Watch the death of Europe in 19 minutes….

Update #4: Breitbart has a good version of the video, here. Update #3:  The powerful and mighty sure don’t want you to see and hear this!  Now the sound is off. Update #2:  Watch here!  (copy and paste into your browser)  Or, go to comments and see other links and embedded versions of the same … Continue reading Watch the death of Europe in 19 minutes….

Lucky Europe! Louseborne Relapsing Fever among East African Refugees, Italy, 2015

That is the title of an article at the Centers for Disease Control which reminds us that it isn’t just the Islamic terrorists that Europe has to worry about, but diseases that had long been eradicated in advanced western countries.   Lucky taxpayers too! More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news…… From the CDC: During June 9–September … Continue reading Lucky Europe! Louseborne Relapsing Fever among East African Refugees, Italy, 2015

German Chancellor now wants to return to the old European asylum rules

Invasion of Europe news….. After dispensing with the EU rule earlier this year that required that asylum seekers register and apply for asylum in the first country in which they arrive, Angela Merkel now says the rule is back in force.   Of course, her earlier “welcome” set in motion the massive flow of migrants … Continue reading German Chancellor now wants to return to the old European asylum rules