Rohingya in Malaysia protest, say UN treats them unfairly

There is so much news regarding the Burmese Rohingya Muslims today, I don’t know where to start!    We have been writing extensively about the hundreds (thousands, the number keeps changing) of Rohingya men attempting to get to Malaysia and ending up in Thailand where investigations are underway about their treatment by the Thai military.  The … Continue reading Rohingya in Malaysia protest, say UN treats them unfairly

India rescued Rohingya boat men, but…..

Update Jan. 19th:   Read about the meeting of human rights activists and the Thai Prime Minister at the Bangkok Post here. ….India has its own Rohingya problem as we reported just last month.   From one of the metastisizing Rohingya stories this week about the alleged mistreatment (some say murder) by the Thai military of illegal alien Rohingya … Continue reading India rescued Rohingya boat men, but…..