Vermont “refugee” agency closes its doors due to lack of funding; helped illegals get into Canada

Gee, just when we were hoping Vermont might take all of the tens of thousands of illegal alien children surging across our border (their elected officials all say they are “welcoming!”), one of their illegal alien support groups has run out of money. I’m guessing the ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement), which has been sending … Continue reading Vermont “refugee” agency closes its doors due to lack of funding; helped illegals get into Canada

Asylee or refugee? Chart showing US “refugee” numbers is confusing

There is a chart making the rounds (several people have sent it to me) which supposedly shows the “origins” of “refugees” admitted to the US.   Although the text makes it clear that the numbers are for those granted “asylum” in the US (yes, they become refugees, aka asylees, for the purpose of getting their goodies), … Continue reading Asylee or refugee? Chart showing US “refugee” numbers is confusing

Former refugee worker testified last year; revealed serious flaws in refugee program

Editors note:  As I mentioned previously, I am going to re-post several significant comments that were sent (or delivered in person) to the US State Department for its “scoping” meeting in advance of fiscal year 2014.  This is the first in a series.  All other testimony we published last year can be found in this … Continue reading Former refugee worker testified last year; revealed serious flaws in refugee program

Someone is selling Wyoming governor a bill of goods!

Wyoming had 5 eligible “refugees” in the state in FY2012 and the Governor thinks they need a federal plan? This week we reported on Wyoming Governor Matt Mead’s op-ed in which he said Wyoming needed a plan (with the feds and their contractors) to cope with the “refugees” already arriving in Wyoming.  I wondered what … Continue reading Someone is selling Wyoming governor a bill of goods!