Rohingya boat MEN issue turning into test of Thailand’s new government

I am not wading into Thailand’s political mess, it is too complicated.  However, I would be remiss in keeping our Rohingya Reports category up to date without mentioning that the Rohingya boat MEN (I refuse to say boat people implying women and children were included) controversy is morfing into a major test of the prime minister (or … Continue reading Rohingya boat MEN issue turning into test of Thailand’s new government

Uh! oh! UNHCR wanted to see the 126 Rohingya still in Thai custody….

Update Jan. 24th:   Jakarta Globe:  Indonesia determined that the 193 Rohingya they rescued will be returned to where they came from since they are economic migrants and not asylum seekers.   ….but they are gone, escorted out to sea according to this article in the Earth Times: Bangkok – A group of 126 Rohingya boat … Continue reading Uh! oh! UNHCR wanted to see the 126 Rohingya still in Thai custody….