   I reported a few days ago on the ‘Report to Congress’ released by the US State Department as part of the consultation with Congress requirement of the Administration when determining how many refugees will be admitted … Continue reading Refugee program costs US taxpayers $125 billion over ten years