Applying Alinsky’s Rule 13 to Arizona Sheriff Arpaio

If you have been following immigration issues in recent years, you’ve certainly become  aware of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio who uses unorthodox methods to manage prisoners including illegal aliens in his charge.  He is perhaps most famous for requiring male prisoners to wear pink underwear. A campaign orchestrated by leftwing open borders groups is … Continue reading Applying Alinsky’s Rule 13 to Arizona Sheriff Arpaio

Alinsky’s son boasts that Obama uses his father’s methods

Ann has been writing a series of posts summarizing and commenting on Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals. I recommend you read them all, because President Obama is well trained in Alinsky’s subversive and radical methods. It is easier to understand what Obama is doing if you keep Alinsky in mind. Today Phyllis Schlafly has a … Continue reading Alinsky’s son boasts that Obama uses his father’s methods

Alinskyism (Day 20)

Saul Alinsky wrote the ‘bible’ for community organizers titled, “Rules for Radicals.”   Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama learned his methods, took them to heart and executed them.  Of course, we know now who was the better student. Today I’m bringing you Rule #4 of Alinsky’s tactics for beating the enemy partly because I was eager … Continue reading Alinskyism (Day 20)